Logged Off Automatically - Desktop Windows Manager Unable To Start

Jan 14, 2012

I was booted into Windows a couple of days ago, when without any reason what soever, I was logged off, and had to log in again. I checked Event Viewer, which showed: "The Desktop Window Manager was unable to start because a composited theme is not in use."

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Windows 7 Desktop Manager Automatically & Enable?

Jul 16, 2012

program name: APP CRASH

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Logged Into The Admin Account Automatically?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a similar question a closed one I found on this site that never included the answerI bought this computer yesterday.[CODE]... from a local computer compamy in my town after having logged in a few times to try to figure out why im being logged into the admin account automatically and installing Kaspersky yada yada yada I noticed that the "Setup is preparing for first time use" message did not stop being displayed even though it was the 5th time i restarted by then also once in the admin account the first screen to appear is a Sysrep window with the OOBE config, and when I press okay it says "Fatal error occured"

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Getting Automatically Logged Onto Mail Accounts?

Apr 4, 2012

I logged onto my hotmail account and now everytime I open the page it logs me straight in. I do not have any autocomplete ticked or 'remember me' on the hotmail page. To ensure it wasn't a problem with hotmail I tried it on Yahoo Mail and the same thing. I changed my hotmail password and now when I open up the hotmail page it keeps trying with the old password constantly.

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Lost Start Menu, Desktop Icons And Taskbar Manager In Computer?

Jan 22, 2013

Lost start menu, desktop icons and taskbar manager in computer?

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Unable To Defrag From CMD Despite Being Logged In As Administrator

Mar 9, 2012

I have a Thinkpad T60 running windows 7 untimate (trial version) when logged in as an Administrator and when I try to defrag the hard disk from the command prompt using the command: c:>defrag c: /a..I get the following error:"The disk defragmenter cannot start because you have insufficient priveleges to perform this operation. <0x89000024>".

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Windows Is Loading And Start Repair Not To Fix Automatically

Sep 3, 2012

I have Dell Inspiron 1545,when I start laptop it says windows is loading,it takes sometime and runs start up repair, which fails to fix problem automatically and shutdowns the machine.It's windows 7 home basic 64 bit.I don't get complete system recovery option other than start up repair option.When I go for advanced boot up option - F8, all options comes but whatever option I take whether computer repair,safe mode,safe mode with networking,safe mode command prompt,restore to last known good configuration,it does the same thing loading windows and then run startup repair.In logs I see courrpted registry error message.I did diagnostic test, it passes all test, I have windows 7 professional iso DVD burned which I am using to boot, since my installation disc came with laptop is not working at all.I don't have iso for windows 7 home basic.

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Windows 7 Automatically Go To Desktop When Playing Game?

May 16, 2012

My Windows 7 automaticly go to desktop when im playing game is it a bug or something?

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Get Windows 7 To Stop Automatically Re-arranging My Desktop Icons?

Aug 22, 2012

How do I get Windows 7 to stop automatically re-arranging my desktop icons?

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Automatically Choose Start Windows Normally In Case Of Hard Reset?

Aug 24, 2011

Is there a way to make windows automatically choose "start windows normally" in the case of hard resets? I have a USB monitor hooked to the system and it does not turn on until Windows loads. but if I hard reset by accident or some other reason I can't see the screen that asks what you want to do, this only can be seen when vga/dvi is connected. I know there is a timer for the start normally, but wanted to know if there was a way to make windows not even have to ask and just know to start normally?

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Windows 7 Failed To Start (Boot Manager)?

Jan 13, 2012

have beeen reading through this amazing forum for the past couple of days trying to get my Dell 1545 working again, i have tried to reinstall the OS from a disc that came with the lpatop, to no availi created a system restore disk from the machine i'm writing this on....still to no avail....i can get into the setup menu's but like many others i can't get any further, I don't know how to get into the BIOS menu (and to be honest wouldn't know what to do if I did

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Windows 7 Freezes On Start Up Must Always Use Task Manager?

Jun 11, 2012

After downoading some windows critical updates (this is about 6 months ago) my computer would lock up after windows started and I could no do anything until I started task manager. All I have to do is start task manager and close it and then everything is fine. Becuase of this, I just didnt bother trying to find a fix but I wondered if anyone has advice on how to correct this problem.

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Windows 7 32bit - Unable To Open Task Manager

Nov 25, 2012

I just noticed that I cannot open my task manager anymore, I right clicked on my task bar and click on Start task manager and nothing happens, did also the CTRL + ALT + DEL then click on Start task manager still nothing, no recent changes made in computer or newly installed programs.

Operating system windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit
AMD Dual Core 2.8 Ghz

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Windows Desktop Manager Has Stopped Working

Jan 23, 2012

I have to warn you... I'm severely technologically impaired, so I know next to nothing about computers. I keep getting a pop-up that says "Window desktop manager has topped working," sometimes it says "and was closed."

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Enable Nvidia Desktop Manager Windows 7?

Jul 14, 2012

how to enable nvidia desktop manager in windows 7

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Windows 7 - Program Manager Stops Responding ( At The Start )?

Nov 27, 2011

Everytime i start my computer and after putting my password, at the desktop, a box appears saying that program manager stops responding and it is needed to restart the pc. it does it ( by himself ) and it is a cicle that dont stop, only if i manually close

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Unable To Receive Updates Automatically?

Jul 28, 2012

how do I receive updates automatically?

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Windows 7 Boot Manager Screen At Start Up - Never Starts Installation

Jan 12, 2012

I have tried at least 5 times installing the OS by using Recovery DVD's that I order from HP. I am able to boot from the DVD's and go through the process of Inserting Disc 1, Disc 2, and Disc 3. Once the setup is complete, I am prompted to Click Continue so that the system can restart the computer and continue the windows 7 Installation. It never even starts the installation. It gives me the following screen:

Windows Boot Manager. Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: Insert Your Windows installation disc and restart your computer. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next." Click "Repair your computer." If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

Status: 0xc000000f
Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.
ENTER = Continue
ESC = Exit

If I press Enter I am greeted by another Windows Boot Manager screen.... that says "Choose an operating system to start, or press TAB to select a tool".

Troubleshooting I have done:
- I have tried to install the OS in different ways. i.e. with a formatted HDD, re-installing over error msg, swapped hard drives.
- I also inserted the "Windows 7 Repair disk" (I made the disk from my other windows 7 machine that is also 64-bit)

From there I boot it up, and it detects start up problems and tells me to click restart to fix issues. I restart and cross my fingers to only end up disappointed by the screen above. I have also checked and I do have boot from notebook HDD as my primary boot up device.

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Start Up A Program Automatically When The Computer Comes On?

Jun 24, 2012

I can't find how to start up a program automatically when the computer comes on. It was easy under Win xp but I can't find the command.When I go to msconfig I can see the programs that are loaded but don't see how to list a program to be started.

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Set Priority On Services That Start Automatically

Mar 8, 2012

I recently have installed and uninstalled apache server in order to make it work, now I use XAMPP which SUPPOSEDLY starts the service manually when opened. However since I have installed it, windows is taking a long time to show the desktop when booting. It says Welcome for a while, then a black screen and finally the desktop is shown.Is there a way to set showing the desktop the number 1 priority ?

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Automatically Start Software With Password?

Oct 17, 2011

I have a small utility that I need to run at startup, but it has a password. I have dragged the utility to the startup folder, so that part is fine for when Windows 7 boots, but does anyone know how to have the password input as the software starts?

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Automatically Start Virtual PC On Logon?

Sep 24, 2009

I a machine with Win 7 (Utlimate) with several users (lets call them A,BC..). I have installed MS Virtual PC on it and have 3 Virtual Machines (all Win 7s - lets call them X,Y and Z).

I want to know is it possible that if User A logons on, VPC X gets fired automatically, if User B logons, VPC Z gets fired?

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Desktop Icons Moving Around Automatically?

Mar 26, 2011

I have a desktop that's set up with the background of an office with empty shelves, and I put my icons on the shelves to make it look cool. Due to this, I don't have my icons set to be aligned to any sort of grid, I just move them where I want, making it frustrating to move them back into place. Now, I notice that from time to time some of the icons or folders on my desktop will be out of the place I put them in, and will have moved themselves back to the place they were prior to moving them into the place I want them to be. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I notice it happens with icons and/or folders that have recently been updated or had something new put in them.

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Unable To Start Most Programs From Taskbar And Start Menu?

Jul 1, 2012

When I start up my computer, my Steam starts up, then I manually start Chrome. Chrome comes up fine, Steam does too, but when I try to right click on Steam and click friends, all it does is create another steam process running at 100-108 K. Then if I close Chrome and try to reopen it, it will do the same. This happens with EVERY program after I start up. There's a 5 second window where I can open programs without issue, then after that it will only start 108 K copies of them. It takes me around 30 restarts just to get it working properly, if not more.

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Start And Shutdown Computer Automatically Several Times Per Day?

Jan 17, 2013

What I need to do is turn on a Windows 7 computer every hour for about five minutes and then turn it off again automatically; while the computer is on I have to run a macro. The cycle described before has to be repeated 24 hours, so, the computer is automatically turned on, it automatically runs the macro and when the macro ends, it goes off again 24 times per day. When I say �turn off� I mean, either turn off the computer or send it to a low energy consumption state like hibernation or sleep� Basically I know how to automatically turn off the computer and turn it on once per day using the BIOS setup, but I don�t know how to do this several times in a day automatically and then call the macro every time�

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Start Menu - Show All Programs Automatically

Jun 5, 2009

I would like to know if is possible to show All Programs in the start menu automatically when you click the orb. Because clicking every time to show the list of All Programs is not very nice since I don't use the recently programs open function.

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Screen Saver Wont Start Automatically

May 19, 2011

Screensaver wont start automatically.I just reinstall Window 7 64-bit Professional.Everything appeared to be working until I did window update. Any clues?

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Mouse Keys Start Automatically On Startup?

Apr 12, 2012

This issue is bugging me for some time.Does anyone know how to stop mouse keys from starting on their own on startup?This happens since I first used them on this pc.I did try turning them off before logging off,but it didn't work.It's not something serious,but the icon confuses me.

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Files In All Folders And Desktop Keeps Arranging Automatically

Jul 21, 2012

The other day I was browsing a website and Norton Internet Security pops up saying that a Trojan has been blocked (I don't have a screenshot of it, but that's pretty much all it said). So I exited the website and told Norton to do a full system scan later that night and fell asleep. When I woke up, all it found were some tracking cookies, which it deleted. However, I now had a problem on my computer: all files in every folder will auto arrange themselves every time the folder is opened or refreshed. The same happens on the desktop. Auto arrange is not checked.

Inside folders, the default setting is always "View > Details" and "Sort by > Name > Ascending." The icons on the desktop are still medium, but they are arranged in an odd order, it seems to be alphabetical but in an odd way. I had all my desktop icons arranged in a specific way, so now it's hard to try and find programs that I need. It's also extremely difficult to find any files because of this setup too. To clarify, here's an example of what happens: I arrange the icons the way I want (here being by "Date Modified"), but... If the folder is refreshed or reopened, computer is restarted, etc, then the folder resets to this default.

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Blue Screen On Start Up Then Shutdown - Sometimes Restarts Automatically

May 1, 2011

Yesterday I got this virus, I went and bought trend micro titanium and cleaned it up (was using a free30 day trial of something else) but I'm still having a problem. Whenever I go to shut down or restart my computer, it starts doing it like normal, but right at the end I get this blue screen with a bunch of messages written, it last about 5 seconds while a countdown happens at the bottom of the screen, then it restarts (even if I went Shutdown).

Sometimes minutes after I log back into the user, the blue screen comes up out of nowhere, does it's 5 second odd countdown and restarts. I should get minidump files. The countdown at the bottom of the blue screen is called "crash dump" or something like that. With the virus whenever I tried to open an internet explorer or google chrome window, all that would come up was "win 7 home security", I'm not getting that anymore though after doing the full scan with trend.

Additional info: I have windows 7, my pc is a HP Pavilion laptop, model number is DV6 - 2144TX

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Cd Drivers Don't Start Automatically In Auto-play To Load

Nov 27, 2009

I have a new monitor, and also a new USB to RS 2343 converter cable that both came with a CD that apparently has Drivers for the devices on them.

They don't start automatically in auto-play to load, and my reading of the file labels in the CD makes no sense to me.

So, with the CD in the drive just sitting there, what do I do to actually get the PC to recognize the Drivers in the Folder(s), and load them in the appropriate places ?

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