Mouse Doesn't Work After Installing Dual Boot

May 12, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 as a dual boot with my XPsp3. Now my Logitech Revolution VX mouse has lost all its special functions, and the Setpoint software in unable to work properly.

Any thoughts? The same thing happened when I set up Ubuntu as a dual boot - finally removed the linux.

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On Boot Mouse Doesn't Work

Aug 5, 2011

when win 7 boots up, mouse doesn`t work, at all... no lights underneath. After maybe one to tvo minutes light is up and mouse works normally.

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Bluetooth Mouse Doesn't Work?

Jan 2, 2010

I recently bought a new laptop (ASUS K70IC) that has no Bluetooth (BT). I also bought a Bluetooth mouse with it, Genius 905BT and an USB Bluetooth dongle, I thought that would work. But it doesn't. Other Bluetooth devices show up when I search for them, but the mouse doesn't. I tried that in XP SP3 too (desktop PC) but it doesnt show up there either.So my questions are:

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Mouse Doesn't Work On The Toolbar

Dec 18, 2012

my mouse doesn't work on the toolbar...i can't get the curser to work up there,,so i can't type on the address bar or click on seems to work just fine on tghe bottom of my screen..i can click on the start menu , ect. no problem.

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After Starting The PC, Mouse Shows Up But Doesn't Work?

Mar 30, 2012

Each time I start my computer, the mouse shows up. But it doesn't do anything.I checked at Device Drivers and there I got this message after checking USB Mouse's properties:"The Drivers for this device are not installed. (code )."Then I clicked on Update driver but it didn't find any solution.The Laser light is showing up beneath the USB mouse each time I start my PC but the Cursor isn't responding at allI'm using Windows , bit version.

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Mouse/Pointer Options Doesn't Work

Oct 30, 2009

Has anyone else found that the "Snap To" under Mouse/Pointer Options doesn't work? Or does anyone know how to get it to work? It worked fine in XP and I have tried in Windows 7 with old mouse and with a new one but it doesn't work. Not a major problem but I would like to get it to work.

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Logitech Mouse Bluetooth Doesn't Work

Jan 14, 2010

I have a logitech mice blue-tooth but it doesn't work on win7, plz help me?

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Dual Booting XP And Windows 7 Doesn't Work After Using XP

Aug 11, 2010

I have 3 drives, C:, D:, and E:. E: is just a storage drive. XP was originally installed on the D: drive. I installed Windows 7 on the C: drive following the instructions at Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP. After installing Windows 7, I didn't get an option to boot XP so I used EasyBCD to add an XP entry to the boot menu. That worked, but after I boot into XP, if I shutdown or restart I get an error message about the Windows Boot Manager that says

"Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem
File: ootcd
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: an error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data."

Then I have to run startup repair from the Windows 7 disk. But then I just get stuck with Windows 7 and no boot menu entry for XP. If I try EasyBCD again, the same process results.

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Microsoft Basic Optical Mouse 1.0a Doesn't Work On Laptop

Jul 2, 2012

I was surfing on the net with my laptop when suddenly the cursor didnt move. I tried to unplug the mouse's usb and plug to an other usb gate but it still didn't work. Then i tried to plug it in my desktop computer and it worked!!! Any idea what happened to my laptop?

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Mouse Snap To Default - Applied Settings But Still Doesn't Work

Oct 5, 2011

I have applied settings in control panel to make my mouse snap to default in dialogue box. I have done this a number of times. It still doesn't work, except for usually in print routines where it snaps to the Print button.

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Asus Essentio Windows 7 Mouse Keyboard Doesn't Work At Login Screen

Nov 13, 2011

At win 7 login screen mouse & keyboard USB 2.0 doesn't work. We've tried this same mouse & keyboard in a diff computer & it worked fine.

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Boot Menu Doesn't Show Up - XP And Win7 Dual Boot

Oct 30, 2009

I have XP (x86) installed on one partition.

Last night I installed Windows 7 (x64) on a separate partition.

Anytime I had tried this in the past, using Vista, it always detected the Windows XP partition, and gave me a boot menu with "Earlier Version of Windows" option to boot to.

This is not so with Windows 7.

How can I get the boot menu to show both options, to boot to XP or to Windows 7?

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After Installing Clean Windows 7 Usb Ports Doesn't Work?

Oct 19, 2012

My problem began when someday i had issue in my windows which was usb was not recognized as i tried putting 3 usbs but all of them didn't work and i have 2 usb ports in my laptop which is dell xps 15z so i don't think it is a hardware issue
My problem continued and i searched and searched the internet for solutions but no one really worked so i decided to format the windows and installing new clean windows 7 one, and i did so and after installation i had too many more problems knowing that i installed all the required drivers needed for the laptop and checked them with driver genius, now any usb i plug in isn't even sensed by the lap or self installed like the usb ports have no drivers or anything.I tried the wireless mouse which isn't sensed on another laptop and it installed and worked instantly, so where is driver software installation which should install the mouse automatic?

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Dual Boot With XP Doesn't Provide Option

Oct 26, 2009

I created a separate partiton and installed Win 7 fine. It dual booted fine as well. I then renamed the old XP boot partition and this caused the PC to give NTLDR missing and wouldnt boot.

So I reinstalled Win 7 as a custom install and it all boots fine into Win 7 without providing me a dual boot option. I am not too concerned about this as eventually I was going to go completely over to Win 7 anyway

Question I have is

1) The old Win XP boot partition is viewable in explorer. Can I just reformat this and reclaim the space - I want to make sure that the PC is not looking for any files in that old partition

2) Can I delete the Windows.old folder as well

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Cannot Boot Windows 7 After Installing Opensuse 12.1 On Dual Boot

Apr 6, 2012

I installed opensuse 12.1 on dual boot along with my other windows 7 installation. Installation of opensuse is successful and i can use it. But when I tried to use windows 7 on grub, it says bootmgr is missing. I've already encountered this problem a long time ago so i tried to use bootrec /fixmbr, bootrec /rebuildbcd and bootrec /fixboot in the recovery console in the windows 7 DVD. Rebuildbcd and fixboot did not work and it said something like it cannot find my windows installation. I also tried bootrec /scanos, it returned a windows installation on D:\Windows but my windows is in drive C. I think this has something to do with me messing up the active partition in disk management a month ago but i already fixed it by setting the active partition to the system reserved partition. Only fixmbr is successful, but now i can't boot on any OS because it says: Missing operating system.I also tried bcdboot C:\Windows but it failed with a message that goes like: Failure when attempting to copy boot information..

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu Dual Boot?

Dec 3, 2010

I can't get Win 7 to boot after setting up dual boot (Ubuntu 10.10) on my GF's laptop. I'll describe the problem and everything that has been tried so far. REALLY hoping somebody has an idea, I'm getting desperate.I installed Ubuntu last night via the Live CD. Used the Live version to install alongside Windows and partition the drive, install Grub, etc. At reboot, after POST it would just go to a black screen with a flashing cursor. I could only run off the live CD. A forum member determined the Grub was trying to load from the wrong partition. We changed that and voila! Grub now loads properly. I can boot into Ubunto via Grub with zero problems. HOWEVER: when I try to boot into Win 7 from Grub, it just locks at the same flashing cursor of death screen. The 7 partition is till intact, I can see and access all the files on the 7 partition from within Ubuntu, however 7 will not boot. I have tried downloading and burning the Win 7 repair disk and doing all of the following,Running the automatic Start Up Repair - several times. All it does is remove Grub, but booting still goes to the flashing cursor and I have to reinstall Grub again to be able to do anything after POST.I have used the command prompt to run "bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr". Has the same effect as above.I have used all the bootsec.exe /fixmbr, /fixboot, and /rebuildBCD commands. Again, all have the same effect and I have to reinstall Grub to get anywhere.I don't have an installation disk to try and just do a repair install because Asus apparently doesn't feel that I would need one of these. All I have is the recovery disks from the Asus AIRecovery application that want to just re-format the entire drive and start over. This isn't an option. It's my GF's laptop (mine gave up the ghost last week) and we both have WAY too much highly important data on here. Not to mention she would castrate me . Now from all my research the only other thing I've come across that sounds possible is that the boot flag needs to be set to a different partition. Somebody had a somewhat similar problem and it turned out the way Dell set up the system the boot flag had to be moved to a recovery partition and it worked fine. I'm wondering if Asus has something similar going on, but I can't figure out how to move the boot flag. I'm going on 12 straight hours of working on this now

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Will Restore Cds Work As Dual Boot ?

Jul 2, 2009

When I can afford it, I'm getting another gateway with Windows 7.

I have a gateway laptop m-6881 w/ vista 32bit HP sp2. (8/2008)

I also have a gateway tower S500 XP Pro 32bit SP3 ( 3/2003)

The laptop has 3 restore DVD's with the OS on it (sp1) - also other programs and drivers.

The tower has 4 restore CD's with the OS on it - including 2driver cd's, 2programs cd's.

Can I use the restore CD from the XP or/and vista machine on my Windows 7 machine as a dual boot as long as I wipe the HDD of the XP machine and toss it? ( since all are gateways )

I no longer want to use my XP,win2000 or win98 rigs anymore.

I'm going to wipe the HDD and give them away.

This may not make sense but I can't get my fingers to type what I'm trying to say

{Dell laptop win98 and a Dell win2000 tower - I don't even boot them up anymore}

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Wireless Mouse Doesn't Work Windows 7 64bit But Works On Windows 7 32bit

Apr 12, 2012

I've just recently purchased a generic wireless mouse from eBay. more specifically, this one: 2.4GHz USB Receiver Wireless Optical Mouse F PC Laptop | eBay it doesn't work. I'm running Windows 7 64bit and it started installing the drivers, first it was installing "HID Wireless Mouse", then it switched to "USB Input Device" but failed after 3 seconds. now it's listed in Device Manager as "USB Input Device" with yellow sign that indicates it doesn't work. I tested it in 2 other Windows 7 32bit computers and it works just fine! installing drivers and everything. moreover - I testes my bro's logitech wireless mouse on my 64bit Windows 7 computer and it works fine. I think Windows fails on recognizing it. I mean the drivers are there.. the Logitech Mouse works but mine doesn't.. how do I make it work?


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Failed Boot Up / Now Wireless Doesn't Work

May 29, 2011

I have a HP G71-329WM running Windows 7 and I believe it recently updated windows via windows update. I attempted to turn on my computer and it would not boot, freezing on the start up screen. I managed to resolve this initial problem by going through safe mode and doing a system restore to a previous state. However, the laptop now boots up but does not recognize any networks and the wireless adapter cannot be recognised, meaning it only connections VIA ethernet cable. I have tried re-installing the drivers for the wireless adapter but this has not resolved the issue. Short of re-formatting (which I really don't want to do) I'm lost for how this can be resolved.

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Can't Dual Boot After Installing W7 Retail With W7 RC

Dec 28, 2009

I was running Vista on one partition, and Windows 7 RC on a second partition. Was able to dual boot with no problems. I just installed Windows 7 Retail Upgrade on the partition where Vista was located, after reformatting that partition. I can run the new installation fine, but I can't boot into the RC version. I can access the partition using explorer, just can't find a way to boot it.

I'd like to get in there to pull some configuration information from programs, to enter when I reinstall the programs on the new system. I'm not sure what I messed up here, but is there a way to find a fix to the problem?

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Windows 7 Failed To Boot After Installing New Usb Mouse

Jul 15, 2012

i just bought this new mouse razer lachesis 5600..when i plugged in the mouse, install the driver, it went ok, no problems at all.the problems start when i reboot, the screen just freeze at the motherboard screen (MSI 890fxa-gd70)..i remember reading from this forum, to try unplugged all usb device, i did that, and my pc can boot normally.. mouse also have no trouble if i plugged it after i got on windows.. but everytime i reboot with mouse plugged in, it always freeze at the mobo screen..or i should unplugged my mouse everytime i want to reboot?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot, Startup Repair Doesn't Work

Sep 21, 2012

I've had an ongoing war with my PC for four days now. I have Windows 7 and it refuses to start up. Originally I tried starting up normal, it gave me two choices: system repair or start as normal. If I chose normal it would show the windows logo then reset. If I chose repair it would turn black for several minutes, then go to a blue screen for several minutes and wouldn't move past that. So i tried to boot from CD. I have the option of installing windows or repair. I chose repair, once again it goes to the blue screen and nothing happens (and I've left it on this blue screen a good 15 min mind you.) Finally I submitted and decided to just re-install windows. it goes to the starting setup... and sits there indefinably.

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Problem While Installing XP To Dual Boot With Win7

Jun 2, 2009

I did a partition, i ran the XP setup, chose the partition, started install, then it copied the files, then it had to restart, it restarted.. but its not moving for the next setup screen, it just jams on the load, "Press any key to boot from CD ... "

It is been there like over 30 minutes now, maybe someone can help me with this problem, thank you in advance.

PS. I restarted it also and then booted it again, and it seems it did not copy those files.. the partition was still empty.

PPS. And as it seems.. it does not run not at all now, i took out the XP cd and it does not load Windows 7 Also.

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Error When Installing XP To Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2010

When I go to create the new partition in Windows 7 that I want to install XP on it creates it as a logical drive. How do I create a primary partition instead?

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Partition Lost After Installing Xp As Dual Boot

Aug 9, 2009

i used win 7 and wanted to install xp as a multi-boot on my laptop for trying an xp based encyclopedia but when i installed xp i got error "ERROR LOADING OPERATING SYSTEM" so i reinstalled xp and realized that i cant see my 2 25 gb partitions full of data,so kindly guide me to get my partitions back i have currently reinstall win 7.

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Windows 7 Boot Manager Default Entry Doesn't Work

May 30, 2012

When I start up Windows, I have two options, "Windows 7" and "Windows 7 Home Premium (Recovered)", and only the second one works. This is annoying because it defaults to the first entry.Some background info: I added a second hard drive to my laptop, and I used an Ubuntu install disc to move Windows 7 to the second hard drive and install Ubuntu to the first (larger) hard drive. When I start up my computer, the Grub boot loader gives me an option between Ubuntu Linux and Windows 7.When I first tried to boot into Windows, it had problems (caused by finding itself on a new drive I assume) and attempted to do startup repair which didn't change anything. It had detected a Windows 7 installed on drive "E", attempted repair, but on reboot I got to the same place. Next I used the Windows 7 Repair disc that I had burned earlier, which appeared to do the exact same process of attempting startup repair, however this time when I rebooted I got the option between "Windows 7" and "Windows 7 Home Premium (Recovered)". The first option causes it to do what it did before, and the second option gets me into Windows 7 fine. Windows still sees its hard drive as "C" which is good.While looking for solutions to this, I found the bcdedit utility. I attempted to rename "Windows 7 Home Premium (Recovered)" to just "Windows 7 Home Premium" to test whether it changed anything, but when I boot up I still get "Windows 7" and "Windows 7 Home Premium (Recovered)". I don't even know where the "Windows 7" entry comes from.

Here's the output of `bcdedit /v`:

Code: Windows Boot Manager
identifier {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795}
device partition=C:
path ootmgr
description Windows Boot Manager
locale en-US
default {74e62c05-aa3f-11e1-90f0-e412b6135969}


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Installing Windows 7 Over Vista On Dual Boot With Ubuntu

Jan 14, 2012

I want to upgrade Vista to Windows 7, but without disturbing my Ubuntu installation, which is dual boot with Vista. I would prefer to do a clean install of Windows 7 over Vista, which has had niggling little issues (I resolve them and new ones appear) ever since I bought the pc. I don't have the recovery discs for Vista (the ones you make when you buy a new system) as they went missing during a major move.

What is the best way to accomplish all the above? Also, from what I understand, a clean installation can be done with an upgrade version of Windows 7 as long as a previous version of Vista or XP is already on the machine?

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BSOD Error Message When Installing XP For Dual Boot

Nov 20, 2009

i was wondering if i could get any tips or advice, i keep getting bsod error message when trying to install xp, it looks like i have to install the sata drivers, i think i have to slipstream the driver with xp as from my post here, but i cant find the sata driver for my toshiba hard drive anywhere. My sony vgn-aw120j does not have drivers for xp on the sony website and toshiba does not have drivers on theirs. my hard drive is a mk-3252gsx from toshiba,

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Assistance With Installing Another Instance Of Windows 7 X64 Ultimate Dual Boot

Aug 26, 2012

I had a new system made up for me a few months back and as I was so insistent on excellent cooling - fans - RAM etc, I didn't pay enough attention to the HDD's.Subsequently the system was installed on an SSD 60GB. For a normal user this would be adequate, but I work with a lot of digital programs that write to the app data folders and I can't safely move those onto the D:Drive where I have programs and Docs - all libraries. I have hard linked everything I could, but the more Windows updates and other updates I do, the Winsxs folder is already 7.2GB.I only have 30GB's left after a very short time and would like to be able to install another Windows 7 x64 on a 1TB drive I can free up easily. Ideally, I want to keep the SSD drive as an OS to use for general use and get all my graphics programs onto a different system for work purposes.I have not ever dual booted before and have no idea how to go about it - or I do but it could be wrong.Is it even possible to have one OS on an SSD and the other on a normal HDD? I do have an extra unused OEM version of Win 7 x64 ultimate and hope that is legal to use two identical OS's on same machine - with different keys..If I cannot dual boot I am willing to erase the SSD, probably use the space for something else, and use a normal spinner. It's that important for me to be able to work without disabling everything and have space left over.

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Dual Boot - Installing XP On Windows 7 Laptop / Unable To Connect

Apr 18, 2011

I have a Win 7 Laptop and I wanted to put XP in as a dual boot. All is ok but XP will not connect to the Internet / Are all the drivers I need on my xp cd? When I start I press F12 to select , win & goes online but XP will not and even the wizard says it is unable to connect?

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New Video Card Drivers Work In Vista But Not Windows 7 Dual Boot?

Dec 13, 2012

I just purchased a new video card for my old Acer M3100 that I dual boot the original Vista and Windows 7 on. I bought a new Asus Nvidia GeForce GT 610 video card to play Skyrim. Windows 7 will install the drivers with absolutely no error messages but upon rebooting they won't load and I'm stuck with basic VGA. I booted out and back to Vista and loaded them and they installed fine as well and upon rebooting into Vista they actually load! My Windows 7 install is a recent clean install because I tried upgrading to Windows 8 and didn't do a clean install and it borked itself on all my legacy hardware. Does anyone know why a clean install won't load new video card drivers but my old Vista install loads them fine? (Yet another reason not to abandon the Vista Beast, Vista is the last OS that recognizes my (2) Rio Karma MP3 Players.)I downloaded the latest drivers for Windows 7 Pro 64Bit directly from Nvidias website and installed them and still get a "No GPU detected" message when trying to run the NVidia software that comes with the drivers.

NVidia Driver Version: 306.97

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