Windows 7 Backup Disc Full?

Jan 16, 2013

I have an HP Presario CQ57 laptop with windows 7 Premium. I keep getting the message that my backup disc is full,,like the others: Data file backups for this computer on HP_TOOLS (E:) and the D: are both full, when I try to delete either one I get told "you will not be able to restore files from this computer from backup" how can I solve this problem,,I did do a DELETE and run backup now but it lasts less than a week. I use my laptop for info and games,,not business.

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Windows 7 Upgrade Disc Or Full

Jan 3, 2012

Just built my new computer but realized that I can't use the same Windows 7 disc/cd-key that's on my old computer because it's only one per computer when I thought it was 3. Looking at the prices on the Windows 7, it costs $119 for upgrade and $200 for full retail. From what I have read, when installing using the upgrade disc, it would detect my previous Windows version and if it's older than XP, or if there's no Windows installed, it would not activate Windows as it isn't a proper license and I would need the full retail one. Is this correct?

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Full Format And Reinstall Windows 7 Without Boot Disc

Feb 9, 2013

I have an HP G62 laptop which came pre-installed with Windows 7. I would like to fully remove all data on the HDD and reinstall Windows 7.The 'Computer' section of the Start button shows the following HDD (not sure if these are partitions or not, but I'm assuming that they are!):

Local Disk ( C: )
Recovery ( D: )

I had a quick look at the D: drive and it showed a few setup files, all of which seem to be related to MSOFFICE. :-?I have been reading about data destruction programs that will absolutely wipe the drive and remove all data; I would like to do this and then reinstall Windows 7 so that the laptop effectively becomes a 'new' one.

1. How do I go about formatting the HDD with a data destruction program and then reinstall Win 7, since I do not have a bootable disc?

2. How reliable are such data destruction programs? Is there any margin of error? (I am a bit concerned about all the sensitive information that I have saved on my laptop such as bank details, family photos, etc.)

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Create A Full System Backup For Windows 7?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit with SP1 (OEM). I have already installed the Windows and activated online. Also i have installed all my motherboards drivers such as audio, lan, raid and gpu.The whole process took me around 1 hour 30 mins.Next month i'm planning to format my hdd and clean my pc (cleaning the dust from the fans, cpu).I do that every month.In the future i don't want to install Windows all over again (by installing it from a disc) it takes too long for my liking. Also with my OEM version of Windows i think you're only allowed 3 times activation by going online, then after that you have to call up Microsoft which is a hassle.What i want:

* I want to create a full system image of my whole hdd/windows/pc

* After a month or so i insert a disc or from another hdd and copy the entire image to a new hdd or a formatted hdd and have all my previous windows all installed with activated and with all drivers.

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How To Backup Windows 7 Installation Disc

Jan 15, 2013

I reinstall windows a lot of times. I'm afraid that the Windows 7 installation might get scratches. So, I want to take a backup copy of the disc.

I want to know if it is copy protected or something or if I can directly copy it using an image burning software.

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How To Backup Windows 7 Installation Disc

Jan 15, 2013

I reinstall windows a lot of times. I'm afraid that the Windows 7 installation might get scratches. So, I want to take a backup copy of the disc. I want to know if it is copy protected or something or if I can directly copy it using an image burning software.

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Backup And Restore Windows 7 Pro With XP Virtual Disc?

Feb 29, 2012

Is it possible to successfully backup and restore Windows 7 pro with the XP virtual disc installed with Acronis or similar programs? If so, are any special precautions required?

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Forgot Admin Password On Windows 7 - No Backup Disc

Nov 19, 2011

Lost administrator password on windows 7. I must have accidentally mistyped my admin PW when trying to change it. I don't want to get locked out completely. I do not have a back up or restore/repair disc. Is there any way around it besides using the disc, or USB, or complete reinstall? Just wiped the HD and had to start over so don't really want to do that again. My personal account is just fine and I can access that. However, without admin pw, I am very very limited.

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Acer Says Hard Disc Is Full

Apr 26, 2012

My acer says the hard disc is full, but I have no data on it except itunes and a few programs.I can not see what is using the space. I have checked all files, including hidden ones, carried out disc clean and defrags etc, but still it says full.

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How To Do Full System Backup

Jan 15, 2013

I am after a way to back up - I have a lot of data that requires transferring from an external hard drive and my desk top.Is the simple drag and drop the best way?

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USB Drives Lose Full Disc Sharing Permissions After Reboot

Nov 10, 2011

I'm running Win 7/64 Home Premium on my media PC with 7 USB drives, all connected via a powered hub.

Whenever I reboot (warm or cold), the sharing permissions are lost, generally to all, although every so often one of the WD drives will maintain it (the Seagate ones always lose them). I've tried using different ports to no avail. I've changed the properties of the drives so that I am the owner (as an Administrator). That doesn't help either.

I've read that Windows keeps a list of dynamic shares (or something like that) and that this behavior is by design as drives can be disconnected when the PC is not running. Is this true? I never had a problem with Vista, so this is definitely a Win 7 thing.

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Full Format Hard Drive With Win7 Boot Disc

Oct 20, 2009

Is there a way I can remove all the partitions from my Hard drive and do a full format (not quick)? The windows 7 install disc does a quick format but I would like to clean it thoroughly. Is there a utility I can use at boot time to do this?

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Put Full Backup Image On External HDD?

Sep 20, 2012

My problem is if I restart with HDD on,it freezes when windows logo pops up during startup. I have a bunch of saved stuff on the external besides the backup img.Its a 500gb.It still froze when I only had 10gb saved on it. Will it delete everything I have saved on my external if I boot the img? I have a extra 20gb laying around,it is large enough to hold my saved backup.

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Can't Make Pc Backup Disc?

Jul 30, 2012

I have windows 7 home premium os when i try to do a pc backup everything goes just as its supposed to includeing inserting the blank disc but thats where it all ends i hit the start button and it won't start the backup just keeps telling me to put in a blank disc so whats wrong

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Backup Will Not Restore To New Disc?

Oct 1, 2011

I have backed up my system image to an external hard drive which is 500gig and I have installed a new hard drive which is 500gig. The old one that I have removed is only 320gig so I know there is no issues there. If I try and restore to the old drive (320gig) it will try and restore but if I swap it over for the new one it will not start backup and I get the message 'The system image restore failed

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System Restore Vs Full Registry Backup?

Apr 25, 2011

While System Restore usually does what it is supposed to do, sometimes it doesn't. When I am intending to do something a bit drastic or unusual on my desktop now, I routinely make a full registry backup. (Start/Run/type REGEDIT/OK/File/Export. Name and save the file in Documents) On my machine this takes 20 - 30 secs and results in a file around 200 MB. I have never had to use one of these backups to restore this machine so far

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Backup And Restore Not Working - Disk Full

Oct 5, 2009

When I try to back up and restore (my files) it does not complete. I get the message disk full. I tried to uncheck the (shut off and delte all files from system restore) but that does not help. When I check the amount of space available on the D drive, it shows as full, but system restore seems to work; any suggestions?

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How Create Incremental Full System Backup ?

Nov 3, 2009

It is difficult for me to distinguish what parts of the Back up and restore screen apply just to creating a full backup and and which apply just to creating a file backup.

I know I can create a system Image by clicking in the upper left hand area of the screen (the create a system image link). But it is not clear to me how to create an incremental backup of a system image. Do I just select "Create a system Image" again, and Win 7 is smart enough to do an incremental system image backup automatically, or do I need to create some sort of schedule?

It is difficult to tell if schedules apply only to file backups or if they apply to creating a full system backup too.

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Creating A Backup Disc/usb For Netbook

Aug 8, 2011

A friend has a netbook and she likes my 5yr old Linux install on my laptop, because of speed and reliability of Linux. Now if for some reason she changes her mind, we'd like to put Win7 back on the unit.

Can you back up Win7 onto a USB? Or how would you go about doing a fresh install back on the netbook? I have a retail copy of Win7 (my copy) I'm assuming I could use that, but use the key that's on the box from the netbook itself? Not sure how to go about this.

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Backup Full Image Or CloneJim Of Hard-drive

Jul 28, 2012

Would like opinions on preferred easy full image back-up apps.

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Restore Individual Files From Full Image Backup

Nov 3, 2009

Is it possible to resotre individual files from a full Image Backup? I Created a System Image. If this is possible, how is it done?

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Backup Files Before Doing Full Restore, But Don't Have The Password For User Account

Jul 28, 2012

I'm trying to backup the pictures, music, and videos that are saved on my buddies laptop. He forgot the password for the main account and whenever I try to transfer files to an external hard drive, a screen pops up and tells me to it cannot transfer files without password. Is there anyway to get around this? EDIT: I thought maybe it would be important to add that the account that I'm using to get access to the files must not have permissions to change anything on the computer. Don't ask me how my friend figured out how to restrict himself from changing anything on the computer, but he did and this general lack of knowledge about computers, likely got in into the trouble, that now is going to require me to do a full restore.

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Factory Image Recovery With System Backup Discs Freeze At Disc?

Sep 12, 2011

I am performing an image recovery. I have 4 DVDs that came with my laptop from geeksquad. They say HP System Backup. Everything runs smoothly in disc 1. When I get to disc 2 nothing happens at all. I do have an external hard drive. I was considering trying to copy the System back up discs from a different computer onto the external and then trying to do the system restore.

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Use A Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade Disc As A Installation Disc?

Feb 9, 2012

Is there any way to use a windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade disc as a installation disc? Or would I have to go out and get another Windows installation disc and then use the upgrade disc?

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Convert Dynamic Disc Back To Basic On The Only System Disc?

Apr 22, 2012

I wanted to make a new partition on my hp laptop on the only disc it as.Unfortunately,because it came with already 4 partitions I accidentally turned the disk into a dynamic disk.Now its booting normally but I cant load the system Image that I have created before the partition.Other than that the pc is running smoothly.As I said this is the only disk on the system.Is it possible to convert the disk back to basic?After a lot of googling I found some exmples but all of them assumed you had a second disk on your system.Is it possible to convert the disk back to basic without having to reinstall windows?(I have no windows cd

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Burning Content - Disc Drive Not Recognizing Blank Disc

Jan 3, 2012

I have a toshiba satellite L750 running Windows 7 home premium, when trying to burn anything onto a blank disc I get as far as selecting my items and asking it to burn but it keeps telling me to insert a blank disc (which obviously I have). I have tried several different types of blank disc but it dosnt seem to recognise any of them.

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Boot Manager Missing When No Disc In Disc Drive?

Oct 13, 2011

So I have an bit of an odd and I think unique problem (as many searches came up with no solutions). Simply put, my boot manager is missing, but only when my windows install disc is not in the disc drive. It started several months ago and I just left it be, let the disc it int he disc drive and it was not that big of a deal. But just did a clean install couple days ago I re-installed windows 7 ultimate 64-bit on my computer (using an upgrade disc if that makes a difference).I formatted the drive with what I guess is a quick format (the option the install disc gives you). I have tried doing a repair with the install disc but no problems are found every time I try.

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[BACKUP] Windows 7 Backup And Restore Utility?

Aug 23, 2012

When you wish to recover your system using this utility, do you use the Windows program at desktop or the rescue disc I created from the program?The reasn I ask is because I used to have better luck using Acronis' disc rather than the program and wonderd if the same applied here.Also, does the backup remove the existing one so that you only have one at a time or can you have more than one.

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Use Windows Backup To Backup To A Network Drive?

Nov 1, 2010

Is there a way to use Windows Backup to backup to a network drive?

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(windows Backup) Deleting Old Backup States?

May 8, 2011

I backup 100GB of data with Windows Backup and over the time where I do all my backups there is like only 30GB of data which changed from those 100GB and also new files were added. Now my external drive is full. When I now delete the very early backup, the first one where the 100GB of data was saved, will it delete then ALL those 100 GB, or will it just delete the previous versions of the files which were modified AFTER that time, which are in this case the 30GB I talked about? Because otherwhise I would then have in the end an uncomplete, messed up backup.

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Restoring A Backup From Windows Backup And Restore

Aug 8, 2009

I currently use Vista Ultimate. I am preparing to move to Windows 7. Is it possible to restore files from Vista Backup and Restore Center to Windows 7 after a clean install?

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