Move System From HDD To SSD Without Reinstalling?

Jan 29, 2012

Is there any way to move my Windows 7 installation from HDD to an SSD without reinstalling windows or the software?

I would also like to know how to get rid of dual boot screen that I created when I had a Windows 7/Ubuntu dual boot. Then I've formatted the Ubuntu partition and reinstalled windows, but the dual boot sreen is still present.

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System Error When Reinstalling Windows 7?

Oct 16, 2011

I installed win 7 for a friend and everything was fine. He said the systems began running sluggish (probably spyware) and decided to reformat the hard drive and reinstall win 7. The problem going on is a system error when trying to install

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Reinstalling Windows On Partitioned System

Nov 29, 2009

Kinda surprised me that I wasn't offered a choice on original Windows 7 install regarding volume size (maybe I missed it) or advised about that little 100MB hidden partition thing. But anyway I have my son's system partitioned in a manner that's comfy but have been having some annoying system issues. See link below:

Windows Explorer gets Tired & Can't logout

If these can't be resolved, wanted to reinstall Windows 7-64 fresh....Not really relevant but here's the partition scheme:

** - System reserved (100MB)

C: Boot Drive (64 GB)

D: Swap & Temp Files (16 GB)

E: Games (480 GB)

F: Programs (64 GB)

G: Data (256 GB)

H: Backups (remainder)

So I imagine that things haven't changed too much ... The install DvD will identify where Windows is and ask me what I wanna do but how does the presence of this 100 MB hidden partition fall into the mix ? Will it, like previous versions just write over what it needs and leave D thru H alone, or are special instructions necessary ?

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System Recovery - Will Partition Lost After Reinstalling Windows 7?

Aug 26, 2011

I just partitioned my C drive and now have an I: drive that I use for data, music and movies and such. My question is this: if I have to do a system recovery. Will I lose that partition? Or will Windows 7 re-install on the C: drive without touching that partition?

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Reinstalling Operating System - What Is Proper Procedure With Dropbox

Feb 10, 2012

My computer had a bit of a melt down and now I think it best just to start from scratch. I am going to re-install the O/S on my Toshiba Satellite L500-19x.I use Dropbox quite a bit. Do you know the 'proper' way I should handle the process in regards to Dropbox? Will others lose access to my 'shared' folders when I do this?

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Reinstalling Windows 7 On A System With Dynamic Disks With No Install DVD?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a custom built HTPC running Windows7 Home Premium 64 bit that I bought from a tin-pot PC building firm last year. It has 4 physical drives in it. The first is configured as a "basic disk" with a single C: drive partition on which windows 7 is installed. The other three are configured as a RAID1 "dynamic disk" that present themselves in Windows as a single logical drive (E:) and that's where all my data lives.Windows Media Centre has now stopped working properly and I've tried everything to fix it, in case I can avoid a reinstall! mcupdate.exe always crashes(with System.IO.FileNotFoundException): I can't update TV signal set-up or guide data ) so now I need to reinstall windows. I'm an IT professional and I've installed many prior versions of windows in the past, but never Windows 7:

1) If I reinstall Windows 7 on my C:/ drive, will the E: drive be left unaffected and the fresh install of windows will still be able to see the E: drive and access all the data on it without any permissions issues?

2) The company that I bought the HTPC from neglected to give me a DVD with the Windows 7 installer (and prod key) on and they went out of business a few months ago, so I'm feeling a bit stuck. I've used a free tool to extract my Windows 7 product key from the registry, and borrowed a Windows 7 DVD from a friend. Will reinstalling from this DVD with the product key I've extracted work, or is the product key tied to the physical DVD (or does it just need to pass a checksum algorithm?) If I use my product key to reinstall, will I also be able to re"activate" Windows 7 or will it now think it's a dodgy copy? My current install says it's an OEM version (when I tried to get support from, but my friend's DVD is a full retail one - is that a problem too? What options do I have here? Can I, for example, create a copy of my friend's DVD and amend the prod-key in the poduct.ini file to be mine in the "HomePremium=" entry?

3) Before I attempt anything, I'm keen to do a full system backup. I've done this with the Windows 7 system image tool and have a 154 GB file that I've copied to an external USB hard drive, and I'm going to create a restore boot "disk" on a CD. However, If I need to do a restore, can the restore app read from a USB HD or not? I assume it can't read from the dynamic disk E: drive? Or can I just keep it on the C: drive, or will this get wiped completely when I reinstall windows, thus losing the image file?

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Reinstalling Windows 7 - Loading Operating System Boot From CD / DVD

Jan 29, 2013

I am attempting to reinstall windows with files burned from an .iso onto a blank disc but when I press f12 then go into CD-ROM it goes to the next screen and says: 'Loading Operating System... Boot from CD/DVD..' Then it will boot normally.

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How To Move System Settings To New PC

May 20, 2010

I just "updated" to windows 7. I took the Hard Drives from the old PC and plugged them into my new build (along with my new 1TB HDD). How do I move my system settings (hopefully desktop, antivirus, and steam account) to my new PC?

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Possible To Move Operating System From HDD To SSD

May 14, 2012

In my current system I have a HDD and no SSD and the HDD has the OS installed onto it. In the next month or so I will be completing my second build. this system will have SSD and HDD. My question is... is there any possible way for me to take my OS from my HDD and put it on my SDD or will I have to buy another OS and install it on my SDD and uninstall it from my HDD?

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Move A System Tray Program To The Taskbar?

Jul 6, 2012

What I'd like is for a program that normally appears in the system tray to show in the taskbar at all times it is running so i can easily see it and use the exit functions etc.Specifically for Steam - (X) minimizes to system tray and hides activity in the task bar. I don't mind if this results in 2 icons showing (1 for an active window and 1 for the process) I know you can do the same from system tray for this particular program, but I just don't have the habit to look there for anything other than system background applications.'m running Windows 7 Professional x64 and am comfortable tinkering with registry and system files if needed.So the questions are:1/ Can a system tray icon be permanently moved to the taskbar applications area?2/ If not, can a background process be assigned a taskbar icon when active?

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How To Move Operating System To New Hard Drive

May 2, 2012

I am not very good with computers, so I don't really know how to do this, and need explanation in simple english. My hard drive is constantly causing BSODs on my HP laptop (Windows 7) and I have ordered a new hard drive. I am not quite sure how to transfer the operating system.

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How To Move / Copy System File To Another Location

Dec 20, 2012

I want to move my 'catdb' file which is a system file to another location so as to shrink my c drive. What is the procedure to get rid of the problem and how to copy and delete the same file in safe mode.

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Can't Move WindowsImageBack Or System & User File To A New Location

Nov 11, 2011

I originally backed up my System & User files using the Backup utility in Tools to a slave drive. That drive was full so I purchased a larger capacity drive and installed it in place of the original slave drive.

I copied over my data but have been unable to copy the file original "Backup" file (shows "0" bytes & empty) I created.

I also had a "WindowsImageBackup" folder (160GB) that had folders and files in it that I have also not been able to copy to the new slave drive.

I am saving my old "Slave" drive so I assume I can use it to restore my original image I created, eyh?

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Move Live Messenger Icon To System Tray In Windows 7

Jan 25, 2010

Move Live Messenger Icon to the System Tray in Windows 7. If you've made the switch to Windows 7 and use Windows Live Messenger, you might have noticed the icon stays in the new Taskbar. If you are annoyed by this and would rather see it in the System Tray (notification area), just follow this simple process. Show Messenger Icon in Notification Area. When you close out or minimize Messenger it will reside in the new Taskbar. [URL]. To make it act like it did in previous versions of Windows, right-click on the Windows Live Messenger icon and go to Properties.

In the example above I created an icon on the desktop but you can also do the same thing with the icon in the start menu. Then go to the Compatibility tab and run it in Windows Vista compatibility mode. The icon might be hidden in the notification area though. You just need to customize the Notification Area Icons and have it Show icon and notifications. [URL]. Thats it! Now you have your Messenger icon back where it used to be. [URL].

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Move System Reserve Partition To System Partition C:

Jun 28, 2012

Through a series of shenanigans involving experiments with mirroring on Windows 7 64 bit using Disk Management, and then subsequently removing the mirror after having recurring errors/problems with the synching, My 100MB System Reserve partition has ended up on a separate partition than my system image. For instance: Disk 1 System C: Healthy (Boot, page...) Disk 0 Healthy (System Reserved...).

In addition, the System Reserved partition has been assigned a drive letter "G:" or "E:" and is now visible in explorer and it won't allow me to remove it and supress from explorer view.

I'd like to

1) move/create the System Reserve partition to Disk 1 (with System C: drive)

2) remove the System Reserve partition from Disk 0 to free it all up as a data drive

Do I use command below to create a System Reserve on Disk 1? bcdboot C:Windows How do I then delete the System Reserve partition on Disk 0. Also a byproduct of all of this, when I reboot now, I have a "Windows 7" option and a "Windows 7 Secondary Plex" option. The "Windows 7" option no longer boots (it's stops while the logo panes are flying in circles to form the logo and goes into a fix loop that never fixes it). I have a feeling it's looking for the old mirrored hardware configuration or something. However, "Window 7 Secondary Plex" option does boot just fine. Do I use MSCONFIG to remove the "Windows 7" boot entry so I don't get this annoying option at boot?

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Installed SSD. Move "System Reserved" To SSD And Make SSD Boot?

Jan 4, 2012

I recently installed a SSD into my setup. I didn't have a Windows 7 64bit disk, so I booted into the HDD's OS and installed via .iso (I didn't want to burn it, as that always seems to fail.I wanted to get the System Restore partition installed on the SSD, so I tried booting to a Win 32bit disk and formatting the drive that way. Problem is, the System Restore is not recognized as such, and was visible so I ended up deleting it

that works fine, except I now have this:
Disk0: Hard drive
Disk1: SSD
Disk2: Irrelevant

1. Can I move the System Restore Partition to the SSD?

2. How can I make this boot off of the SSD? It currently boots off of the System restore on the HDD

3. The drive letters are screwed up, but whenever I try to change the SSD's drive letter it says "the parameter is incorrect", no matter which drive letter I choose.

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Cards Don't Move When Try To Move Them

Aug 20, 2011

Win 7 Freecell "sticks" The cards don't move when you try to move them. If you keep trying you get the message "freecell is not responding" or "problem with freecell executable". Could this have anything to do with a recent Norton upgrade? I have tried turning windows games on and off and it doesn't help. If so, where can I get a clean reinstall?

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What To Do AFTER Reinstalling Windows 7

Nov 25, 2011

I bought a brand new Samsung QX411 two months ago. It's a great computer. Problem is, it got hit with a nasty virus that was pretty much completely debilitating, so I took it in to Best Buy (mistake), and they told me the best thing would be just reinstall Windows 7, and everything would be great. Well, I did, and now I am stuck. I reinstalled, but I did not realize that literally nothing would be in place. I am not completely naive: I did save all of my important files, folders, music, etc. So it's not that I have lost my data and am now crying "woe is me." Instead, I have basically a blank Windows 7 and nothing is there. I can't connect to the internet, because it is telling me that I don't have the necessary hardware (I know I do, but still). A basic summary would be this: I have no idea what to do after properly installing Windows 7. I want to get it as close back to normal as I can, but I don't know how to start.

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Reinstalling Windows Onto New PC

Jul 13, 2012

I recently built a new computer system that contains my old HDD, which I transferred from my previous PC. The old copy of Windows 7 that was already installed didn't work in the new PC, as expected. Instead, I have a new copy of Windows 7 available that I need to get on the HDD. But I also need to deal with the old Windows copy. I've already transferred all of my personal files from the old copy onto a portable HDD for safe keeping. What I plan on doing is reinstalling the new copy of Windows 7 onto the PC's HDD to be used in the new computer. I was able to acquire the new Windows 7 version for a really cheap price from my college.

So now I either have to format my HDD so that the new Windows 7 can work properly while keeping the old/useless version out of the way, or wipe the old Windows 7 from the HDD completely. Should I keep the old Windows 7 on the HDD and just never use it, or would that conflict too much with the partition used by the new version? If they do conflict, how should I go about removing the old Windows 7 partition? dealing with the HDD and OS seems to be one of the most annoying parts of a PC.

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Reinstalling Windows 7 Without CD?

May 7, 2011

I have bought a Lenovo Ideapad about 6 month ago with Windows 7 Home Premium.I now want to Re-Install Windows and delete my whole data. In Short, I want it to be Completely Clean.I Dont have My Windows CD to do That, But I have a Key Below My laptop and its Genuine.

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Reinstalling Windows 7 Pro 32 Bit OEM On A Different PC

Dec 7, 2010

I mistakenly purchased a 32 bit version of windows 7 pro which was on OEM. Now I am going to purchase the 64 bit version OEM software again and format my hard drive and reinstall the 64 bit OS on my PC.

My question is now that I will be using the 64 Bit version, can I re-use my 32 bit OEM on a completely different PC as it will no longer be installed on my PC?

If so do I have to uninstall it first or will a simple wipe off the hard drive deactivate the 32 bit key? Also is there a cheaper option to purchasing the OEM software again, such as upgrading from 32bit to 64bit?

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Reinstalling Windows 7 On A New HD?

Dec 11, 2010

I've recently purchased an SSD and would like to utilize it as a boot drive. I am happy with my configuration and would like just to install Windows 7 on the SSD and use it to boot -- with all other hardware and drives remaining without change.

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Reinstalling Over Corrupt OS?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a year old "gifted" computer currently running Windows 7 Ultimate OEM.Much of the software on it was transferred over from another standalone XP computer. This represents years of accumulated data.nfortunately, all that old software has come back to haunt me : running slow, if all. And corrupted registry, etc. etc. -- a real mess.If that wasn't enough there was also a bag of malware on the machine. I have spent the last several days cleaning it so the machine will run half decently. So far, so good! No trace of any viruses or malware Along the way I also found out that the OS may be corrupted (as in non-legit) as there appears to be some sort of EULA boot loader (DAZ.Loader?) on it (from the guy who originally set up the computer for me). With that in mind I think it's now best that I repurchase a legit copy of Windows 7 Pro (at least) OEM and reinstall the whole thing properly. But I'm not sure how this new OS will work with the remnants of the other OS still on the computer.As I still want to hang on to our most sacred data that's well integrated on both the OS drive and the larger data drives?

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Reformatting And Reinstalling XP?

Oct 19, 2012

After having tons of issues with my PC, I finally got around to reformating and reinstalling XP for the first time since 2009. Around the same time I ordered a Windows 7 Pro Upgrade disc online, but went ahead and reinstalled XP to get me going while I waited for Windows 7 to arrive.As usual, XP was a PITA to reinstall. Had to get on the laptop to find an Intel ethernet driver for the mobo just to be able to get online, and then had to find drivers for other stuff after getting a whole list of yellow 's in the hardware listWell yesterday Windows 7 arrived, and I installed it last night, doing another format of the entire 250GB C drive and installing Windows 7 fresh. Everything went so smoothly, I was amazed. It picked up all the drivers it needed, and when everything was finished I ended up with only a single for the Intel Simple Communications Controller, which was remedied with another driver for the Intel mobo.

I've been using Windows 7 x64 at my office for 3 years now, but it has been some time since I've done a fresh install of it. Sooo much easier than XP in just about every way. *edit* I did install the x86 version since I'm still only running 3 GB RAM. In the near future I plan on upgrading the CPU and mobo and installing 16 GB RAM along with Windows 7 x64. Hope I don't have any issues being that this Windows is an upgrade version and there won't be any trace of XP when I do the hardware upgrades.

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Reinstalling Windows 7 OEM Onto A New SSD?

Jan 5, 2013

So I've been using my new laptop recently and discovered its hybrid hard drive contains an SSD. And boots up windows in seconds. This has caused me to want to buy an SSD for my desktop (my real gaming machine). The trouble lies within reinstalling windows and backing up.My desktop currently has two hard drives. Both 1tb each, one is full. And the other is barely used up. If I were to buy an SSD for my desktop. Would it be possible to reinstall windows (OEM) onto my new SSD? How would I do this? Also I've never backed up before (terrible I know and I want to start now!). However my family does own a 1tb external HDD. How much of my 1.2tb of data could I backup, and how would I do it? I've got loads of games and whatnot installed I don't want to lose.

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New Pc Reinstalling Windows 7

Nov 22, 2011

I'm currently running windows 7 64 bit on my current system. I am just after buying a new pc and want to install my OS on my new SSD. I'm going to keep the old raptor HDD for my new system also (the raptor HDD currently has the OS on it)

1. Can I install windows to my SSD using the same product key yes?

2. How can I/whats the best way to completely remove the OS from the raptor HDD and just use it as a storage device..I want to use the 120GB SSD for the OS & some of my games - (Origin & Steam)

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Reinstalling Windows 7 HP OEM From HDD To SSD?

Dec 30, 2012

I just installed and activated OEM Win 7 on an HDD. Changed my mind and want to purchase an SSD, place Win on that, and use my HDD for everything else. Will I still be able to install Win or am I too late because I activated it?

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Uninstalling And Reinstalling Usb Ports?

Oct 7, 2011

My computer has given me that dang error that one of my USB port isn't recognized. I have tried all the fix options even called HP who told me that the circuits are dead (he didn't check anything as my printer is 4.5 years old) and offered to sell me a new model with a huge discount that was the exact price on their website. Anyway, my last option before buying a new printer is uninstalling and reinstaling my usb port. How do I know which port is which? Can it be the one called 'unknown port"?

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Reinstalling Windows 7 On A HP Netbook?

Jan 31, 2013

I'm not sure this is the right forum for this question, but then again: lots of people seem to have comparable problems, so here goes:As my 3-year old netbook was getting very slow, I decided to get rid of all the junk at once by completely reinstalling the OS (Win7 starter). Now, there is a very easy way to this with the Recovery Manager (as described in the support papers on the HP site), but that didn't work for me. This may wll be due to a faulty HD; I've no way of testing it as my C: drive is now reformatted. So what next?I was not completely unprepared; earlier I made:- a USB-stick with the 'HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility' (HP45774). The stick does contain, I think, all or almost all of the contents of the recovery partition. (NB: you need a 16Gb stick and this is a trick you can do only once.

- a recovery CD on an external CD drive, although without a 'disk-image' as by then the system had grown much too bloated already. (should have done that straight away after I'd bought it, although I'm a bit at a loss as to what storage medium would be used).These two means should surely be enough to restore the thing to factory settings? However:- The memory stick should be bootable, but isn't.- Booting from CD works, but the Recovery Manager can't seem to access the diskimage on the usb-stick. (Although, when I call up a command prompt, one of the other options, it is readily available.)So I don't really know what to do now. I'm thinking of two options:1. In one forum thread it was said that the stick thus made 'often' or even 'usually' isn't bootable, as it should be. The advice was to make it bootable, using EasyBCD. That's easier said then done, I found; no luck so far.

The stick does contain a boot directory, bootmgr etc.; it clearly is supposed to be bootable.)2. Following the advice in other threads, I downloaded the whole 1.7Gb WAIK, just to get hold of imagex.exe, which i then put on the memory stick. As the bootable 'recovery CD' does provide a command prompt, I could, supposedly, 'apply' the image base.wim, which is also on the stick, to 'drive D:' (under these circumstances, that's the main partition). But as there's lots of other stuff on the stick (like FactoryUpdates), I'm afraid it will be a lot of hassle installing computer-specific drivers and stuff.

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Reinstalling Windows 7 On A New Laptop?

Feb 26, 2011

I want to buy a new laptop. The problem is that new laptops come with a tonne of crap on them and I want a clean install of Win7.What would I need to get this clean install?Would I need to *cough* acquire an OEM edition of Win7?

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Creating New Partition When Reinstalling Win XP?

Apr 4, 2011

I have recently purchased a new Samsung NC110 netbook with Windows 7 Starter installed. However, I find it runs fairly slowly so I intend to install XP on it from an old installation disc.However, when I first started my netbook I set up a partition with 40Gb allocated to the C drive and the remaining 240 to a D drive. Not being that computer savvy I got confused and despite having a portable hard drive for back up and the computer having a separate hidden restore partition, I went ahead with this.My question is that if I start again with XP can I reset the partition to a single C drive with separate restore area?

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