Restore .cfg To Default File Association?

Feb 2, 2012

have a .cfg file on my pc and i opened it with notepad but now its stuck to always opening with notepad. how do i turn it back to the unknown program as its default?

windows 7 x64 tried the program called unassoc_1_4, but didn't help sadly

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User Sets File Association And Now System Restore Does Not Work

Aug 13, 2012

On a brand new laptop the user copied some word files over, and they opened on the new computer just fine. Then they copied some more .doc files and they could not open them, so (they claim) they choose word as the default file association (which is fine, except it should not have prompted for that in the first place). After that all the word document shortcuts they created on the desktop changed to a shortcut with IE's 'e' symbol - clicking them flashes up a screen that instantly goes away (ie I assume) and ie's download file dialog then opens. Further, an attempt to open ie acts the same way. Worse, running system restore does the same thing - flash, then ie files downloaded dialog - asking if I want to open one of the files listed (which are the .lnk files to the word documents on the desktop). So short of doing a full system restore, and also short of manually copying the registry files from the last restore point (which I'm not sure is even possible on a windows 7 drive) what can I do to resolve this mess?

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Can't Restore Default Program For RAR File

Oct 20, 2011

I changed the default program used to open RAR files from 7Zip to Windows Explorer, and now I can't change it back, When I right-click on a RAR file and click Properties, the "Change..." option isn't there to the right of "Opens with:" And when I go to Start > Default Programs > Associate a file type or protocol with a specific program, RAR files don't appear in the list.

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Default File Type Associations - Restore

Aug 4, 2009

Restore Default Windows 7 File Extension Type Associations.

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Restore Default Permissions On Folder, And Subfolders And File?

Mar 14, 2011

i have a folder on my external drive with lots of subfolders and files inside ful of work i need to get at. but for some reason all of the permissions on that folder and its subfiles are denying me access. i can see the files and folders but i cannot open the files. i can go into every folder but again i just cannot to open any file.

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Windows 7 And File Association With AR?

Jan 9, 2013

Previously there were no issues in opening PDF files using AR. Then I could not open PDF files. I uninstalled and reinstalled AR twice I forced W7 to associate PDF files with AR I drank 7 cups of coffee while considering an alternate calling in life - perhaps an island without computers None of the above has helped. I still cannot open PDF files on this machine. I have not purchased the tickets to the computer-free island as yet s

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Changing A Particular File Association

Oct 10, 2009

I have a problem trying to change the program associated with a particular file extension. I was trying out different programs to find out how they could handle that particular file type, setting them as the default program and trying to open the file. But after setting the default to one program in particular, it seemed to "lock" the file type,This is true only for that particular file extention, all other extensions have this option enabled and the association can be changed. If I open the default programs control panel, and try to choose a different program to be associated with that particular extension, the entry does not change after choosing the program and clicking "OK" - it stays at the previous setting.

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Broken .exe File Association?

Jun 29, 2012

i have been attempting to open some .exe files but keep on getting the message 'not a vaild win32 application'. A scan with Super Anti spyware shows the following - System Broken File Association HKCR\.exe. I am assuming that something is wrong with the .exe link. I have checked the list of defaults and noticed that the .exe default was missing. I have also tried some fixes which appear to attempt to change the registry, but these have not worked. Do i need to manually change some registry content?

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.msi File Association Has Been Changed

Oct 15, 2012

My wife recently downloaded PCHealthDoc, and somehow or other it has changed the file association for .msi install files. That's fine, I know how to reassign it, but where exactly is the Windows Installer, and what's the name of the file?

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File Association Is Missing - How To Add It

Apr 25, 2011

I received an email with an attachment showing as a pps extension, which is Power Point. Win Live Mail cannot open it. When I go to the file association panel, I have 3 extensions listed, to use Power Point Viewer (I do not have Office), but .pps is not one of the 3 listed ones. How do I add .pps to that list?

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File Association For .pps Does Not Work?

Nov 4, 2011

I have Microsoft Power point and in the association list, power point is designated as the software to be used for .pps files. When I get a power point downloaded attachment to my email client (.pps) and I click on it, I get the message that "it could not be opened because the helper location could not be found". I'd like to get this to work. I do know that I can save the attachment, open power point and view it but merely clikcking on it should work

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Can't Access To C: Or D: - File Association Error

Feb 16, 2011

i use Windows 7 ultimate 32bit, i can't access to C: or D:everything else works perfect (like exe files,regedit,run etc)i can get inside C: or D: via "right click + open" , but when i double click i get error called;"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel."Tried complete scan with nod32+malwarebytes+spybot , no virus/worm/spy anything..

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Changed BAT File Association And Can't Get It Back

Jun 4, 2010

I went to Control panel->Default programs->Associate a file type with a program and changed the association to file .BAT to explore.exe.Now, when I click on a bat file with the mouse, the whole desktop starts shaking. I think it goes into a loop.The problem, when I go back to Controlpanel-> Default programs->Associate a file type with a program.The extension .BAT is no longer there! It is gone.And when I examine the file property of some .bat file, there is no option to change what to open it with. There is no open with... only OPEN option.There is also no way to add a new file extension in Control panel->Default programs->Associate a file type. I can't add .bat again.I did Control panel->Default programs->Set progream access and computer defaults but still the .bat file association is broken, and when I double click on it, same thing happens.Now when I right click on a .BAT file from exploer, I also do not see the EDIT option any more.

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PDF File Association REG Or Batch Script

Mar 3, 2012

At work i use 2 different PDF viewing software. One is Adobe for editing and the other is Foxit for quick viewing. They have their pros and cons and so I use them interchangeably.For some work I will use Foxit for several hours at a time and only open something in Adobe on an as needed basis using the right click "open with" context. The opposite is true, for some work I use Adobe for hours and then use Foxit as needed with "open with" context.I want a registry file or some application that will enable me to simply double click on it and KNOW that my file association for PDF is now Foxit (or Adobe depending on what batch or registry file I double click on).I see there is "HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent Version ExplorerFileExts.pdf" which changes when I edit the file association in control panel. It does update, but I can't manually change the "UserChoice" Progid item. It changes only through file association in control panel.I realize there are some in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT but they don't update when i update it in file association in Control panel.I don't know what to do or where else to look.It is tedious to have to go to the control panel -> file association manually.

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DVD Movie File Association Broken

Apr 3, 2010

When I put a DVD movie in my computer, right-click it and choose 'Play', I get the message: "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action."Until recently, Windows Media Player would play the movie. I suspect the problem has arisen since I installed RealPlayer SP. However, doing a system restore isn't practical.I can't see how to restore the relevant file association.

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File Association With Different Version Of Program?

Jan 6, 2013

I'm running windows 7 on my PC. I have Adobe Master Suite CS5 and recently installed Master Suite CS6 as well. I've found that all of my files created in CS5 are now being associated with CS6... and this is a problem. I'd like the projects I create in CS5 to remain associated with CS5...

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File Association / Email And Power Point

Sep 3, 2012

I mistakenly associated Windows Media Player with opening an email with a Power Point attachment. When I try to open the attachment, I'm told WMP can't open it. I have Power Point Viewer (which can open the attachment), installed but I can't find a way to delete the WMP association. The .eml file type (email) is being opened by Thunderbird, my email client.

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How To Reset Registry Subkey For File Association

Sep 24, 2011

I need to reset my Registry Subkey for the file association of: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00.

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Change A File Association For All Users Who Use Windows 7?

Oct 26, 2011

Is there a way to change a file association for all users who use windows 7? I intend to roll windows 7 out within my company and prefer not to have to make this change per user if I could avoid it.

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Can't Run File Create Association Folder In Control Panel?

Oct 18, 2011

after install my brothers DCP-135C I have a problem after connect the printer to PC it give a msg that the control center3 is not instaled,

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Creating Custom Command Line For File Association Table

Sep 7, 2011

How can I create a custom command line to be used when I double click on a file with a specific extension. For example for a .jar file I'd like to have this:
javaw.exe -jar "%1" -myOpts

Can you have more than one custom command line for an extension and use the RightClick context menu to chose the one you want to use?

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Replace Default Pst File With Existing Pst File

Jan 9, 2013

I upgraded from Vista Business to Seven Home Premium. Used Office 2007 in Vista and using it in Seven. In Vista, my .pst file was C:OutlookMyOutlookFolder.pst. Added it to Outlook using Data File Management, but none of my calendar entries appeared (my inbox and all my other folders are OK). When I upgraded from XP to Vista, this worked fine.Where are my Calendar entries?

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How To Restore To Default Fonts

Apr 25, 2012

I accidentally downloaded chines and other asian fonts. I cannot delete them.

What I want is to remove ALL my fonts and only keep the ones that are Windows & default. So a minimum.

It seems I don;t have foreign keyboards installed or something like that.

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Restore To Factory Default?

Jan 25, 2012

My computer has been slowly deteriorating the last few days. It first ran a system repair every time I started the computer and would then boot to the desktop, then it would just loop through the system repair screen over and over. I am thinking that my last option is to restore the computer to it's factory default since I have everything backed up on an external hard drive.

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Libraries - Restore Default

Oct 5, 2009

How to Restore the Default Libraries in Windows 7 ?

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Restore The Default Mail?

May 21, 2012

i have somehow lost default mail client?

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Restore System From Factory Default

Jul 19, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire 4730z laptop, upgrading from Vista to Windows 7 Ultimate. Did the upgrade install, but unable to by-pass the eRecovery Management.The 3 options are 1. Restore system from factory default. 2. Restore system from user's backup and 3. Exit. Option 1 and 2 are grayed out. Have disable the D2D Recovery option in the Utility screen. But still unable to by-pass the eRecovery Management. If am unable to by-pass this, my only option is to insert my recovery disk and restore to factory default losing data store on HD.

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Restore Default Libraries Not Working?

May 29, 2011

I own a Gateway Desktop PC which runs Windows 7 Home Premium x64bit.I had to restore it to it's default factory settings a few days ago as it was playing up severely and a system restore did not work etc...I was downloading some Windows Updates and after the updates installed and I restarted my PC, when I logged back in and clicked the Windows Explorer tab down the bottom... the folders in Libraries were gone (Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos) and the "Restore Default Libraries" does not work.I did an internet search to try and find a solution and came across a thread on here somewhere where Brink was speaking to people about it and there were a few tutorials... I tried them but nothing seemed to work for me...

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Restore Windows 7 To Default Factory?

May 10, 2011

anyone here have done the restore windows 7 to default factory??? i want to know after the reset is it required product key again for activation?

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How To Restore Default Location Of ''my Documents''

Nov 17, 2012

I changed default location of my documents using: properties -> move...Now the problem is I changed it to my Data partition E: instead of to a directory ''documents'' I made on the data partition. Now I can not click properties to change it back to default.

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How To Restore Default Hidden Files After Using Unhide.exe

Feb 10, 2012

i have a problem and i found this forum which seems good in providing solutions.I was attacked today by a malware and I did some actions to get rid of it and now all seems good.Among my actions I used unhide.exe.the problem now is that ALL my files and folders are visible, even those which were supposed to be hidden.Well, maybe there is no harm in that but maybe they were hidden for a reason, that's why i would like to restore them to their default state.I see in many places that they say to do this:Start Menu - type in Search box -> CMD find at top - Right Click on - RUN AS ADMINType or Copy and Paste this at the prompt :secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verboset i'm afraid to do it because elsewhere it says that it may make my system unstable and not restore all the default security settings.

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