Sharing And Permissions

Dec 2, 2009

Create a shared folder with full access on your network.

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File Permissions / Administrator Rights And Sharing

Sep 23, 2011

We have a home network of 7 computers and have been using Win 7 Pro and Office 2010 Pro Plus together without error since about May until mid-summer when I began using MS Outlook. When I started using Outlook on my laptop it took over all user permissions on the network making me the administrator/owner. I don't know if Outlook is responsible. I am just making connections with the timing. Folders were shared that should not have been shared and the file system got mixed up. Files came up with strange attribute settings. It appears that my computer encrypted files that reside on other computers leaving other users unable to access them.

On the occasions that we have wiped my hard drive and others to fix the problem by starting over, everything seems fine until I start using MS Outlook again. It may be important to know that I am the only one that uses Outlook on the network. And, by the way, when I say start over, I mean that we wiped drives with various software such as DriveScrubber, and others, to no avail. Later, we used disk part and thought we had it licked, but NO. After that, we discovered how to delete the volume shadow copies, but it still comes back every time like a haunting or something.

We even bought brand new hard drives and installed them on all computers, bought a firewalled router, and carefully and meticulously reinstalled our software from disks making sure that everything was in order. We have isolated old files to eliminate the possibility of virus or malware. We have discussed the problem with the cable company and with Norton. I can accept the fact that I might have changed a setting unknowingly in the beginning, however, the problem will not go away after careful reinstallation and setup.

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Sharing Permissions On A Small Home Network?

Feb 12, 2011

Alright so here's my scenario:- I have a small home network with 3 PCs, which I'll call "PC 1", "PC 2", and "PC 3".- "Folder X" is stored on "PC 1".- I want to have "Folder X" accessible from "PC 1" and "PC 2", but NOT accessible from "PC 3".How can I do this?I've been trying to get this to work for a little while, fiddling with file sharing permissions, but I'm a novice when it comes to networking and permissions. Does anyone know how this might be done correctly? Additionally, I'd also like to set it up so that if any additional PCs are added to the network, they do not have access to "Folder X" by default.

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Sharing Folder From Windows 7 To XP Machine - Permissions Error

May 25, 2009

I have gone through my Network and Sharing Center in Windows 7RC and turned everything on except Password Protected Sharing. I have joined both Windows 7 and Xp machines into WORKGROUP. I can access my Public folder and my shared printer from my Windows 7 machine on my XP machine. I'm trying to share my Mp3 folder, thats on a secondary HDD in my Windows 7 machine.

Path being "E:StuffMp3z". No matter what I change as far as permissions, adding HomeGroupuser to the Advanced Sharing dialog...everything I've tried, my XP machine can see the share, but I get the " not accessable. You may not have permissions...." error in XP trying to open the shared folder. And what's up with not having a folder icon with a Share symbol in Windows 7 so by looking in Explorer you can tell a folder is shared?

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Homegroup File Sharing - No Permissions To Add Or Rename Files

Feb 5, 2011

Having difficulty with a homegroup and file sharing: one desktop PC with the family's main documents (which are on a separate drive to the system) and two laptops which need to access those documents. I've got them all seeing each other, and they can see the folders in the drive, but when I try to add files or rename files, it tells me that I need permission. I've gone through the advance settings to make sure the correct permission is selected, they all have the same workgroup name and different computer names. Sharing the printer attached to the desktop is fine.

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USB Drives Lose Full Disc Sharing Permissions After Reboot

Nov 10, 2011

I'm running Win 7/64 Home Premium on my media PC with 7 USB drives, all connected via a powered hub.

Whenever I reboot (warm or cold), the sharing permissions are lost, generally to all, although every so often one of the WD drives will maintain it (the Seagate ones always lose them). I've tried using different ports to no avail. I've changed the properties of the drives so that I am the owner (as an Administrator). That doesn't help either.

I've read that Windows keeps a list of dynamic shares (or something like that) and that this behavior is by design as drives can be disconnected when the PC is not running. Is this true? I never had a problem with Vista, so this is definitely a Win 7 thing.

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Cant Set Permissions?

Oct 6, 2012

I have a fresh system with Windows 7. I have an admin account. I cannot set ownership or permissions on a file contained in a USB drive that I brought over from another XP system. I saw some suggestions to start a control panel with run as rights but could not find the run as option.

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Appropriate Permissions For CD And DVD

Oct 13, 2011

I am the only user of my laptop but when I try to open- left click on my CD/DVD drive I get Windows cannot access the specific device,path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.if I right click then click on the play I get the same warning.

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How TO Change Permissions

Jul 11, 2012

I need to change permissions so I can delete my default "Dropbox" folder from my C drive. I can't figure this out; the "objects" menus and all that are beyond me. If I try to delete it says I have to change permissions....I tried, but I don't get it at all. Can someone just give me a step-by-step? I know it's complicated, because you can't see the way it was set up originally by the guy who built my computer....I just need to delete that folder so I can start over fresh!

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Don't Have Sufficient Permissions

Jul 20, 2012

I try to access a file on my secondary hardrive the directory Steam/steamapps/common/Deus Ex Human Revolution It tells me access denied user does not have sufficient privalages. I am logged in on as an administrator. I went into file permissions and it theres a check mark on allow for all of the options when i click on my user name.

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Don't Have Permissions For C:UsersusernameMusic

May 31, 2011

I just upgraded my laptop with an SSD, and I have 2 HD bays so I put the 500GB drive in the second one for storage. I went to move all My Documents, My Music, etc folders to my storage drive by right clicking, properties, location tab, changing the letter to D:, telling it to create the folder and move the contents. The only problem is it littered my user folder with folders Music, Pictures, Videos, etc in addition to the normal "My (insert media type here)" folders. The folders it made when I did that I don't even have permissions to see who has permission for those folders. They're clogging up my user folder (visually at least), and I can't open, delete, mark as hidden, or anything. I can't even restore the default locations for My Music, etc cause it says I don't have permission.

How do I get rid of all the extra stuff it made for no reason?

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How To Get Permissions For Windows 7

Mar 28, 2011

I dont know how many times you've been asked this, but as i look at other threads i'm not finding suitable answers. I have a brand new iMac with Windows 7 in parallel. I cant move ANYTHING. And not system files, i'm talking music and movies that been on my WD external for years - i cant move from portable-portable or portable to HD, which is ridiculous! Windows keeps asking for administator control - which i am, as the only user on my com. No method i've had explained to me makes this simple. C'mon guys, not technospeak, no 130 IQ requirement, just tell me what i gotta do to move files, 1 or 100, from one place to another

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Permissions May Not Allow Me To Make Changes?

Feb 21, 2012

I ignored the warning that permissions may not allow me to make changes because I thought I had all the correct boxes checked. Now I cannot see my C-drive because I don't have permission. I can no longer get into the permissions folder or anything else to make changes. Can the files that control this be deleted without destroying the whole registry?

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Vista Took Over Windows 7 Permissions

Jul 18, 2011

I get pretty tired of Vista and all this permissions stuff. I was testing out a file in different OS versions. I was working with it in Windows 7 Pro. For easy of use I moved the file over to the Windows 7's C Drive.Booted into Vista. I needed to make a quick change to the file. I go to Save the changes and I get another one of Vista's messages (that I probably never read) about you don't have permissions to save. I was like sure I do I'm Admin on my Computer (who cares what OS I'm in). The computer didn't answer me, which is probably good, because it would be laughing now. So I'm in Vista and I right click on the Windows 7 drive and I give myself permissions to acess the Drive. I'm not sure if that moved to all the sub folders or not.I get into Windows 7 and now Windows 7 Doesn't have access to the its own C Drive. I try to give it permissions like 3 or 4 times and it shows it should have permission but nothing happens. (I get an error message when trying to created a file in the C drive in Windows 7)I better go back into Vista and take off any permissions for that drive. Guess what? I do that. In vista I take any owner or permission off for the Windows 7 Drive. Now I'm back into Windows 7 and I can't even access the C Drive? I can't even access the permissions for the drive?How do I go about restoring Windows 7 permissions?

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Administrator Having No Full Permissions

Dec 24, 2012

Not a big deal and kind of humorous but on my Win 7 PC I have administrator access.But there are times the computer says I don't have access to do a particular function and that I need Admin access to do the task, even though I am the one logged in and have administrator access.I guess I could generate another account and give admin access and see if that works but was just wondering if there was something weird about a setting.

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Windows 7 SP1 - Cannot Run Any Program / No Appropriate Permissions

Mar 9, 2011

I've just installed SP1 for Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium. Now I cannot run ANY programs. When I try to start an app I get message "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item". I cannot even go back to the restore point as I can't run that program either! I am the administrator on the PC, the only account. I'm using AVG AV and Zone Alarm.

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[PERMISSIONS] Windows 7 Does Not See D:drive

Jul 24, 2011

After installing 7 32bit over Vista, 250GB HDD, 7 does now not recognise,patition3 which was "ACERDATA-D" 107GB + "ACER-C" O/S 111GB. Windows tools allow me to do nothing,however i have found a program that can find and mount "non visible Partitions" I have tried formating this Partition,but its write protected? (tried to un write?) Also how can i make this Part visible to windows. I've just realised that i have to Mount this partition? as the 2 others also show,10GB recovery & 3GB allocated

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[PERMISSIONS] No Logon Servers Available?

Mar 3, 2011

I have Windows 7 installed on a VM. After I start the VM and try to log on as Administrator, it displays "There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request."Are there extra steps to configure logon capabilities?This VM in Hyper-V is running on a 64-bit Windows 2008 Server R2 machine.

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[PERMISSIONS] Access Is Denied

Sep 10, 2011

My husband and I have been trying to get pictures from our camera (Fuji FinePix S3400) to the computer with the supplied USB lead. WE have been able to do so by taking the SD card and shoving it into the computer but we can't do so with the lead which we prefer to do. It seems wrong that we can't do that! With lots of going into all jigging around into files and setting we keep getting the message, "Access is Denied". We have even got into security of the folder and put in "Authenticated Users". We have an Acer that was bought with Vista and then converted to Win 7.

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Folder Permissions For Certain Users On 2 PCs (Same LAN)

Nov 5, 2012

If the following is possible.. how do I do it ?

On PC1 I have two users A (Admin) and B (Standard User) and Folder X
On PC2 I have one user C (admin)

PC1 and PC2 are on the same LAN. I want Folder X to be accessible to A and C but not B...

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Unable To Change Permissions

Dec 25, 2010

When I first installed Windows 7 a few days back, I didnt do anything to change any permissions, but I have had several occurances where Windows 7 stops me from installing or even startring a program. I tried to install an image of the message here, but Im not sure how that is done.

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User Permissions For Programs?

Apr 1, 2011

I want to install the AI utilities that came with my Asus P8P67 Motherboard. When I have them installed, however, all of the non-admin accounts keep getting a string of 5-6 admin password requests to allow the programs to make changes. This happens upon every login and is more than a little tedious.I tried to run them as an administrator but that didn't change anything.I'm running Windows 7 64-bit Professional if it matter.

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Changing User Permissions?

Apr 14, 2012

I changed my user account to the Windows 7 Super Admin account because I am easily annoyed when a computer tries to lock me out of areas :P I am completely okay with this and have no issues. However, many people keep telling me all about how this is a very bad thing to do, e.g.if I get a virus the virus has full control of my system. I dont disagree with this and I can understand it, I just find the benefits of super admin outweigh the risk considering I generally know what I am doing, how to avoid viruses, etc.

I have considered though swapping back to a regular admin account and enabling UAC, however there is so much data, programs installed, program preferences, etc stored on my user, last time I changed it was about a month before things were back to normal. Does anyone know how I could just change the permissions of my current account (the super admin account)?

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Is There Any Way To Restore Previous Permissions

Jun 20, 2012

on my root folder under apache web server, i give the permisseion to the computer name only. so now no one including me or the admin can open the folder! and i got (forbedden access) when trying to access localhost or my webpage under there any way to restore previous permissions ?

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Way To Circumvent Admin Permissions

Aug 5, 2012

I am configuring a newly built computer with Win 7 (fresh, new full install) Pro. All had been going well until I tried to install Zone Alarm and found problems with it accepting and registering the license. After a couple of chat sessions, things pointed to Permissions issues. At that point, I did some reading and discovered that my default Administrator account was not active, so I ran commands to fix that. That still did not allow me to delete some of the Zone Alarm folders or to have the license "stick" in the registry.

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How To Reset Registry Permissions

Nov 11, 2012

I set a system restore 2 days ago. I then messed with the registry and it didn't go well. Today I went to reset it only to find the restore point I manually made was deleted.

How do I reset the registry to how it was before? Keeping in mind I herp derped and didn't export it first for backup.

SubinACL is giving a ton of errors, reporting that almost 50% of entried "failed" to be reset.

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Changing Folder Permissions

Dec 15, 2012

I just remade my PC and reinstalled Windows 7 and now working on the Software. I must of fixed this in the past, but for the life of me can't remember what I did. when getting into certain folders, or even trying to save certain files, I get the message basically saying. Not allowed, would you like to save to My Documents instead?

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Printer Permissions Between Windows 7 & XP?

Apr 10, 2011

Computer 1 is Windows 7 with HP printer attached via USB.Computer 2 is XP accessing printer via wireless lan.There are 4 profiles on the XP machine, 2 admins - 2 non-admin.The 2 admins on this machine can print to the printer, no problem.The 2 non-admins can't use the printer unless they first access the Windows 7 machine by entering an admin password. I don't want the 2 non-admins to do this (my children), and I don't want to add them as admins on the Windows 7 machine.Surely it's possible to share the printer on the Windows 7 machine without them having admin privileges.

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Cannot Access File Due To Permissions

Aug 20, 2012

Dell Desktop Windows XP 32 bit IE7 no free memory to download anything. Can't remove programs, no security tab. No windows installer in safe mode. I've confused myself now. Cannot access any file due to permissions. Need to know how to remove programs, then reset permissions. I've been trying to work on this for two days. Can't seem to make sense of any of the great information and tools available, because I don't know which to address first.

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After Windows 7 Installation Don't Have Any Permissions On C:

Mar 5, 2012

This is the problem:

I installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 and don't have any permissions on C:

Like for example i cant change or delete anything from Program files (x86) or Program Files! Folder Access Denied. You need permission to perform this action.

I am administrator on my system, and i even tried Built-in Administrator Account, still no permissions, same as my normal admin account, if i try to take ownership i get ERROR: Access is denied, same on both admin accounts.

I read many threads on this forum but no help for my problem, i really need to fix this cause this is my studio pc and i cant setup some software needed for my production because of permissions I never seen this problem before, i have used windows 7 as administrator on my other computers and they all work normaly.

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Blank Permissions Folder

Nov 24, 2009

Today, I upgraded to 7 on my Asus laptop with the free upgrade that came in the mail. After launching World of Warcraft I noticed a problem, that some of the subfolders in the installation had no permissions assigned to them, and as such the program couldn't access them. I also noticed that various other folders on my hard drive had missing permissions. I can right click on the specific folders and go to security and add permissions to them, but any subfolders that have the same problem come up as access denied when I try to apply the settings.

The same thing happens if I try to modify the permissions on the root drive (C, it starts modifying permissions of the subfolders and files but once it hits one that has blank permissions it says access denied. How can I set the permissions on all the folders at once?

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