USB Drives Lose Full Disc Sharing Permissions After Reboot

Nov 10, 2011

I'm running Win 7/64 Home Premium on my media PC with 7 USB drives, all connected via a powered hub.

Whenever I reboot (warm or cold), the sharing permissions are lost, generally to all, although every so often one of the WD drives will maintain it (the Seagate ones always lose them). I've tried using different ports to no avail. I've changed the properties of the drives so that I am the owner (as an Administrator). That doesn't help either.

I've read that Windows keeps a list of dynamic shares (or something like that) and that this behavior is by design as drives can be disconnected when the PC is not running. Is this true? I never had a problem with Vista, so this is definitely a Win 7 thing.

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Lose Internet After Every Reboot?

Nov 4, 2011

After I rebbot my computer I lose internet. I restore to an earlier time it comes right back. The internet is Fios router and modem combo by Actiontech. Internet is fast and works well all the time until reboot.

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Sharing And Permissions

Dec 2, 2009

Create a shared folder with full access on your network.

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File Permissions / Administrator Rights And Sharing

Sep 23, 2011

We have a home network of 7 computers and have been using Win 7 Pro and Office 2010 Pro Plus together without error since about May until mid-summer when I began using MS Outlook. When I started using Outlook on my laptop it took over all user permissions on the network making me the administrator/owner. I don't know if Outlook is responsible. I am just making connections with the timing. Folders were shared that should not have been shared and the file system got mixed up. Files came up with strange attribute settings. It appears that my computer encrypted files that reside on other computers leaving other users unable to access them.

On the occasions that we have wiped my hard drive and others to fix the problem by starting over, everything seems fine until I start using MS Outlook again. It may be important to know that I am the only one that uses Outlook on the network. And, by the way, when I say start over, I mean that we wiped drives with various software such as DriveScrubber, and others, to no avail. Later, we used disk part and thought we had it licked, but NO. After that, we discovered how to delete the volume shadow copies, but it still comes back every time like a haunting or something.

We even bought brand new hard drives and installed them on all computers, bought a firewalled router, and carefully and meticulously reinstalled our software from disks making sure that everything was in order. We have isolated old files to eliminate the possibility of virus or malware. We have discussed the problem with the cable company and with Norton. I can accept the fact that I might have changed a setting unknowingly in the beginning, however, the problem will not go away after careful reinstallation and setup.

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Sharing Permissions On A Small Home Network?

Feb 12, 2011

Alright so here's my scenario:- I have a small home network with 3 PCs, which I'll call "PC 1", "PC 2", and "PC 3".- "Folder X" is stored on "PC 1".- I want to have "Folder X" accessible from "PC 1" and "PC 2", but NOT accessible from "PC 3".How can I do this?I've been trying to get this to work for a little while, fiddling with file sharing permissions, but I'm a novice when it comes to networking and permissions. Does anyone know how this might be done correctly? Additionally, I'd also like to set it up so that if any additional PCs are added to the network, they do not have access to "Folder X" by default.

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Administrator Having No Full Permissions

Dec 24, 2012

Not a big deal and kind of humorous but on my Win 7 PC I have administrator access.But there are times the computer says I don't have access to do a particular function and that I need Admin access to do the task, even though I am the one logged in and have administrator access.I guess I could generate another account and give admin access and see if that works but was just wondering if there was something weird about a setting.

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Sharing Folder From Windows 7 To XP Machine - Permissions Error

May 25, 2009

I have gone through my Network and Sharing Center in Windows 7RC and turned everything on except Password Protected Sharing. I have joined both Windows 7 and Xp machines into WORKGROUP. I can access my Public folder and my shared printer from my Windows 7 machine on my XP machine. I'm trying to share my Mp3 folder, thats on a secondary HDD in my Windows 7 machine.

Path being "E:StuffMp3z". No matter what I change as far as permissions, adding HomeGroupuser to the Advanced Sharing dialog...everything I've tried, my XP machine can see the share, but I get the " not accessable. You may not have permissions...." error in XP trying to open the shared folder. And what's up with not having a folder icon with a Share symbol in Windows 7 so by looking in Explorer you can tell a folder is shared?

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Homegroup File Sharing - No Permissions To Add Or Rename Files

Feb 5, 2011

Having difficulty with a homegroup and file sharing: one desktop PC with the family's main documents (which are on a separate drive to the system) and two laptops which need to access those documents. I've got them all seeing each other, and they can see the folders in the drive, but when I try to add files or rename files, it tells me that I need permission. I've gone through the advance settings to make sure the correct permission is selected, they all have the same workgroup name and different computer names. Sharing the printer attached to the desktop is fine.

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Full Control For Administrators - How To Change Permissions

Feb 23, 2012

How do I change the permissions for the administrator account to Full control so that I do not get the "access is denied" message when trying to perform certain functions?

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Suddenly Cannot Open DVD Drives - Path Not Found / No Permissions

Apr 23, 2011

Suddenly I cannot open my DVD drives. I get an error message that says cant find the path or you do not have permission. I have googled the problem and tried various fixes to no avail. They are shown as working ok in device manager.

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External Drive Losing Sharing Settings On Reboot

Jun 27, 2011

I have two external drives that I'd like to share. I have them mapped as an X: and Y: drive. I go into advanced sharing settings > permissions, and add Full Control for the group "Everyone". I hit apply and it looks fine and dandy. When I reboot my machine the sharing settings are lost.

When the computer initially starts up Auto Play opens for both drives. Not sure if this has anything to do with it though. how to get my sharing settings to stick for both externals?

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Cannot Use DVD RW Drive E For Another Disc Until Reboot

Oct 12, 2011

When I first use my Drive E and insert a disc it works fine. When insert a second disc later I keep getting the information from the first disc and cannot use Drive E for another disc until I reboot. I do have another drive (F) but would really like to resolve this problem.

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Can't Get Windows 7 To Reboot After Full Recovery Of The System

Feb 10, 2012

my issue is with windows 7 giving me an error message on boot up. I started having a google redirect issue on my dell laptop the other day. I though I had taken care of it with malwarebites, but suddenly while I am surfing the net the screen goes completley black and I am faced with a blue screen of death. Can't start anything. Safe mode, system repair, and system restore either freeze or get the same blue screen of death.I finally end up using the Dell system local backup that is a preloaded recovery tool on their computers, and the two burned recovery discs I made with it when I first got the pc. Using this I restore the PC to its factory setting wiping out my old files and partitions. It works! and I go through setting up windows like the first time. It loads up and is working fine. I load on some anti spyware programs scan my computer, set up the internet, and start updating windows.Once I dowload my updates and restart my computer the computer will not boot windows. I get a error that goes something like this Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your langugae settings, and then click next

3. Click "repair your computer."

Status: 0xc000000e Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.I cant get safe mode to work. Basically my only option is to stick my recovery disk back in and repeat a factory fresh recovery and that gets my computer back working, but every time I turn it off I get the boot error. It is frustrating because I can get it to work fine otherwise. Right now I am just putting my laptop to sleep mode but I would like to be able to turn it it off without recovering windows each time!If you have any ideas that could help me that would be great. I am thinking there is some sort of lingering software/hardware incompatibility or the virus/malware altered something to make the boot up process change. I feel like there is something I could probably do or run in windows to fix this. For awhile I was thinking my hard drive was messed up, but if that was the case I would assume I would not be able to recover windows and load anti virus software on it and have everything be normal, only to not have windows restart.

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Reboot Without Recovery Disc Asus

Dec 1, 2011

I dont have recovery disk for my asus eee pc x101h

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Windows 7 Backup Disc Full?

Jan 16, 2013

I have an HP Presario CQ57 laptop with windows 7 Premium. I keep getting the message that my backup disc is full,,like the others: Data file backups for this computer on HP_TOOLS (E:) and the D: are both full, when I try to delete either one I get told "you will not be able to restore files from this computer from backup" how can I solve this problem,,I did do a DELETE and run backup now but it lasts less than a week. I use my laptop for info and games,,not business.

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Windows 7 Upgrade Disc Or Full

Jan 3, 2012

Just built my new computer but realized that I can't use the same Windows 7 disc/cd-key that's on my old computer because it's only one per computer when I thought it was 3. Looking at the prices on the Windows 7, it costs $119 for upgrade and $200 for full retail. From what I have read, when installing using the upgrade disc, it would detect my previous Windows version and if it's older than XP, or if there's no Windows installed, it would not activate Windows as it isn't a proper license and I would need the full retail one. Is this correct?

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Acer Says Hard Disc Is Full

Apr 26, 2012

My acer says the hard disc is full, but I have no data on it except itunes and a few programs.I can not see what is using the space. I have checked all files, including hidden ones, carried out disc clean and defrags etc, but still it says full.

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Sharing Mapped Drives Between Admin Level And Normal

Nov 8, 2009

I map drives when I log in for my various network shares:

p: = fileserverd$

w: = webserverd$

Works great, everything normal. When I want to do something with higher privs, I run a DOS shortcut that's set to run as administrator. The DOS window opens and I cannot then access my mapped drives.

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Networked Drives Don't Reconnect On Reboot

May 2, 2009

I have two XP machines as well as my dual-booted (XP Pro SP3/ Windows 7 RC 7100)

laptop - whenever I reboot my Windows 7 system it fails to reconnect the mapped network drives.

XP reconnects them without fail.

The only way I've found round it is to change the workgroup name, change it back and reboot - then it works.

This is VERY ANNOYING and such a basic problem - I've seen the problem all over the internet but no solutions.

Only MS could release an RC with such an obvious bug

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Shares Disappearing On USB Drives After Windows 7 Reboot

Jul 10, 2009

What would cause 9 shares that I have on USB drives to disappear every time Windows 7 is rebooted? I have to recreate them every time. I did a test with another Windows 7 machine, using 1 USB share, and the first time I shared it with the 'Share with Specific People' adding Everyone to the list, and it disappeared upon reboot. I then did it through the Advanced Sharing in the Properties of the folder, rebooted and it actually remembered it. However doing it through the Advanced Sharing on the PC with 9 shares, it still didn't remember them after reboot. Why is there 2 different places to share anyway? I want to think 1 is for remote users and 1 is for local users, but then why don't they just say that, do they have to make it so confusing. It's totally not intuitive.

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Everytime I Reboot My Computer It Asks For A Win 7 System Disc

Aug 29, 2009

I have Installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 RTM 7600 and everytime i reboot my computer it asks for a system disk... I have to Put the Windows 7 disk in the dvd drive and reboot for it to load.. anybody know what may be causing this?

Also when i reboot i ahve to disable and re-enable my Network adapter in order to connect to the internet..

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Without Disc?

Jul 15, 2012

how will i reboot my pc without a disc gateway one zx6000 windows 7

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Full Format And Reinstall Windows 7 Without Boot Disc

Feb 9, 2013

I have an HP G62 laptop which came pre-installed with Windows 7. I would like to fully remove all data on the HDD and reinstall Windows 7.The 'Computer' section of the Start button shows the following HDD (not sure if these are partitions or not, but I'm assuming that they are!):

Local Disk ( C: )
Recovery ( D: )

I had a quick look at the D: drive and it showed a few setup files, all of which seem to be related to MSOFFICE. :-?I have been reading about data destruction programs that will absolutely wipe the drive and remove all data; I would like to do this and then reinstall Windows 7 so that the laptop effectively becomes a 'new' one.

1. How do I go about formatting the HDD with a data destruction program and then reinstall Win 7, since I do not have a bootable disc?

2. How reliable are such data destruction programs? Is there any margin of error? (I am a bit concerned about all the sensitive information that I have saved on my laptop such as bank details, family photos, etc.)

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Low Disk Space / Installing Steam Games / Sharing Drives / Partitions

Mar 7, 2011

i own Garrysmod, a steam source-mod. It is a game that grows dynamically as I connect to server's, download addons, and receive mandatory game updates.The game file has exceeded 50Gb before.After getting infected with "Windows 7 Antivirus Pro" and making (I freely admit it, and I REALLY should have known better) a terrible mistake and breaking all .exe's while removing the infection, I was forced to re-install windows. However, for whatever reason (another stupid mistake) I re-installed windows on the wrong hard-drive. So now my C: drive is only 150 Gb, and my backup (both of them) are 1TB.I do not have the space to have garrysmod on my C: drive, which is where steam is installed (Last time I tried installing it somewhere else it would not work.)Now that the background information is done lets move on to what you can help me with!

I have been looking for a way to install garrysmod on another hard-drive without reinstalling steam and trying to get it to work on another hard-drive. I believe I have found one, but I am really a coward when it comes to this sort of thing, (I HATE re-formatting) the solution I have found apparently tells the computer that the directory/file is on C: when it is actually on another hard-drive, but I found it in an old forum thread, and the member that had posted it was banned.

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Access Complete Network Drives Without Sharing Individual Folders And And Using Passwords?

Jan 29, 2011

I have windows 7 pro on two computers, how do I access complete network drives without sharing individual folders and and using passwords, I hate using passwords, and I don't have anything on my computers worth protecting, I wish windows 7 would just let me turn off all that security crap. I never had a problem with XP.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Windows 7 No Disc

Apr 10, 2012

Lastnight I was working on some documents and my computer randomly restarted. Upon restarting I get the message reboot and select proper boot device. This is the first time I have seen it and don't now what to do. I don't have the windows 7 installation disc or any repair discs. I also am unable to press F9 key for system repair.

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Full Format Hard Drive With Win7 Boot Disc

Oct 20, 2009

Is there a way I can remove all the partitions from my Hard drive and do a full format (not quick)? The windows 7 install disc does a quick format but I would like to clean it thoroughly. Is there a utility I can use at boot time to do this?

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Disc Drives Invisible (no Drive Letter)?

Jun 17, 2011

I just formatted and installed afresh Win7 Ultimate N on a WD1000GB. Since setup screen it recognized only 3 of 5 disk drive (all of same HDD).Before that I resized two of the drives with `EASEUS Partition Master 8.0.1 Home Edition` but I did so for the drives he actually recognized. (I accessed those drives through another OS which is installed on another HDD).It would see them in disc management but it can`t assign drive letter, it says : Disk Management Console view is not up-to-date... even the program can`t assign letter ot mess with the size of the drives

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Merge Or Link Hard Disc Drives?

Aug 8, 2011

My © drive only has about 2GB left free for use but my partition drive/extra drive (E) has 90GB free,

My documents is the one taking up the majority of the room on the © drive, it is possible to operate my documents out of (E) drive rather than © or will this cause problems when using iTunes, installing programmes/programme updates etc.

Would there be any benefits or draw backs from moving it over to the (E) drive or would it be more hassle then it is worth?

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Drives Not Allowing Disc Write - No Data Recorded

Aug 25, 2012

I have tried these discs on two computers (they're Sony DVD-RW's) and brand new, I open them and put them in the disc tray, I press "burn" and it either pretends to write on one computer and then says error after 3minutes (no data is recorded) or it doesn't detect the disc it keeps saying "Please insert a Disc"? I've tried literally everything and I doubt it could be the disc's because they're brand new. The windows fix it centre program identifies an issue but cannot fix it?

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Two Windows 7 Computers - Full Access To Hard Drives On Home Network?

Oct 6, 2011

I have two win 7 computers on a home network and I would like both machines to have full access to the hard drives on either machine, not just share folders. How is this done?

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