Sharing Permissions On A Small Home Network?

Feb 12, 2011

Alright so here's my scenario:- I have a small home network with 3 PCs, which I'll call "PC 1", "PC 2", and "PC 3".- "Folder X" is stored on "PC 1".- I want to have "Folder X" accessible from "PC 1" and "PC 2", but NOT accessible from "PC 3".How can I do this?I've been trying to get this to work for a little while, fiddling with file sharing permissions, but I'm a novice when it comes to networking and permissions. Does anyone know how this might be done correctly? Additionally, I'd also like to set it up so that if any additional PCs are added to the network, they do not have access to "Folder X" by default.

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File Sharing Across A Home Network - The Network Path Was Not Found"

Aug 9, 2011

I'm having difficulty trying to get my new Windows 7 pc set up to share files across my existing home (wired) network which consists of 1 desktop pc running WinXP and 1 laptop running WinXP.I want the 'C' drive on each of the 3 computers to be shared. I've had the 2 Windows XP computers set up and working like this for several years without a problem but I can't seem to get the 'C' drive on the Windows 7 computer to do the same.All 3 computers have the same workgroup name and none of them require passwords to log on to Windows. There are no problems with the firewalls on any of the machines.On the Windows 7 PC when I right click on the 'C' drive and select the 'Sharing' tab, I have set this up to be shared and when I click on the 'Advanced Sharing' button there is a tick in the 'Share this folder' box, the 'Share name' is 'C'. If I then click on the 'Permissions' button, this shows a 'Group or user name' 'Everyone' and this group has Full Control, Change and Read boxes ticked. As far as I can see there is nothing more I can do.

However from my Windows XP computer, when I go to My Network Places and double click on the icon for the Windows 7 'C' drive, I get the message "\Computername is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.The network path was not found"I've subsequently set up a sub folder (of the Windows 7 'C' drive) for sharing by right clicking on the folder, choosing 'Share with' and then selecting 'Specific people'. I then set up a group called 'Everyone' with read/write permissions. Now I can navigate to this folder from my 2 WinXP computers.

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Sharing Printer Only Possible In A Home Network?

Apr 14, 2011

Is it required to be in the same Home network to be able to share a printer?Or can both computers be in a public network only?

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File Sharing On Home Network?

May 7, 2012

We have two pcs under Windows 7 and wish to share files. The instructions for setting up a home group do not seem to work.

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Homegroup And File Sharing Stopped Working Over Home Network?

Feb 6, 2011

3 days ago, access through my laptop on my home network to my main pc suddenly stopped working. i installed and changed nothing, as a result i wiped both the laptop and pc and reinstalled Win 7 Enterprise and Win 7 Ultimate respectively and i am still getting the " you do not have permission to access ---" i have taken ownershp, turned off password enabled sharing etc to fix this and nothing has worked. the only clue i have is that it may actually be an issue with the shared drive (storage) as viewing the shared drive over the network, the properties of the drive show up as 0 bytes/files.

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Source Of Info On Sharing/Unsharing Across A Home Network On Windows 7?

Oct 25, 2011

I'm finding out I'm a novice at this. I thought I knew how to do it and have done it on XP. Is there a good source (step-by-step) for sharing/unsharing with Win 7 across a Home Network?

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Network File Sharing With Windows 7 Home Premium - Guest Access Allowed

Dec 24, 2011

Is it possible with the non-Windows 7 machine's shares set to something besides "guest access allowed"? I've tried a few tweaks on my Windows 7 desktop and my Kubuntu 11.04 Linux-running laptop. Nothing has worked. Unless access to a shared directory is set to guest on the laptop, the Windows box keeps asking for a legitimate password, whenever I attempt to 'open' them.

Both machines have the same log-in strings for both basic log-on and Samba. Or do they? I'm presuming there's no separate logon/password required for Windows 7 Home Premium when it comes to file sharing, but as a late Windows XP Professional user (both SP2 and SP3), I'm not taking anything wholly for granted. Any Windows build since the dawn of XP that installs without gpedit.msc is bound to be lacking in other ways, imco.

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Sharing And Permissions

Dec 2, 2009

Create a shared folder with full access on your network.

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Small Office Networking With File Sharing For Certain Users?

Feb 4, 2012

I am planning to redo my small office network. Right now every computer is connected through a workgroup and some computers are sharing files to everyone and some need a login to share other files. I want to run a main server where all the files are on that computer and have it share all the files to everyone else on the network. I'm not too familiar with Windows workgroup networking and file sharing.I want to have certain files accessible to certain computers and certain files accessible to everyone on the network. I'm under the impression that I have to have the main server with all the business documents (word, excel, pdf, pictures, etc). Then create separate accounts on the server and hand them out to each individual computer. After, go to each document and specify who can access what with read/write. Can I share some files to everyone and have certain files limited to other computers at the same time? How would someone access the shared files when you need a login and will this login conflict with files shared to everyone and files shared to certain people. I remember on my small business network I need a login for certain computers because it is shared to only certain people then how would I access the files shared to everyone when I have to login to see the server files to begin with? Also, how do I manage backups with this setup?

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Small Office Networking With File Sharing For Certain Users

Feb 4, 2012

I am planning to redo my small office network. Right now every computer is connected through a workgroup and some computers are sharing files to everyone and some need a login to share other files. I want to run a main server where all the files are on that computer and have it share all the files to everyone else on the network. I'm not too familiar with Windows workgroup networking and file sharing.

I want to have certain files accessible to certain computers and certain files accessible to everyone on the network. I'm under the impression that I have to have the main server with all the business documents. Then create separate accounts on the server and hand them out to each individual computer. After, go to each document and specify who can access what with read/write. Can I share some files to everyone and have certain files limited to other computers at the same time?

How would someone access the shared files when you need a login and will this login conflict with files shared to everyone and files shared to certain people. I remember on my small business network I need a login for certain computers because it is shared to only certain people then how would I access the files shared to everyone when I have to login to see the server files to begin with? Also, how do I manage backups with this setup?

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File Permissions / Administrator Rights And Sharing

Sep 23, 2011

We have a home network of 7 computers and have been using Win 7 Pro and Office 2010 Pro Plus together without error since about May until mid-summer when I began using MS Outlook. When I started using Outlook on my laptop it took over all user permissions on the network making me the administrator/owner. I don't know if Outlook is responsible. I am just making connections with the timing. Folders were shared that should not have been shared and the file system got mixed up. Files came up with strange attribute settings. It appears that my computer encrypted files that reside on other computers leaving other users unable to access them.

On the occasions that we have wiped my hard drive and others to fix the problem by starting over, everything seems fine until I start using MS Outlook again. It may be important to know that I am the only one that uses Outlook on the network. And, by the way, when I say start over, I mean that we wiped drives with various software such as DriveScrubber, and others, to no avail. Later, we used disk part and thought we had it licked, but NO. After that, we discovered how to delete the volume shadow copies, but it still comes back every time like a haunting or something.

We even bought brand new hard drives and installed them on all computers, bought a firewalled router, and carefully and meticulously reinstalled our software from disks making sure that everything was in order. We have isolated old files to eliminate the possibility of virus or malware. We have discussed the problem with the cable company and with Norton. I can accept the fact that I might have changed a setting unknowingly in the beginning, however, the problem will not go away after careful reinstallation and setup.

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Sharing Folder From Windows 7 To XP Machine - Permissions Error

May 25, 2009

I have gone through my Network and Sharing Center in Windows 7RC and turned everything on except Password Protected Sharing. I have joined both Windows 7 and Xp machines into WORKGROUP. I can access my Public folder and my shared printer from my Windows 7 machine on my XP machine. I'm trying to share my Mp3 folder, thats on a secondary HDD in my Windows 7 machine.

Path being "E:StuffMp3z". No matter what I change as far as permissions, adding HomeGroupuser to the Advanced Sharing dialog...everything I've tried, my XP machine can see the share, but I get the " not accessable. You may not have permissions...." error in XP trying to open the shared folder. And what's up with not having a folder icon with a Share symbol in Windows 7 so by looking in Explorer you can tell a folder is shared?

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Homegroup File Sharing - No Permissions To Add Or Rename Files

Feb 5, 2011

Having difficulty with a homegroup and file sharing: one desktop PC with the family's main documents (which are on a separate drive to the system) and two laptops which need to access those documents. I've got them all seeing each other, and they can see the folders in the drive, but when I try to add files or rename files, it tells me that I need permission. I've gone through the advance settings to make sure the correct permission is selected, they all have the same workgroup name and different computer names. Sharing the printer attached to the desktop is fine.

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USB Drives Lose Full Disc Sharing Permissions After Reboot

Nov 10, 2011

I'm running Win 7/64 Home Premium on my media PC with 7 USB drives, all connected via a powered hub.

Whenever I reboot (warm or cold), the sharing permissions are lost, generally to all, although every so often one of the WD drives will maintain it (the Seagate ones always lose them). I've tried using different ports to no avail. I've changed the properties of the drives so that I am the owner (as an Administrator). That doesn't help either.

I've read that Windows keeps a list of dynamic shares (or something like that) and that this behavior is by design as drives can be disconnected when the PC is not running. Is this true? I never had a problem with Vista, so this is definitely a Win 7 thing.

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Upgrading To Office Home And Student 2010 From XP Small Business 2002

Nov 25, 2012

I use MS Word a lot. Whenever I want to do anything with my saved Word items, I click on Documents, click on my Word item I want and it opens up. Since I upgraded to Office Home and Student 2010, when I click on the Word item I want, a window opens up and asks me what program I want to use to open it up, 'Notepad' or 'Wordpad'. I want neither. I just want it to open up like it did before I upgraded.

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Configuring Folder Permissions On Windows 7 Home Premium?

Nov 27, 2011

I think I may have messed up some folder access permissions between my two user accounts on my laptop. I have two user accounts: Owner & PersonalOwner is being used for everything, while Personal is now being used for gaming/torrenting.y father likes to use my computer fairly often now and I dont want him to be able to snoop around all my folders on both accounts. Both accounts are adminstrators and are password protected. I tried to change permissions myself and messed some things up. Now my Owner user account cannot access the Personal user folder. It says access denied and to see the security tab of the folder.anting to do. I have seen it set up on one of my friends computers how he was able to lock his user folders but still access them from opposing user accounts via entering the password when it was prompted, similar to inputing the password into UAC window when you want to change things..

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Home Network Set But Windows 7 Says Can't Join Homegroup, No Home Network

Oct 8, 2012

5 month old Dell XPS 8500 Win 7 64 bit Pro as main computer connected by Wired Adapter, Upgraded Gateway 5632E also running Win 7 64 bit pro as second connected by Wireless. Both running Kapersky successfully. no network problems for 5 mo.

Both were successfully linked using homegroup. Had to take Gateway to a remote location to do a business demo. While there had to link to a local public WiFi. While connecting made mistake and left homegroup.

When Gateway returned to homebase a few days later it was fine, had no problems finding wireless but could not see or rejoin Dell machine homegroup. It would let me set up a new homegroup.

Went to Dell box and found 1) homegroup no longer existed, 2) router and network and wireless printing no longer found - Red X on the taskbar) even though internet was still working fine.

Took nearly a week of trying differernt fixes, on adapter- off adapter- different adapter reboot network, router, even updated router firmware (Yes I went through every ipconfig reset, renew, redecorate etc. I've used netsh functions to try to get evrything to reset. Changes services.msc settings per other posts. Finally in desperation, deleted every sub key in the registry related to network locational awareness and got the Dell to find the network, let me set it up as a "home" network and then even see the invitation to join the Gateway's homegroup.

Then I hit a wall- when I try to join- Win 7 says I can't join the homegroup because the network is not a "home network". Of course troubleshooting is useless and goes into an endless loop. Have searched in desperation for any way to make Win 7 return to a clean slate so it can sense that it really is on a home network without success. Applied the fix-it and hotpatch for when Win 7 gets stuck in public mode. No joy. Deleted the hide wizard subkey as suggested elsewhere. No Joy. Gut feeling says problem must lie in the NLA or peer networking somewhere but where?

Does anyone know of a method or set of steps (short of a clean reinstall of Win 7) to completely clear every thing the OS knows about my network and force it to acknowlege my network is a home network? Is there a registry hack that will clear the problem?

I know I could abandon the homegroup and do conventional file/print share but I am concerned that using that solution won't last as whatever is screwing up the homegroup could eventually screw regular sharing and then I'm back to reformating/reinstalling. I'm just about ready to join the Apple folks so I never have to work on Windows again.

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Setup A Small Network For 20 Users?

Jul 25, 2012

how to setup a small network for 20 users

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Set Up A Network For 2 Small Offices With A Wan Connection

Feb 18, 2013

i need to know how to set up a network for 2 small offices with a wan connection

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Correct Network Tray Icon - Requires Network And Sharing Center Open?

Aug 9, 2012

I have a peculiar issue where I would need to have "Network and Sharing Center" open to be able to see that my my laptop's wireless connection. I would see the signal bar and also see the dreaded red x.Even when I have it open, I can see it refreshing each second; like its losing connection and reestablishing.My internet connection is working and has no issues.

Network and Sharing Center - Open
Network and Sharing Center - Open and refreshed
Network and Sharing Center - Closed

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Disabled Network Adapter, Restarted And Now Not Showing Up In Network And Sharing?

Feb 11, 2012

I disabled my network adapter then restarted and now the adapter is no longer showing up in my network connections. How in the world do I get it back? I have looked at other options (like under the registry which was suggested on a couple of places). I have never seen this happen before. I even reinstalled my drivers and still nothing. How do I enable it again?

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Setting Up Small Office Network With NAS - Mapping Folders?

Feb 21, 2011

I have 2 lenovo h320 desktop running 7 pro 64 and a dell laptop running 7 pro 32. I have a seagate blackarmor 220 nas as well as a netgear srxn3205 wireless vpn firewall router. My first issue is setting up homegroup. I can create one on any pc and see it to join on the other 2 but when I enter the password it tells me I have a network problem. I can ping each pc's ip address from the others. I have checked all the typical fixes, ipv6 enabled...

Secondly, I need understanding the network layout and how the NAS plays a role in the mapping. When I map the network it shows the 3 pcs all connected to the router and to the internet but it shows the NAS as other devices at the bottom. I have mapped a few folders from the NAS to each pc and can see as well as use them but not sure why it is not part of the map.

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Permissions For User On Network

Jan 31, 2011

I'd like to share a folder only for a certain user on a LAN. I'm on Windows 7-hp and the user is on XP-h. But when I go to assign permissions, the Location field only allows choices from my Windows 7 machine. If I put the XP user's name in directly, it flags that error.The Windows 7 user is an admin, and I've tried this with both an XP admin and user account.Surely there is some way to do this? Or alternatively, is there some way to do this via subnets?

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Network Adapter Not Shown In Network And Sharing Center

Aug 23, 2009

I have a linksys usb600n (v2) using the Windows 7 driver from linksys. It installs and is displayed correctly in Device Manger - BUT it doesn't appear in the Network and Sharing Center as an adapter. This same device and driver were previously working just fine in this system - but I rebuilt the OS (clean install) after testing a number of security products out.

The initial install went fine - no problems that I remember - just plug in the adapter and install the drivers obtained from Linksys (Ver I tried the same thing on the re-build and it looks fine until I go into the Network Center and can't set up wireless networking since the adapter does not appear.

SIW shows TWO (2) linksys USB adapters under Hardware/Network Adapters, but does not show the network adapters in the Network Information section.

Any ideas?

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Copying Folder Over Network With Same Permissions

Jul 29, 2012

I just want to share my problem regarding with the folder copying with the same permissions. Here's the scenario I installed domain server in my company and create a users ofcourse and in client pc we make 2 partitions in it(hard drive) C & D on drive D I make a folder Users with the permissions.

- C Drive OS Installed and basic programs
- D Drive (with Users folder)

This is where I want to put the profiling on every users login on a client pc. My problem is:

1. How can I copy the Users folder in every client pc with the same permissions so I don't need to set in one by one on a client pc.
2. If there's a software or simple program that can do such thing transferring a folder to another pc over network with the same permission.

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Network Issue - Giving Permissions?

Oct 30, 2009

I am having a huge amount of trouble setting up a simple home network between my laptop and my desktop. Heres what I have done so far..

Desktop is connected via ethernet cable through a wireless modem.

Laptop is connwected via wifi to the wireless modem.

both of the computers are connected to the same network.

Folders are shared have been shared

Computers are in the same workgroup called "workgroup".

I can see both computers on the network from each computer.

From either computer when i try to click the a shared folder I do not have permission to access BlimNet-PCD or something else in this format.

I was pretty sure I had the firewall set up right and I have even tryed disbling it on both computers. I'm pretty sure it has to do with setting user permissons.

When i right click and go to advanced sharing for the folder and try to give permissions I cant see any users over the network only my user name on that computer. The user names are different for each computer.

How do I give permission to a user account on another computer on the network?

Ie. if my laptop username is "Kyle" and the desktop is "BlimNet" how do i give permission to BlimNet-PCBlimnet from Kyle-Laptopkyle.

both computers are running Windows 7 ultimate, homegroup doesnt work either.

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Network & Sharing Center - How To Add Network Icons

Nov 17, 2010

I want to add additional icons to the 'system32pnidui.dll' file. That's where you pick which icon you want to represent the active named network in the Network And Sharing Center. I did a search in this forum on 'network icons' but didn't find anything. Aside from all the permissions restrictions what app can be used and what kind(s) of files will work in W7? I have lots of .png images that I would like to use if they will work. Lenovo T500 W7 Pro-64 Current Updates.

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Sharing A DvD Drive Between Home Computers

Oct 15, 2009

Okay so i have established my DvD drive will not read this but another computer in my house will. I need help getting her {Vista home basic} to share it with my {Windows seven ultimate RC}. I have turned firewalls off and everything.

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Windows 7 SP1 Upgrade - Home Sharing Disabled?

Mar 22, 2011

I just upgraded all home PCs to SP1, and can no longer connect to my homegroup. Is it possible that SP1 actually kills homegroup? Or is it my work domain administrator that disabled the feature?

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Windows 7 Home Premium File Sharing?

Nov 9, 2012

My desktop is running on win 7 home premium. According to MS this does not allow remote desktop connection to it. So I am trying to share a folder which is on my desktop. When I set the folder to share with everyone, I can see my desktop on my laptop but when I double click on the desktop icon I get error and can not access it.

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Windows Network Location: Public Versus Home At Home?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm reimaging one of my home systems that I intend to use as a "sterile" system (I will visit very a very limited selection sites on it, such as banking sites). I'm considering establishing the network location as "Public" instead of "Home", rationale being this would help prevent cross infection from other computers on my home network if they get a worm or virus. I do have friends that come over and hop on my network sometimes and who knows what contamination their systems have. Is this being overly paranoid? Will it cause annoying problems for this sterile system or other systems in my home network? I don't intend to share anything on this system with other computers on my home network. Seems to me that this ought to be the recommended setting for any computer always ... you can always share files using a USB drive if you really need to. Thoughts? Again maybe I am being overly paranoid. Back in the day there used to be worms that would look for ways to hop from system to system over the network, maybe that's much much harder these days. I do have a router between the DSL modem and my home network and I do run Norton Internet Security on all my systems?

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