Permissions For User On Network

Jan 31, 2011

I'd like to share a folder only for a certain user on a LAN. I'm on Windows 7-hp and the user is on XP-h. But when I go to assign permissions, the Location field only allows choices from my Windows 7 machine. If I put the XP user's name in directly, it flags that error.The Windows 7 user is an admin, and I've tried this with both an XP admin and user account.Surely there is some way to do this? Or alternatively, is there some way to do this via subnets?

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Windows 7 Power User Vs User Permissions

Mar 30, 2010

With the power user group gone in Windows 7, has the standard User now gotten the permissions that the Power User had?

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User Permissions For Programs?

Apr 1, 2011

I want to install the AI utilities that came with my Asus P8P67 Motherboard. When I have them installed, however, all of the non-admin accounts keep getting a string of 5-6 admin password requests to allow the programs to make changes. This happens upon every login and is more than a little tedious.I tried to run them as an administrator but that didn't change anything.I'm running Windows 7 64-bit Professional if it matter.

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Changing User Permissions?

Apr 14, 2012

I changed my user account to the Windows 7 Super Admin account because I am easily annoyed when a computer tries to lock me out of areas :P I am completely okay with this and have no issues. However, many people keep telling me all about how this is a very bad thing to do, e.g.if I get a virus the virus has full control of my system. I dont disagree with this and I can understand it, I just find the benefits of super admin outweigh the risk considering I generally know what I am doing, how to avoid viruses, etc.

I have considered though swapping back to a regular admin account and enabling UAC, however there is so much data, programs installed, program preferences, etc stored on my user, last time I changed it was about a month before things were back to normal. Does anyone know how I could just change the permissions of my current account (the super admin account)?

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Windows 7 User Account Permissions Corrupt?

Dec 18, 2012

I have Windows 7 account named Joe and it is an Administrator. Whenever I try to open a program or shortcut I get the "Open with..." dialog box and my option is Internet Explorer. Another odd thing that I discovered is that if I right click and select on "Run as Administrator" a program or shortcut will open as it should.I also created a seperate Administrator account named Jim and everything opened normally.

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Grant Shared Permissions To A Single User From A Different Computer?

Jun 15, 2012

So I have just been setting up my new rig and, for several reasons, I was wanting to allow my desktop complete access to my laptop. However, I live in a very friendly household and my computer is in the main area. I allow other people to use the guest account on it all the time, but keep my own account with a password.

We also have many other computers on the same homegroup. I was wanting to allow just my account on my desktop complete access to some (or prefferably all) files on my laptop.

I tried going Local Disk (C Properties >> Sharing tab >> Advanced Sharing button >> 'Share this folder' checkbox >> Permissions button >> Add button

However when i had entered this I could not get my laptop to access any other locations that itself. It was there that I got stuck.

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Power-shell Script To Create User Folders And Set Permissions?

Nov 18, 2010

I am grabbing a text file with a list of users in it. I want to then create folders for all those people and then set explicit permissions on those folders to only allow the users and admin access to it. So for the create user folder, I have...

$Users = Get-Content "C:Users.txt"
ForEach ($user in $users)
$newPath = Join-Path \mycomputerUsers$ -childpath $user
New-Item $newPath -type directory

This works great as I now have 100 folders created. But how do I use something like....

$acl = Get-Acl "\mycomputerusers$"
$permission = "mydomain$users","FullControl","Allow"
$accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $permission
$acl | Set-Acl \mycomputerusers$$user

When I try to loop these together it says the folder already exists or the setaccessrule identity references could not be translated. how I loop it in with creating the folder? Or is there a way to just say...create folder based on this username, then take that username and make it the only admin on the folder along with the system admin?

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NTFS And Share Permissions - Cannot Allow User To Create New Files Or Folders

Nov 8, 2012

With NTFS and Share permissions is there any way I can allow a user to (in a specific folder):

- Edit and overwrite existing files (like a notepad file)
- Not be allowed to create new files or folders

I have spent quite a while staring at the special permissions screen. When reading about the meanings of the special permissions from the Microsoft, it says that the "Create Files/Write Data" permission allows for the overwriting of existing files but it also allows for the creation of new files. Is there some way i can have one without the other? Split the permission? I have also been told that there is a flaw to this as when you open a word document it creates a temp file in the folder where the word document is, and having permissions set this way would cause the word document not to be able to open because it couldn't create that temp file.

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Copying Folder Over Network With Same Permissions

Jul 29, 2012

I just want to share my problem regarding with the folder copying with the same permissions. Here's the scenario I installed domain server in my company and create a users ofcourse and in client pc we make 2 partitions in it(hard drive) C & D on drive D I make a folder Users with the permissions.

- C Drive OS Installed and basic programs
- D Drive (with Users folder)

This is where I want to put the profiling on every users login on a client pc. My problem is:

1. How can I copy the Users folder in every client pc with the same permissions so I don't need to set in one by one on a client pc.
2. If there's a software or simple program that can do such thing transferring a folder to another pc over network with the same permission.

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Network Issue - Giving Permissions?

Oct 30, 2009

I am having a huge amount of trouble setting up a simple home network between my laptop and my desktop. Heres what I have done so far..

Desktop is connected via ethernet cable through a wireless modem.

Laptop is connwected via wifi to the wireless modem.

both of the computers are connected to the same network.

Folders are shared have been shared

Computers are in the same workgroup called "workgroup".

I can see both computers on the network from each computer.

From either computer when i try to click the a shared folder I do not have permission to access BlimNet-PCD or something else in this format.

I was pretty sure I had the firewall set up right and I have even tryed disbling it on both computers. I'm pretty sure it has to do with setting user permissons.

When i right click and go to advanced sharing for the folder and try to give permissions I cant see any users over the network only my user name on that computer. The user names are different for each computer.

How do I give permission to a user account on another computer on the network?

Ie. if my laptop username is "Kyle" and the desktop is "BlimNet" how do i give permission to BlimNet-PCBlimnet from Kyle-Laptopkyle.

both computers are running Windows 7 ultimate, homegroup doesnt work either.

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Sharing Permissions On A Small Home Network?

Feb 12, 2011

Alright so here's my scenario:- I have a small home network with 3 PCs, which I'll call "PC 1", "PC 2", and "PC 3".- "Folder X" is stored on "PC 1".- I want to have "Folder X" accessible from "PC 1" and "PC 2", but NOT accessible from "PC 3".How can I do this?I've been trying to get this to work for a little while, fiddling with file sharing permissions, but I'm a novice when it comes to networking and permissions. Does anyone know how this might be done correctly? Additionally, I'd also like to set it up so that if any additional PCs are added to the network, they do not have access to "Folder X" by default.

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User Cannot Be Seen In Homegroup Or Network?

Sep 6, 2011

i recently notived that i cannot see my current logged in User on the network either in Homegroup or on the network itself. I can share other folders and files and see them but not my user..

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How To Access An End User's PC On Company Network

May 30, 2012

I'm a desktop analyst and I need access to a remote PC on our network. The user has disabled remote access to his PC.I need to see files on that PC and I planned on using \domaincomputername c$ but it says "could not connect". That command works on other PC's here, but not the one in question.What can I do to enable access so that command works?There is staffing changes being made and I need to do this without the end user knowing.

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Find User Name On Windows 7 Network?

Dec 1, 2011

Have 3 computers in my HOMEGROUP (2 wireless, 1 wired). When I try to connect to one of the other computers from any of my computers, a window pops up asking for a USER NAME and PASSWORD. I know my HOMEGROUP password but do not know the user name. How do I find it?

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Log Onto A Windows User Through A Local Network?

Dec 10, 2012

I also got Windows Server 2012 and 2008 from being a student for free. I have a few programs I would like to be able to run 24/7 and this seems like a good solution. The thing is I don't have a ton of space right now so I would like to only need 1 monitor/mouse/keyboard. I also would rather not use a KMV. At my school we are able to log onto our windows user account on any computer in the school by connecting through the local network. I would love to somehow set this up on my new server and regular PC but don't know what its called or how to research it. It seems very similar to a VPS or remote desktop but is not really either.

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Retrieving User Name And Password Of Network Connection

Feb 5, 2012

ive lost my u/n,p/w for my network connection how can i retrieve it.

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User Folders Located On Network Share

Dec 2, 2009

When using WinXP - I changed the location of the my documents folder to a shared location, which would automatically enable off-line files for the local my documents folder.

I'm trying to do the same thing with Windows 7. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

I tried changing the location of the my docs folder in Windows 7 but a duplicate folder which cannot be deleted shows up.

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Cannot Create A Homegroup Because User KYLO Already Has One On Network

Feb 26, 2012

So I checked on my network, just recently, and I saw some strange names connected. I saw BOYKA, KYLO-PC, RADULOVIC-PC, and my computer. I was freaking out, so I went to the DHCP Reservation on my routers setup and checked the devices connected. It was just my devices. But I still changed the password, but I was kind of reassured of the fact that it was probably just a program that accesses the network. But I googled all the names and no kind of software came up that may use these names displayed on the network, nor anyone else having this problem. I am worried that a people are accessing my network. Also, no one around my house has any of those names.Also I cannot create a homegroup because the user KYLO already has one on the network.

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How To Disconnect Mobile User In Wireless Network

Jan 24, 2013

How to disconnect a mobile user in wireless network?

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Sharing With Specific Network User Or Computers.

Jul 13, 2010

I just built a Jerry-rigged light weight storage computer so I don't have to leave my dev/game comp/volcano on all the time anymore. I also bought a laptop recently as well. What I'd like to do is make the data (on two logical drives to be specific) completely accessible with full privileges to the laptop and this main PC however there are other users on the network that I don't want to share everything with (but still some).I can use PC Anywhere for some things but the end result I'm looking for is a handy couple of links on my desktop to the two raid drives and carry on as though they were still on my comp (and laptop now too), but also not include all users at the same time. (but also have the option to set up sharing for the folders they need access in too)Is this within the capacity of Windows 7? All computers have Win 7 and belong to the same home group.

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One Account/user Detects Network Printer, Other Doesn't?

Mar 26, 2011

I have shared the printer attached to the Vista PC, but only one of the laptop accounts/users can add this networked printer.Laptop user A has added the networked printer & printed to it, but user B can't even discover the printer. I have networked & shared everything under the sun.

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WLAN Network Connection Asks For User And Password?

Nov 28, 2011

I've setup my father's notebook (Win 7 32Bit) to connect via WLAN to the router. Another notebook is already running on that router (did not tried it parallel at the same time yet).

I've setup SSID (I've made it visible at the router for the initial connection), WPA2 & TKIP incl. password. Router allows additional WLAN devices, IP/DNS etc. should be set by the router.

Automatic connection does not connect to the router. Manual connection seems to work, but shortly after "connecting" I'll get a message to input user and password. I have not seen such a screen in conjunction with WLAN connection before (and I've set-up several devices at different routers). I've tried user and password of the user logged into windows, but this did not work.

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Network Logon Failure Unknown User Name Or Bad Password

Nov 11, 2009

I am trying to network two win 7 computers. I get the screen Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

I have gone done the following: 1. Same user names and password 2. disabled windows firewall and avg free. 3. Answered "On" to all private network selections. 4. Local security policy to classic 5. Shared files I want to access. 6. Home group named as workgroup

The computer comes up in the Networking and Sharing. When selected I get the screen Logon failure: unknown username or bad password. I have even had my ISP pro look at this and he cannot figure it out. Same thing has happened to me in vista. I am using new win 7 installs. I can map drives with ip addresses and access.

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Network Logon Failure Unknown User Name Or Bad Password

Jun 23, 2012

I've error!logon failure: unknown username or bad password

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When A User Maps A Printer On A Network They Are Asked For Admin Credentials - How To Disable This

Apr 13, 2011

When a user maps a printer on a network they are asked for admin credentials, How do i disable this, I want them to be able to map by themselves.

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Strange Defult Login User Prompt - Local Admin, Not Domain User?

Jan 17, 2012

So a new box recently built, when booted, defaults to the local administrator account.This is a Windows 7 machine for a Linux guru that doesn't want to be bothered pressing more buttons than is necessary, if you get my drift. So my question is, after pressing do I dictate to Windows that the preferred used is "HisDomainAccount" on our company domain, as opposed to the local admin account?

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Windows 7 Takes Forever To Load The Select User/switch User Screen?

Jan 17, 2013

Earlier today I turned on my Toshiba laptop (Satellite P855-S5200) and got some sort of error screen, and then it brought me to a screen asking if I wanted to do a system repair or start windows normally. I chose system repair, but then it seemed to get stuck in that process (It was taking forever and nothing was happening), so I turned off the laptop (I know, big no no), booted in safe mode, and did a system restore to a restore point from about a week ago. The "starting Windows" screen came and went, no problem. Everything seemed fine till I got to the User Selection screen (the default blue one with the little hummingbird or whatever). Then it just sat there on that screen. I could see the hummingbird and the little squiggly lines, but there were no buttons to click my user. I just let it sit there, and after about 5 minutes, the user names popped up, and I was able to continue using the computer without any problems, no other speed issues whatsoever. It now makes me wait every time, always about 5 minutes, before the user names pop up. It does this when I restart the machine and when I try to switch users.

It is a Pentium Core i7
2.3 Ghz
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

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'User Profile Service Failed' When Changing Default User Location

Apr 22, 2011

I changed the values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList in order to move the default user locations to my second partition. I then created a new user profile but when I try to login I get the message 'The User Profile Service failed the login'. When I set these values back to normal, new accounts work fine but I really want my user accounts on the second partition.

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Admin User Changed To Standard User Startup Programs?

Oct 31, 2012

I changed a user from admin to standard after creating a new admin account. When I boot into the standard user, I am prompted by UAC for the admin password for 4 programs to start. All the programs are ASUS utilities that came with mymotherboard.I have checked the permissions of the programs and the User group has full control.Also, these programs do not show up in the MSCONFIG startup tab. I want the utilities to run but do not want to have to authenticate every time I boot

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User Accounts Created But Not Able To Logon - No User Profile

Feb 17, 2012

I am a lab technician for Microsoft classes at a community college. One of our students somehow messed up his hard drive. The computer is running Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-bit. The system has two administrator accounts and one standard user account. I am still able to logon with those accounts and there are SID keys for each of these users in the registry.

Now when we create a new user, the account is created without any problems. The user shows up on the logon page and after running the net user command, it shows up there as well. When I try to logon with the new user, I get a message: The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.

None of the new user accounts show up in the registry. The other anomaly that I see is that the Default User folder is missing in each of the Users subdirectory for the three accounts where I have no problems.

I have read the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 947215 and none of the methods apply to my problem. I also checked Local Group Policies and the Do not logon users with temporary profiles setting is not configured.

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Cant Set Permissions?

Oct 6, 2012

I have a fresh system with Windows 7. I have an admin account. I cannot set ownership or permissions on a file contained in a USB drive that I brought over from another XP system. I saw some suggestions to start a control panel with run as rights but could not find the run as option.

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