Network Disconnects When Using Remote Assistance?

Dec 27, 2011

i have a problem on my PC with Remote Assistance.i work in the end user support so i need to use it alote.the problem is that when ever i use the remote assistance my PC totaly disconnects from the internet!

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Remote Assistance Enabled?

Apr 13, 2011

I had a question concerning the remote desktop assistance on windows 7. I noticed that it was enabled today and I was wondering if windows 7 enables it by default or if someone had to enable it. My friend told me that hackers can get on to your computer through this so I was concerned but wouldn't I have to allow them access to my computer? I was wondering also if downloading things off the internet could have enabled it?

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Windows 7 Remote Assistance Without License?

Jul 7, 2011

I have two pc's: my main one and my HTPC. I cant afford to get my remote yet so i want to setup remote desktop assistant in a way where i can connect when ever i want without worrying about the there anyway to set this up? Both computers are on my network.I don't want to use remote desktop because i don't want it to log the htpc out, since it will be used to watch movies and all.

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Messenger Live Remote Assistance Causes WLM To Disconnect?

May 8, 2011

I am trying to use WLM RA to connect to another W7 PC. Occasionally it works OK but usually when I accept the invite WLM disconnects me and brings up a box telling me it will reconnect in X seconds. If I keeping getting the other PC to send invites it might eventually work but it may take 50+ attempts, sometimes I just give up.

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Windows 7 Remote Assistance History Listing?

Jul 26, 2012

When using Remote assistance in windows 7 it shows a list(albeit a small one) of past addresses(ip or computername) that you have logged into. Problem is it is numeric/alphabetic order. Is there a registry setting I can change so it will show me this History in chronological order?

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Starting Remote Assistance Without Admin Password

Dec 2, 2011

I am trying to set it up so I can use remote assistance for a Win7 Home PC and the user not have to know the admin password to allow it. I am trying to look down a teens PC so they have to go to me for installs.

But it seems when I try to do RA they have to know the admin password at the actual computer, is there anyway to make it so RA does not prompt for it?

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MSN Live Disconnects When Accepting Request For Remote Assit

Sep 18, 2011

if i have posted inthe wrong section in apologis, I am using MSN Live 2011 When i get asked for Remote assitance my client always disconnects and then says reconnecting in 59 seconds. The end requesting it gets the pass pages etc but by the time they put it in i have dicsonnected and reconnected by which time the seesion is invalid, I have the correct ports open and also tried all the advice i can see and find online.

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Sometimes Network Just Disconnects

Sep 4, 2009

When I installed this Windows 7 the network worked properly, but the problems appeared when my friend installed Windows 7 (we live together) which made our internet flip. Same time one XP-box was working correctly. Most of the times only one of us (Windows 7 users) had working Internet connection.

He got tired of it and went back to XP, and now he has working internet which leaves me the only Windows 7 user in this network. The problem is that sometimes my network just disconnects. I have tested with DHCP/whitout (sometimes it works with different settings, sometimes not). Couple days ago the inet told me that I have incorrect DNS -servers (I have correct) and I discovered that "routing & something.." service was disabled, and enabling it made me get internet access.

When I reboot my computer, it connects to "Network 4" (Network 2 is the place I get inet) and I have to reboot routing service to get it to connect Network 2. The icon in the tray has the red X on it but I'm still typing here.

My network includes this computer, 2x Win XP computers which all are connected to a D-Link router which is connected to our cable modem box.

And another thing.. When I do ipconfig /renew (or some specific thing) it says file not found.. It must have been corrupted somehow, cos it worked early on this computer.

So how can I use this OS with fully operating internet?

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Windows 7 Ultimate Won't Run "Windows Remote Assistance"

Apr 13, 2012

I just built my sister a win7pro machine and I set it up so she can easily contact me and do remote assistance. I tested my setup with my laptop also running win7pro and mailed the machine off to her (some 2K miles away). Then I decided I'd tried to do a session between my laptop and my main machine a Windows 7 Ultimate (both my laptop and the main desktop are 64bit). The windows 7 ultimate machine will not connect to the windows assistance peer to peer network; my laptop does. I ran the network connection checker from MS (passed all tests); I turned off the FW and tried again, but still no connection. I checked the Upnp setting in the router and it's enabled. I'm beginning to think it may have something to do with my network card itself. The on-board built-in NIC failed a few months back to I installed a Netgear NIC; it been working fine since then with no other strange occurrences. Can anyone think of anything else that might stop a machine from connecting to this network? Does anyone know what are the ports used for Windows remote assistance?

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Remote Desktop Disconnects Rdp User When 2nd Rdp User Tries To Log On

Apr 3, 2012

Windows XP Remote Desktop Behaviour is desireable. that is, when one account is logged in, if another account is tried to use to log in remotely from another computer, then the 2nd user cannot connect and it is indicated who is currently logged in.

Windows 7 Default behaviour is to allow the second user to try to disconnect the first user through a query message which has an idle timer.

Is there any way to change the behaviour back to windows xp, where 1) disconnection of the 1st user session is not possible, and 2) it is indicated which user is signed on?

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Network Connects And Disconnects Over And Over Again

Mar 9, 2011

Tonight I installed Windows 7 Service Pack 1. After the installation I see there's a cross over my network connection. But it keeps trying to connect. It's like you plug in cable, disconnect cable, every 5 seconds or so. But it never manages to fully connect. It gets to the state "identifying" then cross comes back.

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Network Connection, By It Self Disconnects And Reconnects?

Dec 28, 2012

My network connection, by it self disconnects and reconnects from time to time,up to 30 times a day if not more.Ive called my ISP multiple times they are not being able to help, my protection software (Eset Smart Security) is also indicating Arp Poisoning Attack alot, and long time ago other messages were being displayed as ICPM Flooding Attack, DNS Cache Poisoning not anymore though only Arp Poisoning nowdays, And "two identical IP Adresses found" message also..

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Can't Connect To Remote Network Via VPN

Jul 7, 2012

Windows 7 (64-bit) will not connect to a remote location via VPN. I connect from my desktop running windows XP, but cannot connect on my Toshiba laptop running Windows 7.

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Remote Administration (No Network Without RDP)

Aug 4, 2012

I manage like 15 computers, friends, family etc, and want to setup something like remote command prompt access so i can move some an installer for whatever or fix issues remotely without bothering them.I was thinking something like telnet, or SSH but not sure how much access that will give me to the computer, I already have the built in admin account setup for using remote desktop but I truly hate using that. I want to avoid using remote desktop because well it sucks unless you are hard-lined on the same main network. I really don't need to see what they are doing, which is why i want to avoid using teamviewer, i don't wanna have to call them every time i need to login to fix something, and i don't wanna accidentally remote in and see them doing banking or something else like that.

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Remote Desktop Into A Corporate Network

Nov 19, 2009

We recently purchased a new PC with Windows 7. My wife works from home 2 days a week, and for the life of me, I cannot get the Windows 7 PC to connect to her work PC via RDC. It works just fine on her old machine, running XP Pro. I currently have the Firewall turned OFF, and also have the Firewall on my Belkin router turned off. Where do I start?

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Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) - Network

Feb 13, 2009

How to Enable Windows 7 to make a Remote Desktop Connection ?

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Remote Viewing Over A Home Network?

Jun 5, 2012

My neighbours are stealing my WIFI, hacking in to my PC and also throwing empty beer cans and used condoms in my garden, i have changed my password a few times but they keep getting in.

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Remote Access Works Using The Network IP But Not The Regular IP

Jul 26, 2011

I'm trying to remote access my laptop on the same network (and potentially from a different network) but I can only do so when I use its 192.168.X.XX IP. When I try its up from What Is My IP Address - Shows Your IP Address I get the "Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons

1) Remote Access to the computer is not enabled

2) The Remote Computer is Turned Off

3) The Remote Computer is not available on the network" I've also forwarded port 3389 on my Linkysys WRT54GSV4 router. Solved the issue. I'm just worried now because the laptop will move to a different network with my little cousins who won't know how to change the router's port settings for their router.

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Map Network Drive Using Remote Desktop To Win Server 03

Jul 16, 2009

I curently RDC to my work computer and run the program I need from the work computer and just rely on the screen redrawing. I have the same program on my home computer and was wondering how to map the network drive or what settings to change on the server03 so that I could use that drive on the remote computer as a directory on my home computer for the program I want to use at home.

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Remote Desktop Connection / Network Question

Oct 12, 2009

1. What's the difference between inputting the Remote computer's IP address and inputting the Remote computer's name? When I put in the IP, it connects fine. When I put in the name, it does not connect.

2. When I click on Desktop>Network, I see 2 names for a network computer. This networked computer has been renamed from A to B, but both A and B appear in the network. Why? And how do I remove the old name (A) from the network? I think it confuses the Remote Desktop Connection Client.

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Easiest Way To Do Remote Desktop In Home Network

Mar 14, 2009

I have a desktop and a laptop (both running 7057) in my homegroup. I want to be able to run programs off of the desktop from the laptop. Is there a simple way to do this? I don't need VPN capabilities as I just want to be able to do this from inside the house. I've read through a bunch of threads here but haven't found what I was looking for. I can share files/folders just fine but can't seem to figure out how to share programs.

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Network And Remote Access For Home Photography Business

Mar 20, 2012

My wife has a home based photography business. Her studio is located on our property. Currently her network consists of her PC, a Motorola DSL Modem/Router from ATT and an external USB HD.

She would like to be able to access her photos that are at her studio from home, say on a laptop but I am unsure the best method for this. She needs to be able to access these images in such a way that she can post-process them in program such as Photoshop at home, and then save the image so that it updates that file in her studio when shes completed the post editing. So, basically it's like being able to edit images in 2 places while keeping the original files and the saved processed images in one central location.

I don't know if this means NAS, something in the cloud, or simply remote accessing the PC through Windows. Or perhaps some other method that I don't know about.

I consider myself to be decently informed when it comes to computer stuff but I want to get this right the first time around so I figured it best to gain insight from those who are more skilled than I before moving forward.

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Can't Connect To Remote Linux Server To Create Network Share

Mar 28, 2011

I have a hosted Linux server running CentOS 5 with Samba 3.4. Everything is setup and it is accessible via Linux machines by typing [URL] in a Firefox address bar. I am trying to set up a local network share on a Windows 7 Home Premium x64 SP1 computer. I have tried entering the IP address in 2 locations:1. Map Network drive. I select a drive letter and type in the ip \12.345.678.9 It asks for credentials and I enter the user info for the user I created on the Linux machine. It thinks a moment then pops back up asking for credentials. It doesn't say they are invalid, just never goes through.2. Connect to a website (under Map Network Drive). I type the IP [URL] and click connect and it pops up a dialog saying "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another".

I have tried creating a loopback adapter and trying to setup a connection via SSH using the guide found at [URL]. After completing the tutorial (substituting my server IP address for the destination address given) I try using the Run dialog as indicated and get a "Windows cannot connect to.." error and the diagnose connection button. One thing that may be causing problems there is that the loopback adapter is labeled as an unidentified network and thus stuck as a public connection, and I am unable to change it. Searching for solutions to that brings up things I can't access (no group policy editor on Home Premium) or results in no change (setting DHCP server, which I tried setting to my router).

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Get A Dish-network Remote Control To Work Directly With WMC Without A Satellite Receiver?

Nov 11, 2011

Is there a way to get a Dish-network remote control to work directly with WMC without a satellite receiver, i.e. DN Remote Control to WMC PC to TV?

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Sluggish Performance - Ran ComboFix Without Assistance?

Mar 16, 2012

ComboFix was recommended to me in the past, so I disabled avast! and I ran ComboFix as an administrator. Once it was finished, my laptop rebooted and I was presented with the "Preparing Log Report" screen, so I eventually closed ComboFix. Nothing would run until I rebooted and now everything seems to have gone back to the way it was (sluggish performance included.)After some quick research, I came to realize that running ComboFix without assistance is a bad idea. I'd like to make sure I haven't done any damage to my system and, if possible, improve its performance.

My specs are as follows:
Asus G50VT (BestBuy edition)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Intel Core2 Duo P7450 (2.13GHz, dual core)
nVidia GeForce 9800M GS 512MB

Aftermarket Broadcom WiFi adapter (I needed this to run Mac OS X alongside Windows and Ubuntu, but only Windows is installed now.)
Also, due to reheating, I recently removed the heatsinks from the CPU & CPU, cleaned out dust and applied Arctic Silver 5 thermal grease.

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Blue Screen Crash Assistance Required

Apr 1, 2012

I faithfully follow the advice for posting in the blue screen-crash region.

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Assistance Required With Alien-ware M14x AlienFX?

Nov 16, 2012

I just got my M14x back from the dell repair center and I just booted it up and did the first time setup and all (OS was formatted) and I noticed that AlienFX and all Alienware applications are missing infact.

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Assistance With Installing Another Instance Of Windows 7 X64 Ultimate Dual Boot

Aug 26, 2012

I had a new system made up for me a few months back and as I was so insistent on excellent cooling - fans - RAM etc, I didn't pay enough attention to the HDD's.Subsequently the system was installed on an SSD 60GB. For a normal user this would be adequate, but I work with a lot of digital programs that write to the app data folders and I can't safely move those onto the D:Drive where I have programs and Docs - all libraries. I have hard linked everything I could, but the more Windows updates and other updates I do, the Winsxs folder is already 7.2GB.I only have 30GB's left after a very short time and would like to be able to install another Windows 7 x64 on a 1TB drive I can free up easily. Ideally, I want to keep the SSD drive as an OS to use for general use and get all my graphics programs onto a different system for work purposes.I have not ever dual booted before and have no idea how to go about it - or I do but it could be wrong.Is it even possible to have one OS on an SSD and the other on a normal HDD? I do have an extra unused OEM version of Win 7 x64 ultimate and hope that is legal to use two identical OS's on same machine - with different keys..If I cannot dual boot I am willing to erase the SSD, probably use the space for something else, and use a normal spinner. It's that important for me to be able to work without disabling everything and have space left over.

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Remote Desktop Connects But Remote Host Screen Stays Black?

Nov 8, 2011

I know there have been a number of posts on this subject but I have been unable to find a solution. I have 2 Windows 7 machines, both running SP1.

My HP Pavilion is running 64-bit and my Dell Latiude E6400 is running 32-bit. I can successfully RDP from my Dell and even my Apple iPad (via an RDP client) into my HP Pavilion. However, the problem is that when I try to RDP from my Pavilion into my Dell I get connected but all I see is a BLACK from the Dell machine. The only thing i can see is the Status bar at teh top telling me that i am connected. A few moments later I get a popup message telling me that the machines have failed to communicate.

I have confirmed that RDP settings are identical on the Pavilion and Dell. I have even downgraded the Dell NVIDIA graphics driver to an older version based on the recommended version on the Dell support web site.

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Windows 7 Remote Desktop, Remote Pc Screen Locks When Trying To Install Software

Nov 7, 2012

I am using Windows 7 Pro 64bit, trying to use Windows remote desktop to connect to another PC in the LAN and install software. Right click on the .exe and choose run as admin. As soon as I do that I get a black screen with 2 white bars in the upper left hand corner(looks like a pause button). The user who's pc I am connected to sees the log inbox for the admin creds, how ever I can not get to it. How can I make that screen stop popping up?

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Remote Desktop Client 6.1 Cannot Connect To Remote Computer

Aug 30, 2011

We have several remote systems that can all connect fine. I am having an issue with one box. It is a windows 7 home premium machine with netgear wireless nic. When I open mstsc to connect to a remote machine I put in the ip address and click on connect.I receive an immediate failure with the text "This computer can't connect to the remote computer. Try connecting again...blah blah"I have a server 2008 r2 with Network level authentication enabled. I have 8 other systems that are hardwired, at different geographic locations and all connect fine. I have not made any changes on the server side since this problem seems to be local to this client only. On the client I have made the following changes/observations. I have disabled the firewall, cleared the remote desktop cache, remove the MRU entries from the registry, verified that port 3389 is open via telnet. I have been bashing my head for days trying to figure out why this one box is not working. The problem occurs for every user on the box including the admin.I don't receive the box that prompts for warning if there is a server authentication issue but I think that is because I selected ignore at some point and said yes to continue. I'm not sure where that cache resides to delete that selection.

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