Installing Fresh Windows 7 With New SSD Drive?

Feb 28, 2011

I have just got a new Solid state drive and i wanted to do a fresh install of Windows 7 but have been wondering the best way to go about it. Do i do one of the following after backing up all needed data.

1) just unplug all the other harddrives and plug in the new SSD drive and boot up the CD from there. Then at after the install just plug back the old hard drives (even with the windows 7 install) and then reformat them from windows.

2) Run the computer with the Windows 7 Disc and select the solid state drive and ask for a fresh install. Im not too sure that this is a viable option.

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Installing Fresh Copy Of Windows 7 To Another Drive?

Jun 3, 2012

I want to install a fresh copy of Win 7 on a second actually third hard drive my question is do I just run it from my present Windows installation or do I run at boot up from the BIOS? My quandary is when in the BIOS I can't tell which drive is which? I do not want to wipe out my present installation is my question

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Installing Windows 7 On Fresh Hard Drive Windows Failed To Start

Oct 14, 2012

I tried installing Windows 7 64 bit OEM on a fresh hard drive but it kept crashing and now when I try booting the system seems to think Windows is installed saying ''Windows failed to start'' in boot manager. I even tried loading the computer up with a different hard drive but it STILL says that!

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Installing Windows 7 On Fresh Hdd?

Sep 27, 2012

I'm trying to install windows 7 on a new hdd for a new computer. I downloaded the student discounted win 7 professional on microsoft's site, and i'm trying to use their downloader tool to put it on my usb drive.When I go to use the downloader tool, I select the iso i've downloaded from the site as the iso I want to use, but it tells me it's not a valid iso file. Is there something else I'm supposed to do with the iso before I try to use the tool to put it on my usb?

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Installing Windows 7 Fresh?

Nov 8, 2012

I have an Asus c90s laptop and about 6 months ago I updated to windows 7 after vista didnt work when I updated the BIOS. At first my USB ports and everything worked but over time they stopped working one by one. My CD/DVD burner also stopped writing cd/dvds. I believe this was most likely due to the fact that I updated windows automatically. Recently I downloaded the Windows 7 ISO and mounted and installed it. It didn't ask for my product key and I believe it simply backed up my old configuration, drivers, updates, etc when it installed. Because of this my USB ports still don't work and I really need to use my mouse as my finger pad is in rough shape. I was wondering if I used another computer to burn the ISO image to a disk and booted from there would it install fresh? Without the updates that most likely caused my USB ports to stop working.I've tried every fix for the USB ports and simply can find no solution.

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Installing Drivers After Fresh Windows Install?

Jan 18, 2012

how can you be sure you have installed all the Drivers when you reinstall a Fresh copy of windows like for my Motherboard i noticed i need 1 driver so that my PC would stop getting a BSOD every Time i ran a full Screen game (it was like a ATK0001 Driver or something liek that for my ASUS M4N78 PRO mother board)

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BSOD Installing Drivers After A Fresh Windows Install, Code 0xf4

Aug 12, 2012

My computer was suffering from random bsods and viruses before. I atributed the bsods to viruses, but after reinstalling windows 7, I found that the bsods still happened. It seems to happen when installing drivers, or running prime95. Booting into safe mode allows me to pretty much do anything.

When crashing, it does a slow crash, where I can move the mouse around, but the startbar and any other programs dont respond. Explorer then crashes, followed shortly by a bluescreen.

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Error Installing OS On Fresh New Computer (0x80070570)?

May 17, 2012

when I want to install my OS (Windows 7 home premium 64 bit - CD bought from store) on my SSD, I get the error 0x80070570 - corrupt files during the "Expanding Window files" process. I have used that CD to install on my previous PC with no problem.Thinking the CD was the problem, I downloaded a ISO and burned it with PowerISO Tried installing and same problem happens.eading on the internet from multiple forums, some mentioned trying with a 2gb ram stick only. Not having a 2gb stick, i still tried removing one of them (4gb sticks).Doing that i managed to complete installation until the "Completing..." part of the install, at which step computer crashed with a BSOD.

Here is a summary of things I have tried:-2 different ISO-Installing on my HDD-Clearing CMOS-Restoring BIOS to default-Trying 1 stick of RAM (4gb)-Transferring SSD on working computer, installed Windows, then transferred to new computer using Sysprep Recently I Flashed my BIOS with the most recent update (Z68BFC15.BST). I managed to install windows and drivers, but when i add my 2nd stick of RAM (total 8gb) computer won't boot (BSOD at windows loading page).Is it hardware problems?

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Installing HDD Unsigned Drivers X64 Fresh Install

Jan 8, 2013

I recently wiped my main HDD to perform a clean install of windows however after choosing to do the advanced install windows alerts me that drivers for the HDD's are missing. When I go to load my drivers from my USB the setup gives me an error that it cannot find the driver files from the USB in the folder I stored them in however it detects the 32 bit versions I have saved. I proceed with those, choose the 64 bit OS and proceed with the installation however this just throws my comp into a boot loop when it reaches the restart part of the install most likely from the computer having the 32 bit drivers. The next time I try to install i proceed by loading the 32 bit drivers and then when told to choose the HDD to install the OS I click the load drivers button, this time it detects the 64 bit drivers however will not let me install them as they are not digitally signed. I have a feeling setting my HDDs to AHCI in my boot options will allow me to install without all of the driver problems. However I have been told that doing so would wipe my data HDD that I currently have all my stuff on.

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Windows 7 Won't Install On Fresh Drive

Feb 1, 2013

Got a virus in my old drive. I bought a new drive and tried to install Windows 7 on it and slave the old drive so to pull files off I wanted, and then format the drive. This did not work. All I get is the Windows blue screen with the dove on it, and no desktop.

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Fresh Installation Of Windows 7 Onto New SATA Drive

Jun 24, 2010

I recently bought a mobo and gfx card from a friend therefore decided to treat myself and bought a 1TB Hitachi SATA HDD.

As i had a dodgy DVD RW before i installed Windows 7 from my current PATA HD as a custom Installation onto the new Drive after assigning it in Disk manager, formatted and began installation.

All installed fine booted up and asked me which windows to use. selected the new OS and all good, but then, I removed the old PATA drive assuming there would be a Boot block on the new drive allowing boot up with the fresh windows installation and all i got was No boot disc found, please.. bla de bla... so i checked all BIOS settings to make sure all boot sequences were in the right order.. which they were..

I then resorted to put the old PATA HD back in and as soon as i hit the power button there was a spark from the PATA HD i'd just wired back up... Nothing for it to short on as it was laying flat on top of my case. now this wont boot either and im just getting the same message as before whatever i do.

I thought maybe this had blown the IDE slots on the motherboard, so i put my old mobo in and all components, i now get the selection for Windows 7 / Windows 7 (PATA) or Older version of windows. but now when i try and boot the fresh installation of Windows 7 on the SATA drive, it gets to the logo startup screen and restarts.

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Windows.old File On C Drive After Fresh Install On New SSD?

Apr 12, 2012

I just built my first computer, and it has an SSD and an HDD. I installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 on the brand new SSD, and on the C Drive I'm seeing a windows.old file that is 11.5GB, and there is a windows file that is 12.3GB. I don't get this at all. Like I said, it is my first computer.....everything seemed to go well with the build, and sp far things are working, but I know this isn't right. This was a brand new drive, like I said, I do remember when it was going through the different parts of the install, and restarting several times, that it seemed like it was staarting at the beginning If when it had finished, I didn't take the DVD out, and was basically starting the install "again"....if that makes sense, I stopped it, and pulled the DVD and it booted up, and seems o.k.

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Fresh Windows Install, Old Program Drive

Aug 2, 2012

i'm looking to do a fresh install of Win 7 (mostly just to reorganize my HDD setup) and here's the catch - I have a secondary drive with all my games, program files, data, etc. and I'm wondering if there's an easy way to get the new Windows install to recognize these applications without having to reinstall them all. I know I could go into the registry and change keys, but that would probably take longer than reinstalling them all.

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Windows Won't Boot After Drive Format And Fresh Install

Jul 2, 2012

I just formatted my C-Drive and installed a fresh copy of windows 7 ultimate on it. After restart, I got the following screen - See image attached. Now Windows can't boot at all. I tried using a system repair disk but it doesn't work. I doubt if it is a hardware problem, since I can access the boot menu and its options, but as I said, running the repair disk fails, I keep on getting that screen when it restarts.

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Cannot See Partition After Fresh Install On Windows 7 On New Hard Drive

Nov 10, 2012

I just reinstalled Windows 7 on a new hard drive and during the installation process, I split the disk into two equal partitions of 500gb. In 'My Computer' I can only see one partition which is the C drive but not the other partition. Looking in Disk Management, the other partition seems to be labelled as 'Unallocated'. How can I allocate this into a usable D drive? I would have expected this to happen automatically during the installation process.

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Windows 7 Installation On Fresh Formatted Drive - Not Enough Space

Feb 20, 2011

I am having problems installing windows 7 on a fresh, formatted drive, it keeps telling me I don't have enough space to install windows seven on the drive, but its a 500gb Hitachi deskstar.

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Fresh Install Of Windows On Primary Hard Drive

Jul 21, 2012

I bought a new 2 Tb hard drive because my primary one was getting full. I would like to do a fresh install on the primary drive once I have moved over all the games, videos, pictures, etc. that I don't want to lose. I can format the primary drive and reinstall windows without affecting the content on the second drive, correct? Is there anything I need to know?

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Windows 7 Fresh Install Using Pendrive - DVD Drive Not Working

Mar 1, 2012

I was thinking of doing a fresh install of Windows 7 64bit Ultimate. Currently I am running the same. but wanted to do a fresh install. The problem is that My DVD drive is not working.. and I took it out. Need steps in installing windows 7 64bit Ultimate using USB pen drive. I want to wipe out the entire hard disk before doing that and want to do the fresh install. One of my friends when tried to do like this, his bootable USB pen drive was not detecting via BIOS.

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BSOD On A New Hard Drive, Fresh Install Of Windows 7 Ultimate X64?

Jun 21, 2012

I've just installed a new hard drive and a fresh copy of Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on it, and I just received two BSODs within minutes of each other, citing ntoskrnl.exe withSYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION on BlueScreenView. I had periodical blue screens before my last HDD died so it's most likely something else causing it, maybe hardware... but not sure how to tell what. I've attached the necessary files.- the original installed OS on the system? Yes- Full retail version- What is the age of system (hardware)? About 5 years- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) Two days

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Fresh Windows 7 Install On SSD And Will Not Detect New Seagate Hard Drive

Nov 17, 2011

I've had a sudden loss of my hard drive space. I've deleted alot of stuff, like over 20GB, more then just a few times and it just disappeared in less then 2 days. I've read some topics here with the about same problem and tried what they sugested there: to use software like WinDirStat, TreeSize Free and SpaceSniffer. But they just won't show me my whole hard drive. The stop at 50% and show it as if they have scan the whole 100%.

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Fresh Windows 7 Install Will Not Detect New Seagate Hard Drive

Feb 20, 2012

Me and my fiance just finished putting together her first real gaming computer and we wanted to use a Patriot 64g SSD to put win 7 on and use a 1TB Seagate drive for all the rest of the storage. The installation of Win 7 onto the SSD went nice and smooth but when we get into windows it is not detecting the 1TB HD at all. Funny thing is that when I go in to the SSD properties, I can see the Seagate under the sharing options. The only info I have found is how to clone off an existing hard drive with Win 7 on it not how to do a fresh install on 2 new drives.

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Moving Hard Drive To New Motherboard Without Fresh Windows 7 Install

Apr 4, 2012

I am doing a motherboard upgrade for a friend. I need to know how I can move his hard drive with his current OS instal to the new motherboard without having to do a fresh Windows 7 install. He has too much that cannot be replaced. Is there a way to do this?

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Oem Install Fresh Sata Drive

Nov 26, 2009

I am attempting to install a Windows 7 OEM x64 onto an older machine I have. MB is a Foxconn NF4UK8AA-8EKRS, CPU is AMD Athlon 64 x2, 4200+ 2.25 GHz, RAM 1GB. I installed a new OEM 500GB SATA hard drive unformatted.

Current OS is Windows XP Home SP2, I deleted SP3 since it was giving me some problems with auto login.

My DVD drive will not read the Windows 7 installation disk, similar to another post the drive just flashes, never spools up. It will read other CDs and DVDs.

I initialized the hard drive but have not partitioned or formatted the new SATA hard drive which is where I want to install the new OS. While the BIOS recognizes the drive, its not listed on Computer tree.

I have copied the Windows 7 OEM DVD contents onto a Folder that I created on a Toshiba External USB drive. Only had a 2GB USB Flash Drive so thought I would use the external drive and select the setup.exe in the Windows 7 files I copied into a folder without formatting a complete 250GB ext USB drive.

Question, can I partition and format the new SATA drive using the Windows XP Home Edition with an NTSF format and will this be recognized by Windows 7?

Question, can I install Windows 7 from the Toshiba Ext USB drive's folder onto the newly formatted SATA drive? Or does Windows 7 require a different formatting setup?

The BIOS and MB won't recognize a DVD drive it only allows a boot from CD. I removed the CD and DVD master/slave parallel cable and only installed the DVD as the master, but Windows 7 DVD just blinks and never spins the drive.

If I can get the new OS installed I'll remove my two older 40GB PATA hard drives and add more RAM. This machine is for my wife's use since it was in the garage gathering dust. Thought I would revive it and set up a wireless home group between my machine and her's. I added an all in one printer/copier/scanner in addition to the HP Photosmart D7460 I have so we can share files, printers and Internet connection.

I have been building my own machines since about 1990. Building a machine is fun (takes maybe 2hrs) but all the software kicks my butt. Also I went to the OEM System Builder License at Microsoft OEM Partner Center that is the most confusing arrangement I have ever seen. I'm just a home builder having fun, not a business, must I buy the full version to get this installed?

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Hard Drive Failure After Fresh Install

Sep 4, 2009

I have just bought a brand new hard drive due to my last ones controller failed.

Western Digital Caviar Black 500gb

So the problem,

Did a fresh install of win 7 (Build 7229) two nights ago, all installed perfectly, next day (yesterday) went to boot up pc and had the dos error message - Disk boot failure, please insert system disk and press enter.

My first impression was it may have been an install failure, so i formatted the hard drive and reinstalled. shutdown the PC and rebooted up and i had the same error message, now after this, i got my failed hard drive out and after a lot of faffing around, BIOS found it and it gave me the same error message.

Can anyone tell me what the problem might be. I have tried Windows startup repair, did not fix.

BIOS settings are

First boot device is Hard drive

second boot device is CD-ROM

(I have even swapped these around to boot from windows 7 and it just starts the setup procedure of installing windows drivers) I have even set boot order of HDDs so my main windows HDD is up top. Anyone got any clues.

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Move Vista To Ext. Drive, Fresh Win 7 W/bitlocker Poss?

Sep 13, 2009

I have a Dell M1330 with Vista x64 installed (no bitlocker) on the 320 GB internal hard drive.

I have a 1 TB external USB Hard Drive.

I have Windows 7 x64 Ultimate that I would like to do a clean install of, on my 320 GB hard drive. I would like Windows 7 to be the only OS on that entire 320 GB internal hard drive.

I would like it to have bitlocker installed with Windows 7.

So long story short what I would like to have is this sort of setup:

Internal 320 GB Hard Drive: Windows 7 w/Bitlocker

External 1 TB USB Hard Drive: My current vista x64 (does not have bitlocker) with all files, programs, etc, running smoothly

Be able to dual boot between the two.

In other words, I would like to take my current Vista OS, with all my files/folders/programs (basically just as is), move it to my external hard drive and be able to boot from it whenever I please.

Can you tell me how this would be possible? Sorry for the long winded question, but I would really appreciate any help that you could provide.

PS I realize I can just set my BIOS to boot via USB, and therefore can just use my Acronis to clone my current HD to my external hard drive buttt sadly I already have some data on my external HD that I can't afford to lose and can't move because it's too large and I don't have a place to put it all.

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Cannot Create / Format Partition On Drive - Fresh Install Not Allowed?

Aug 8, 2010

I had bought new laptop. At that I have two drives and I locked one of them with the bitlocker and later on I just deleted that drive from disk management. Now I cannot create partition, I have more than 160 GB and system does not allow me to install a fresh copy and neither it allows me create a partition. What should I do?

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BSOD When Formatting Or Installing On Drive Drive, Error 0x0000003d?

May 1, 2012

I've just finished building my new computer and I'm getting BSOD errors when first formatting a hard drive and secondly (after a successful format) installing a game on it.My boot up SSD drive seems to be fine, it's just my other hard drive.64bit Windows 7 Home premium. Full version I bought a a few days ago. The whole computer is new. If you need any further information, let me no.8GB RAM. Intel Core i5 2500k CPU. Radeon 7850 graphics. 120ish SSD. 1Tb hard drive. Asus P8Z68-V Pro gen3 motherboard.Edit:having just seen a notice, I've updated the post to contain two attachments. Or atleast I think I have

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Installing Windows Without Drive

Sep 2, 2011

I just have a couple questions, I have a new computer i picked up and the drive is broken. I can pick one up but not till payday, my question is. Is it possible to create a large partition of space on HD and use an iso image on the main OS side mount it and install a clean copy on clean space and then delete the main OS? Also another way, if i was to put the iso on an 8G sdcard, could i use the built in card readers to read the image and install from there?

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Installing Windows 7 From Usb Drive

Jun 17, 2011

I have a netbook. It came with Windows 7 starter I have a seperate copy of Windows 7 home premium (on dvd) that i purchased. There's no dvd/cd drive on netbook and I will not be purchasing one for it. (defeats the portability of netbook!). So, is there anyway (and if so how) to install or create a boot usb_key or external hard drive from the Windows 7 home premium dvd so that I can then install win7home premium onto the netbook from the usb_key and/or external hard drive?

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Installing Windows 7 By Pen-drive?

Nov 17, 2011

i want to format by laptop (Acer Aspire One )which doesn't contain dvd rom so, i want to format with pendrive but i dont know how to make my pendrive bootable?

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Installing Windows 7 To A Usb Drive?

Jul 23, 2012

installing windows 7 to a usb drive?

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