Pause Shutdown To Let Active Process Finish

May 30, 2012

I have a process that is always running on my PC (Win7 sp1) that I can shutdown gracefully anytime and will also shutdown gracefully when the computer is restarted or shutdown if only it is given enough time. I'd like to add a little time (maybe 20 seconds) between the time the computer sends the shutdown command to all open processes and the time it sends the kill now command to any processes that are left open.If my process shuts down gracefully it restarts in about 5 seconds, but when it shuts down ungracefully it takes about 10 minutes.

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Stop Shutdown Process After Click Shutdown Button?

Oct 11, 2010

how do i prevent shutdown process after click on Shutdown button!

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Active Port Ties To Process?

Dec 25, 2010

Is there a program out there like activeports 1.4 that will work with window 7? I would like to see what processes are using what ports and why.

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BG Process Keeps Taking Over And Bumping Out Of Active Windows?

Apr 26, 2012

I can be in MS Word, After Effects, Surfing or ANY OTHER PROGRAM, and not click out, but be just working away and all the sudden SOMETHING (your part) causes my active window/program to go like it was a background process. could be in the middle of typing an email, and in the middle of a word and I can get half of it typed and then... BOOM! I'm out. The program DOES NOT close, it just acts like I clicked away to the desktop or another program.

Then I have to click back on my email and can resume typing for a bit. This happens every 5 minutes or so (haven't timed it). When it clicks itself out, it doesn't really go anywhere that I can tell, but something is definitely making my active window/program become inactive. I'm assuming it's some background process, but I don't see anything pop-up or blink or give me ANY indication at all that it has taken the active position.

I'm not sure how to even phrase this question since I don't know what is really going on. But it's driving me crazy in my video editing program (Premiere) especially since I'm in it about 15 hours a day. So it's happening, as you can imagine, 5-10 times an hour during my playack.

In fact, just at this very moment it did it again while writing here. My Chrome page became inactive and I had to reclick right here to continue writing.

I've had probably 50 computers since Windows 98 and I've never seen this before. And of course this has to happen on my big edit monster that I'm on all day. The system is a dual Xeon x5680, overclocked to 4.5Gzh, with 48 GB ram. I'm running on a EVGA SR-2 motherboard running the latest bios (as of 2 months ago). Runs like a beast in everything, very stable, just this annoying problem that keeps surfacing all the time. I'm running Win 7 Ult 64.

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Shutdown Process Has Become Very Slow

Nov 6, 2012

I bought this computer with Windows 7 since about 8 months. Within the last two months ago, shutdown process has become very slow. It's take 1-2 minutes every time. Startup time seems normal.I have now licensed kaspersky Internet Security and Comodo free Firewall (Does this affect?)The operating system updates have automatically installing since the beginning of my use.Most of my use is surfing the Internet and web design programs.Asus A52F with 3gb memory.

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Force Shutdown Background Process Still Open

Aug 20, 2012

Everytime i shut down my laptop or restart i get a screen force shutdown there are open backgroundprocesses. But the screen dont show which program is open. Its empty..It shuts down immediately. I must remind you that i used quite allot ccleaner to clean up the registry.

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Pause For A While, Then Reboot?

Oct 7, 2012

The reason I ended up there was because I was getting a problem where, at random times during random programs, the computer would lose signal to the monitor... Pause for a while, then reboot. Figuring I might have old hardware profiles that needed updating, I went to check my windows updater and found it was disabled... A short series of checks and Gringo was head to head with a Zero Acess Infection, which he promptly kicked the backside of.However, since then, the black screen issue has returned. It seems it wasn't Malware related. It doesn't seem to have any obvious pattern. Sometimes it happens when nothing it happening at all, and when I get back to the computer there is just an error log.Sometimes it happens twice in a row, sometimes not for hours. CPU and GPU seem to be at normal tempsWhen windows reboots it has the following error log: Problem signature: Problem Event Name[CODE]

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The Screen Will Now Pause When The Sound Does?

Oct 31, 2011

my system has been skipping for a bit now, basically a few things are quite wrong to me, and them seem to get worse. in chronological order;crackling in the sound (i use optical audio with the z5500 speakers from logitech) small jitters/pauses from time to time jitters/pauses got longer and more frequent video card crashing (im guessing caused by drivers)** very long pauses all video is affected (Internet causes a massive pause after about 30seconds, window goes green - flv player crashes/gets lines across the window) *note: when it the video jitters, so does the sound**what i mean by crash is, the screen will go off completely (as if in sleep mode), recover and the message will appear in the task bar saying the driver crashed.system resources will go to 100% for a brief moment while the system is unresponsive (all cores and memory to 100%). after a cold boot, it will not start for about 10 minutes, then it will start slowly and within an hour get to where it is regularly.

the computer itself is fairley new (june 2011), the hard drive, though is from 2008, i used it on another build and basically recycled it, (reinstalled the os multiple times since i bought it, clearing the drive each time.)things i have tried;kaspersky full scan ccleaner disk fragmentation disk check updated all my drivers boot to only necessary programs with msconfigmy system;os version: microsoft windows 7 ultimate, 64 bit processor: intel(r) core(tm) i7-2600 cpu @ 3.40ghz, intel64 family 6 model 42 stepping 7 processor count: 8 ram: 8174 mb - g.skill ripjaw series 1600 graphics card: nvidia geforce gtx 570, 1280 mb hard drives: c: total - 476836 mb, free - 103627 mb - wd caviar blue motherboard: asrock, p67 extreme4 antivirus: kaspersky pure, enabledi have gotten several error messages in korean from chrome, not sure what exactly they were saying. the screen will now pause when the sound does, then after a little while it will go back to normal but not before having the whole screen go black.

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Video Files Keep Resetting After Pause?

Feb 28, 2012

I watch a video (usally avi file) and after I pause the video for a few minutes it starts over.

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Click Pause To Stop Wasting Resources

Oct 2, 2012

I would welcome some help with the search. I have tried a number of things with this and it doesn't work.Windows 7 Home Premium Sp1.This is what happens now.Control panel indexing options. Indexing in progress. O items indexed.I now click pause to stop wasting resources.I have no search facility. I would like help with the search but if there is alternative software?

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WMC7 Video Freezing After Pause Then Play?

May 30, 2012

I am having issues when trying to pause then play most video types including mkv. If I pause and then play a video the audio starts just fine but the video is frozen until I skip forward or backward. It is only an issue if I pause then play the video within ~10 seconds. Not sure what is going on here or how to fix this. I'm using Shark007 codecs.

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Batch Command To Pause Script Until Application Closed?

Sep 12, 2012

It's probably something obvious but both Pause and Wait for don't seem have the functionality I needed. The batch file (windows command script) I'm making is intended to do something fairly simple. It extracts a 7zip file into the TEMP directory then starts an executable from that 7zip file. All that is not a problem, but I really wanted to add some house cleaning functionality as well. Namely, after that executable or process is closed, the script deletes the extracted content from the TEMP folder. Also, but less importantly I was wondering if there is a way to hide the command prompt while the script & application is running, mainly so the command prompt window isn't closed while waiting for the application to end, thus missing the command to purge the TEMP files.

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Dell XPS L502X Windows Auto-scroll/minimize/pause?

Apr 29, 2012

I recently bought a new dell laptop. Im running a Windows 7 Home premium x64. Now since the start i have noticed a few weird things happening. 1. When ever im using a browser ie. Internet explorer and google chrome, my browser scrolls down automatically to the bottom page even if im typing or watching a video.2. when im playing a fulls screen online video my video tends to auto pause.3. when ever i donot have a browser open and i open any other window/application everything minimizes, though i haven't noticed these issues when im playing game in full screen.

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Process Cannot Access / File Because It Is Being By Another Process

May 3, 2012

I am getting this error all the time with Windows 7. I open a text file I want to edit, then go to save my changes and I get this error:"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process".I have full admin rights, running Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1. From a bit of research I have seen where many others have been experiencing this problem or something similar too. The only "fix" (that doesn't work all the time) is to close explorer.exe and then restart it to "release the handle"? Anyway, this is not acceptable for all the money and time I spent upgrading/configuring this new OS from XP -where I never had this problem- and seriously cuts down my productivity.Has Microsoft even acknowledged this as a bug yet? I can duplicate this scenario the second or third time I try to edit/save/delete a text file and I know that explorer.exe is the problem or a big part of it in any case. I don't want to go back to XP x64 but having to deal with this headache 10-20 times a day is just too much to ask.The file here is a game's map script & has to be saved to a .pk3 and then loaded into the program's root before it can run so i know othing else is running the file. No apps running in taskmngr either.

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Process Explorer Shows "error Opening Process"

Nov 9, 2012

New dell n7110/win7sp1x64.At startup on new machine from dell, process explorer (procexp64.exe) lists 81 processes running (seems like way too many - compared to xp with maybe 25 at startup). But which processes I can turn off is a question for another day. OK, read carefully, at least 15 processes in PE show " Path: error opening process". PID, CPU, Private Bytes, and working set columns are shown for these "problem" processes, but nothing after that, ie, description, company name etc. For all other listed running processes (with known paths), all info is shown in all columns. The problem processes include some important ones, services, crss, ism, wininit, winlogon, that must to be working for the computer to work, and everything seems to be working properly, and no cpu spikes or other weird stuff is happening. Right clicking properties on these problem processes, properties window pops up as normal, but shows "version: n/a, build: n/a, path: error opening process, no command line, no current directory, autostart location: n/a, Parent: non existent process (708), user: access denied. Again, this info can not be correct since the computer is working. And then, after a few minutes, another window pops up and says PE has stopped working, and closes the program. Now, if this was the whole story, I would go to sysinternals with this, but read on... Task manager running simultaneously with PE lists 83 processes running, more processes than PE, and also ~5 different processes than PE, and PE lists some processes running that TM doesn't list. So PE and TM show different running processes at the same time. How can that be? For the processes that PE shows "error opening", e.g., crss, etc., when I click properties in TM for the same process, sometimes I get the usual/normal pop-up window listing the path, and all the other data as normal, suggesting the process is working properly. But sometimes when I click properties in TM for the processes that PE shows "error opening", I get no pop-up at all, nothing for that process. So, IMO, it's not just a PE glitch, something is actually wrong here. This is a new machine, with PE the only 3rd party installation. I have installed several dell driver updates, but this problem occurred before I installed them. Also, remember PE and TM simultaneously list some different running processes and TM also fails to show paths, etc.

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Downloads Always Get To About 98% But Never EVER Finish

May 4, 2011

I use the latest version of firefox and use Dodo wireless broadband and I can never get beyond 98% of a download, it's very frustrating when certain programs have to be updated to even run. According to dodo's signal charts I should be in the best location for their signals and when I contact them they refuse to take any responsibility for it. I wasted countless gigs on downloads that just won't finish. Is there anything I can do to make the downloads finish? I've tried disabling my anti virus, firewalls, tried using IE8, NOTHING WORKS!

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New Install Won't Finish?

Oct 26, 2010

I have 2 ssd's raid-0 and 2 hdd's raid-1 connected to the ich10r. Both have or I should say had windows 7 installed. I want a back up windows on the hdd's. All was good until I decided I wanted the hdd's connected to the Marvell controller so that the sdd's and hdd's are on separate chips.I have been trying to get windows 7 to reinstall to the hdd's now connected to the Marvell 9128 all day. It won't finish the install. It goes all the way through to the last step, reboots and I get: (File:BootBCD. Status: 0xc0000225)

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PC Won't Finish Booting

Jun 14, 2011

windows starts to dl everything and restarts a couple of times but dont go to desktop setting u for the first time?

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It Won't Finish Updates On Restart

May 12, 2011

I'm having an issue with updating my system. My computer installed some updates and wanted me to restart to fully update the system. When I turn the computer on now it shows it's updating (it never progresses past zero) and it doesn't finish the update. Now every single time I go to start my computer it constantly has to try and finish these updates. The computer will sit there for a good few minutes trying. I have no idea what the updates were.

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Windows 7 Could Not Finish Configuring The System?

Jan 14, 2009

resume configuration restart computer" i have more than enough to install this is a clean install on a 60 gig PATA HD. my pc is a P5N-E SLI asus MB.. 8800gt 512 MB video card. 2 gig pc6400 ram.. and theprocessor is e6850 dual core. so what gives?? i get no other info other than listed and when i reboot i get the same message?

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During Install Windows Would Not Finish Installation

Jan 1, 2011

I have just up graded the ram on my PC and Installed Windows 7 on a second hard drive. During install Windows would not finish installation. After two days of tearing my hair out I started stripping everything off the PC leaving only the bare essentials for running. This included removing one of the two sticks of Ram. Win 7 installed and is working perfect, duel booting with XP on two HDD's.The problem, put the second stick of Ram back in XP boots and runs perfectly but reboot to windows 7 and it freezes on the startup screen. Take it back out and it works no problem.

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Why Wont Windows 7 64 Bit Finish Installing

Feb 24, 2011

Cant get Windows 7 64 Bit to finish its installation.Gets to the first reboot.Thats as far as it gets.It wont finalize the installation.From there it goes into a reboot loop every 30 sec.Reboots into the Safe Screen window.None of the functions in the window work.Did a Custom Install from the DVD several times.No luck.Windows 7 32 Bit installed and ran fine.Did a repair from the DVD as well.Solved nothing.Asus P5W DH Deluxe (MB)Core 2 Quad CPU (Q9400@2.66 GHz)ATI X1600 Pro Video cardSound Blaster Sound CardRam 4GB

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Windows Could Not Finish Configuring New Image

Mar 20, 2012

So I created an image earlier this week, sysprepped it and captured it after restarting the computer.Settings were OOBE / Generalize / Restart.When the computer had finished capturing the image to deploy studio, it restarted and went through the normal 'first run' procedures, but stopped during the configuration process saying:"Windows could not finish configuring your system. Restart the computer to try again" or something similar.I had a look at an earlier thread on here but the answer was similar to 'If you sysprep more than 3 times now it won't work'.

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Couldn't Finish The Sentence W/o Busting?

Jun 26, 2012

So, is this the typical UBI Shoddy, unoptimized, buggy Game or have they finally turned the corner? Bwahahahahaha... sorry, couldn't finish the sentence w/o busting a gut laughing eriously though, aside from the Third Person View (that I hate with a passion because it makes moving so cumbersome), has anybody played the campaign yet?

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How Can I Freeze Cmd Screen End Of The Program Finish ?

Nov 26, 2009

im using microsoft visual c# program under windows 7.

my generated application use in cmd screen but this programs just open and close fastly. i dont freeze commnet line end of my programs. that reason i didn't see my programs results.

how can i freeze cmd screen end of the program finish?

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Windows 7 64bit Does Not Finish Installing?

May 7, 2012

When I try to install win 7 64bit it won't complete the install. The screen is blank and it will stay that way for over an hour. I have read many post on this site about that problem and have tried many of the answers that were given (only having one drive connected, using only one stick of ram etc). but it still will not install all the way to where you name the computer and put in a password. When I reconnect the other drives and boot into my win 7 32bit os and go to computer and check the drive that I was trying to install the 64 bit os the files are there. Of course under users there is only Administrator, default and public. I have tried 3 different install disk that I borrowed from other people and the same thing happens.

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Real Player Download Never Finish?

Apr 7, 2012

I have real player and I'm sure you guys are aware that it has an add on that allows you to download videos of the internet. Well, every time I download a movie, my movies never seem to finish. The download tab says they're done downloading, but once I play them they are usually only 1/3 or half of the movie downloaded.

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SLOW Boot And Shutdown After Forced Shutdown During Windows 7 Upgrade?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a ASUS Laptop with Intel I3 processer and Windows 7 Home Premium. I recently had a forced shutdown during a Windows upgrade session. Ever since then the Boot and Shutdown times have increased to over 15 minutes. I have run the msconfig unticking all but the antivirus (Kaspersky) and it still takes >15 min to boot and Shutdown. Is there something I can do before I decide to reinstall Windows &. (I dont have a install disk.) The software came with the Computer and I have the OEM code (Bought at Best Buy)

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Windows 7 SP1 Unable To Finish Browser Surfing

May 24, 2011

Using any browser starts the online connection, etc. then seems to stop though it still shows it trying to connect to the requested website. Tried, on IE9, Chrome and Opera, it jsut seems to stop or spin it wheels.The odd thing is updates either by MS own or pgm. updates seem to go through provided on their own update procedure, like AV or pgm. update. The last update was .Net one, is that possible causing issues.Anyways, I maybe forced to return to some restore point, if no solution is found. I understand SP1 can cause some problems, but haven't heard of this. Seems odd is I can still update with MS update service(auto).

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New Laptop - Windows Could Not Finish Configuring The System

Sep 25, 2010

I ordered a refurbished/reconditioned Packard Bell EasyNote TJ74 laptop from a very well known retailer in the UK called Currys. I received it two days ago. Initally, the laptop stayed on for all of about 5 seconds before shutting down, however I have solved that problem by Googling the text and looking here: pxe-e61:media test failure check cable. It was basically trying to boot from something other than the HDD itself, so I set the HDD to the top of the list in the BIOS.Then, the next problem I got was this: I get the "Windows is Starting..." screen, and then a setup services starting message, and then this:"Windows could not finish configuring the system. To attempt to resume configuration, restart the computer."I restart the computer and... nothing happens. No Windows installation/recovery disk came with the laptop.So, I set the laptop to boot from CD in the BIOS and, using a 64-bit edition recovery disc I found online and ran startup repair using it, apparently no problems were found, and I got a message about ensuring I didn't have any cameras etc. attached... ..Someone online recommended I disable digital driver signing, so I did that by pressing F8 at one point when it was booting... it doesn't seem to have made any difference. Safe mode doesn't work either.Currys have told me they can do nothing but send a courier to my house to pick up the laptop... I don't get a replacement, simply a refund. I needed this laptop for Monday as I start university.I've set it back to boot from HDD and I'm getting the "Windows could not finish configuring the system, please restart" message again and again and again, and the system just constantly restarts and the same message appears. It is a never-ending loop!

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Windows 7 Installation Could Not Be Completed - Restart To Finish

Jan 3, 2013

I was trying to format my computer, I had installed the OS of Windows 7 Ultimate x32 bit, and decided to take the opportunity to install a new one, but this time of x64 bits, this was my first time formatting my computer but apparently didnt finish good.

1: When first restart the computer to finish installing the OS, it Said That "The intallation of windows could not be completed. To finish installing Windows, restart the installation"
2: I try to do what it say, but when I try to restart the installation with the OS disk in, I get to the same window (not sure if that's what meant by what I just explained).
3: When I turn on my computer says something like: "select the operating system you want to use", and I get the "Windows 7" option twice.

I just found out according to format the computer i had to delete the partition that was the old OS and create a new one, but I cant get to that window, because as explained in section 2 always get the same message from section 1.

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