Reinstalling Windows 7 On A System With Dynamic Disks With No Install DVD?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a custom built HTPC running Windows7 Home Premium 64 bit that I bought from a tin-pot PC building firm last year. It has 4 physical drives in it. The first is configured as a "basic disk" with a single C: drive partition on which windows 7 is installed. The other three are configured as a RAID1 "dynamic disk" that present themselves in Windows as a single logical drive (E:) and that's where all my data lives.Windows Media Centre has now stopped working properly and I've tried everything to fix it, in case I can avoid a reinstall! mcupdate.exe always crashes(with System.IO.FileNotFoundException): I can't update TV signal set-up or guide data ) so now I need to reinstall windows. I'm an IT professional and I've installed many prior versions of windows in the past, but never Windows 7:

1) If I reinstall Windows 7 on my C:/ drive, will the E: drive be left unaffected and the fresh install of windows will still be able to see the E: drive and access all the data on it without any permissions issues?

2) The company that I bought the HTPC from neglected to give me a DVD with the Windows 7 installer (and prod key) on and they went out of business a few months ago, so I'm feeling a bit stuck. I've used a free tool to extract my Windows 7 product key from the registry, and borrowed a Windows 7 DVD from a friend. Will reinstalling from this DVD with the product key I've extracted work, or is the product key tied to the physical DVD (or does it just need to pass a checksum algorithm?) If I use my product key to reinstall, will I also be able to re"activate" Windows 7 or will it now think it's a dodgy copy? My current install says it's an OEM version (when I tried to get support from, but my friend's DVD is a full retail one - is that a problem too? What options do I have here? Can I, for example, create a copy of my friend's DVD and amend the prod-key in the poduct.ini file to be mine in the "HomePremium=" entry?

3) Before I attempt anything, I'm keen to do a full system backup. I've done this with the Windows 7 system image tool and have a 154 GB file that I've copied to an external USB hard drive, and I'm going to create a restore boot "disk" on a CD. However, If I need to do a restore, can the restore app read from a USB HD or not? I assume it can't read from the dynamic disk E: drive? Or can I just keep it on the C: drive, or will this get wiped completely when I reinstall windows, thus losing the image file?

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Windows 7 Home - Cannot Create / Encrypt Dynamic Disks And Mirror (RAID 1)

Oct 14, 2010

I have Home Windows 7 premium which means I cannot Encrypt, create dynamic disks, or mirror (RAID 1) my hard drives, so if this is true and I want to use any of these I need to go back to my Vista Ultimate?

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Windows 7 Install On EFI System And GPI Disks

May 16, 2011

I've installed Win7 on a 500GB Sata II disk and was running fine. Then something happened, boot manager missing, and I need to re-install Win7 on same disk. Now I get a message, when installing on the SAME DISK: "Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only be installed to GPT disks."

This disk just had Win7 installed on it and is still there (but boot manager is still missing) so how can the disk have an MBR partition? I got this same msg. when trying to install Win7 on a clean Samsung 128GB SSD as well. I re-formatted the drive and still same msg. How can I make my disk formatted with GPT partitions instead of MBR partitions? I can find no choices in terms of which kind of formatting and partitions that can be used when formatting disks on Win7 or XP Pro.

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Changing Partition System - Windows 7 Can Only Be Installed To GPT Disks

May 30, 2012

As Windows tells me, "on EFI systems, Windows can only be installed to GPT disks". This is the error message I get trying to install a Windows upgrade from 7 Home Premium to Pro. I have to do a custom install because I am installing English over Russian. I have looked on the internet about how to change my partition system to GPT. Seems like something I can do, however, I have a question: If I have only one physical hard drive in my machine, is it possible the change the partition system from MBR to GPT? I see lots of examples of doing it to a second hard drive, but not many when it is the only hard drive. It is a new drive and clean, so I do not worry at this point about the data on it.

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Unable To Install Windows 7 - Dynamic Partitions?

Apr 10, 2011

Damn Windows Update started installing a video card driver. My system is a Dell Vostro 430 and has an ATI HD 4350 (I think), but however, for some stupid reason it can only work with Dell's video driver. So when Windows Update installed the official driver for me, by the time I realised what it was doing it was too late. My screens went black; an incompatible driver screwed everything up.

Worse yet, it was still installing updates, so I was scared to turn my computer off in case it would create major problems. After waiting for four hours I decided it was time to pull the plug. After restarting the computer, it kept rebooting when it started loading Windows 7, and then soon after it didn't even get that far; it told me there was no compatible SATA device found and it refused to boot full stop. Trust this to happen at assignment hand-in week. I've got so much work to do.

I went to the library and downloaded an Ubuntu ISO and burned it to disc. I also got a legit ISO (I'm a student and use MSDN) of Windows 7 x86, since Windows 7 x64 had its problems with the software I use for my course. First of all I backed up all of my uni work using Ubuntu as a live CD, which worked okay. I moved other important data from my Windows (main) partition to my other partitions (Music, Games, TV/Films, etc) since I knew I was going to be formatting my system partition for a reinstallation.

I have two HDs installed. A 500GB one and a 1.5TB one. The drives seem to still be working since I could access them in Ubuntu. However, most of the partitions were formatted as dynamic partitions, not basic. It seemed that the partitions on my 500GB drive were basic, whereas the ones on my 1.5TB were dynamic. This is why it disallowed me to install Windows 7 on the 1.5TB drive. (It dislikes dynamic partitions for whatever reason.) However, I formatted the original basic system partition and started installing Windows 7 x86 on it. It got to 100% and was finalising installation, until it halted, told me the installation had failed, and that I'd need to restart and try again. Every time I have tried, it has failed at that point.

I don't know what the heck to do. I can't remove the partitions that exist because they contain a lot of data that I really want. I also have no means of backing up the data. I have no DVD discs left (and it would take a damn lot to back up hundreds of gigs), and no external HDs. Just for the sake of trying it out, I tried installing 7 x64 and got the same error, so I don't think it's x86-specific.

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Install Windows 7 On A Software Raid 0 MBR Dynamic Partition?

Jul 30, 2011

I have seen this question being asked a few times already. I just bought 2xSamsung Spinpoint F3 1TB drives and I created a dynamic striped partition with MBR in comuter management. If I try to install win 7, after dvd boot-up, will I be able to select the partition and install windows on it ? I know all about the advantages and disadvantages of using software raid 0. But, my question is simple. Can you just install an O/S on that type of partition (will it be detectable?) or do I have to buy a "fake raid" controller or boot some type of application first to make it detectable everytime I boot up my computer?

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Dynamic Disc And System Reserve?

Apr 23, 2011

after converting my internal drive to a dynamic disk, why can't it boot another os? i was interested in spanning volumes, and obviously in terms of optimized virtual raid the real issue is putting the windows partition on a raid volume, but simply put why can't i install a second operating system after i've converted a disc to a dynamic disc. is there anyway to forego that trouble? in short, i want to install linux side by side with windows on seperated partitions, striped mirrored or otherwise but not having a raid controller, vraid is the only hope i have and windows dynamic disc is telling me that i can't boot other os's except the currently booted system if i convert the discs. in fact after converting the drive initially, i couldn't even reformat and reinstall windows with the 7 disc. but in my experience, it's saying windows will no longer perform these functions but other discs and environments may not even recognize the windows os change so that the possibilities aren't closed to anything but the windows operating system.

secondly, if i installed something like lilo or grub, without linux let's say, could i delete the system reserved partition? i believe i've deleted it in the passed and not had boot issues or other noticeable trouble with windows, but i'm unsure what i had or would be doing in terms of long term os stability. i saved the reserved partition of a former install by assigned it a drive letter, opening it and saving the contents for learning purposes.

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Restore Disks To Install Windows?

Aug 26, 2011

I am going to build a gaming rig in the future when i have the money to, but windows 7 install disks are very expencive, but i already have a laptop with windows 7 AND all my programs. it constantly prompts me to make restore disks (then when i click yes without haveing a dvd in the tray it still starts the proses for some reason) so, if i got it to function properly and i made my 2 restore disks (it said it would take 2 disks for complete burn) could i use them to instal windows and my programs onto the new computer? would save me 130 or so dollars (if i could get it to work right) so it would be great if someone could confirm this.

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System Error When Reinstalling Windows 7?

Oct 16, 2011

I installed win 7 for a friend and everything was fine. He said the systems began running sluggish (probably spyware) and decided to reformat the hard drive and reinstall win 7. The problem going on is a system error when trying to install

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Reinstalling Windows On Partitioned System

Nov 29, 2009

Kinda surprised me that I wasn't offered a choice on original Windows 7 install regarding volume size (maybe I missed it) or advised about that little 100MB hidden partition thing. But anyway I have my son's system partitioned in a manner that's comfy but have been having some annoying system issues. See link below:

Windows Explorer gets Tired & Can't logout

If these can't be resolved, wanted to reinstall Windows 7-64 fresh....Not really relevant but here's the partition scheme:

** - System reserved (100MB)

C: Boot Drive (64 GB)

D: Swap & Temp Files (16 GB)

E: Games (480 GB)

F: Programs (64 GB)

G: Data (256 GB)

H: Backups (remainder)

So I imagine that things haven't changed too much ... The install DvD will identify where Windows is and ask me what I wanna do but how does the presence of this 100 MB hidden partition fall into the mix ? Will it, like previous versions just write over what it needs and leave D thru H alone, or are special instructions necessary ?

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Change Dynamic System Partition To Basic?

Aug 13, 2012

i got only one disk and all of the partitions are dynamic i have low space on the system files partition so i decided to extend the partition i deleted a partition and had an unallocated space but i couldnt extend the the system partition i tried to install windows but it couldnt install on a dynamic disk

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Windows 7 Install On XP Formatted Both Disks In Machine

May 3, 2011

On Friday I attempted to install windows 7 ultimate x64 My existing machine is a XP Pro SP3 machine and it meets the system requirements as per Windows 7 upgrade advisor I booted from DVD and followed the steps up to selecting where to installl windows 7

This list showed me

Disk 0 Partition 1
Disk 1 Partition 1
Disk 1 Partition 2

Disk 0 is my C drive where my windows xp is installed - 300GB disk Disk 1 is where is store my files: pictures, music, documents etc - 500GB disk Partition 2 of Disk 1 is unallocated 9GB I selected Disk 0 Partition 1 Then selected Disk Options Format Drive Clicked Ok to the message about destroying data And allowed the install to proceed What i intended / expected to happen was that windows 7 ultimate would be installed on drive C: (Disk 0) and that drive D: (Disk 1) would remain intact and untouched by the process The Windows 7 install completed successfully I logged on to my user account, activated my windows 7 copy I then looked at my disks and what i see is that: Drive C was formatted and windows 7 was installed there BUT The install process formatted drive D and copied the windows XP installation to that drive So i have lost a lot of data that i did not expect to, and, of course, had not backed up in ages. For now, anyway, thats beside the point.I then removed the windows 7 DVD from the drive and rebooted the PC When the disk was removed the machine booted to Windows XP - running from the copy taken earlier on Drive D However, when i replaced the DVD to try to boot to windows 7 again, it began the installation process from the start?I dont remember selecting a dual boot option during the initial install, but maybe the steps i took led me to something like that by some default?

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Using Toshiba Recovery Disks To Install Windows 7 Onto Another PC?

Aug 29, 2012

I have the original recovery disks I made when I first got my laptop and am wondering if I could use them to install windows 7 onto my desktop?A few details if needed...laptop - toshiba satellite p755d 4 months[CODE]

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How To Create System Recovery Disks

Mar 29, 2012

My Laptop came preloaded with Windows 7 Home Premium and I would like to create system recovery disks. I have a drive labeled RECOVERY (D. How do I create recovery disks from this drive?

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Creating Dell System Disks

Dec 28, 2009

just setting up a friends new dell laptop create system disks - no mention in the manual how to

s511016au dell inspiron 1545 laptop.

it only came with software application disks.

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Cannot Recover System With Recovery Disks

Apr 18, 2012

my 5 month old computer would no longer boot, it automatically ran start up repair, after about 6 hours said could not repair, took me to restore, but then said couldn't restore due to I/O error, tried recovery option with data back up with disks but get fail due to I/O error, tried again on the complete factory restore and got error of not enough memory to complete. can I recover my system?

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System Recovery - Will Partition Lost After Reinstalling Windows 7?

Aug 26, 2011

I just partitioned my C drive and now have an I: drive that I use for data, music and movies and such. My question is this: if I have to do a system recovery. Will I lose that partition? Or will Windows 7 re-install on the C: drive without touching that partition?

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Reinstalling Windows 7 - Loading Operating System Boot From CD / DVD

Jan 29, 2013

I am attempting to reinstall windows with files burned from an .iso onto a blank disc but when I press f12 then go into CD-ROM it goes to the next screen and says: 'Loading Operating System... Boot from CD/DVD..' Then it will boot normally.

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Reinstalling Windows 7 Without The Install Cd

Jan 30, 2010

so i bought windows 7 right when it came out with the student discount, downloaded the installer, and did an upgrade from vista. now it seems that i have some registry problems and i backed all my important things onto an external so i could do a clean reinstall. but when i go to reinstall, it cant find the files it needs and asks for the install disk.

What can i do to do this clean reinstall?

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Install Dynamic Link Library?

Oct 18, 2011

Install dynamic link library?

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How To Install New OS On Dynamic Disk (Old Corrupted)

Jan 3, 2012

I have a problem on my hard disk & it is dynamic disk the OS is corrupted how to install a new OS to my corrupted Dynamic Disk.

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Reinstalling Windows 7,how To Install Drivers

Dec 29, 2012

ive got a hdd thats never been used, and my old copy of windows was oem, but i changed the mobo. so im getting a new windows 7 and using the new 'old' hard drive. i need to know what order to install things, right now im gonna use the disk for the mobo chipset drivers and then get the gpu drivers from the website after this. after this i will install any windows updates then get my antivirus. is there anything else i need to know like installing dx11 or will that go with the windows updates?basicly i need to know what my plan is right now, is there anything else needs to be done?

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Move System From HDD To SSD Without Reinstalling?

Jan 29, 2012

Is there any way to move my Windows 7 installation from HDD to an SSD without reinstalling windows or the software?

I would also like to know how to get rid of dual boot screen that I created when I had a Windows 7/Ubuntu dual boot. Then I've formatted the Ubuntu partition and reinstalled windows, but the dual boot sreen is still present.

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English Win 7 Key + German Install Disks, Will It Work ?

Feb 18, 2010

I have an OEM version of Win 7 Pro (English) currently installed on my system. I am currently upgrading my Motherboard and CPU, building another system with the old parts. As the recipients of my old setup are German, the OS needs to be in German for them also.

Here is my dilemma. When I pickup a new copy of Win 7 it will be in German (as I am living in Germany). They need a German instillation of 7 and my current OEM key is locked to the old motherboard. Will I be able to use that English OEM key with a German instillation, then use the new German key with my current English disks?

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Reinstalling Operating System - What Is Proper Procedure With Dropbox

Feb 10, 2012

My computer had a bit of a melt down and now I think it best just to start from scratch. I am going to re-install the O/S on my Toshiba Satellite L500-19x.I use Dropbox quite a bit. Do you know the 'proper' way I should handle the process in regards to Dropbox? Will others lose access to my 'shared' folders when I do this?

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Which Of The 5 Recovery Disks From Geek Squad Has Install Media For Device

Aug 24, 2012

which of the 5 recovery disks from geek squad has install media for device?

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"Dynamic Disk Are Not Supported By This Operating System Or Server Configuration"

Aug 11, 2012

i wanna divide the 'C' ,i used the "New simple volume wizard " after pressing finish i got the msg The operation you selected will convert the selected basic disk to dynamic disk. if you convert the disk t dynamic , you will not be able to start installed operating systems from any volume on the disk (except the current boot volume). are you sure ? when i press yes i got error msg "Dynamic disk are not supported by this operating system or server configuration . dynamic disk are not supported on clusters.

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Dynamic Disk To Basic Disk When Windows 7 Is Installed On Dynamic Disk

Mar 13, 2011

so i got this cool Hp laptop... nice the bad part ... I had a single 500 gb Hard disk. only two partitions ... experimented to partition it ... 1. I upgraded my basic drive to dynamic drive ( got four partitions now) 2. My OS (win 7 home premium x64) is on one of the partiotion on the dynamic disk. QUESTIONS How do i convert back to basic... i only have my OS key no install cd? Can i take a back up or sys image that i can use later on after converting my hard disk to basic?

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Convert Dynamic Disc Back To Basic On The Only System Disc?

Apr 22, 2012

I wanted to make a new partition on my hp laptop on the only disc it as.Unfortunately,because it came with already 4 partitions I accidentally turned the disk into a dynamic disk.Now its booting normally but I cant load the system Image that I have created before the partition.Other than that the pc is running smoothly.As I said this is the only disk on the system.Is it possible to convert the disk back to basic?After a lot of googling I found some exmples but all of them assumed you had a second disk on your system.Is it possible to convert the disk back to basic without having to reinstall windows?(I have no windows cd

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Install The Vista Hard Drive Into The Windows 7 System And Boot From Either System?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a WIN -7 system with 1 trig SADA hard drive. I also have a Vista system with a 750mb hard drive from my old computer.Can I install the Vista hard drive into the Win-7 system and boot from either system?

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Can't Install Java Windows 7 X64 NT Kernel & System Is Stopping Install

May 28, 2012

NT Kernel & System rises to top of list in task manager and then just totally stops installs from proceeding. I have fought NT Kernel & System on 3 computers running Win 7 x64 ever since Win 7 has been out. No one yet that I know of has been able to solve the issue. I now need to install Java and can't because of NT Kernel & System stops it. I have tried everything on every forum and sites l find with Google searches. Nothing has worked yet.

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