Old Computer Had Hidden Files, New Computer Cannot Access Them?

Nov 27, 2010

but i had a desktop windows 7 with some hidden files.I was getting a new laptop (macbook, to dualboot mac osx/windows 7)I got an external HDD and copied my old windows 7 files that i needed.Transfered them onto my macbook.All of my files i can access besides the ones that were "Hidden" on my old desktop.(Windows 7 desktop)I was just curious how i can have access to these files.

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Hidden Files On Computer Suddenly Became Visible ?

Aug 17, 2012

I've noticed that the hidden files on my computer suddenly became visible and I can't put them as hidden again.I've tried the "Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives option.

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Plugging In A USB Save Any Hidden Files To Computer HDD?

Dec 12, 2011

I was wondering, I'm very OCD and I like to keep my computer clean of any unwanted files.When you plug in a USB does it save any files/hidden files to your computer HDD?When you clean all/format a USB does it save any backups or anything to your computer HDD?I'm just quite autistic and I want to know what happends when you plug USBs in

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Can't Access Backup Files That Were Hidden On Old System

Mar 29, 2011

i got myself a new (used) mainboard and graphics card, and also switched from xp to windows 7 64. i backed up all the files i needed on one of my hard drives. now a number of these files were kept hidden on my old system, some of it being just plain p**n, some being genuine personal stuff. now i cant access any of it anymore. i kept the old xp system intact on one of the drives, or at least thats what i thought - i tried to boot it up today so i could remove the "hidden"-tags manually, but it wouldnt boot at all.

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Cannot Access Email After Transferring Files From Old Computer

Dec 26, 2011

Cannot access my email after transferring files from old computer.how to access email from [URL] Is there a free program I can install? If so, how do I access that address?

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Unable To Access Encrypted/hidden Files After Windows 7 Install

Sep 28, 2010

Recently my XP machine bite the dirt and on one of its IDE NTFS HD contained a few folders with hidden and encrypted files. Thinking this was a decent way to keep family members from touching my work, I never excepted them to become inaccessible after I installed Win 7 Pro 64bit.

My problem is that I am unable to open, or move any of the encrypted and hidden files within the folders, yet I am able to only copy the folders, but without the files contained within, as I receive permissions errors.

When I try to move one of the files, I get a File Access denied error stating "You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy this file", I press continue, and I get another error "Your require permission from Administrators to make changes to this file".

My user account "Mark" is an Administrator within the Administrators group, and I have set User Acccount Control to it's default setting. I have also enabled the hidden default Administrator account, logged in as it, and receive the same errors. If it makes any difference, the username of my XP machine was PHOENIX/Administrator

When I view the file attributes, Read-only, and Hidden are not selected, but under Advanced "Encrypt Contents" is selected. If I click details, I receive an EFS error "Unable to find the user information for the file", and another window appears called User Access with all of its options grayed out.

If I took at the Security Tab of one of the files, it says "You must be an administrative user with permissions to view this objects security properties", I click continue, and it shows the Administrators group (PHOENIX Administrators) with allow full control selected. After pressing ok, I click on Advanced, I click on the Owner Tab, and current Owner says "Unable to display current Owner", so I click on Edit, and I have the option to change owner to PHOENIX Administrators or PHOENIXMark, I chose Mark, press Apply and close and reopen the windows. I then try to move the file again, but this time the error says "I need permission from PHOENIXMark to make changes to the file"

I've had no problems accessing the other files from the XP HD, but I've spent weeks now combing forums for solutions, and I just can't access the hidden and encrypted files from the XP hard drive. I was able to access one encrypted and hidden spreadsheet without a problem, so I don't understand why I cannot access these two groups of folders and the files within their subfolders.

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Display Hidden Folders / Files To Access An Appdata Folder

Feb 5, 2011

I was trying to display Hidden Folders/files to access an appdata folder under C:Usersusernameappdata. (it's to fix an issue with the game Dead Space 2) Anyway, I opened My Computer, then C drive, then Users. In here, I right clicked on empty space and opened properties. I checked 'Hidden' and apply. Said it needed administrator rights, I accepted. Then most desktop items disappeared, most files from my documents disappeared and after reboot, The ATI catalyst control centre is popping up an error message saying 'failed to start'.I realised I chose to hide all the files within that folder instead of showing hidden files/folders..I went to folder options and chose Show Hidden file and I can see them again but they have that see through look to them. ATI catalyst still won't start on reboot. I tried system restore to yesterday but still exact same.When I go to User Properties on the C drive again, it shows the files as Read Only and Hidden is unchecked.

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Limit A Programs Access To Computer Files And Services

Jun 16, 2011

how to limit access for a program to my computer. I play World of Warcraft and I am concerned about hackers attempting to access my Outlook or other sensitive files on my computer. I also want to limit the programs access to only files within the folder it is located in. In other words, I don't want the game to be able to access my computer's services, files, etc other than the files contained within the World of Warcraft folder on my hard drive.

I am concerned that I could be hacked and an attempt was already made to change my WoW password. I noticed my outlook window flashes when WoW is running at the same time. I use an authenticator on my Wow account so my account was not compromised other than the inconvenience of having to reset my password from within the us.battle.net account management website.

I use Norton Security Suite and Malwarebytes anti malware protection programs but I would feel much more secure if I could limit Wow to only access the WoW folder on my PC.

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Old Hard Drive In New Windows 7 Computer But Can't Access Files & Folders

Jul 28, 2011

I have an old hard drive with a ton of pictures and other irreplaceable files on it from a computer I had few years back. In case it makes any difference, the computer that hard drive originally was in ran Windows XP Pro.I recently got a new computer, with Windows 7 and had the hard drive put into this new computer, along with the hard drive that came in the computer.I can get to the drive itself, but when I try to access folders or files, either access is denied or folders which should contain more folders, are empty. I have tried changing the permission and ownership options on the drive, but no luck.

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How To Find Hidden Pictures On Personal Computer

Jul 29, 2012

how would i go about finding picture that have been hid on my hard drive?

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One XP Computer On Network Cannot Access Windows 7 Computer

Jan 15, 2013

I've got a total of six computers on my network - 2 running Windows 7 and 4 running XP. With the exception of one computer, all of the machines see each other on the network and can share files. One XP machine does not see the shared folders of my new Win 7 machine but does list it as a "workgroup" computer. When I try to access the computer itself I am prompted for a password. Passwords are turned off on the Win 7 machine and none of the other computers on the network get prompted for passwords to access this computer. I assumed that it was due to the setting on the Win 7 machine but they are all set for sharing with everyone on the network. Passwords are off. Firewall is off as well. The network name is consistent across all the machines. I've been unable to find any information on why just one computer on the network would be prompted for a password to access another computer on the network.

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Hidden System Files Are No Longer Hidden?

Sep 11, 2011

Some of my important system files are no longer hidden and I can't hide them even with the Command Prompt "attrib" command. Files such as bootmgr and ntldr are shown and I can't hide them. Also, show Protected System files is unchecked and show hidden files is also unchecked so they shouldn't be showing. I tried to re-add their system file attribute but I keep getting an "Access Denied" error in CMD and I do not have user account control on and I'm on a Default Administrator Account.

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Windows 7 Computer Cannot Access Shared Files From Windows Vista?

Jan 18, 2012

I've been working with I.T. for years, and when I went to a client's last night to share a drive over the network so they can install a program on a secondworkstation and use the database on the original machine. Anyway, sharing this drive shouldn't have taken me more than five minutes. However, I'm encountering problems I've never seen before. The Win7 PC sees the Vista PC on the network, but not any of the shared drives. And when I try to explore the Vista PC from the Win7 PC, I get an errors: ""Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (Vista PC) is not responding."Both PCs are on the same network, obviously, AV software and Windows firewall disabled on both, Homegroup off on Win 7 machine, both machines on same workgroup "WORKGROUP," set with static local IPs/DNS, etc., and both able to access network resources and the internet. One thing I HAVE noticed, however, is that when exploring the network on the Vista PC, I can't see anything (including the Win7 machine,) except the Vista PC itself and the router.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what's wrong? I've tried pretty much everything I can think of. Even the SFC on the Vista PC didn't find any issues. I've checked the services, and all that should be running are set to Auto, and are started and running. I've looked for hours online, trying every possible option I can find, to no avail. I'm completely stumped! Never in my years in IT have I encountered this.

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Adjust Samsung Led Tv As A Computer Monitor The Desktop Icons Hidden?

Dec 19, 2012

I am using a Sumsung LED TV as my computer monitor but the desk top icons are partially hidden under the TV border. how to adjust to gain the icons are fully visible.

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Move Files From Host Computer To Guest Computer

May 7, 2009

How can i move files from my host computer to my guest computer?

In the VPC 2007 i could drag them from host to guest but that isn't working now, or i'm doing something wrong.

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Text Editing : Hidden Header That Registers Other Info Like The Name Of The Computer, Date, Etc?

Aug 4, 2012

when I edit a text in Windows 7 .txt format, is there a hidden header that registers other info like the name of the computer, date, etc? If yes, how can I see it?

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What Are ~$ Files That Appear On Desktop When Hidden Files Show

Mar 13, 2012

I would like to remove the 30 or so files that are now showing on my desktop since selecting to "Show Hidden files"They are all old excel and word documents but not sure if removing them would cause an issue What are they/how are they created?I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and Office 2007

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Hidden Recovery Partition Access

Jul 18, 2011

Got an HP Mini 110 netbook. A person who gave it to me destroyed all the OS system, plus the RAM's were broken. So I replaced them and installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 Starter 32bit. Everything works fine, but as most new laptops this one has a hidden recovery partition. The problem is I want to restore this machine to factory condition, but I cant access it due to the fact that I dont have HP Recovery Manager or something like that. The recovery partition itself is okay as I saw in Admin Tools. When going to System Recovery Options / System Image Recovery, the process cant detect any image - "Windows cant find a system image on this computer".

what could I use to restore it to factory condition? Maybe there is a software that I can install and use in the same way as HP Recovery Manager? Or maybe I can get HP Recovery Manager somewhere. so that you know, I also tried the F6 and itc methods, no luck.

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Can't Access One XP Pro Computer

Dec 19, 2009

I have 4 computers. Two with Windows 7 and Two with XP Pro. My XP machines can access all the others including the Windows 7's. One of my Windows 7 computers can access all but one of the XP machines. All computer workgroups are the same and all the names are correct. Any ideas why one of my Windows 7 machines can't access one of my XP machines? All are hardwired thru a router, not wireless.

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Access A Hidden Account From Logon Screen?

Aug 4, 2011

how could I hide my account and access it by a button combination from the logon screen.

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My Computer Keeps Crashing / Computer From Nikon Software Installed On Computer

Jun 7, 2011

I have Windows 7. My computer keeps crashing I have written down the stop codes, which are all different each time Also keep getting nv7ddmKm.sys.I have scanned the computer with Kapersky and also malwarebytes but both scans are clean.I can be doing anything on the computer when it happens but mainly it is when i am using Adobe CS5 or uploading images onto my computer from Nikon software installed on the computer.

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How To Access To Computer Without The Fingerprints

Dec 23, 2011

Playing with my new laptop i entered the fingerprints. Till here is everything working fine. But now I got the app of 'LOGMEIN'. They ask the access code to my computer which I never entered. What I can do to change finally the boring 'fingerprint' situation and to enter in a regular way to my computer?

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How To Access Apple Computer On LAN

May 1, 2011

I have just gotten MacBook Air and got it connected to my home network. Now, how can I get access to it from Windows 7 or vice versa?

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Windows 7 Home Admin Account Hidden Access

Jan 15, 2013

I have Windows 7 Home x32 on a laptop and I want to make a admin account and hide it from the user screen, I not only want to hide it but I want to be able to "load it" from the log on screen if I want (no CMD commands on the user accounts to use it) is this possible with 7?

Before on XP I had a hidden admin account and all I had to do was CTRL+ALT+DELETE and it would bring up my account, with windows 7 it doesn't seem to work this way. Now to be 100% clear, I don't want the default admin account (for trouble shooting) all I want is a second admin account that if needed can access user accounts on my laptop from the log-on screen by hitting some combination of keys.

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How To Access Phoenix Advanced Hidden Bios Menus

Nov 14, 2011

how access phoenix advanced hidden bios menus?

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Can't Access Windows 7 Computer From Network

Apr 6, 2012

I just purchased a new computer with Win 7. All my other computers have XP or Vista and I can share files but the Win7 computer cannot open files on the Vista but can open files on the Xp computer. None of the other computer can open files on the Win 7. All are on the same workgroup and can see the Win 7 but not open. I have enabled all file sharing that I can find.

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Access NTFS Volume From Another Computer?

Mar 23, 2011

I put a new hard drive in my ThinkPad T500 and installed Windows 7. I put the old hard drive, which has Vista installed into an external USB box. I can mount the drive, but there are some folders that I can't access. I also cannot seem to give "Everyone" access, or to take ownership. Is there some simple way to override the NTFS security settings?

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Can't Access Anything On Computer But Internet Have No Permission?

Jun 17, 2011

but I have a big issue!!! I can't access anything on my PC only the internet it says I do not have permission to access it. Does it with everything Files foldors music pictures I can't even go onto My Computer or Control panal to changed permission!

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Access Denied When Trying To Add Printer From A Different Computer

Feb 27, 2012

i have a printer that is currently set up with a windows 7 machine and i am trying to add it as an option a windows xp machine. as far as i know i have allowed "sharing." on the xp machine when i go to add printer... i can see the one i want to add but when i click on it i see an "error: access denied" message in the margin of the window.when i double click on it, a login window shows up and i've tried the login credentials for this computer as well as the xp computer.the printer is a samsung scx-4521f

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Network Printing - Cannot Access The Win 7 Computer

May 12, 2009

I have Windows 7 to the point now where I can access computers on our network but they cannot access the Windows 7 computer. Our XP PC sporadically can see our Windows 7 computer but that's all, it doesn't see the network printer connected to it. I've named and renamed the printer, added XP drivers to Windows 7 and I'm completely baffled at this point. (I have the firewall off on the Windows 7 PC). So far I'm not thrilled with Windows 7 and hope they don't attempt to release it anytime in the near future, my computers and network has always setup easily and ran flawless with XP and Vista but with Windows 7 it's been a battle all the way.

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Cannot Access Host Computer Locally?

Mar 26, 2011

I remote desktop to my work computer from my home computer. After finishing, I disconnect the remote desktop session without logging off the work computer.When I go to work, my work computer is powered on but the screen is black. Jiggling the mouse or CTRL ALT DEL does not make the screen come alive.

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