.VHD File Copied From Bad 1.5 TB Drive, Can Restore To 1TB Drive

Sep 20, 2012

I was lucky to grab a recent image backup from a failing 1.5 TB drive. Can I restore it to a smaller drive if the available space on the original drive was well below 1TB?This is the first time ive had to work with this particular image file. I have restored from backups before, just not this type of image.

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Windows 7 Clobbers File-names Copied To A NAS Drive?

Aug 22, 2010

My setup: Windows 7 Pro (locale: Polish) and a NAS drive (D-Link DNS-323) attached via a router. Just recently upgraded from XP to 7. The NAS drive reports an NTFS partition.The problem I've just discovered: when copying files to the NAS drive, if a filename contains certain characters, such as curly quotes, angle quotes, bullet characters, subscript characters, em-dash etc., only the short 8.3 filename gets copied to the NAS drive.(I would not sweat it if the troublesome characters just got dropped, but what happens is that meaningful filenames are replaced with gibberish as above.)I use the NAS drive as a backup/mirror location for the local drives, so this is a big issue, since my backups are now severely clobbered. I discovered the problem while testing my backup regime, then found out the filename change occurs no matter how the files are copied - whether it's the backup application, a file manager or just Windows Explorer.And (of course) the problem did not occur when I was running XP, and nothing on the NAS drive changed since I installed 7 a week ago. Files that were previously copied onto the NAS drive (under XP) still show up fine, which tells me that 7 is actively interfering with the copy operations.

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FIles Copied To 2nd Drive Gone?

Jun 21, 2012

I have a very important question about files I copied on to a different drive.I copied all my data(user account) from my C drive to my E drive. The E drive already had data on it before and has plenty of room.I saw that the data was copied then I did a "Windows Easy File Transfer" of the same C User data and also put it on the E drive. The windows easy transfer made one file.Then I reinstall Window 7 Pro on to C drive. I booted up the computer and looked in the E drive for my data, but Windows changed that drive to F from E. I looked in F and there were the files, but I could click on them. I rebooted the computer and upon boot-up the computer wanted to do and chdsk on F and I let it. Now I cannot see those files that I copied before the reinstall, but I can see the other files that were on that drive. Also the used space does not add up to what the drive says, so I think the files are there, just cannot see them.how I can get those files back.

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DVD Drive Can Not Read Copied Cds

Nov 25, 2012

my dvd drive can not read copied cds?

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Corrup File On C Drive / Then Error Message Saying Need To Restore My Computer

Dec 2, 2011

My son turned on his computer and it stated that he has "corrupt files on the "c" drive and needs to check for consistency". When it checks, an error occurs it says bc of a "recently installed program" and "needs to restore" his computer. It then goes to a black screen with only the mouse visible. He re-started in safe mode and tried to restore and it goes to the original message that he has corrupt file son the "c " drive.

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Files Corrupted After Being Copied To A Different Hard Drive

Feb 11, 2012

I copied several large files (between 1 and 4 GB) from one USB hard drive to another. At the target destination several of the files had defects. They were in general not completely unreadable. Most could still could be opened but had clearly corrupted data. how can this be detected/prevented. Doesn�t Windows 7 have some kind of an integrity check when copying files? Also is there any good software to compare files for being exactly identical down to the last bit? Ideally with the capability to compare whole folder contents so that it hasn't to be done file by file.

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Clone Hard Drive To 64gb Flash Drive And Restore To Another Hard Drive?

Nov 14, 2012

I have a hard drive I want to backup to a 64gb flash drive and then restore it to another different hard drive than where it came from. I have windows 7 and office on my laptop and I want it on my desktop pc. There isn't close to 64gb of info on my laptop so it should be fine even though the hard drive says I have 160gb. It is all free space except for those programs.

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Restore A Two Drive System Image Onto One Drive?

Oct 13, 2012

My c: is 128 GB and darn near full. I have Win7 and most used programs on it. My b: (179 GB of 500) has my libraries and less used programs. I have a single windows image backup of both B & C on an external drive.

For example if I purchase a 500 GB hard drive can I restore that image to the new drive? Will it partition the C from the B on the new drive or just show it as seperate folders?

Does the new drive have to be greater than the sum of the allocated/unallocated space on both drives even though the image is less than 500GB?

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Save File On External Drive Not The Same As Internal Drive

Feb 19, 2012

Why do files moved to an external drive not behave the same as those same files in an internal drive? I noticed that if I do anything to a file that is in an external drive, that file can not be saved under the same name (read only). In order to do so one must save it internally and then copy or move it to the external drive.So I did just that--I copied a file from taken from an external drive, saved it in the internal one and then copied it back to the external one. Now if I r-click the propeerties of these 2 same files and then go to the 'Security' tab a difference is immediately apparent: The internal one has -1- System & -2 My-computername (user-PCuser and -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) with all 3 accounts allowing all (full control, read, write, etc..). While the external drive has in Properties; -1- System -2- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) and -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) with this final 3d one (and different one) with no Allow for "full control, or modify or write. So how does one have all its files in this external drive behave and be equal to all the same files in the internal drive?Since -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) in the external drive is that which is differnt from the internal drive I was wondering if it is OK to delete this Permission or 'attribute' or whatever it is called and create instead one equal to the one in the internal drive -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators)? ANd of course doing so in one go and not file after file after file individually?

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Save File On External Drive Not The Same As Internal Drive

Feb 19, 2012

Why do files moved to an external drive not behave the same as those same files in an internal drive? I noticed that if I do anything to a file that is in an external drive, that file can not be saved under the same name (read only). In order to do so one must save it internally and then copy or move it to the external drive. So I did just that--I copied a file from taken from an external drive, saved it in the internal one and then copied it back to the external one. Now if I r-click the propeerties of these 2 same files and then go to the 'Security' tab a difference is immediately apparent: The internal one has -1- System & -2 My-computername (user-PCuser and -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) with all 3 accounts allowing all (full control, read, write, etc..). While the external drive has in Properties; -1- System -2- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators) and -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) with this final 3d one (and different one) with no Allow for "full control, or modify or write. So how does one have all its files in this external drive behave and be equal to all the same files in the internal drive? Since -3- Users (user-PCUserrs) in the external drive is that which is differnt from the internal drive I was wondering if it is OK to delete this Permission or 'attribute' or whatever it is called and create instead one equal to the one in the internal drive -3- Administrators (user-PCAdministrators)? ANd of course doing so in one go and not file after file after file, individually, would be ideal.

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Pasting A Copied File Into System 32?

Oct 20, 2011

I just want to apologize in advance for this dumb question and if this is not the right place to post this or if this is something too random to help me with (I'll be honest with you, I'm not going to use my newfound knowledge for a good cause; I'm trying to hack into my dad's password-protected admin account from my limited account because the parental controls he set up on my account won't even let me save any pictures. I think it's ridiculous.) but I figured it was worth a shot. The title is pretty self-explanatory...I just need to know how to paste this certain executive file I copied into the System 32 panel. Let's hope this works so I can finally download Skype without the constant inquiring of my dad's admin password!

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Get Windows 7 To Read Copied Desktop.ini File?

Mar 17, 2012

I have been trying to find a way for Windows Vista and 7 to use the Folder.jpg file in a folder as an album artwork icon (in lieu of a folder icon with skewed and obscured artwork), and since Windows no longer natively supports this feature, the best workaround I've been able to find is to replace the folder icon manually. This creates a desktop.ini file with an absolute path to the Folder.ico file I also have in each album folder. I then changed the desktop.ini to reference a relative path, like this:[.ShellClassInfo]IconResource=Folder.ico,0Here's where my questions arise:1. When I copy that desktop.ini to another folder with a Folder.ico file, Windows doesn't read it, even after restarting the computer. I've searched the web on this and have found thread after thread where people have the same issue, but no one seems to be able to resolve it without manually changing the icon, either through the Explorer interface or using the command prompt. Is there a way I can get Windows to read the manually-copied desktop.ini of every sub-folder in my music directory?

2. On a related note, when I copy my customized folders with the relative-path desktop.ini from my Windows Vista computer to my Windows 7 computer, the artwork doesn't show up there, even for the folders I got to look right in Windows Vista. Am I going to have to manually re-associate the desktop.ini every time I upgrade computers or reinstall the OS?The album artwork looks so good, but I don't want to go through hundreds of folders and manually associate the folder to read the desktop.ini file. That would take so long, and just the few I've done manually so far have killed my wrist.

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Copied Flash To Harddrive, And Cannot Save Edited File In Folder?

Oct 27, 2011

I have Windows 7.i copy entire flash drive to a folder (Call it "RemovableDrive" folder under My Document) from flash drive (USB).In "RemovableDrive", folder, I right click and select Properties, then I uncheck READ ONLY, and select Apply to set all files and folder/subfolders to uncheck READ ONLY.

In the "RemovableDrive" folder, I opened a file, and edit it. Then I try to save it.it would not let me. I also set the property of the file to READ ONLY, but still has the same problem.

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Windows 7 - File Not Copied To Removable Disk / Access Denied

Nov 24, 2012

I saved my music and other files into local disk d. When I copy the file from this disc to removable disc, there is one comment will appear like your access is denied.

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Restore To New Hard Drive

Oct 8, 2012

I image Win 7 to acronis and wondered if I could restore an image to a new hard drive from the exterior hard drive?

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How To Restore PC From An External Drive

Feb 20, 2012

I opened my computer the other day...Sony Vaio...and for some reason the whole thing was completely shot. It just said it could not open/start Windows, and other error messages. I tried the restore disc which didn't work, and a message said that I need to reinstall from manufacturers CD. I went through the Vaio recovery and backed up all the files/system files to an external drive. I reinstalled Win 7 and was wondering if there is anyway to restore back into my original settings. I have installed many apps and have settings on each and it would be a pain to have to go into each application and redo all my settings all over again one by one.I am grateful that I was able to save all my data at least. And on the bright side, at least I got rid of all the junk I didn't need any more.

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How To Restore Lost Dvd Drive

May 27, 2011

How to restore a dvd drive on an hp6700 running windows 7?

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Restore From An External Hard Drive?

Aug 1, 2012

My windows vista computer died. I have backed it up on and Iomega external hard drive but can't figure out how to restore the information to the new computer which is a windows 7.

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Restore Windows 7 Image To Drive With XP

Mar 18, 2012

I had a hard drive fail, and I want to recover my recent backup/image from that failed drive, an image which was created with the Win 7 backup tool found in Control Panel. It's on an external hard drive. I of course want to recover it to a drive known to be good, such as the one that's in my computer now.If I have XP on said drive, can I make a partition and restore the 7 image to that new partition? Or would I not be able/allowed to have two Windows OS-es on the same drive, even on different partitions? It's XP Home and 7 Home Premium x64.

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Restore Windows 7 From Readable Drive

Oct 13, 2011

My old hard drive gave out, but in a manner that allows me to copy files off of it still for about 10 minutes at a time. I'm not sure what is wrong with it, but I can't repair it. I would like to recreate the Windows environment (installed programs, customized settings, etc.). I have copied just about all of the files off of the drive, but my question now is: How do I recreate it? I have created a fresh install of Windows 7 on a spare hard drive, but wanted to see if it is as simple as just copying all the files over to the new drive ( I don't think so)?

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Restore OS & All Program Back To Drive C?

Nov 13, 2011

Since wrong press F11(Recovery) which caused cannot boot up the Windows, but whole OS and all application program moved to Drive D (Type dir d: can browsed at command prompt under System Recovery Option)Would like to know how can I backup whole partition(Drive D:-Windows, All application programs & working data) and can restore back to Drive C ?

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Restore From Full Image Just One Drive

May 29, 2012

I had made a full image of 3 drives using Win 7 backup tool. However, since then, I have removed 2 of the disks but I want to restore just one of the drives where the OS was installed (these are physical HDD= 3). Windows restore CD does not let me restore just one drive since the image is for all 3.Is there any way that I can force windows 7 to restore just one of the drives from the the full image with 3 drives? Unfortunately, the drives that I removed already have new data in another PC and pretty big (2T each). I don't to buy 2 drives just to install the OS image.

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Macrium Restore From USB Thumb Drive.

Jun 12, 2012

I have imaged my neighbours Netbook with Macrium Reflect. Since it has no DVD burner, I want to create a bootable Macrium (Linux) recovery media on a thumb drive. Not sure how to proceed.

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Missing Drive System Restore?

Jun 20, 2011

how to force Win 7 to recognize a drive in restore? In XP you deleted the drivetable.txt or sr.inf but I cannot these in 7.

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Configure New Hard Drive For HP Restore?

Oct 9, 2012

How do I properly configure a new HD for an HP using HPs SYSTEM partition and FACTORY_IMAGE Partition.

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Windows 7 - C Drive Inaccessible After Factory Restore

Sep 15, 2012

I recently received a hp mini 110-3015dx, it was slow and constantly freezing, ergo I did a factory restore, everything is great now accept I can't access my c: drive. when I double click I get the message; c: is not accessible, access denied. What must I do to change this setting? Windows 7 starter.

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Can't Get Recovery Drive (D) To Restore Pc To Original Condition

Oct 27, 2012

I can't get into pc recovery drive (D) to restore pc to original condition in two pcs. I think it is because I reinstalled Windows 7 into drive (C), which prevents pc recovery from drive (D) [because it's not the original software.I can see the recovery drive (D).Also, I used SpotMau to get the windows 7 Ultimate product key, but the lable on the pc shows that Windows7 Pro is installed.The product keys are different.

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Image Restore From External Drive On USB 3.0 Does Not Work

Apr 20, 2011

I have just installed a 3TB external drive for backup purposes and was testing the image restore feature. If I use the external drive on the usb 3.0 port when entering F8/System Repair/Repair from image, the drive is not detected at all, when I plug it into the 2.0 port it is detected. Within windows itself the drive operates fine on the 3.0 hub. I am guessing its some kind of USB 3.0 driver issue within system repair but wondered if there is a work around. Not sure I want to sit and wait for a restore over 2.0 when it could be using 3.0!

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Raid 0 Drive 1 At Risk / How To Back Up And Restore

Feb 10, 2012

My Laptop came with Raid 0 over 2 one terrabyte harddisks. Last week i started getting Drive 1 at risk message. I looked it up and it turns out that this message occurs some time before your drive fails.I did a Full computer backup using windows Back up utility using an external Hard drive. Now I'm going to buy a new internal Hard drive to replace the faulty one.What are the steps i have to do to back up properly?After some search,I learned that:

1_ Backup everything.
2_ Replace Faulty drive.
3_ Rebuild Raid 0 array.
4_ Restore the system image.

Does the new internal Hard drive have to be the same brand/type/size as the old Faulty hard drive? Also I've never used Raid, so how do i recreate a new raid 0 array ? From Bios ? Should i create a repair disk too ? or would Windows dvd work?

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Cannot Restore Hard Drive Because Of Corrupted Files

Feb 13, 2012

At the moment, my Gateway M-Series laptop which has Windows 7 32bit will not do a system restore! It says my local disc ( C: ) has errors, it cannot check these errors so that I can restore the computer

My computer doesn't want to connect to the Internet also (lucky for me I have other means of accessing the Internet) and every time I open Chrome or any of my software it says there are corrupted files and the disk check will not run because there are corrupted program files? I haven't downloaded anything of late I keep a fairly clean hard drive, but when I went into system restore it set one of the restore points as 'DirectX Installed' which incidentally I haven't installed and isn't in any programs list.

After some tweaking I found I was able to check the disk and restore the computer but I would still like to know if any of you have any input on how to avoid future problems!!

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Volume Tracking On For USB Drive Restore Disable

Aug 21, 2009

I'm trying out USB Safely Remove and I see when I try to Stop a USB docking station, it shows me that the Volume Tracking Information service has hold of the drive even though it's not in the list for System Restore Points.

Anyone know how to turn volume tracking on and off? I'm running Windows 7 32 bit build 7077.

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