Reformatting HP Mini Doesn't Have A Disk Drive

Mar 14, 2011

Reformatting HP mini doesn't have a disk drive

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Computer Stuttering In Windows 7 / Reformatting Doesn't Help

Jun 18, 2012

[code] My computer was stuttering badly recently. It runs smoothly in games like FIFA 12 initially, but after a period of time (could be 5 minutes or an hour), the game starts to stutter. FPS doesn't really drop but the game stutters so badly I couldn't even play it. As I exit and try to load Skyrim, the initial loading might take up to 5 minutes, which is incredulous even when loading the world map. That aside, Firefox was also stuttering whenever I tried to scroll, be it a page full of graphics, a text file or pdf.All these problems could be 'reset' by restarting my computer but the symptoms just come back soon after. Thought I might have too many programs installed, so I decided to reformat my computer and reinstall a clean copy of Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Didn't really help though. After installing all my drivers, the problems persist.I am currently using AVG as anti-virus and didn't detect any rootkit virus or anything.

My CPU temperatures are fairly normal for Core 2 Duo E6600, doesn't go past 60C in the tropics. The CPU loads <10% when idle and max out when playing games. Same goes for GPU. None of them are overclocked. The problems only happen in the past month or so. Encountered no such problem previously, therefore I suspect it could be fault on the hardware part.

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Reinstalling Windows Or Reformatting Hard Disk?

Nov 3, 2011

You know, these previous days I haven't used my laptop because of some problems, I already posted my problem still waiting for the result and i'm really out of patience now.. So what's on my mind now is to reinstall the os or reformatting hard disk.. which is better can i choose reformatting the hard disk because it is faster than reinstalling windows? What will happen when i reformat the hard drive? will the system go back normal? i don't care now about my files since i have a backup what i want is to back my laptop in good state..

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Notebook Asus Doesn't Have A Disk Drive?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a notebook asus that doesn't have a disk drive or whater its called. I accidently turned my computer off while it was just starting to configure windows. I tried to turn it back on but it just says launch star up repair (which says it cant fix the problem) and start windows normally (which just brings it back to the original screen.

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Windows 7 Disk Defragmenter Doesn't List C Drive

Nov 9, 2009

When I open disk defragmenter it doesn't list my C drive -- which is the primary internal HD on which the OS, windows 7 64 bit, is installed. I have another partition that came with my computer (Dell Studio XPS) on which Dell has some a backup recovery image on, and this drive 'Recovery (D' _does_ show up. Just the 'OS (C' drive does not -- which happens to be the drive I'd like to defrag.I haven't tried any other defrag programs yet. I'm the administrator user on this computer if that's relevent. Also, if I go to properties on my C drive via my computer and click defrag from there, it'll open disk defragmenter and still just list the D drive.

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System Drive Do Not Appear When Reformatting Os

Nov 30, 2012

When I reboot the laptop to install Windows XP, it goes well. But when it comes to the page where you can Select, Delete or Create a partition, the laptop's system drive is not showing. The page only shows the USB drive as my drive C, because it is my priority right? So now, I cannot reformat the laptop because the system drive of the laptop is not showing. What and where is the problem? Is it the bootable USB? or there is another way to make a downgrade? or the problem is my system drive?

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Reformatting Hard Drive On Windows 7?

Jun 15, 2012

So my PC was recently infected with viruses, and I was able to get rid of them with Malware bytes and Microsoft Security Essentials.I;m not sure if I completely got rid of the viruses so I want to just completely wipe my hard drive and get rid of it all. When I go to reformat my Hard Disk, Windows says I cannot because it's in use.I google'd around and some guides are saying that I'd be able to reformat and boot up through the Win. 7 installation disk; the problem is that I don't have a Win 7. installation disk.

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Reformatting Hard Drive With Cds And The Product Key

Dec 19, 2009

I'm going to be reformatting my hard drive. However this time around I realized I might have a problem.

I originally purchased my pc with windows vista, but then when windows 7 came out I purchased it and immediately installed it on my computer. Bottom line, the factory image of my drive contains windows vista and my current operating system is windows 7.

So, If i go ahead and reformat my hard drive my system will revert back to windows vista (right?). I still have the windows 7 installation cds and the product key. So, can I just reformat and then just simply reinstall windows 7 with the cds and the product key? Or is it more complicated than that?

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Reformatting The Hard Drive At The Setup?

Mar 12, 2011

anybody knows how to reformatting the hard drive disc at the setup?

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Will Reformatting Delete Information On A Secondary Drive

Jan 17, 2013

I am having issues with my computer and am planning on reformatting. I have a terabite hard drive which I moved everything to and a half terrabite hard drive which has Windows 7 and all that on it. If I reformat will it remove everything from all the hard drives or just the one I choose to install Windows 7 on?

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Reformatting Hard Drive And RAID Configuration?

Jan 15, 2013

I am about to reformat my hard drive, long story as to why, but I am starting from scratch. I know how to install windows, drivers etc. But one thing I am not sure about is configuring the RAID, as I wasn't the one who did it when we installed everything. I am asunming that when I reformat the RAID will need to be reconfigured? I have RAID 5 with three hard drives, each 500 GB. I have a program called Intel Rapid Storage Technology that "manages" the hard drives,but if I am correct I have to set up RAID before installing windows. How to configure the RAID the same way I currently have it? This is a homebuilt comp, i7 930 2.8 ghz, 6 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, Gigabyte motherboard...

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Reformatting Windows 7 System To XP / "No Drive Found"

May 17, 2010

I had an old thread on Windows 7 running really unreliable on my system, and after speaking with a Sony support person today, I've found out that Sony does not support Windows 7 on my system. It's a bummer but, at any rate, I'm trying to put Windows XP back on the system.I've downloaded the Windows XP Professional with SP3 from MSDN student website.I have the ISO burned to a disc, and I boot the computer from CD drive.After the initial setup, it ask to start windows and press enter.I do so, and I says to select the drive I wish to reformat.There are four slots, all of which say "No drive found" Whenever you press ANY button, I get a BSOD.Any reason as to why it doesn't recognize any drives, or why I can't get any further into the process without it crashing?

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Bootmgr Missing HP Mini No Disc Drive?

Aug 9, 2012

I have a HP Mini netbook which is just out of warranty. When I start computer i get a black screen with the message bootmgr missing.I have tried recovering system using start up recovery, etc, etc but still end up at same screen.I can get into the command prompt screen but have no idea what to do next.. have found on the web is for laptops/pcs with a disc drive, mine doesnt have one.I am not an expert on computers so

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Get Windows 7 To Recognize The Maxtpr Mini 111 Asd A Drive?

Mar 3, 2012

how DO I get windows 7 to recognize the Maxtpr mini 111 asd a drive?

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Windows 7 Doesn't Have Disk Formatting

Mar 31, 2012

Is it normal for 7 to not have to format the disk?

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Disk Defragmernter Doesn't Check C?

Jan 24, 2013

I've used the Win 7 built in Disk Defragmenter since day one. Noticed about two months ago that it is not checking C:. It checks the other included drives (an external HDD and a Recovery drive) on schedule. I have tried unchecking and rechecking and changing scheduled times all to no avail. As a workaround I manually analyze the drive...when I remember.

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Windows 7 Doesn't Assign Drive Letter With 2nd Western Dig Elements Drive

Apr 25, 2011

I have Win 7 home premium on an HP laptop with 4 usb ports. I have 2 Western Digital Elements 1.5 TB drives for backups. If I plug in one of the drives, Win assigns a drive letter, but if I add the second one it doesn't.

To troubleshoot, I've plugged each drive into every usb port on the laptop, and each port reads each drive alone, but if I plug in the second drive while the first is still in, it shoes up in devices but does not get a drive letter. I tried assigning a different drive letter to the device plugged in first, but Win still doesn't assign a letter to the second drive.

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Local Disk C Doesn't Show Up To Be Defraged

Jun 1, 2011

right the problem is when i got to disk defragment - my local disk C: doesnt show up to be defragged :/

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DVD Optical Drive Appears As CD Drive And Doesn't React To Any Disc

Mar 7, 2012

My DVD optical drive appears as CD drive and doesn't react to any disc. The latest driver is installed.

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Using The Repair Disk When System Restore Doesn't Work

Jan 1, 2013

I have never had the need t use this disk till now but as I am getting problems starting up I tried System Restore and it didn't work (I have tried 2 restore points).Can I use the repair disk that I created on my HP desktop to mend the system or to restore it to an earlier time ? When I open the repair disk on the computer it just shows a couple of folders (boot ,sources as well as a file called bootmgr but I can't see a hrep file to let me know what I can do...

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Upgrade With A Full Version Disk Doesn't Work

Aug 17, 2009

I tried upgrading a Home Premium Installation with a Professional Technet Disk and found that it deferred to an Any Time Upgrade that had to be purchased separately (with an Anytime Upgrade Key). Has anyone found a way to upgrade with a Full Version Disk?

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Constant Disk Access That Doesn't Show On Procmon?

Oct 1, 2011

I have a WD Green drive which parks its heads after 8 seconds of inactivity. This is measured by "load/unload cycle count" in SMART, and WD rates the drive for 300,000 cycles. I have accumulated over 15,000 in the span of a few days, which obviously isn't good for drive longevity. I don't have a way to run the tool provided by WD to alter the timeout for the heads, so I need to figure out what is causing this frequent disk access. Prior to whenever this started (I'm assuming it was a few days ago, when I installed a new motherboard) I was averaging 0-10 load/unload cycles per day, depending on how often I accessed the drive.I checked activity with Resource Monitor and found nothing accessing the drive except for the very occasional access of BCD.log and the MFT. However, I'm seeing ~3-6 load/unload cycles per minute, so something is accessing the drive every 8-20 seconds.

I tried using procmon. I set it to filter only for activity on E: (the drive in question) and I unchecked all the default "exclude" filters; I saw nothing besides procmon accessing the drive. I ran it for a good 5 minutes.The drive is connected to an Intel Z68 SATA II controller. I have no other drives which park their heads so I don't know if this activity occurs on all my drives or not. Again, nothing shows in procmon or Resource monitor. What can I do to see what's accessing the drive?Tried so far:Disabling SuperfetchDisabling AV
Disabling Indexing

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Asus Motherboard Disk Doesn't Support Windows 7?

Nov 6, 2012

I have recently downloaded Windows xp .But I am having problem with sound.The disk is unsupported.

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CD Drive Wont Open, Drive Doesn't Respond?

Dec 25, 2012

My Windows 7 Dell Studio 1550 laptop computers disc drive has been acting up for a little while now, like having to insert a DVD twice before it starts to autoplay with Windows Media Player (WMP). Just little things like that. Now when I try to play my audiobook I got today and it isn't recognized by WMP. When the look in Windows Explorer the files it contains are garbage- default style files of size 1kb with default track names like: Track01, Track02....Thinking that it could be that the CD might be readable on normal car CD players and similar, I double check with an old CD that I burnt myself a couple weeks ago. It doesn't recognize that either and it Win Explorer displays the same garbage.WM Player does literally nothing when it is told to play to it, and VLC tells me that:"Your input can't be opened: In desperation I try the original CD in my gaming tower. It plays but now it refuses to eject the disk. It has a LG MODISC CD/DVD-RW with Lightscribe in it.

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Computer Will Not Boot, Asks For Installation Disk. Repair Doesn't Load

Jan 2, 2013

Today I booted up my computer and got a screen saying something went seriously wrong with my computer and that I should repair it from an installation disk. I load up windows onto a USB, boot it and click the repair option. It's been about half an hour and nothing has shown up. Is it still loading or perhaps something is very wrong with my PC?

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There Is No Disk In The Drive Please Insert A Disk Into Drive?

Oct 9, 2012

This is the first time am posting in this forum. Internet is working fine in my machine in wired modem as well as wireless wi-fi modem. But whenever i try to connect an USB modem data card for internet, it gets installed for mass storage alone and nothing gets installed for internet. And yes, the USB port works GOOD for all pen drives. This problem occurs only when i connect an USB data card and the following error message pops up. It doesnot buzz off till i remove the USB from the machinethere is no disk in the drive. please insert a disk into drivedevicehardrive2dr2..

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How To Do Reformatting

Sep 12, 2011

im having a trouble with my Lifebook.. i want to reformat or recover everything.. because its been a month that my SD READER can not recognize.

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Disk Drive Jammed When No Disk Is In It?

Nov 13, 2011

I don't know if this is the right place to put this thread, anyways, When i open my disk drive it suddenly gets jammed and will not open until I slam my hand on the computer itself Is there something i should buy to get it unjammed or something?

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Disk Drive Is Ejecting A Particular Disk

Oct 27, 2012

I am installing a game cd. when i insert that particular dvd and when i try it to open manually a dialog box shows that insert a disk to g drive, and the computer is ejecting that disk. when i try with another cds or dvds it works properly

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Reformatting Windows 7

Oct 1, 2011

I've been hit by viruses in the past months and I believe that ever since I got this computer - less than a year ago, there were problems with the security as I've had a difficult time updating Windows, and maybe that's the reason I got hit twice in less than one year, even though I used virus protection and firewall. So I figure, since I don't have this computer for very long, there isn't that much stored , so I might as well back up and store whatever is on the HD and reformat the system, start afresh. I did once reformat an old computer - it was Win XP, and that is all the experience I have had so far, so I'm wondering if anyone has any pointers for me before I start. In general I believe I only need to insert the OS disk and reboot, making sure it boots from disk, and then wait for prompts and choose to reformat.

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Reformatting And Reinstalling XP?

Oct 19, 2012

After having tons of issues with my PC, I finally got around to reformating and reinstalling XP for the first time since 2009. Around the same time I ordered a Windows 7 Pro Upgrade disc online, but went ahead and reinstalled XP to get me going while I waited for Windows 7 to arrive.As usual, XP was a PITA to reinstall. Had to get on the laptop to find an Intel ethernet driver for the mobo just to be able to get online, and then had to find drivers for other stuff after getting a whole list of yellow 's in the hardware listWell yesterday Windows 7 arrived, and I installed it last night, doing another format of the entire 250GB C drive and installing Windows 7 fresh. Everything went so smoothly, I was amazed. It picked up all the drivers it needed, and when everything was finished I ended up with only a single for the Intel Simple Communications Controller, which was remedied with another driver for the Intel mobo.

I've been using Windows 7 x64 at my office for 3 years now, but it has been some time since I've done a fresh install of it. Sooo much easier than XP in just about every way. *edit* I did install the x86 version since I'm still only running 3 GB RAM. In the near future I plan on upgrading the CPU and mobo and installing 16 GB RAM along with Windows 7 x64. Hope I don't have any issues being that this Windows is an upgrade version and there won't be any trace of XP when I do the hardware upgrades.

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