New Build Shuts Down After (windows 7 Is Loading Files) And Says Starting Windows 7?

Aug 7, 2011

I've tried for 3 days to install windows 7 but it doesnt let me!i boot off the disc and it says "windows is loading files" then "starting windows" and it just shutsdown! i have to flip the PSU switch for about 5 seconds then flip it back then the computer will start

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Computer Shuts Down While Loading Windows 7

Nov 5, 2010

I am having a problem with my computer to where I can't load windows without my computer unexpectedly shutting down. I just got a new video card and did not load drivers for it. I just plugged it right in. I am thinking this might be the cause. I tried booting using my other video card and it still did not work though and those are the correct drivers that I had before. I have tried another power supply, ran a memtest, reapplied thermal paste and reseated my cooler. I have also tested a different hard drive and still the same thing. I do not have integrated graphics on my mobo so I cannot boot from my motherboard for a display. The green light for my motherboard is still on so I'm thinking that's not the problem.

Specs: motherboard Asus p5nd
Processor intel q9300 quad core
video card gtx 460 (old one is a 8800gt)

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Monitor Shuts Down Before Windows 7 Finishes Loading

Nov 3, 2012

I've seen lots of problems but this one has me puzzled. I thought my old graphics card (EVGA GTX 285) was having some problems and it was time for an upgrade so I purchased a new EVGA GTX-660 ti. I'm still having the same problem so I don't think its the graphics card. What happens, when windows starts before the log in screen comes up the monitor shuts down. However, I can start Windows in safe mode. I can go in and remove the drivers and restart Windows and everything comes up. Windows will install the new drivers and when I restart to set the drivers the problem returns exactly as before. I have flashed the BIOS, updated the chip set drivers, tried loading the card drivers from several different sources and no luck. Its a Gateway FX6801 PC, i7, 12 gigs of RAM, 750w power supply (I have watched the BIOS power and its steady as a rock)

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Windows Not Loading/starting- Can Access Bios

Nov 9, 2012

So my laptop (acer aspire 5745g) has stopped working.I was using it normally until i received the blue screen of death and it shut down.From then on, i tried to turn on the laptop and it would show me the windows loading page then it simply turns black with a flashing _ in the top left.Rarely when i turn it on it loads up normally but it seems to have even stopped doing that.I did some of my own research and many people suggest hd failure or ram?If it is as simple as above i can buy the hd or ram and install an os myself.

p.s. I can see the hd in the bios and i used an external hard drive enclosure for my 2.5"" sata on another computer to which my surprise i was able to extract the C drive files.

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Windows Starting Up Loading Screen Forever

Oct 23, 2009

i created a partition and formatted it of 70gb to install windows 7 in it. Im obviously using the clean install method, everything goes fine. It expands the files, it installs them,copies them, etc. When my system is booting up, it shows me the screen of windows below saying "windows is starting up", the problem is that windows never starts up, i left it for a night, and it didnt start up, it just stayed there. Im trying to install windows 7 64bit, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Windows 7 Stuck At Starting Screen After Loading Bar Finishes

Jan 31, 2012

I just finished building my first computer in 8-9 years or so. I was quite excited that my computer booted first time I turned it on but my excitement was soon overwhelmed with defeat. Let me start by linking my computers specs. [URL] I downloaded windows 7 from my schools msdn website I have the key and everything. I then burned it to a dvd. After booting from my dvd drive the loading bar continues and finishes. The 4 colorful balls float around then come together and my computer gets stuck.

Now It's very important to note that I was able to get past this screen after restarting my computer 4 times and I was successfully able to load continue on to installing windows only to get stuck in the same screen while booting from my ssd. Then I thought this issue could've been caused by using my SSD. So I unplugged it and repeated the same process using my seagate HD same thing happened. When I try starting it in safe mode the computer continues on to loading windows but I get prompted to restart it in normal mode so that the installation can continue.

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Windows 7 Is Not Loading Afeter Showing Starting Windows?

May 18, 2012

when i m switching on my pc , it starts and shows starting windows , after it a black screen comes with a mouse pointer and it doesn't proceed ahead

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Computer Shuts Down When Starting Games?

Mar 17, 2012

It started yesterday when I went to play Borderlands with my brother. My computer just shut down after a few minutes in the game. I was playing Civ 5 all night long just the night before and played Borderlands like 2 days ago and I didn't encounter any problems.Right now, whenever I run a DX9-11 game, it just shutdowns my computer either after a few minutes loading or while loading. (Tried with Borderlands,ANNO2070, Kingdom of Amalur, Civ 5) It does not crash when I only surf on the net or play some flash games (ie. Dofus)[CODE]

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New Build PC Won't Starting?

Sep 2, 2011

I have a x-power pro 650 power suply on a m4a88td-v evo/usb3. Is this a good power sorce for this board?

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New Build, Resets Whenever Loading Games, No BSOD?

Apr 25, 2012

I've recently built a new PC, it's my first build and I've managed to solve most problems that have occurred but I'm stuck on this one. It will load games fine if i load them straight from turning on the PC but if i run it for a while then load a game it resets itself, and doesn't leave and mini/memory dumps. The system runs fine normally and even with some old games but if i load a new game such as civilization 5 on steam or try running examples in UDK it resets.


Mobo: Asus Maximus IV Extreme
CPU: Intel Core i7 - 2600k
Ram: 8GB G.Skill RipjawsX
Graphics: Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 3GB
PSU: Antec High Current Pro HCP -750
SSD: Samsung 830 256GB
HD: Seagate Barracuda 2TB
Cooling: Antec Kuhler H20 920
OS: Windows 7 64bit Home Premium

At first i thought it was overheating but I've checked and the CPU and graphics card don't reach anywhere near a hot temperature before it crashes. I've also taken it to a local computer repair shop and the tests they ran all passed (i don't know what the tests they ran are but i'm going to call them tomorrow and find out / tell them it still crashes)

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Windows Is Loading Files

Oct 3, 2011

I have read a lot on this getting stuck. I had an issue with it getting stuck, so I had HP to send me the recovery disks and I backed everything up and did a clean install. It did its thing and now it is at the Windows is loading files screen. Bad news is, it has been on this screen since last night at around 8:00 (12 hrs), Good news is, it has been moving. I put a sticky note on the progress bar, even this morning it has moved about a half an inch. Should I be worried or just patient? It said it may take up to 3 hours and it has been 12 hours.

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'Windows Is Loading Files' And Get Stuck

Aug 13, 2011

My computer would start to boot up"Windows is loading files" and get stuck. I would have to do a hard shut down after it sticks there for an hour. Anyhow, it would eventually boot up, all though one time I got a BSOD Stop: 21C error.For the past 3 days, no sound is coming out of my speakers. All of a sudden it is coming out of my HDMI monitor instead, I went and bought new speakers because I thought they had died. It is still doing it though. Even if I plug headphones in the front jack, I get nothing.

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Hanged At Windows Is Loading Files

Feb 28, 2011

I have Dell XPS 15. I shut it down normally and then tried to switch it on.. but it is hanging up and getting Windows is loading files after the progress bar. I tested the memory tests and it has passed the test saying now error found with your memory.

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Windows 7 Freezes After Loading Files?

Jun 17, 2011

I just put this computer together (check out my specs) and put the OS DVD in to install. It goes through the motions of "loading files" and then when it says "starting windows" it gets just to the point where you can see all 4 colored orbs and it freezes.How do I fix this issue and install windows 64bit?

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Setup Freezes After Windows Is Loading Files

May 27, 2009

I've been trying to install Windows 7 for days now...with no luck at all so far...and I'm getting quiet frustrated as you can imagine.

The installation always stops after the installer loads the files, screen freezes on the windows logo, and the progress bar stops immediately stops moving (or it freezes even before the logo is even fully displayed). The DVD then stops and no matter how long I wait nothing happens from there. If I run the text mode install, it stops on disk.sys.

I've looked everywhere on the net and tried many things:

unplugged anything not necessary during install (all usb, got rid of sound card, tried another graphic card, removed ram, switched ram position)

cleared cmos, no change

bios: disabled all unecessary (floppy (I don't use any) enabled/disabled parallel/serial port (for some it was a fix on other mobo's...or so I have read), messed around with lots of settings

tried other DVD drive, burned another DVD.

Now this issue isn't new to me, since I have never been able to install vista either. xp and ubuntu gave me a lot of problems too, but with xp pressing F7 during the initial loading would solve the issue and the install would run fine, on ubuntu adding no acpi would also allow install. With vista and windows 7 setup, pressing F7 during the file load doesn't apparently work, and I don't know how to bypass the acpi check.

If I try to run the install within xp, I get a compatibility report saying that my computer isn't acpi compatible...while the k7s8x bios clearly says it is. I tried enabling/disabling the acpi in the bios and it makes no difference (my bios is the last available, the 2.60)

I have seen people asking for k7s8x lan drivers for windows 7 on this forum, so I guess it is possible to install vista/windows 7 on this mobo after all.

Any suggestions welcome, as I'm completely out of ideas now!

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit Gets Stuck After Loading Files

Jun 10, 2012

I have just bought a new PC 5 hours ago .. I have bought everything GPU/CPU/MOBO/RAM/PSU/CASE .. only thing i did not buy was a HDD and DVD-Rom.. Because i own both and both are only 4 months old.. So i have put the new Parts together.. Then went to old PC , Formatted C drive.. Then added HDD and DVD=ROM from old PC to New one .. Booted and everything was fine except ofc no windows so gave the boot.msgr is missing thingy .. So i put in my Windows DVD .. Set it to boot from DVD .. It boots .. Goes through the "Loading Files" Then it shows me the Windows logo and stays there for a small while.. Then it suddenly turns black with a small gray bar at the bottom... and thats it .. it stays there forever and after some mins i can even here the DVD stops running.. I have uploaded a PIC to help u understand.. Also i tried installing from USB flash drive and same problem.

Here is the PIC of where i am stuck at *Notice the barely visible gray bar at bottom? : [URL]

XFX Pro 550W
ATI 6850
AMD FX6100
AsRock 970 Extreme 4 Motherboard
Thermaltake Spacecraft VF-I Case.

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PC Stuck At Windows 7 Is Loading Files And Keeps Repeating Itself?

Nov 4, 2012

andwhen i put it on it keeps going in windows is loading files then when it is finish it goes on the laptop starting page and goes back on windows is loading files

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Windows Loads Files But Freeze At Starting

Nov 20, 2011

I 'm having problem installing windows 7. on new hardrive. Windows loads files, but freeze at windows starting.

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Trying To Reinstall Windows 7 Screen Goes Blank After Loading Files

Sep 9, 2010

I'm reinstalling windows 7 ultimate. I try and boot from DVD and it loads files the the screen goes blank.

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Windows 7 Cdusb Freezes While Loading Files-booting?

Aug 9, 2009

Windows 7 started to hang on loading screen, just before colored balls show up. So I put in windows 7 cd, made sure boot order was correct in bios, attempted to run repair, but cd loads to a black screen. So i make a bootable usb for win 7 try the same thing but it gets stuck at windows loading files. So I make a recovery cd on another computer with win7 as OS. Same problem. So I do memtest, surface test, everything checks out fine.

This whole time ubuntu will boot fine (Ive had dual boot working fine for over a year). I use ubuntu to get all the files I need of the host machine and use mini tools partition wizard to wipe the hdd thinking maybe i need a fresh install of win7. Same problem persists with failure of cd and usb of win 7. Trying a bootable usb of ubuntu, it works no problem, OS boots everything, flawless.

I continue to try to get windows working because i need it to remote in for work. On oddity is that if it the first time i boot the computer for the day the windows cd boots and i can install the OS but on the first restart it hangs at the same spot as above. This screams power supply issue, so I wipe the hdd again and swap in a new psu. Windows cd boots, installs, loads fine. I install chrome, steam, quicken, rename the computer which requires restart! and then it fails at the same spot. In retrospect I should have used to good boot to install chipset drivers, unfortunately i am yet to be able to get back into the OS via any means. Other things I have tried:

-Boot to cd with HDD disconnected.

-Boot to usb with dvd disconnected.

-Update Bios to latest version.

-Wipe the hdd with minitools, turn off computer, take battery out of mobo to reset cmos. Still no dice.

My problem with all of this is that the whole time ubuntu can install and works fine. I want this to be a hardware issue, but i can't figure it out. Only thing i can figure is its chipset drivers? But I need to be able to install the OS to run the asus installer.

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Cannot Reinstall Fresh Windows 7 - Computer Restarts When Loading Files

Nov 22, 2011

I am attempting to install a fresh copy of Windows 7 on my laptop and am having multiple problems.The HDD is formatted completely empty.

1. When attempting to use the Reinstallation DVD from Dell, the DVD boots and the progress bar moves that says "Windows is loading files," then the computer restarts and it is stuck in an infinite loop.
2. When attempting to use a copy of Windows 7 on a USB drive, the drive boots up until you see the cursor to begin the reinstallation process, then the computer restarts and it is stuck in an infinite loop.
3. When attempting to use a Windows XP DVD, it starts the setup process, and then I get error: STOP: 0X0000007B (0XF78D2524, 0XC0000034, 0X00000000, 0X00000000)

I have been able to boot command line Linux distros (haven't tried any graphical distros) without any problems. Dell instructed me to run diagnostics on everything, and everything passed, so it doesn't seem like there are any apparent hardware issues. I tried pulling the battery and just using the power cord and also removing one of the sticks of RAM and attempting installation, but I have the same problems.

Dell Inspiron 1545 (Late 2010)
Windows 7 Home Premium
Intel Core 2 Duo

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Windows 7 - Setup Hangs After Windows Is Loading Files With Black Screen

Sep 3, 2011

I'm new here.I couldnt find any solution for my problem anywhere and i thought i can find it here.

I have Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit and im trying to install it for about 6 months. I installed it once but after one week,os is gone and stuck at classpnp.sys

Here are the steps i followed when trying to install; Selected Boot Menu > CD/DVD

Seen windows is loading files. Seen Starting windows but its gone before the 4 colored windows logo comes.

And endless black screen. I also tried to boot from dvd in safe mode.It hangs at disk.sys I checked rams. I have 1 gb x 2 rams.There is blue and brown sockets for rams on my motherboard.

Both of rams connected to blue ones.When i disconnect one of them pc opens but same issue. When i disconnect one of them and connect it to brown socket pc didnt opened.

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New System, Windows Stops At Windows 7 Is Loading Files

Jan 1, 2012

I've recently built a new system from scratch, I can verify all the connectors are plugged in correctly and powered. Today I went out and bought a small internal 24x dvd drive to install my copy of windows 7 home premium OEM with and this is where my problems began. Whenever I set the dvd drive as the first boot option and put the OEM disc inside it, the screen stays black and does a Windows is Loading files bar across my screen I believe twice at varying speeds then disappears and leaves me with nothing but a black screen. I've waited and have it still sitting there blank at this very moment. I have done a lot of googling and only seen one other person with this same issue have his problem solved by resetting his BIOS to default. Needless to say this didn't work. I've tried changing all the storage settings from AHCI to IDE to RAID and disabling/enabling some setting in each with no luck. Below are the system specs.

Motherboard: ASrock gen3 extreme3 Z68 chipset
CPU: i5 2500k 3.30Ghz
GPU: AMD Radeon 6950 came factory set to 870 Mhz core clock (overclocked from 800)
RAM: 4x4 GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 Mhz (I've also checked to make sure the proper voltage and frequency was used on these in the BIOS)
SSD: OCZ Agility 3 120GB
PSU: Coolermaster 1000W
Optical Drive: 24x Multiformat DVD/CD Writer with the obvious Sata connections to hook up to my mobo

This is my first pc build and I assume that asrock mobo's version of BIOS is UEFI.

Edit : I've tried removing 3 of my RAM sticks and now it just freezes with the grey bar fully loaded on Windows is Loading files. I then tried loading my old windows XP CD and it was working until it hit a BSOD which occurs consistently if I try to load XP. On more attempts at loading windows 7 it gets past the grey bar stage to the black screen not loading anything stage again.

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New Computer Build Work With Old Build's Windows 7 Disc?

Jul 5, 2011

My current system was upgraded to windows 7 32bit from vista 32bit (I bought the windows 7 home premium upgrade disc when it was first released). I am going to build a complete new system. Can I install windows 7 64bit from the same windows 7 disc? Or do I have to buy a new windows 7 disc? Is there a way around buying a whole new disc?

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Clean Windows 7 Install-loading Files To Scrolling Progress Bar To Blank Desktop W/cursor?

May 5, 2010

When I try to do a clean install of Windows 7 I get the loading files white progress bar you normally get during an installation, it then goes directly to the scrolling progress bar that would normally appear before a Windows startup, and then goes to a blank Windows 7 desktop with only a cursor (that I can move).I have a computer with the following specs:[CODE]I have tried to install with every version I can get my hands on, both 32 and 64 bit. None of them are upgrade versions. I've tried installing on a fresh WD Raptor and an Intel G25 SSD. All other drives have been disconnected. I've moved my memory around and tried with one stick. My mainboard has the latest official BIOS, although there is a new beta.

I ran the Windows 7 compatibility test and didn't see anything that would cause this problem.I have searched the internet and have not been able to find a solution sonstalling Windows XP has never been a problem, just Windows 7, always with the same problem.This is one of the few times when I have not been able to look around a find an existing answer to a problem and I am stumped.

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Windows 7 Freezes After Windows 7 Is Loading Files?

May 27, 2009

I've been trying to install Windows 7 for days now...with no luck at all so far...and I'm getting quiet frustrated as you can imagine.The installation always stops after the installer loads the files, screen freezes on the windows logo, and the progress bar stops immediately stops moving (or it freezes even before the logo is even fully displayed). The DVD then stops and no matter how long I wait nothing happens from there. If I run the text mode install, it stops on disk.sys.

I've looked everywhere on the net and tried many things:unplugged anything not necessary during install (all usb, got rid of sound card, tried another graphic card, removed ram, switched ram position)cleared cmos, no changebios: disabled all unecessary (floppy (I don't use any) enabled/disabled parallel/serial port (for some it was a fix on other mobo's...or so I have read), messed around with lots of settingstried other DVD drive, burned another DVD..My config is fairly old, but not old enough not to meet the basic requierments:Asrock k7s8x r3ati radeon 95001.7GB of ramNow this issue isn't new to me, since I have never been able to install vista either. xp and ubuntu gave me a lot of problems too, but with xp pressing F7 during the initial loading would solve the issue and the install would run fine, on ubuntu adding no acpi would also allow install. On XP and windows 7, I don't know how to bypass the acpi check.If I try to run the install within xp, I get a compatibility report saying that my computer isn't acpi compatible...while the k7s8x bios clearly says it is. I tried enabling/disabling the acpi in the bios and it makes no difference (my bios is the last available, the 2.60)I have seen people asking for k7s8x lan drivers for windows 7 on this forum, so I guess it is possible to install vista/windows 7 on this mobo after all.

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Program Files Transfer For New Build?

Jul 29, 2011

I'm just completing a new build and got almost everything reinstalled and transferred. I used Ninite to transfer programs but it only transfers the popular programs it has and I have a whole lot more that need to transfer. I don't have the installation info for a lot of these programs. What do I do? Is there freeware like Ninite I can use?

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Brand New Computer Freezes On "Windows Is Loading Files..."

Feb 8, 2012

Just build a new desktop and while loading up the windows 7 disk, it froze on the Windows is loading files screen. White bar went all the way across once and then freezes.

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No Toolbar, Frozen Keys / "Windows Is Loading Files"?

Feb 26, 2012

My 13 year old daughter Lucy has just dropped her Dell Inspiron 1545 from a height of 15 inches (she tells me) !!. When she turned the laptop back on the first thing she saw was the wording "Windows is loading files", she has never see this before. When she gets to her login screen all she can see is the wallpaper, no icons, no toolbar, the cursor is visable and can be moved via the mouse pad and the brightness controls work but none of the other keys seem to work. No matter what I do I cannot view the toolbar or anything else for that matter and Lucy's tears are starting to form a large pool

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Startup Repair Info While "windows Is Loading Files"

May 12, 2012

I have an Acer Aspire 5750-6677. I3-2310m. It has been performing the startup repair for over a day. It's now, finally (I think), saying "windows is loading files". It has been doing this for HOURS! Can I simply turn it off and attempt a different method or will that make it worse? BTW: it came with zero discs of any kind when I purchased it new in July 2011. This is my work comp too and I can't lose the info that's on it.

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Installation Freezes After "Windows 7 Is Loading Files"?

Jul 31, 2010

I recently finished building my custom pc, and tried installing Windows 7 Home Premium on it. I got to where it says "Windos is loading files", the white bar filled up, then it would repeat but slower. So far so good, but then it took me to the screen with the background, where one would normally log in to a user account, but it was completely blank, except for the cursor. So I rebooted the PC and tried reistalling it, and then after the "Windows is loading files" screens, it just gave me a blank black screen with only the cursor visable. I tried this several times but always got the same result. Now, i just the blue screen of death.When i don't boot from the CDROM, my computer freezes at "Verifying DMI Pool Data....." I tried resetting my CMOS, but that didn't change anything, so i'm pretty sure I'm getting that message because there's no operating system because Windows 7 won't seem to finish its installation. The HDD i bought said it came prepared for Windows 7 so there shouldn't have to be any formatting or whatnot done. I am thoroughly perplexed

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