NTFS And Share Permissions - Cannot Allow User To Create New Files Or Folders

Nov 8, 2012

With NTFS and Share permissions is there any way I can allow a user to (in a specific folder):

- Edit and overwrite existing files (like a notepad file)
- Not be allowed to create new files or folders

I have spent quite a while staring at the special permissions screen. When reading about the meanings of the special permissions from the Microsoft, it says that the "Create Files/Write Data" permission allows for the overwriting of existing files but it also allows for the creation of new files. Is there some way i can have one without the other? Split the permission? I have also been told that there is a flaw to this as when you open a word document it creates a temp file in the folder where the word document is, and having permissions set this way would cause the word document not to be able to open because it couldn't create that temp file.

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Power-shell Script To Create User Folders And Set Permissions?

Nov 18, 2010

I am grabbing a text file with a list of users in it. I want to then create folders for all those people and then set explicit permissions on those folders to only allow the users and admin access to it. So for the create user folder, I have...

$Users = Get-Content "C:Users.txt"
ForEach ($user in $users)
$newPath = Join-Path \mycomputerUsers$ -childpath $user
New-Item $newPath -type directory

This works great as I now have 100 folders created. But how do I use something like....

$acl = Get-Acl "\mycomputerusers$"
$permission = "mydomain$users","FullControl","Allow"
$accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $permission
$acl | Set-Acl \mycomputerusers$$user

When I try to loop these together it says the folder already exists or the setaccessrule identity references could not be translated. how I loop it in with creating the folder? Or is there a way to just say...create folder based on this username, then take that username and make it the only admin on the folder along with the system admin?

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Change The Permissions On The Folders (the Locked Ones) Windows Says The Files/folders Doesn't Exist

Nov 10, 2010

i use BitLord to download random stuff anyways the Downloads Folder Shows up like this : Now when i open Nero up it shows this Weird thing is if i hover over the folder from normal window it says the Downloads folder is only 800mb (as it is only showing me one item) yet from Nero it says the folder is over 9 Gigs. Im set as Owner of the folder and i have all permissions set for me however i am still unable to see these files outside of nero and i don't know why.When i go and try to change the permissions on the folders (the locked ones) windows says the files/folders doesn't exist...

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Allow Access Only To Certain Folders Within A Share Based On User?

Aug 10, 2012

This seems like a basic concept, but I can't quite figure out how to make it happen.In a domain environment with Windows 7 systems, I want to create a shared folder that all domain users have access to. However, when any domain user accesses the share, they should only be able to access certain subfolders.For example, assume the shared folder is \servershareme, and it contains subfolders aaa, bb, ccc, and ddd. Further assume that there are three domain users: user1, user2, and user3. How can I allow user1 to browse shareme, but not open any of the subfolders; allow user2 to browse shareme and also open any of the subfolders;allow user3 to browse shareme but only open subfolder aaa?

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User Folders Located On Network Share

Dec 2, 2009

When using WinXP - I changed the location of the my documents folder to a shared location, which would automatically enable off-line files for the local my documents folder.

I'm trying to do the same thing with Windows 7. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

I tried changing the location of the my docs folder in Windows 7 but a duplicate folder which cannot be deleted shows up.

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Set Read-only Permissions For Folders And Files?

Apr 23, 2011

I have an image of my the hard drive from my XP system on an external drive. I'd like to copy the entire file structure to the windows 7 hard drive, retaining the folder structure. Then I'd like to set all the folders, sub-folders, and files to read-only to protect myself from accidentally modifying or adding anything.

I am OWNER and the only user at this point. Will probably have one other user in the future whom I will want to also not have permission to modify these folders and files.

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Share Folders/files Over The Internet?

Oct 1, 2012

I was wondering if it's possible to share files and/or folders over the internet with your friend? By sharing I mean both people accessing the same folders and when someone edits something, the same thing happens on the other side. I know this is possible over the same LAN network, but what I want to know if this is possible if you aren't in the same network.

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User Folder - Create Your Own Special Folders

Aug 7, 2009

How to Create Your Own Special User Folder ?

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Correcting NTFS Permissions?

Dec 7, 2012

Correct default NTFS permissions on disks after Windows 7 installation. May be is some tutorial how to tune permissions.

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Cannot Get Permissions To Convert A Drive To NTFS

Aug 29, 2012

Im trying to convert a drive on my laptop from FAT32 to NTFS as recommended by Microsoft baseline security analyzer. When I type in convert E: /fs:ntfs command in the cmd prompt I get a message that I dont have permissions to do so. How, on my own machine do I get permissions or what do I type in to get to root? I know that on Linux machines you type in su to enter password to get to root user but Im not sure how on my own windows machine. I am a 1st year IT student and am learning. I thought I had all the permissions since I am logged into my machine as administrator.

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Authenticated Users' NTFS Permissions?

Apr 23, 2010

My hard drive has two partitions. The second partition - D - contains only data files (documents, pictures, etc.) My computer has 3 users - myself and two others. I am an Administrator and the other two are Standard Users.

The root of D has three folders:

D:user1 (that's me)

The NTFS permissions on each user's folders are as follows:

Administrators - Full Control
SYSTEM - Full Control
user - Full Control

This prevents the Standard Users from accessing anyone else's data but their own, while maintaining the right of Administrators (like me) to access everybody's data.

The NTFS permissions on the root of D (only) are as follows:
Administrators - Full Control
SYSTEM - Full Control
Authenticated Users - Read and Execute

If Authenticated Users does not have NTFS permissions on the root of D, I am denied access to D, even though I am an Administrator.If I double-click on the drive icon I get an 'Access Denied' message. However, if Authenticated Users is included in the NTFS permissions, I can open D by double-clicking on the drive icon.Why can't I access the root of D as an Administrator ... why does Authenticated Users need permissions?

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Setting Up Permissions On NTFS Formatted USB Drive?

Apr 11, 2011

I have had no trouble in the past setting up permissions on a NTFS formatted USB drive using XP. I am able to set everyone to have only read access and myself to have full rights. The process is as follows:

- Remove all from the list except everyone.
- add myself as a user with full control.
- Go to advanced options for everyone and disable write access, and enable read access.
- Deny takes over allow, so that's all good.
- Eject USB everyone's happy .

In Windows 7 this is not the case, after formatting the USB to NTFS and going to permissions, that is where the problems start. At first the only group that has permissions as default is everyone, if I change any of these permissions I get access denied even though I am the owner because I formatted the drive. So I ignore and continue to add myself as full control. I get access denied! I then move on to making it so that everyone has read access but no write access. again access denied! What is the same process ins XP is not the same in 7, why?

It seems every time I make an amend to a permission in 7 is says access denied even though I am the admin and the owner. Tried this also on the hidden admin account and I still have the same problem. My guess is in windows 7 everyone actually means everyone, including admin and myself, so even though adding myself as an additional user it still wont allow, unlike XP where adding a user seems to overwrite everyone.

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Cant Create New Folders In Program Files Folder

Apr 12, 2009

whats tthis new restriction and how can i get around it....i am on my admin account initially installed with the OS.

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Local Hard Drive Changed To NTFS By Clicking On Permissions

Mar 26, 2011

did system restore no change to ntfs local disk.local disk changed to ntfs. cannot open local disk C:no windows action center, not working all including:Device Manager,Remote Settings,System protection not format.is there any other way except reinstallin OS again.My os is win 7 ultimate..

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Apply Inherited Permissions For An Entire NTFS Disk Windows 7?

Jan 17, 2012

I made a backup to external hard drive of my mother's computer, before a conversion to Windows 7.At home in Austin I have transferred the folders, files to my dual boot Vista/Windows 7. I notice that even after taking ownership of the backup, that looking over permissions I am the owner, also the Administrator of my computer, but I need to find a way to have the inherited from apply to my account, as it is clear that not all folders and files are visible.Does anyone know what I need to do so that the entire hard drive has permissions for me applied to all folders and files on that specific hard drive?It is not the boot or system hard drve. I want to make sure I am not just the owner, but any inherited permissions apply to all folders and fles with an NTFS file system.I used to have some script several years ago when I applied this to servers I was working with. I just need to do this with one hard drive and Windows 7.

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Partition (Moving User Files And Folders)

Jan 1, 2010

I have a partition on my hard drive and i would like to move my user files e.g. My Documents, pictures, videos etc.

I was wondering can i just drag the folder "Users" to the partition.

So basically I would like to know how i get the "Users" folder over to another partition.

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Backup User And System Files - Create Shortcut

Dec 16, 2009

How to Create a Windows 7 Backup User and System Files Shortcut ?

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Setup A Standard User But They Can See ALL Document Folders And Files

Oct 18, 2011

I set up a standard user on my laptop but they can view/edit/delete ALL my document folders and files. How do I stop that (so they can only see their own)?

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How To Copy Files Into Windows 7 User Account Folders

Aug 14, 2012

As much as I hate it I'm contemplating leaving XP behind. I still prefer XP but ..

Anyway the one BIG issue for me is my seeming inability to copy/modify files in user account folders ..places where I want to keep my many many years of archived emails, etc. This whole encryption thing for user settings really annoys me.

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Windows 7 Power User Vs User Permissions

Mar 30, 2010

With the power user group gone in Windows 7, has the standard User now gotten the permissions that the Power User had?

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Restore A User Account In Windows 7 And Restore Lost Files And Folders?

Oct 27, 2012

I have lost my user account and folders and files, music and pictures . I have tried system restore but no success.

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Administrative Permissions And Copying Folders To Another Drive?

Feb 14, 2013

I am at my wits end with using windows 7. I am sure this must have been beaten to death on here and I am sorry but I am not sure how to word it to search for the answer.I hook up a spare HD to the USB with the same operating system and every ******** file I try to open on it I have to adjust it for administrator and da da da and I am sick of this, it will take forever to look at the data. How the heck to I fix this once and for all so I can just open what i want to ? I am the administrator...I don't want to be flagged about administrator anything any more.Secondly, if I want to back up data on a stick and there is already a folder of the same name it asks me if I want to merge it. No I dont so I change the name of the file to something different and it STILL always tells me there is a folder that has the same name do you want to merge i

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User Permissions For Programs?

Apr 1, 2011

I want to install the AI utilities that came with my Asus P8P67 Motherboard. When I have them installed, however, all of the non-admin accounts keep getting a string of 5-6 admin password requests to allow the programs to make changes. This happens upon every login and is more than a little tedious.I tried to run them as an administrator but that didn't change anything.I'm running Windows 7 64-bit Professional if it matter.

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Changing User Permissions?

Apr 14, 2012

I changed my user account to the Windows 7 Super Admin account because I am easily annoyed when a computer tries to lock me out of areas :P I am completely okay with this and have no issues. However, many people keep telling me all about how this is a very bad thing to do, e.g.if I get a virus the virus has full control of my system. I dont disagree with this and I can understand it, I just find the benefits of super admin outweigh the risk considering I generally know what I am doing, how to avoid viruses, etc.

I have considered though swapping back to a regular admin account and enabling UAC, however there is so much data, programs installed, program preferences, etc stored on my user, last time I changed it was about a month before things were back to normal. Does anyone know how I could just change the permissions of my current account (the super admin account)?

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Permissions For User On Network

Jan 31, 2011

I'd like to share a folder only for a certain user on a LAN. I'm on Windows 7-hp and the user is on XP-h. But when I go to assign permissions, the Location field only allows choices from my Windows 7 machine. If I put the XP user's name in directly, it flags that error.The Windows 7 user is an admin, and I've tried this with both an XP admin and user account.Surely there is some way to do this? Or alternatively, is there some way to do this via subnets?

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Moving User Folders - Additional Folders Appear

Jul 9, 2012

I have just done a clean install of Win 7 Pro 64. I have set up four accounts and for each one I have moved the user folders to a separate hard drive by using the Right Click Properties > Location > Move. I have done this for the following folders:

- Desktop
- Downloads
- My Documents
- Favorites
- Links
- My Music
- My Pictures
- Videos

I have done it exactly the same way on each account (and more than once! I've been imaging the disk and have restored backwards a few times.)

The problem is, on three of the accounts, when I move the My Music, My Pictures, and Videos then they do move correctly but three rogue folders appear named Music, Pictures and Videos. And I can't delete then since they are system folders.

But the weird thing is that this does not happen on one of the accounts!

how to get rid of the extra folders as they're cluttering up the users home folder and causing confusion.

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Administrator Account Cannot Take Control Or Change Permissions To System Folders

May 3, 2012

I'm running windows 7 ultimate and am trying to install some software off of a secure server at a remote location to my hard drive. The install fails every time because the my user account (an administrator) does not have full write permissions to the program files directory. I have tried taking ownership of the directory, but I don't have permission to change it from TrustedInstaller.

I turned on the built in administrator account and logged in through that, but there is no difference in permission level. When I attempt to change the permission level I get the following error dialog box: An error occurred while applying security information to:

C:Program Files (x86)
Access is denied

Then the following: Unable to save permission changes on Program Files (x86)Access is denied. I've been fighting with this for three days now and I consider myself pretty adept at typical windows bs. Yes, my UAC is set all the way down. That was the first thing I turned off. I also tried shutting down virus protection and firewalls to no avail. Any help here would be awesome since none of the posts I've been able to find say what to do when the admin can't take control from TrustedInstaller.

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Share A Folder That Has Sub Folders ?

Dec 18, 2012

I am trying to share a folder that has sub folders (for example, username>documents). I change the sharing to share the folder of username, and I allow the network users to change the files. this is in xp. i access it from my win 7 machine, and when i try to access documents, it says that it cannot access it because I don't have permissions. Is there a way to cascade this sharing change, instead of having to manually change the sharing permissions of each folder?

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Windows 7 - Can't Share Folders

Jan 23, 2013

Im having an issue where I cant share folders. I have tried to share in every possible way. I have tried to turn on public folder sharing, but it just goes back to off. If I try to share a specific fodler it just says "your folder cant shared". I have tried turning off the firewall without success. ANother thing I have noticed is that I cant access websites that demands cookies, even though my cookies are enabled the website tells to enable them.

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Windows 7 User Account Permissions Corrupt?

Dec 18, 2012

I have Windows 7 account named Joe and it is an Administrator. Whenever I try to open a program or shortcut I get the "Open with..." dialog box and my option is Internet Explorer. Another odd thing that I discovered is that if I right click and select on "Run as Administrator" a program or shortcut will open as it should.I also created a seperate Administrator account named Jim and everything opened normally.

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Windows Media Center Setup Changed Permissions Of Music Folders

Jun 8, 2012

I've had an xbox for several years now. A few years ago I set up my computer to stream music to my xbox. It was cool for awhile and it worked fine, but eventually I just stopped using it. Today I decided I would use it again, but I found that wasn't working. No problem, its been a few years and sometimes settings just get lost. I go out on the web to find a guide again that would tell me how to do it, which led me to [URL]. At the part where I name my library and hit "OK", my "OK" button is grayed out. I know I could try and set up windows media center again. Again, I went to Xbox's support at [URL]. Everything was set up fine and dandy and everything worked.

I get back on my desktop to check something in my "My Music" folder. I get the "You need administrative privileges pop-up", which i thought was weird but i hit continue and it worked fine. Now, whenever i try to open ANY folder, sub-folder, or file, not only does it try to tell me I need admin privileges, once i hit continue it says that i don't have permission to that folder, etc. I think that if I were to go in and reset all the permissions that everything would be fine, but I've got a pretty large library and it could take forever to do that. Is there a simpler way, or a setting that I can change so that Windows Media Center doesn't block me from my own files?

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