How To Restore Default Location Of ''my Documents''

Nov 17, 2012

I changed default location of my documents using: properties -> move...Now the problem is I changed it to my Data partition E: instead of to a directory ''documents'' I made on the data partition. Now I can not click properties to change it back to default.

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User Folders - Restore Default Location

Oct 11, 2009

How to Restore the Default Location of Windows 7 User Folders ?

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How To Restore Default Location Of Windows 7 User Folders

Aug 6, 2010

In my user folder, I think I right-clicked the Favorites folder and changed the location to C: in an attempt to get rid of it. Now it seems my C:Windows folder has renamed itself to Favorites.

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Backup My Documents Location Settings

Jul 25, 2009

For years, I have kept most of my data on a drive/partition other than C drive. Let's call this other data drive/partition, D drive.

With the frequent install of Windows 7 builds, I started changing the location of My Documents, My Pictures, and My Music to D drive as I've done for years, but I even went ahead and mapped the location of Desktop, Favorites, Searches, etc to the D drive as well.

The benefit of this is I didn't have to physically copy/move this data before doing a clean install, I just had to go in and change the default locations to the appropriate D drive paths/locations after a clean install. This is a bit of work and is tedious, but less work than moving data, etc.

I've had my kids computer dual-booting Windows XP & Windows 7 for months as well. In Windows 7, that computer has an account for me (admin purposes) and four more accounts for our four kids. Now, imagine the tedious work of manually changing the locations for My Documents, Desktop, etc in Windows 7 for all 5 accounts on that computer.

I would like to think that there is some way of backing up the location settings for My Documents, My Music, My Pictures, Desktop, etc for each account, maybe even backup the settings for the custom Start Menus, Desktop Wallpaper, and so on.

Has anyone seen a way of backing up these settings manually, using a 3rd party utility, or using some Microsoft admin tool?

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How To Restore Documents After Windows Restore

Apr 19, 2012

I restored my computer to 4/13/2012 and i lost all of my word adn excel documents, and pictures. All emails are there and appear to be fine.

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How To Set Default Save Location

Nov 15, 2010

I am trying to set my default file save location to my Desktop. I searched the web and found solutions but I must be doing something wrong.For instance, I recently saved a Notepad file to My Documents / example_folder. Then I thought I had set the default to Desktop by the following:Start > [my_username] > Documents > Properties, highlighting Desktop, clicking "Set save location" so that the checkmark is at Desktop, clicking Apply, clicking OK.So the next time I save a Notepad file, it defaults to the last folder I saved in ( example_folder ), not Desktop.How do I get the default Save File to be Desktop?

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Change Default Installation Location?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm in charge of security and fixing problems on my grandma's two computers. She typically installs several hundreds of games on her computers. I would prefer her to install the games to "c:\program files\games" rather than "c:\program files" as that folder ends up getting so cluttered that I can't tell what's in there. Is there a way to change the default installation location from "c:\program files" to "c:\program files\games"? She's too lazy to change the location manually when she installs software, so it would be nice just to change the default location, but I'm not sure how to do that on Windows 7

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Returning Explorer To Default Location?

Aug 2, 2010

Lately, I've been sharing my computer with my brother (his computer broke) and he just like to move the windows around (ie. music window to the bottom of the screen etc)So, every time I opened the music folder, it opens the window to the bottom of the screen.Is it possible to reset the window locations to its default location/size.

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Changing The Default My Documents From SSD To HDD?

Mar 2, 2012

How can I change the default My Documents folder from SSD to HDD, so that everytime I save a documents or data and or download a software from the Internet it will not save on the SSD instead it will save on the HDD auotmatically?

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Change Default Location When Opening Explore?

Dec 14, 2011

When I open Explore, it opens at Desktop/Libraries. Since I do 99% of my work in a single folder C:/Work, I want it to open there.(Also similar problem on my Vista 64 machine... opens to Roaming/Windows/Microsoft/StartMenu?

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What Is Default Location For BCD On A Dual Disk System

Jul 28, 2012

If I were to install Win 7 on a clean dual hard drive system, where would the BCD be located?

I think I can recall one case where Win 7 went onto a single drive system (where BCD can only be on C) only to find BCD moved to D drive when a second drive was plugged in.

These kinds of issues can bring a backup / restore strategy to it's knees. I've had a case where I could restore everything but the BCD, may as well have had no backup because the restored image could not be booted!

Can the BCD be bolted down to a specific drive? Or, is there a smarter way to handle the BCD from a backup perspective?

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Windows Photo Viewer Default Location?

Aug 11, 2011

Where is windows photo viewer (the application .exe file) located by default on windows 7 64 bit? I am trying to set it as the default program to open certain picture files because an essential program I run needs those specific file associations to be made or it will not work. But every time I try to set windows photo viewer as the default program, windows asks me to browse for the application, and it is nowhere to be found on the computer (although I know it is installed and runs perfectly fine). I have tried preforming searches within the computer and just cant find the .exe file I need.

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User Folders - Change Default Location

Jul 29, 2009

How to Change the Default Location of Windows 7 User Folders ?

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How To Set One Hard Drives As Default Download Location?

Jun 9, 2011

i suffered a failed back-up, now every ti,e i turn on my computer i get a message telling me i have files waiting to be burned to disk, then when i click on it it say insert media into drive g, but drive g is only a dvd rom not burner.

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Default User Desktop Folder Location?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm setting up the backup for my computer. When I tell it to back up the desktop for my user profile, however, there's nothing to backup, even though my desktop shows items on it. I found those items in the "public" desktop folder. When I check in HKEYCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsExplorerUsershellfolders, however, the Desktop data shows %USERPROFILE%Desktop, which is the path to my user desktop folder. I could just backup the public desktop folder, but I really don't want my desktop to be public.

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Setup Documents As The Default Folder?

Mar 20, 2012

When I Open up an Excel workbook, I would like to set up a default Folder when opening up regular workbook. For e.g I would like to set up My Documents as the default folder. If I open up a workbook in say "Downloads" Folder" , the folder must default back to My Documents" so that when I want to open up another workbook, it defaults back to My Documents?

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Moving Default Location Of Folders On A Fresh Install?

Feb 20, 2011

i got a SSD awhile back and was able to install windows on it and have my users folder and default install folder on my normal HDD. It has worked ok till now but I'm sure i screwed a few things up when i did it because random programs still try to install on my SSD and when the install makes the shortcuts, the paths for them are usually the wrong drive.I want to do a fresh install now, but i wanna do this correctly this time. how to make it so ONLY the windows folder in on the SSD and every thing else that actually takes up a lot of room on the drives goes on my larger HDD. edit: why wont it let me make separate paragraphs, it just smooshes it into a single one.

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Windows 7 64bit - Default Programs File Location?

Mar 13, 2012

inteli7 - 16gig ram - Ocz 60 OS boot drive - 600gig sata 3 Velociraptor. I want my apps on the spindle drive - But Noooo windows does not want me to do that. Changes to registry are not supported, links and junctions and other suggestions seem more hassle that its worth. Should I just screw it and install 64bit XP? If I decide to give in what i can partition the 600gig and use that- 120 gig ok for the OS?

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Can't Change Default Docs Location - SSD/AHCI Primary + HDD/IDE?

Aug 1, 2012

I just built a new desktop, got a 60GB SSD to boot Windows7 (and maybe a couple applications) from, and a 1.5TB HDD for storage. I'm trying to change the default location of My Docs, Downloads, etc from the SSD to the HDD (maybe change the location of the whole User folder?) so that my SSD stays clean with just the necessities.My problem is that I can't access the right-click menu that allows you to change the default location.Note: When I first installed Windows 7, all of my SATA ports were in IDE mode. I was able to access the "change folder location" menu for My Docs, etc, at this time. I changed the SATA port with my SSD to AHCI mode, which really boosted the boot speed, but I couldn't access the menu anymore after that.

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Icons Not Loading After Changing Default Installion Location

Nov 16, 2012

A few months ago I upgraded my PC and reformatted my main HDD (C Partition) to Win 7. After the reformat, I changed the default installation location to the larger partition (E) via adjustments in the registry through regedit.exe.

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Change The Default 'Arrange By' View Of My Documents?

Nov 4, 2011

I have a colleague who is having problems with documents being saved in 'My Documents' but which are then not visible. After consulting our external IT company, we were told it because the 'Arrange By' option in My Documents was set to 'Name' and it should be set to 'Folder'.

My colleague changed this and it solved the problem. However, every day it reverts to the default arrange by 'name' setting, and she has to manually change it to 'folder'.

How do I change the settings so that it arranges by 'folder' by default?

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Sharing And Saving Documents In Non-default Folders?

Feb 27, 2011

I have 3 computers. Computer A is a desktop runing Windows 7 Professional. Computer B is a desktop running Windows 7 Home Premium. Computer C is a laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium. FIOS is connected to Computer A. A Network of all 3 computers and a Homegroup have been set up from Computer A.We use Office 2010, mostly Word 2010 for our word processing tasks.I realize that with a Homegroup, you can create a Word 2010 document on Computer A, save it to the default location (Libraries/Documents), then open that document on Computer B, make changes to it, save it to the default location, and then open that same document on Computer A, which will show the saved changes made on Computer B.I would like to know if a Word 2010 document can be created on Computer A, then be saved to a specific folder - not a default saving location - on Computer B, so that the user on Computer B can modify the document, save it to a specific folder - not the default saving location - so that the user on Computer A can open the document from its specific folder and view the saved changes.Would this involve advanced sharing, or permissions, or some type of change on the network?

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Location To Set Up BackUp And Restore

Dec 14, 2012

I set up Backup and Restore in the Wrong place, I believe. I set it up on my G Drive which is called HP Tools. The drive capacity is 3.95G. I began getting messages that there was no more room on the G Drive. It had only saved to the drive once.

So I went out and purchased a 8G flash drive and set it up to use that drive. Now I am getting similar notices saying there is no more space on that drive. It has only saved one restore point.

How much space do I need? In the past, with other computers, I have saved it on my C drive I believe.

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Trying To Restore Documents?

Aug 27, 2012

My computer crashed, I did a backup system restore with a thumb drive from Dell. I was able to copy my documents to an external drive. It restored the folders but when I click, they are empty. But if you click on "Properties," they contain files but I can't seem to get to them. Does what I said make any sense at all?

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Word 2010 Does Not Default Back To Previous File Location

Jun 24, 2011

I have a situation where Word 2010 does not default back to the previous file location. i.e., I open a file from a particular folder. When I click File, Open, it does not default to that folder location so I can open another file from that location. I have to rebrowse to the folder location.

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Change The Startup Position To Center Screen Or Default Location?

Oct 13, 2012

we can change the startup position to center screen or default location, etc...

But how i can make it to startup in this location:

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Location Of Windows 7 Restore Points?

Oct 22, 2011

I want to save a restore point by taking its backup becoz system deletes old restore points nd new ones are created . I wanna take its backup so that old restore point can also be used. So can anyone tell me where does system save its restore point.

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Can Change The Location Of System Restore

Oct 29, 2011

I read that system restore hurts the performance of your SSD (as well as takes up valuable space), however I still would like the feature as I am constantly tweaking and don't want to lose everything.I have a 64 gig boot drive ssd and a 1 tb HDD. Can I disable my system restore on the SSD and create a system restore on my HDD where space is a non issue?

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Possible To Reorganize Documents With A Restore?

Apr 28, 2012

Windows makes it clear that a restore will undo system changes and not change documents and folders. Too bad because this is exactly what I need. I don't know how but for some reason, I got about 300GB of data that was disorganized. Now my documents are all over the place and I'd like to restore them to the order they were yesterday.I got backups from yesterday but I don't think they will reorganize my documents. I also got this error when I attempted a restore. 0xc0000022.Is it possible to get my documents back to the way they were before they all scrambled?

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Set Documents As Default Folder When Opening Up Files In Excel, Word Etc

Apr 23, 2012

I would like to know how I can set my documents as my default folder when opening up files in Excel, Word etc

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Change Default Text And Paragraph Style + Save Location In Word 2007?

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to create a template with specific styling to be used by our group. Any document created with this template should be saved to a shared network folder. I'd like to know if this is possible...When I right click on my template and choose NEW, the resulting document should use...- the default text font face, size and colour that I specified.- the default paragraph spacing and indentation rules that I specified.

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