Assistance With Installing Another Instance Of Windows 7 X64 Ultimate Dual Boot

Aug 26, 2012

I had a new system made up for me a few months back and as I was so insistent on excellent cooling - fans - RAM etc, I didn't pay enough attention to the HDD's.Subsequently the system was installed on an SSD 60GB. For a normal user this would be adequate, but I work with a lot of digital programs that write to the app data folders and I can't safely move those onto the D:Drive where I have programs and Docs - all libraries. I have hard linked everything I could, but the more Windows updates and other updates I do, the Winsxs folder is already 7.2GB.I only have 30GB's left after a very short time and would like to be able to install another Windows 7 x64 on a 1TB drive I can free up easily. Ideally, I want to keep the SSD drive as an OS to use for general use and get all my graphics programs onto a different system for work purposes.I have not ever dual booted before and have no idea how to go about it - or I do but it could be wrong.Is it even possible to have one OS on an SSD and the other on a normal HDD? I do have an extra unused OEM version of Win 7 x64 ultimate and hope that is legal to use two identical OS's on same machine - with different keys..If I cannot dual boot I am willing to erase the SSD, probably use the space for something else, and use a normal spinner. It's that important for me to be able to work without disabling everything and have space left over.

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How To Dual-Boot Windows 7 Ultimate And XP

Dec 11, 2012

never partioned, dual-booted or anything like that. Hard Drive is... 282 size, 236 free.

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Cannot Boot Windows 7 After Installing Opensuse 12.1 On Dual Boot

Apr 6, 2012

I installed opensuse 12.1 on dual boot along with my other windows 7 installation. Installation of opensuse is successful and i can use it. But when I tried to use windows 7 on grub, it says bootmgr is missing. I've already encountered this problem a long time ago so i tried to use bootrec /fixmbr, bootrec /rebuildbcd and bootrec /fixboot in the recovery console in the windows 7 DVD. Rebuildbcd and fixboot did not work and it said something like it cannot find my windows installation. I also tried bootrec /scanos, it returned a windows installation on D:\Windows but my windows is in drive C. I think this has something to do with me messing up the active partition in disk management a month ago but i already fixed it by setting the active partition to the system reserved partition. Only fixmbr is successful, but now i can't boot on any OS because it says: Missing operating system.I also tried bcdboot C:\Windows but it failed with a message that goes like: Failure when attempting to copy boot information..

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu Dual Boot?

Dec 3, 2010

I can't get Win 7 to boot after setting up dual boot (Ubuntu 10.10) on my GF's laptop. I'll describe the problem and everything that has been tried so far. REALLY hoping somebody has an idea, I'm getting desperate.I installed Ubuntu last night via the Live CD. Used the Live version to install alongside Windows and partition the drive, install Grub, etc. At reboot, after POST it would just go to a black screen with a flashing cursor. I could only run off the live CD. A forum member determined the Grub was trying to load from the wrong partition. We changed that and voila! Grub now loads properly. I can boot into Ubunto via Grub with zero problems. HOWEVER: when I try to boot into Win 7 from Grub, it just locks at the same flashing cursor of death screen. The 7 partition is till intact, I can see and access all the files on the 7 partition from within Ubuntu, however 7 will not boot. I have tried downloading and burning the Win 7 repair disk and doing all of the following,Running the automatic Start Up Repair - several times. All it does is remove Grub, but booting still goes to the flashing cursor and I have to reinstall Grub again to be able to do anything after POST.I have used the command prompt to run "bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr". Has the same effect as above.I have used all the bootsec.exe /fixmbr, /fixboot, and /rebuildBCD commands. Again, all have the same effect and I have to reinstall Grub to get anywhere.I don't have an installation disk to try and just do a repair install because Asus apparently doesn't feel that I would need one of these. All I have is the recovery disks from the Asus AIRecovery application that want to just re-format the entire drive and start over. This isn't an option. It's my GF's laptop (mine gave up the ghost last week) and we both have WAY too much highly important data on here. Not to mention she would castrate me . Now from all my research the only other thing I've come across that sounds possible is that the boot flag needs to be set to a different partition. Somebody had a somewhat similar problem and it turned out the way Dell set up the system the boot flag had to be moved to a recovery partition and it worked fine. I'm wondering if Asus has something similar going on, but I can't figure out how to move the boot flag. I'm going on 12 straight hours of working on this now

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Windows 7 Ultimate And Osx Dual Boot On Single HD?

Sep 11, 2012

I have been trying for a while to install mac os x on my windows 7 pc i have followed hundreds of different tutorials and hit a wall at every one.

what is the best way to install mac os x on a single hdd? i no my pc is compatible with it i dont no where im going wrong.

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Dual Boot - HDD#1 Vista Ultimate & HDD#2 Windows 7 Pro?

Feb 7, 2010

Currently using 400GB HDD #1 working with Vista Ultimate 64Bit OS.Recently bought 500GB SATA HDD #2 installed Win 7 Pro I realize I can just set in bios to use one or the other drive, but that doesn't sound like a best way. In order to use both drives it may be best to dual boot.

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Error When Installing XP To Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2010

When I go to create the new partition in Windows 7 that I want to install XP on it creates it as a logical drive. How do I create a primary partition instead?

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Installing Windows 7 Over Vista On Dual Boot With Ubuntu

Jan 14, 2012

I want to upgrade Vista to Windows 7, but without disturbing my Ubuntu installation, which is dual boot with Vista. I would prefer to do a clean install of Windows 7 over Vista, which has had niggling little issues (I resolve them and new ones appear) ever since I bought the pc. I don't have the recovery discs for Vista (the ones you make when you buy a new system) as they went missing during a major move.

What is the best way to accomplish all the above? Also, from what I understand, a clean installation can be done with an upgrade version of Windows 7 as long as a previous version of Vista or XP is already on the machine?

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Dual Boot - Installing XP On Windows 7 Laptop / Unable To Connect

Apr 18, 2011

I have a Win 7 Laptop and I wanted to put XP in as a dual boot. All is ok but XP will not connect to the Internet / Are all the drivers I need on my xp cd? When I start I press F12 to select , win & goes online but XP will not and even the wizard says it is unable to connect?

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Dual Boot Windows 7 / Installing XP On Separate Partition - Chkdsk Error

Oct 17, 2012

My computer has windows 7. I created a separate partition on my hard drive to install windows xp, but now when I try to install it I get an chkdsk /f error.

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BSOD When To Create Dual Boot System With XP And Ultimate 7 X64

Mar 28, 2012

I have a new Toshiba Qosmio X770 laptop with Dual 120 Gb SSD drives. From the factory it had Win 7 Home. I upgraded immediately to Win 7 Ultimate x64. I set up the VM to use XP (Have to use XP because current dev projects with work are stuck in old ages on XP for the time being). I can run the XP Mode in VM fine and even Visual Studios functions fine. There is a problem with the 3rd party drivers for the USB comm boards we are using, the USB drivers apparently cannot be shared across the VM environment for the particular ones we are using.

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Can't Dual Boot After Installing W7 Retail With W7 RC

Dec 28, 2009

I was running Vista on one partition, and Windows 7 RC on a second partition. Was able to dual boot with no problems. I just installed Windows 7 Retail Upgrade on the partition where Vista was located, after reformatting that partition. I can run the new installation fine, but I can't boot into the RC version. I can access the partition using explorer, just can't find a way to boot it.

I'd like to get in there to pull some configuration information from programs, to enter when I reinstall the programs on the new system. I'm not sure what I messed up here, but is there a way to find a fix to the problem?

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Problem While Installing XP To Dual Boot With Win7

Jun 2, 2009

I did a partition, i ran the XP setup, chose the partition, started install, then it copied the files, then it had to restart, it restarted.. but its not moving for the next setup screen, it just jams on the load, "Press any key to boot from CD ... "

It is been there like over 30 minutes now, maybe someone can help me with this problem, thank you in advance.

PS. I restarted it also and then booted it again, and it seems it did not copy those files.. the partition was still empty.

PPS. And as it seems.. it does not run not at all now, i took out the XP cd and it does not load Windows 7 Also.

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Partition Lost After Installing Xp As Dual Boot

Aug 9, 2009

i used win 7 and wanted to install xp as a multi-boot on my laptop for trying an xp based encyclopedia but when i installed xp i got error "ERROR LOADING OPERATING SYSTEM" so i reinstalled xp and realized that i cant see my 2 25 gb partitions full of data,so kindly guide me to get my partitions back i have currently reinstall win 7.

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Mouse Doesn't Work After Installing Dual Boot

May 12, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 as a dual boot with my XPsp3. Now my Logitech Revolution VX mouse has lost all its special functions, and the Setpoint software in unable to work properly.

Any thoughts? The same thing happened when I set up Ubuntu as a dual boot - finally removed the linux.

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BSOD Error Message When Installing XP For Dual Boot

Nov 20, 2009

i was wondering if i could get any tips or advice, i keep getting bsod error message when trying to install xp, it looks like i have to install the sata drivers, i think i have to slipstream the driver with xp as from my post here, but i cant find the sata driver for my toshiba hard drive anywhere. My sony vgn-aw120j does not have drivers for xp on the sony website and toshiba does not have drivers on theirs. my hard drive is a mk-3252gsx from toshiba,

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System Should Dual Boot To Windows 7 Or Vista Ultimate, But Does Not Recognize Vista

Aug 15, 2012

My system dual boots to either Windows 7 or Vista Ultimate, or, at least it is supposed to. Something happened and now the system just boots to Winodows 7 without giving me the choice to boot to either. When I use F6 I find that only Windows 7 is listed in the Operating Systems box.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Won't Run "Windows Remote Assistance"

Apr 13, 2012

I just built my sister a win7pro machine and I set it up so she can easily contact me and do remote assistance. I tested my setup with my laptop also running win7pro and mailed the machine off to her (some 2K miles away). Then I decided I'd tried to do a session between my laptop and my main machine a Windows 7 Ultimate (both my laptop and the main desktop are 64bit). The windows 7 ultimate machine will not connect to the windows assistance peer to peer network; my laptop does. I ran the network connection checker from MS (passed all tests); I turned off the FW and tried again, but still no connection. I checked the Upnp setting in the router and it's enabled. I'm beginning to think it may have something to do with my network card itself. The on-board built-in NIC failed a few months back to I installed a Netgear NIC; it been working fine since then with no other strange occurrences. Can anyone think of anything else that might stop a machine from connecting to this network? Does anyone know what are the ports used for Windows remote assistance?

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Dual Boot Windows 7 64 And Xp 32 Dual Boot Same Drive?

Sep 12, 2011

i have a new work laptop with xp sp3 on it. I want to install w7 64 bit as a dual boot, but only have 1 physical drive. i cannot remove my current installation as it is pre-build from work, but can partition the drive etc. However on trying to install w7 64 bit I get a message saying cannot install windows 7 on efi drive with mbr, not gpt. Can I do what I want without screwing up my xp installation?

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Windows 7 And Linux Fedora Dual Boot With Dual Drives?

Feb 4, 2011

dual booting windows 7 home premium x64 with linux fedora 14 on dual independantly dedicated drives. i am a college student with moderate computer (windows) knowledge but am doing software development and would like to play around with some linux for a class. i have no prior experience with linux and have minimal knowledge of operation. i am currently running windows 7 and would like to keep it as my primary os. i do not wish to share media files across drives or os's, windows does that just fine as is and i dont want to get into a third drive. my current drive is a 1tb wd black caviar hdd. it is also currently 2/3rds full and the desktop is about 6 months old so i would rather not partition the drive for a dual boot. i would think that there are some other advantages for the os's operating independantly off their own drives other than if one hdd dies i should still have the other with its os still ok. i have read some topics about RAID configs with dual boot setups with dual drives like this but am not very familiar with RAID. is there a RAID config that would be beneficial in this situation? i currently do not have a RAID card. my tower internals are not very accessible and i dont like the idea of disconnecting drives depending on which os i want to operate.

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Open More Than 1 Instance Of Internet Explorer With Windows 7?

Oct 1, 2012

how to open more than 1 instance of internet explorer with windows 7?

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Windows 7-64 Vista Ultimate 32 Bit Dual Install?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a copy of Vista Ultimate - 32Bit available. I have 3-1TB drives. Are there any advantages to doing a dual install of Windows Pro 7-64 and Vista Ultimate - 32 Bit? Or should I just keep it simple? I need some experienced opinions. T

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Windows 7 Remote Assistance Without License?

Jul 7, 2011

I have two pc's: my main one and my HTPC. I cant afford to get my remote yet so i want to setup remote desktop assistant in a way where i can connect when ever i want without worrying about the there anyway to set this up? Both computers are on my network.I don't want to use remote desktop because i don't want it to log the htpc out, since it will be used to watch movies and all.

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Dual Core Graphics Download For Windows 7 Ultimate?

Jul 29, 2012

i have to download graphics software to proceed games and videos

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Windows 7 Remote Assistance History Listing?

Jul 26, 2012

When using Remote assistance in windows 7 it shows a list(albeit a small one) of past addresses(ip or computername) that you have logged into. Problem is it is numeric/alphabetic order. Is there a registry setting I can change so it will show me this History in chronological order?

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Installing Windows 7 Pro Over Ultimate

Jan 15, 2013

I unwittingly purchased a dodgy copy of Windows Ultimate a few months back - Microsoft just informed me a week ago. So I have now purchased a good copy of W7 Pro thinking I could just replace one with the other but on researching this, it doesn't appear to be the case. I have backed up all my files and programs onto an external hard drive and I have partitioned my C drive. If I install W7 Pro on the partition, will it work over and above the Ultimate? If not, can I just do a clean install with the W7 Pro from scratch and if so, will that work? I really don't want to mess my PC up as I use it daily for work.

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Installing XP And Windows 7 Ultimate On SSD

Nov 27, 2010

I'm in the process of buying a SSD to install my OS on. I am getting a 60 GB one.
What I was going to do is Install Windows 7 Ultimate and my programms like Lightroom and Photoshop also Office and then keep any images and files from the software on a spinning drive. After purchasing the drive I decided it might be an idea to also have Win XP Pro on as some of my hardware like scanner does not have a driver for Windows 7. Will I get all this on the 60 GB SSD or should I have got a larger one.

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Installing Windows 7 Ultimate?

Apr 15, 2011

I need to reinstall the Windows 7 Ultimate on my machine because of endless problems I am having after I changed my motherboard.Currently installed OS is Ultimate 64bit which is an upgrade from Vista Home 64bit. The problem is I lost my both Vista and Ultimate DVDs and need to buy a new one.If I buy Ultimate upgrade version, will it work? Can I install it over my current Ultimate, or will it require a lower grade of windows installed on the machine (e.g. Vista, Windows 7 Home, Pro etc.)

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Windows 7 Ultimate Not Installing

May 10, 2012

I have an hp pavillion a1130n with 1.5 GB of ram. I am trying to install windows 7 ultimate x64. I am positive my PC can handle this. Despite its lack of .5 GB of ram. I have tried to install windows 7 ultimate 5 times. Two of them sent me directly to my windows XP SP3. The first gave me BOOTMGR is compressed. Press ctrl+alt+del to restart, followed by an endless loop. The other two times went like this: windows let me use the wireless on the pc to connect to my router, set a system time and user. When it finalizes its settings, it gives me 4 error windows. They each say I am missing a disc. I pressed "cancel" the first time and "retry" the 2nd time. This does not change the outcome, which is windows says "Welcome", followed by "shutting down". When I turn it back on it gives me the "black screen with the cursor" error. This is the error I am having. However, I can boot my windows XP again. I can also reinstall windows, if there is a point in trying. Things I should mention: I am using a usb to install do to my lack of a physical disc. I am not certain the ISO I have put on my flash drive is valid. What I do NOT want people to tell me: 1 install x32. THAT WILL PISS ME OFF. 2 Get a disc. I CAN'T. 3 Install more ram. I can't order any and I lost my 2GB ram card. And, plus, I am using my flash drive as ram once I am done with this. 4 use a different windows version (proffesional, home, basic, etc.) So, I would like a solution to this, because my windows xp is slow.

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How Do I Keep Win7, Dump XP From Dual Drive, Dual Boot ?

Nov 12, 2009

As currently configured, XP is on drive C:, Win 7 was added to drive E:, and the system is currently run as a dual boot. Attempting to boot without the XP drive present will yield a "NTLDR is missing" error very early in the boot process.

I have already tried the following:

(1) I moved the hidden Windows Boot Manager files (bootmgr as well as the associated Boot folder) from the XP drive root to the Win 7 drive root.

(2) After physically removing the XP drive, I rebooted to the Win 7 installation DVD, and used the "Repair Your Computer" option to pull up the "Recovery Tools". Then, using the command prompt utility, ...

(3) I attempted to write a new boot sector to the Windows 7 disk using the command: Bootrec /fixboot, - that yields an error though. The Bootrec /fixmbr claimed success, but ultimately did not make Win 7 drive bootable.

I had to reconnect drive C: just to boot into Win 7 again to write this. I do have files backed up, but to format and reinstall files would take many hours beyond just the time to transfer 400 GB of data, since I have dozens of purchased applications that need to be freshly reinstalled and validated as well. Basically I want my E: drive now to be my boot drive while the C: drive is reformatted and used for general storage.

Any idea how to make my Win 7 drive bootable? Do I need a partition program that is more adept at creating a viable boot sector, or is that even the problem?

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Installing Windows 7 Ultimate On Netbook?

Sep 9, 2011

I just got a netbook and it came with Windows 7 Starter, and a whole lot of preloaded crap. Apparently it also doesn't come with a boot disc, that the 'factory settings' are hidden deep within the system somewhere. Well, I don't seem to like the factory settings, and I want to install Windows 7 full version, clean, with no preloaded crap, but I don't know the best way to go about it, since this netbook doesnt have a disc drive. Also, I'll be departitioning and formatting and installing blank, but if something goes amiss, I don't have a disk to reinstall the starter edition? I've heard I can turn a USB into a boot drive to install an OS off of, but can I download a backup copy of Starter Edition to put back on the computer in case anything goes wrong?

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