MSE Doesn't Seem To Be Running & Won't Open?

Oct 7, 2010

I've been downloading a bunch of files for various reasons the last day or two and may have picked up something with it all.I dont see my MSE icon in the bottom right corner & when I try to open it via Start, nothign happens?

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HP Laptop Running Windows 7 Doesn't Want To Shut Down

Aug 22, 2012

I'm writing about my friend's computer so I don't have all the info at my fingertips. It's about two years old. I know she has Windows 7 on it. She has been having trouble for a long time with the darned thing not wanting to shut down. I'm going to quote her description to me in an email and hope that someone has some ideas. I'm trying to help her out because she is not comfortable with going into forums and doing this. "It turns off some times right away. But then a few times it sits and waits to shut off. If I close the lid it only shuts down the screen but the computer is still running. Then later it turns back on as I hear the start up tone. Then I can click off again and it shuts down. If I don't turn it off then it shuts down after it use all the power."

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Windows Update Service Is Not Running And Doesn't Even Show Up

Aug 10, 2012

I'm encountering an extremely strange issue on my desktop. I keep getting SSL errors when ever I try to go to, or dozens of other sites on google chrome. The exact error is "The site's security certificate is signed using a weak signature algorithm". I can't reach the site at all.Windows Update service is also not running and doesn't even show up in "services.msc". I get this error "Windows update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer". Obviously restarting doesn't help. I also got a similar error for Microsoft Security Essentials, and it wouldn't run at all so I uninstalled it.MSI Afterburner also gives me an error when I start it up about how I need to restart to properly detect my hard ware, but I didn't do that before and I tried restarting with that as well.I've run many, many, scans to detect trojans, viruses, and spyware using AVG Free, Spybot Search and Destroy, Malware Bytes, Spyware Doctor, Kapernsky's Rootkit tool. AVG, and Malware Bytes both turned up and deleted some basic malware & spyware. The others can't detect anything.

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Running Windows 7 On Computer It Doesn't Recognize A Removeable Storage Device

Oct 13, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite lap top. It does not recognize my card reader when I connect it. What can I do?

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Pc Doesn't Open Exe Files?

Jun 4, 2012

my pc does'nt know the path to open the .exe files

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Oblivion Not Running In A Window When I Open It

Nov 5, 2011

I'm running windows 7 64 bit and well.. After going past the first screen - you know the little one, where you can choose how you want to load it and such - well if i choose to load it in a window it doesn't load. I click play and a small black box quickly comes on and off the screen and then nothing happens. And if i highlight the icon on the taskbar it shows a picture of oblivion working fine. But its not working on my screen.

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Game Running In Background But Won't Open?

Nov 3, 2012

I'm having trouble with several games opening their pre-game menus properly but then disappearing. They are running in the background but can only be seen in task manager and do not appear on the task bar. I have had this problem with multiple different games from different publishers so I'm assuming it is an error on my end. The games I have tried are Starcraft 2, Half-life, and a multitude of Steam games. I have a self-built computer running Windows 7. I'll list specs below


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Game Running In Background But Won't Open?

Jan 19, 2013

Quote :[quote]

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Device And Printers Doesn't Open?

Sep 5, 2012

I was recently changing a network printer but the PC seemed slow when adding a new printer. I removed the unused devices and restarted the computer. Now when I try to open devices and printers I just get the green bar at the top and nothing shows up.On a side note (I assume it is related) at the same time the printer issue showed up I noticed that I can't get Word to open at all and when I go to page layout in Excel, Excel locks up.I have tried a clean boot and everything behaves the same. I have tried using Fix it for printer problems and the program seems to get stuck when checking for spooler errors.I have also done a search and found the posts about restarting the Blutooth services.


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Windows 7 Explorer Doesn't Open?

Dec 20, 2012

Whenever I try and access Windows Explorer nothing happens. It lights up for a bit like it has been selected but the window never actually opens. Task Manager indicates that Windows Explorer never actually opened. I need an answer to my problem soon because it is essential that I am able to manage my computers files.

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Open Lid And Windows Doesn't Wake?

Jan 23, 2011

I saw one of the features of Windows 7 was the instant on after the screen on a laptop is closed. However, on my Samsung Q330 - If I open the screen I have to press the power button to get the computer to wake. How can I change this so when the screen is opened the computer wakes up?

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When Try To Open Computer Doesn't Respond?

Feb 4, 2012

i have window 7 ,when i use external hard disk to gat the data ,my system shows the disk in c drive ,but when i try to open,my computer doesn't respond ..its says computer not responding

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Windows 8 Doesn't Let Me Play Open GL Stuff

Sep 29, 2011

Okay so I just installed the Windows 8 developer preview and with this I noticed my video card driver had changed to this:

And the problem is that this doesn't let me play Open GL stuff, and I don't have a clue on what my video card driver was before that (Don't know how to find it) or change to another video card driver

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Open File And Save As Doesn't Work

Oct 16, 2010

File|Open and File|Save As does not work at all for any application. Basically nothing happens, the dialog never opens an in my mail is not possible to upload files.. nothing, the common dialog to handle files never opens. I tried to type sfc/scannow in DOS mode (cmd). But didnt work because it said that I must be the administrator but the problem is that I am the administrator (I am the only user and register as admin).

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Mouse Moves But Doesn't Open Programs?

Oct 17, 2011

I am using an HP Targus HD compliant mouse, but my touch pad (Synaptics V7.0 Touch Pad on PS2 port) is clearly the default pointer and if I try to remove it, I am left with no pointing devices at all! I have tried changing the USB connections for the mouse, but to no avail

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Unable To Open Files System Says File Its Under Doesn't Exist?

Jul 22, 2012

i am unable to open files system says file its under doesn't exist

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"File Open" Window Doesn't Display Correctly

Mar 25, 2010

I have a problem running Patran 2007 in Windows 7, the program seems to run fine, and I am able to open data bases and work on them. The problem comes in when I want to either save the database, open a new database or just open a current database. For each of these functions a new smaller window pops up so I can navigate to the correct file or path to click on it or whatever.

Initially the window opens as I would expect, but as soon as I move the mouse or try to use the keyboard to navigate, the window goes blank and I can do nothing with it. Strangely, using the compatibility setting to open the program in a 640x480 display, they do seem to work fine, but because of the small resolution, I cannot actually see the part of the window where the files are - so that also doesn't help me.

It seems as though there is something between Patran and Windows that one of them don't like, but it baffles me that everything else works fine. If any one else has had the same problem, maybe with a different program even, let me know what you did to resolve it. Otherwise any advise would be useful.

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"Open File Location" Doesn't Work

Mar 23, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 32-bit. On a Samsung R580. 4gb Ram, 2.13 ghZ etc etc. Basically whenever I right-click on anything to open it's original file location "Open File Location". It does nothing.

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CD Drive Wont Open, Drive Doesn't Respond?

Dec 25, 2012

My Windows 7 Dell Studio 1550 laptop computers disc drive has been acting up for a little while now, like having to insert a DVD twice before it starts to autoplay with Windows Media Player (WMP). Just little things like that. Now when I try to play my audiobook I got today and it isn't recognized by WMP. When the look in Windows Explorer the files it contains are garbage- default style files of size 1kb with default track names like: Track01, Track02....Thinking that it could be that the CD might be readable on normal car CD players and similar, I double check with an old CD that I burnt myself a couple weeks ago. It doesn't recognize that either and it Win Explorer displays the same garbage.WM Player does literally nothing when it is told to play to it, and VLC tells me that:"Your input can't be opened: In desperation I try the original CD in my gaming tower. It plays but now it refuses to eject the disk. It has a LG MODISC CD/DVD-RW with Lightscribe in it.

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BSOD Running When Running Intel Driver Update Utility And More Apps

Aug 12, 2012

ive been getting BSODs and finally figured out how to debug it with WinDbg (x86) and set the symbols for windows but i cant read the text. ive tried reinstalling my GPU and Java but no luck. when i try to run intel driver update utility as soon as i run it i get a BSOD ive got the minidump here if anyone knows how to read it, so here you go.

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.2.8400.0 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:UserskalyeDesktop�81212-36504-01.dmp]


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Windows 7 Running Slow, Not Running Games Properly?

Nov 1, 2011

I'm just installed windows 7 on my 2009 imac through bootcamp. However there are some problems. Ive noticed when i try to play something on windows media player it will tell me that my computer is running low on memory and to close some windows. Also games run poorly if at all. I suspect its a driver issue but have gone through all the auto updates etc.

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Two Desktops Running At Same Time / Background Programs Running

Jan 29, 2012

As I shutdown/restart my laptop, I notice it switches to a secondary desktop that has been running programs.A good example would be trying to open my Task Manager, I can Ctrl-Alt-Del and it will allow me to open Task Manager - however when I click on Task Manager, it opens on the Desktop running in the background. I can't even access the Desktop in the background, it only shows up as I'm shutting down - closing programs that I tried opening awhile ago.

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Can't Open A Shared File On A Windows 7 Machine If It's Already Open On An XP?

Jan 23, 2012

I have a small network of six computers. Five of them run XP and I just added a Windows 7 machine. I've got a Microsoft Access 2003 database that all of the computers share that is hosted on one of the XP machines. The Windows 7 machine can access the Access database through the network just fine, as long as no one else is accessing it. However, if someone else on an XP machine on the network is using the file, it won't open on the Windows 7 machine. Doubling clicking the file on Windows 7 gives me the circling blue icon for a second or two, then nothing happens. If the XP user exits the database, then I can open it fine.

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Windows 7 - Get Programs That Are Already Open To Open Up With ONE Click?

Sep 2, 2012

When I have a couple of screens open on my desktop. When I click on an icon for, lets say, iTunes, I can see the iTunes window appear behind the translucent taskbar of Win 7. Ditto for MS World.How do i get programs that are already open to open up with ONE click, instead of having to closed down all the other windows.

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Windows Programs Will Not Open Images, Can Open Them With PSP

Oct 20, 2011

For a while my windows 7 64 bit would open my images in Documents. Now when I try they appear as a garbled strange format. If I go to PSP ProX2 they open fine. This is a problem for me since I often need to add images to document Newsletters I send out.

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Every Program Try To Open, Windows Asks Open With?

Apr 12, 2012

every program i try to open, windows asks open with?

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Complete Access To One PC Running Windows 7 From Another One That Is Also Running Windows 7

Oct 9, 2012

I am running into this issue of having complete access to one PC running windows 7 from another one that is also running windows 7. One of the PC's is a windows 7 pro 32 bit and the other is window 7 ultimate 64 bit. I have had them setup with public and dedicated folder sharing. But from time to time I find that a file I want to get off one or the other was not saved to a shared folder. I have been looking for a way to allow complete access from one PC to other one (going both directions). I use 2 PC all the times and it really depends on where I am in the house as to what one I am using as one is laptop and the other is a desktop. They are both on the same network. It is just one of the strange things that I have not been able to find a way to get complete file access without the use of software like Teamviewer or others like it.What I would like to do it just go to the network location in the windows explore to get the files I want from the other PC.

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Certain Programs Won't Open, Some Do Open Weird?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a fairly new HP Desktop PC. I'm running Windows 7 Home 64-bit SP1. Yesterday I noticed that iTunes won't open when I double-click on the shortcut icon on my desktop. I restarted my computer, same issue. I restarted in Safe Mode, same issueI did notuninstall/reinstall because I also can't open my Spybot-SD. Same thing happens. The process is listed in Task Manager, but the programs just don't open. I have not trieduninstalling/reinstalling the programs because I tried doing a System Restore back to early February. The System Restore was successful but the problem persists. Also, Windows Media Player opens, but it opens weird, wherein it freezes on a white square for a few minutes before finally loading. Also, my DVD burning software, DVD Flick, opens but first it freezes on a yellow square.

It's hard to Google this problem because of all the programs involved, and I'm sure there are more programs that won't open that I'm just not aware of yet. I didn't do anything that I can think of that could've caused the problem (and if I had, the system restore would've fixed it). So I scanned my PC for viruses with Symantec and I also scanned for malware with Microsoft Security Essentials and both scans came up clean. Not being able to use iTunes presents a problem because I can't update my phone or make changes to my phone at all.

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'Open With' Every Time Try To Open A Program?

Jun 2, 2011

My girlfriend recently lent me her laptop (Windows 7 32bit) it was still using IE so when I go to install chrome the built in 'security program' (Windows 7 internet security 2011 or something like that) tells me that chrome is a threat and wont let me use it.. Now after finding out that Windows 7 internet security 2011 is a joke and just wants my money I run spybot search and destroy, it finds plenty of viruses and such like which are all removed.Now I have the strange problem...When I try to run any program or file the 'open this file with' window comes up. With some programs I can browse the program files and locate the program, select open with (I can't select 'always use the selected program') and away we go, but with others it simply doesn't open or will open the program in the background (unusable) and give me the 'open with' window again.. I have tried putting the Malwarebytes installer on USB but the laptop still gives me the 'open with' window when I try to install that

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Open A File It Will Just Hang There And Not Open?

Feb 11, 2012

if i go to the start button to go to my computer the window will open on the first try , but say i try to go to my computer again it will just sit there and not open. the exployer window will open but not the contents inside.does not care how many times i try it will only open the window and show nothing inside , a bar will go across the top to show progress but still it will not open.if i restart the computer i can open up the my computer or just computer in right now i tried to open up the window to check my hard drive and im still waiting for it to open.this goes on on both of my computers running windows 7.all coms are updated to the fullest and im not overclocking or doing anything other normal stuff.So is there a bug or somthing that im missing , once again if i go to start , and hit computer the window will open on the first try , but if i do it to many times it will just open a window and just sit there.even further if i open it up and try to open a file it will just hang there and not open , there is no error warning or nothing.

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Open With: Can't Add Program To Open Files

Dec 16, 2012

Im having a problem with opening files I use to open with two programs. One is mkv, vob and divx files with homecinema. And snes roms with an emulator. Basically win 7 would let me select the program and it would show up on the list of programs to use. I would select always use and I'm done. But I moved the folders containing the files to a different folder and now my two programs I use will not show up in the open with list. I now have to go to the program itself and search for the files. Its a pain because I could click on the files and get right to them.

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