Open Server In Windows 7 Explorer?

Feb 3, 2013

Ok I have a server that I want to access from a windows pc, I can do it on a mac fine in finder but i can't find a way to open up the server in windows explorer!! If I type the server into windows explorer it opens it up in google chrome (my default browser) and it doesn't let me replace or add files and it looks like this:So is there any way I can open it up in windows explorer or any other way i can replace and add files?P.S.1.File Zilla only works for ftp while this is an http server.2.If I add a network location for this it says it's not a valid location when it is.

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Cannot Open WMP And Internet Explorer. Server Execution Error

Mar 9, 2011

I am using windows 7 ultimate x64 on my hp laptop. Since a month, I cannot open wmplayer. if i go to mp3 song and hit play. it tell me server execution error. Also, I cannot start 32 bit or regular internet explorer. I can open x64 internet explorer. I already try to install and uninstall wmp by using control panel .but, it is not working.

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Server Execution Failed And Windows Media Player Wont Open

Jun 3, 2011

I'm having errors with Windows media Player and Media Center. I get a message that says server execution failed and Windows media player wont open. Media Center will open but wont play audio files.

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Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed

May 19, 2009

I was fiddling with some My documents files I copied over from XP. Explorer no longer works, gives the error message:

server execution failed

how to recover from this? Or do I need to recover or re-install?

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'Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed'

Jul 27, 2011

I solved the date problem but now I have another problem. I was transferring files from my pendrive. After that, I tried to gain access to My Computer but then out of a sudden, i can't open My Computer and The Control Panel as well as Music, Pictures etc on the Start Menu.When I click My Computer something pops up as 'Explorer.exe Server Execution failed'.When I click The Control Panel it says '::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683} Server Execution failed'.

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Explorer.exe Server Execution Failed?

Sep 25, 2011

So after rebooting after a virus scan, I keep getting the message "Explorer.exe server execution failed" whenever I try to open a document, game, internet browser, etc. I've tried everything I could find, and I still can't solve the problem.

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Open Access Of Printer Connected To Server?

Nov 1, 2012

i have a printer connected to server which is avaliable to rest of computers which are connected to network via Wifi. when a print request is send by a computer it stays pending as Server-Printer is offline, for printer to be online 1st user has to go to Networks->Server-PC then has to enter username and there a way to overcome this so that any computer which is connected to network can send request for print without having Userneme/Password of any account on the server?

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'Cannot Open Default Email Folders. Server Is Not Available'

Nov 30, 2011

I have a user who is using Outlook 2010, and intermittently recieves the error "Cannot open default email folders. Server is not available." When she receives this error, outlook closes.She is connecting to a POP3 account online, everything checks out in the "mail" settings in the control panel. Her .pst files aren't too big.I've tried a repair install, an uninstall followed by a fresh install, and updating to SP1 for Office 2010. Nothing seems to be helping, it is hit and miss when it does it, which makes it that much harder to troubleshoot.

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Windows' Explorer Won't Open On Top

Aug 27, 2011

Windows' explorer will not open on top. If I've got other applications open and I click on the 'My Computer' icon in the taskbar the Explorer window opens behind the window of the opened application.Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me, but I thought those windows used to open 'on top'.How do I restore the old behavior?

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Windows Explorer Won't Open

Apr 1, 2012

Whenever I try to open an Explorer window to manage files on my hard drive, the folder icon will appear on the task bar, but no Explorer window will be open. If I click on the folder icon on the task bar, instead of opening an Explorer window, the folder icon will appear in the system tray area. If I click on the folder icon in the system tray area, the folder will jump back to the task bar, and still no Explorer window will open.

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Windows 7 Explorer Doesn't Open?

Dec 20, 2012

Whenever I try and access Windows Explorer nothing happens. It lights up for a bit like it has been selected but the window never actually opens. Task Manager indicates that Windows Explorer never actually opened. I need an answer to my problem soon because it is essential that I am able to manage my computers files.

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Can't Open Graphics From Windows Explorer Into Psp?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a newly set up windows 7, 64 bit computer. I have Paint Shop ProX installed. I have most of my graphics associated through windows7 to open into pspX. I also have the preferences in pspX to open graphics.When I double click a graphic, whether gif, jpeg, psp, psd, pspimage...pspX program will open, but I get the message "There was a problem sending the command to the program".I had to open a jpeg attachment in picture viewer, in order to see it. Could Microsoft have something against letting non MS programs over ride their own programs? I have a friend who has the same windows7 and pspX program, but she does not have the problem.

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How To Open Programs Using Windows 7 Explorer

May 8, 2012

im using windows mistake i opened the photoshop using windows media center as every software and even browsers are not opening ...when i click any program windows media center opens.

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All Exe Files Are Now Open With Windows Explorer

Jul 15, 2012

my all exe. files are now open with windows explorer(used for open folders).

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Unable To Open Control Panel Options - Server Execution Failed

Jan 6, 2012

I am unable to open "Computer", "Control Panel", "Devices and Printers" or any of the other options when I click on the start icon in the task bar. I receive the error message "Server execution failed" I have Windows 7 operating system.

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No Programs Responding - Cannot Even Open Windows Explorer

Mar 27, 2012

I just started up my Laptop (Sony Vaio 2.6GHz | 4GB RAM | ATI Radeon | Windows 7 Home Premium) and none of the programs on my laptop are responding when I click on them to start them. Not even Windows Explorer opens. Nothing responds. I can open the windows start button, but that is about it. The PC is still under warranty, so it's quite new (4months). I also take great care of it, I do not load all sorts of crap on it. Only the essentials.

It all started yesterday, when my PC became really slow and I had to restart it, where it literally took 10 minutes too shut down (NO windows updates being installed...). I restarted it, ran a check disc for bad sectors, and it found none. Only a few bad clusters. I also ran - sfc /scannow command in cmd. However, when I open some of the programs (non windows system programs such as explorer and task manager), it gives me the following error: "The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion".

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Open More Than 1 Instance Of Internet Explorer With Windows 7?

Oct 1, 2012

how to open more than 1 instance of internet explorer with windows 7?

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Cannot Open Wmp And Internet Explorer On Windows 7 Ultimate

Mar 9, 2011

I have windows 7 ultimate on my hp laptop. for a month now, I cannot open window media player. When I click to open wmp, it does not do anything. If I go to song and click play, it gives me server execution failed error. I cannot open internet explore 32bits. But, I can open internet explorer 64 bits.

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Windows 7 Explorer Library Won't Let Open Any Folders?

May 6, 2012

When i opened my windows explorer to go to my pictures . there were no folders just 4 boxes that said " pictures.library-ms." ( documents.library-ms. etc ] . i deleted them and tried to restore them but it didnt work . when i go to upload a picture to tumblr it works but not if i want to just upload them to my computer and veiw them .when i tried to save an image to the computer it wouldnt let me it said : " can not save to this location "

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Movie Won't Delete Says It Is Open In Windows Explorer

Jun 17, 2011

Movie won't delete says it is open in windows explorer

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Open Windows Explorer To View The Documents?

Aug 28, 2012

when i try to open my windows explorer to view the displays 'windows explorer had stopped working' and then it shows 'windows explorer is restarting' then nothing happens..

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Open Each Folder In The Same Window In Windows Explorer

Sep 19, 2012

How to make each newly opened folder replace the previous one, I selected the "Open each folder in the same window" option in the tools folder options panel but it keeps on opening separate window for every folder I double click.

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Windows 7 Explorer (Libraries) Open On Every Computer Startup?

May 18, 2011

I have a HP Pavilion dv7 Entertainment Laptop. Lately, when I start up my computer, Windows Explorer (Libraries) open automatically. I can close it out with no problem but find it annoying to see it on EVERY startup. I don't know if something happened during a HP or Windows update or if possibly picked up some spyware or malware somewhere. I ran scans with Avast anti-virus, Spybot S&D, and Malwarebytes with nothing serious showing up...just cookies.Everything seems to run properly with no problems but this showing up on startups/reboots, opens on safe mode also. I checked to see if anything in startup folder...Nothing. I checked msconfig settings...can't find anything unusual.[CODE]

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Can't Open Any Folders In Windows Explorer With Double Click

Mar 11, 2011

Like my title read, I can't open any folders in my Windows Explorer with a double click. It gives me the error message "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel." This also happens whenever I try to open any drives, such as C: drive. I can however run programs from Windows Explorer, and can right click, then choose open to open folders.

I have already done extensive searching on the subject, tried deleting autorun.ini files, tried some registry fixes, with no luck. I'm obviously running Windows 7, 32-bit, on a HP desktop.

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Windows Explorer - Can't Open Folders By Double Clicking

May 19, 2011

In Windows Explorer, I can't open folders by double clicking then any more. I can still open them by expanding then pointing to collapsed sub folders etc. Double clicking folders within an application also still works.

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Windows 7 Home Premium X64 Internet Explorer 9 Won't Open?

Jan 25, 2012

I can not open IE 9. No error messages are displayed to give me. I tried installing Google Chrome and, like IE 9, it will not open either. Currently, I can only get Firefox to open. I have scanned the laptop using ESET's online scanner, which found nothing. I also scanned with MSE with the same results. No infections of any form are found.

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Start Button Right Click Open Windows Explorer Does Nothing?

May 7, 2011

I searched all over the web including this forum and nothing, sfc /scannow didn't work. There has to be some registry key that is missing or i need to modify.

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Cannot Open Windows Media Player Or Internet Explorer

Jan 13, 2013

I an unable to open windows media player or internet explorer, when I open internet explorer it looks like its about to load up my homepage but I get nothing but a blank page. Also when I tried to open skydrive that wouldn't work either. I tried to open windows media player today and that wouldn't open either. I can use firefox that works ok and vlc player but anything to do with windows will not work. The only thing new i put on my laptop was zune for my new Samsung Omina 7 phone. However internet explorer was not working prior to this.

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Can't Open External Hosted Ftp Site In Windows Explorer

Nov 8, 2011

I know this has come up in other threads, but I've been unable to find a resolution. I'm trying to upload files to an ftp site hosted by the software company whose program I'm using, but I can't open their ftp site in Windows Explorer. I'm using IE9, and running Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit.

To address the common responses right off the bat:

1-Under internet options advanced tab I have "enable ftp folder view (outside of internet explorer)" checked, as well as "use passive ftp"

2-I do not have a Windows Firewall turned on.

3-When I try to connect to the network location in order to create a shortcut, I get an error saying the ftp site is incorrect, even though I'm copying and pasting the address from the URL to the command menu.

4-Alt-F, View, open in Windows Explorer gives me an error message saying the site can't be opened in Windows Explorer.

I'm on a network, and we're all running the same systems, but for some reason my boss' and my co-worker's computers allow me to open the ftp site in Windows Explorer without error messages.

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Very Slow To Open Files From Windows Explorer - Ok Within Application

Nov 28, 2011

Sometimes if I open a file by double clicking it in windows explorer, it will sit doing nothing (and that explorer window is then tied up) for a few minutes! Then the file opens normally in the correct application. But opening the application first, and getting it from the file open menu, or dragging the file into the open application is ok. The problem goes away if I reboot windows, but can come back again later for no apparent reason.

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Can't Use CTRL-F6 In Word When Open Multiple Files From Windows Explorer

Jan 19, 2012

I believe I�ve run into a bug with Windows Explorer, however, it could possibly be with Word 2010. If it�s not a bug, and can be �fixed� by your helping me, that would be wonderful! (I use Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit.) This is what does work just fine: From Word, I open a file, then open another file, then another. I am able to use the CTRL-F6 to move from document to document.This is what does not work: I open those same 3 files from Windows Explorer, by using the mouse to select them and hit ENTER. The files do open in Word. However, the CTRL-F6 keystroke does not work to be able to move from document to document. In the latter, it�s a little bit as if Windows Explorer is starting multiple copies of Word. However, from the Word icon on the taskbar, both cases look the same, i.e., when I hover over the icon, I can see the 3 miniature files, and can click into any of them. I�d like to understand what�s going on that�s different in the 2 cases. But I�d really love to learn of how I can make the latter case work. With my work, I do this process (open multiple files from Windows Explorer) dozens of times a day, and I need efficiency. It takes a lot longer to open each file one-by-one. It also takes longer to not be able to use CTRL-F6.

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