Open Lid And Windows Doesn't Wake?

Jan 23, 2011

I saw one of the features of Windows 7 was the instant on after the screen on a laptop is closed. However, on my Samsung Q330 - If I open the screen I have to press the power button to get the computer to wake. How can I change this so when the screen is opened the computer wakes up?

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Windows 7 Hibernates And Sometimes Doesn't Wake-Up

Jan 11, 2011

I recently formatted my computer (yesterday, to be precise) but I have some kind of a problem I had before. My system starts the hibernation process after 30 minutes of inactivity and sometimes, like, if it's 4 or 5 hours (during night) without being activated, it simply doesn't wake up. It means my monitor display is black and cannot load. I have to reset it.I'm using Windows 7 64 bits and my system specs are displayed on my profile.

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Desktop Doesn't Always Wake Up?

Nov 11, 2012

Win 7, 64bit, desktop computer doesn't always wake from sleep mode.I have to switch off the computer and then power up again. Screen states "resuming windows". Windows button>shut down shows only a sleep option (no hibernation option shown)Power option is set to "Balanced", display off 25min, put to sleep 40 min Allow hybrid sleep is "ON" Hibernate after is set to "never"

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Laptop Doesn't Wake Up From Hibernation

Feb 11, 2013

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post laptop HP ProBook 4540s..i just bought it...i make it to go to stanby mode..but when i press the ON button..from the lights I see the laptop is ON..i hear windows sounds..but I don't see any picture..if I'm not mistaken it happens with both standby and hibernation modes

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Laptop Goes To Sleep And Doesn't Wake Up When Battery Is Low

Jun 13, 2012

I'm having problems when my laptop goes to sleep, I'm not sure what happens but when my battery is low, it goes to sleep but doesn't wake up even if I plug the charger in. The only way I can get this fix is to restart it by shutting it down through the power button.

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Wake On WAN Doesn't Work After Extended Period

Dec 2, 2009

Wake on LAN always works. Wake on WAN works via dslreports after very short period of time after sleep. Wake on WAN DOES NOT work after long period (~5+ minutes after sleep)

It would appear I have the correct settings set given the scenario. I've done the obvious.. Set BIOS and Windows settings correctly to my knowledge. I'm lost as to why I can't get it to wake up on wan after while.

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Task Scheduler Doesn't Wake Up Computer

Nov 16, 2011

I noticed somehow my username is logged off if the computer sleeps too long (like during night). If I test the task behind my computer and let the computer sleep for a short while, it automatically awakes.

If I allow the computer sleep automatically and for long periods of time, then it somehow doesn't awake the computer anymore. In Task Scheduler I got the error message like: Task has not been executed cause user isn't logged on (this is translated).

So somehow the user is logged off after the computer goes in sleep mode automatically.

For now, I checked in Tab General for the specific Task:

* Highest Privelages, and

* also I changed "configuring for Windows 7 (I used setting for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)

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System Doesn't Wake After Sleep Or Hibernate - Must Do Hard Reboot

Oct 6, 2011

I had my laptop for about 5 months running OEM Win 7 home premium 32bit. The system came with no disks so I am stuck, for now, with the copy loaded. Anyway, things had been running smoothly up to a few weeks ago, for when I tried to put my system into hibernate, like I've done many times before, the screen went black, but the system did not power-down. I could not do anything but power-cycle it. When it came back I got the "Windows failed to shutdown properly blah blah blah" message. I tried 'sleep' and the same thing happened. I don't do much in the way of adding or removing programs on this laptop, aside from updates and the only recent hardware change was using a usb mouse. Which I have tried removing this and there was no change. I have tried updating drivers that needed it (video, audio, and network) as well as the BIOS. No luck.

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Windows 7 Explorer Doesn't Open?

Dec 20, 2012

Whenever I try and access Windows Explorer nothing happens. It lights up for a bit like it has been selected but the window never actually opens. Task Manager indicates that Windows Explorer never actually opened. I need an answer to my problem soon because it is essential that I am able to manage my computers files.

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Windows 8 Doesn't Let Me Play Open GL Stuff

Sep 29, 2011

Okay so I just installed the Windows 8 developer preview and with this I noticed my video card driver had changed to this:

And the problem is that this doesn't let me play Open GL stuff, and I don't have a clue on what my video card driver was before that (Don't know how to find it) or change to another video card driver

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Difference Between Wake Up On LAN And On Board Wake Up On LAN?

May 1, 2011

Logmein software is able to wake the computer up with On Board Wake up is disabled or enabled in BIOS.I have also Toshiba L505D.Logmein software can wake the computer up only if Wake up on LAN is enabled in BIOS.What is the difference between ASUS BIOS's On Board Wake up option and Toshiba BIOS's Wake up on LAN option? UPDATE: I found out that ASUS's Option was for diskless boot and using network hard disks as hard disks. Nothing to do with Wake up on LAN.

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MSE Doesn't Seem To Be Running & Won't Open?

Oct 7, 2010

I've been downloading a bunch of files for various reasons the last day or two and may have picked up something with it all.I dont see my MSE icon in the bottom right corner & when I try to open it via Start, nothign happens?

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Pc Doesn't Open Exe Files?

Jun 4, 2012

my pc does'nt know the path to open the .exe files

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Device And Printers Doesn't Open?

Sep 5, 2012

I was recently changing a network printer but the PC seemed slow when adding a new printer. I removed the unused devices and restarted the computer. Now when I try to open devices and printers I just get the green bar at the top and nothing shows up.On a side note (I assume it is related) at the same time the printer issue showed up I noticed that I can't get Word to open at all and when I go to page layout in Excel, Excel locks up.I have tried a clean boot and everything behaves the same. I have tried using Fix it for printer problems and the program seems to get stuck when checking for spooler errors.I have also done a search and found the posts about restarting the Blutooth services.


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When Try To Open Computer Doesn't Respond?

Feb 4, 2012

i have window 7 ,when i use external hard disk to gat the data ,my system shows the disk in c drive ,but when i try to open,my computer doesn't respond ..its says computer not responding

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Open File And Save As Doesn't Work

Oct 16, 2010

File|Open and File|Save As does not work at all for any application. Basically nothing happens, the dialog never opens an in my mail is not possible to upload files.. nothing, the common dialog to handle files never opens. I tried to type sfc/scannow in DOS mode (cmd). But didnt work because it said that I must be the administrator but the problem is that I am the administrator (I am the only user and register as admin).

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Mouse Moves But Doesn't Open Programs?

Oct 17, 2011

I am using an HP Targus HD compliant mouse, but my touch pad (Synaptics V7.0 Touch Pad on PS2 port) is clearly the default pointer and if I try to remove it, I am left with no pointing devices at all! I have tried changing the USB connections for the mouse, but to no avail

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Unable To Open Files System Says File Its Under Doesn't Exist?

Jul 22, 2012

i am unable to open files system says file its under doesn't exist

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"File Open" Window Doesn't Display Correctly

Mar 25, 2010

I have a problem running Patran 2007 in Windows 7, the program seems to run fine, and I am able to open data bases and work on them. The problem comes in when I want to either save the database, open a new database or just open a current database. For each of these functions a new smaller window pops up so I can navigate to the correct file or path to click on it or whatever.

Initially the window opens as I would expect, but as soon as I move the mouse or try to use the keyboard to navigate, the window goes blank and I can do nothing with it. Strangely, using the compatibility setting to open the program in a 640x480 display, they do seem to work fine, but because of the small resolution, I cannot actually see the part of the window where the files are - so that also doesn't help me.

It seems as though there is something between Patran and Windows that one of them don't like, but it baffles me that everything else works fine. If any one else has had the same problem, maybe with a different program even, let me know what you did to resolve it. Otherwise any advise would be useful.

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"Open File Location" Doesn't Work

Mar 23, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 32-bit. On a Samsung R580. 4gb Ram, 2.13 ghZ etc etc. Basically whenever I right-click on anything to open it's original file location "Open File Location". It does nothing.

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CD Drive Wont Open, Drive Doesn't Respond?

Dec 25, 2012

My Windows 7 Dell Studio 1550 laptop computers disc drive has been acting up for a little while now, like having to insert a DVD twice before it starts to autoplay with Windows Media Player (WMP). Just little things like that. Now when I try to play my audiobook I got today and it isn't recognized by WMP. When the look in Windows Explorer the files it contains are garbage- default style files of size 1kb with default track names like: Track01, Track02....Thinking that it could be that the CD might be readable on normal car CD players and similar, I double check with an old CD that I burnt myself a couple weeks ago. It doesn't recognize that either and it Win Explorer displays the same garbage.WM Player does literally nothing when it is told to play to it, and VLC tells me that:"Your input can't be opened: In desperation I try the original CD in my gaming tower. It plays but now it refuses to eject the disk. It has a LG MODISC CD/DVD-RW with Lightscribe in it.

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Windows 7 Won't Wake Up?

May 31, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 (64 bit) on a fresh system last night. Installation was fine, did a little web browsing, then put the machine to sleep. This morning, I go to the computer, click the mouse, and...nothing. Press a bunch of keys, nothingCutting power to the machine causes it to power up, power down, then power back up.And I have no idea what's going on.

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Windows 7 X64 Ultimate Will Not Wake-on-LAN

Mar 26, 2012

I am trying to set up my media server PC to be completely controlled from my Android phone. However, I am unable to get WoL working. I have enabled WoL from BIOS and the network device settings, but am still unable to wake the computer from sleep with a magic packet. I can wake the computer from sleep with other devices (ie: my USB keyboard).

I have the latest update for my BIOS, as well as the latest drivers for the onboard Ethernet adapter. I have enabled the option to allow PCIe devices to wake the computer, and have enabled the options on my onboard Ethernet adapter to "Wake on Magic Packet." Under Power Management, have "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power," "Allow this device to wake the computer," and "Only allow a magic packet to wake the computer" checked. I have also tried unchecking "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power," which also greys out the other two options, and that does not work either.

"wolsniffer" shows that the magic packet is being received when the computer is powered on, and I have tried enabling and disabling "Hybrid Sleep" mode because I have seen that suggested as a possible issue for Windows 7 WoL.

The computer:
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Asus P7P55D mobo
Intel i5 750
GeForce 210
4GB RAM (unsure of speed)

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Windows 7 Takes Several Minutes To Wake Up

Mar 16, 2011

I will first say I have searched the internet far and wide and have not found a solution that has worked yet. Secondly, this is a home build that is nearly a year old with no issues to this point so it's not connected to so-and-so PC supplier who released a driver update that I know of.About a week ago, my computer has decided to take its time when waking up from sleep. It is Windows 7 Professional, completely updated with no problems to that point. When it falls asleep and I wake it up, the machine starts up and is active, but my monitors, external hard drive, and other peripherals are never turned on as they once were and the machine just sits there running with a black screen. After exactly 1 minute and 50 seconds, the hard drive, monitors, mouse, keyboard light up and I'm good to go. It was about 10 seconds prior to whatever it is that happened. I have tried turning off hybrid sleep. I have tried using hibernation instead of sleep. Same error. I found online where someone said they had this problem with an ATI card, but once they upgraded the Catalyst Control Center and drivers, they had no problems. That did no good. The only update I've done recently is Firefox, but I have not seen any other reports of the newest Firefox causing sleep problems. I read where someone had a problem with waking up from sleep mode because of Firefox's memory leaks and they said closing Firefox before putting it to sleep helped.I upgraded to SP1 after that and it didn't correct anything.It does not matter if I put it to sleep and wake it up immediately or if it goes to sleep and when I get home from work, boot it up. The same thing happens no matter the length of time.

I have a dual boot with Ubuntu, but that has been on there for months with no errors and Ubuntu will sleep and wake up just fine, usually; sleep has never worked correctly for it. There have been no hardware changes or any hardware driver changes other than the video card. I tried rolling back video card drivers to see if there was a difference with no change. My ASRock MB has the most up to date BIOS that has been out for over a year. My video card is a 5770, but like I said, I've tried older and new drivers. I tried the prevx black screen fix with no luck. I saw the Windows hotfix for this problem, but no where did they provide a link to this hotfix so I'm assuming it was downloaded in an update at some point so it is doing no good for me.

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Windows 7 Cannot Wake From Hibernate By Key Stroke

Jun 20, 2012

I changed a new CPU yesterday and reset bios settings. now I notice I cannot wake windows 7 from hibernate by keyboard stroke, must hit power button

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Windows 7 Will Not Wake Up From Hibernate After RAM Upgrade

Aug 11, 2010

After increasing the RAM on my notebook from 1Gb to 2Gb it will not waken from Hibernate. The notebook runs on Windows 7 Starter.

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Windows 7 Sleep Does A Hibernate Also; Won't Wake Up

Jun 2, 2011

I have a curious problem with sleep mode on my Win7 build. These issues are usually traced to needing an updated driver for the video card, but I have the most recent one and it didn't make a difference.

My system specs can be seen by clicking on More Information under my avatar, then Member Configuration. Win7 on an SSD on an Asus P7C55D Deluxe.

When I select "Sleep" from the shutdown menu, the system does go into what I usually see for sleep mode. It powers down the monitor and the moving drives, and the power light goes into a slow blink state. So far, normal. If I press the power button to come out of sleep, drives spin but the monitor does not come on and I can't do anything. Not what one wants, but not unusual if there are drivers or hardware that do not support sleep mode.

Then I pressed the hard-reset button. BIOS started as expected, but when it came time to start Win7 it restored the last session state, as if coming out of hibernate. That's unexpected: It went into the sleep state, but also wrote out hiberfile.sys. Or was that "it hibernated, but also went into sleep state?"

And Hibernate does not appear on my Shutdown menu as a choice. So for a while, I would select Sleep, cut power, and reboot. Recently, I assigned the Hibernate function to the power button, and I get a clean Hibernate when I press that button.

how I can get true Sleep mode? This same machine does true Sleep mode in XP if I boot my XP drive, with the same video card and even the same ancient SCSI card.

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Windows 7 PC Won't Wake From Longer Sleep

Feb 8, 2013

I recently built my first PC - AMD FX8350 on an Asus M5A88M motherboard. Running Windows 7, set up mostly as default. Newest drivers on everything.

The sleep functionality (using the default Balanced mode) had been working fine as far as I could tell. I'd walk away from the computer for a while, or leave it on overnight, and come back to find it asleep. A few taps on the keyboard or a push of the flashing power button would wake it up.

Recently, I've been having trouble waking the computer from longer sleeps (overnight). Nothing seems to wake it - the mouse, the keyboard, or the power button - I get no fans or anything, the system seems locked up tight. I actually have to switch off the power supply and then turn it back on. Only after that can I hit the power button and it resumes. For short sleeps (a couple of hours), everything works as it should.

I only have it set to sleep after 30 minutes (hybrid sleep actually). I have hibernate set to never. Monitor turns off after 10 minutes. Hard drives off after 20 minutes. These are the default settings for Balanced. As far as I can tell, there should be no difference to Windows if the PC has been sleeping for 1 hour or 12 hours, there are no different settings that kick in after a longer period of time.

Recently I converted from a PS/2 to a USB keyboard - that's been the only change. When I run powercfg, it shows the mouse, keyboard, and Realtek device (presumably the power button) as the ones that would wake the computer.

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Windows 7 Randomly Goes Into Sleep Mode, Will Not Wake?

Oct 3, 2012

This is now my third time with this problem, the first required me to restore to factory settings. These last two seem to have been triggered by a power flicker at my residence. The power momentarily flickered long enough for my computer to shut down. After booting the computer seems fine until approx 5-10 min later it will enter sleep mode no matter what I am actively doing on the pc. I fixed the second time with a restoration to two days before the incident. This time I restored to that same point and it still has the problem. Power settings are on high performance with sleep and hibernate set to never.

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How To Wake Up Computer With Mouse Click In Windows 7

Dec 29, 2012

I was just wondering if there's a way I can wake my computer with a mouse click. Its just that in windows 8 cp I can wake the system with a click from the mouse but not in windows 7. I'm using a generic mouse attached to the front panel usb.

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Cannot Wake Up Windows 7 Computer Via Mouse Movement?

Mar 31, 2010

I have both a wireless usb mouse/keyboard. Windows 7 home 64 bit.

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