Windows Won't Boot After Drive Format And Fresh Install

Jul 2, 2012

I just formatted my C-Drive and installed a fresh copy of windows 7 ultimate on it. After restart, I got the following screen - See image attached. Now Windows can't boot at all. I tried using a system repair disk but it doesn't work. I doubt if it is a hardware problem, since I can access the boot menu and its options, but as I said, running the repair disk fails, I keep on getting that screen when it restarts.

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Cannot Create / Format Partition On Drive - Fresh Install Not Allowed?

Aug 8, 2010

I had bought new laptop. At that I have two drives and I locked one of them with the bitlocker and later on I just deleted that drive from disk management. Now I cannot create partition, I have more than 160 GB and system does not allow me to install a fresh copy and neither it allows me create a partition. What should I do?

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Should Fresh Install And Choose GPT Format

Mar 30, 2012

My 3TB drive is only showing up as 1.99TB... I remember, but don't quote me when I was installing this Win 7 Ultimate (GENUINE) disc to my comp, it said something like "Windows cannot use over 2TB" or something..I can go into disk partition and try to extend it but this happens.Also another thing I'm noticing is that the total (2048GB+700ish GB does not = 3000GB... It's labled on the drive itself "3000GB"..Is that just the comp. using it to know it's there? (I know that sounds idiotic.)So I'd love some help, and if need be I can format my drive in a heartbeat.So your saying I should fresh install and choose GPT format? I honestly have NO! problems doing that if it needs to be done.

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BSOD After Windows 7 Fresh Install Upon First Boot

Jun 10, 2010

I had the same problem that others have had with the new nVidia driver causing a BSOD but mine seem to be a little worse off. After uninstalling the nVidia driver the default windows drivers caused my computer to just black screen after boot. I would see the windows 7 load screen but never the login screen (just black w/ no mouse). So I decided to fresh install by formatting and installing.

After fresh install the same problem happens upon first true boot I see the black screen only. After about 10-30 seconds the BSOD will appear saying it is there due to video card driver timeout. I dont know what i should try next since I am on my 3rd fresh install with the same problem. I installed XP again and all is fine with the most up to date video driver as well.

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Windows 7 Won't Install On Fresh Drive

Feb 1, 2013

Got a virus in my old drive. I bought a new drive and tried to install Windows 7 on it and slave the old drive so to pull files off I wanted, and then format the drive. This did not work. All I get is the Windows blue screen with the dove on it, and no desktop.

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20 Minutes Boot Time On Fresh Windows 7 X64 Install

Aug 4, 2010

Yesterday I installed Windows 7 on my brother's PC. He had been using Vista previously. Upon booting to the installer, the "Starting Windows" screen would appear with the animated windows logo. This screen took 20 minutes of waiting to get past, so for ages I thought it wasn't going to work at all. Eventually I left it on long enough to get through to the first stage of installation. Everything went ok during install, I formatted the single partition on the HDD and told Win7 to install there. The next two times the install had to restart the computer, the huge delay on getting past the "Starting Windows" screen remained (keep in mind this is before/during the install). Vista had no such issues with boot times. And now that Windows 7 is installed, the boot issues remain, even after installing all available windows updates, updating graphics/mobo/sound/mouse/keyboard drivers, etc. I have checked the Event Log as I have read that you can diagnose possible boot problems in there, but there doesn't appear to be any Boot Events logged, all I see in the Diagnostics-Performance log are Shutdown events.

Specs are as follows:

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 RTM
Core 2 Quad 2.8Ghz
500GB Samsung SATA 7200rpm HDD
Nvidia 9800GTX
XFX nForce 780i SLI Motherboard (BIOS ver. P09)

I have tried many things to fix it, such as removing various RAM modules, enabling/disabling various BIOS settings relating to USB/IDE (I don't use any IDE devices but thought I'd try)/RAID etc (also don't have my single HDD in RAID).

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Windows.old File On C Drive After Fresh Install On New SSD?

Apr 12, 2012

I just built my first computer, and it has an SSD and an HDD. I installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 on the brand new SSD, and on the C Drive I'm seeing a windows.old file that is 11.5GB, and there is a windows file that is 12.3GB. I don't get this at all. Like I said, it is my first computer.....everything seemed to go well with the build, and sp far things are working, but I know this isn't right. This was a brand new drive, like I said, I do remember when it was going through the different parts of the install, and restarting several times, that it seemed like it was staarting at the beginning If when it had finished, I didn't take the DVD out, and was basically starting the install "again"....if that makes sense, I stopped it, and pulled the DVD and it booted up, and seems o.k.

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Fresh Windows Install, Old Program Drive

Aug 2, 2012

i'm looking to do a fresh install of Win 7 (mostly just to reorganize my HDD setup) and here's the catch - I have a secondary drive with all my games, program files, data, etc. and I'm wondering if there's an easy way to get the new Windows install to recognize these applications without having to reinstall them all. I know I could go into the registry and change keys, but that would probably take longer than reinstalling them all.

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Computer Fails To Boot After Fresh Install Of Windows 7 Ultimate

Feb 13, 2012

Ok so after years of running XP, I finally got an external HDD to back all my crap on and Windows 7 Ultimate. I backed up all my stuff, ran the win7 DVD through start up, reformated my hard drive, installed windows 7.

It installed fine, rebooted a couple of times through the install, finishes, and logs me to the desktop. Its all working fine, I can use the net etc. I shut it down to restart it, and it doesn't start back up. It gets to the bios window where it decides to start off the dvd or hdd, just prior to where it should normally change to the 'windows is loading' screen, and just sits there, blinking and doing nothing.

I've done three installs, I took out the hard drive, reformated it with another computer, made sure it had a ntfs file system, everything, it's working fine. But every single time I install windows 7, It logs me into the desktop for the first time, I can do everything fine, but then if I Shutdown or restart, it hangs on the screen prior to windows loading. I can't even choose a boot option.

I've seen some ideas on other forums, pulling the power out, resetting the bios/cmos, changing boot sequence, unplugging all non-essential hardware.. nothing. It's like as soon as I install windows 7 my hard drive isn't there anymore.

Abit AX78 - Latest BIOS version
AMD 9950 quad core 2.6
4GB DDR2-800
ATi HD 5870
Western Digital 500GB

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Cannot See Partition After Fresh Install On Windows 7 On New Hard Drive

Nov 10, 2012

I just reinstalled Windows 7 on a new hard drive and during the installation process, I split the disk into two equal partitions of 500gb. In 'My Computer' I can only see one partition which is the C drive but not the other partition. Looking in Disk Management, the other partition seems to be labelled as 'Unallocated'. How can I allocate this into a usable D drive? I would have expected this to happen automatically during the installation process.

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Fresh Install Of Windows On Primary Hard Drive

Jul 21, 2012

I bought a new 2 Tb hard drive because my primary one was getting full. I would like to do a fresh install on the primary drive once I have moved over all the games, videos, pictures, etc. that I don't want to lose. I can format the primary drive and reinstall windows without affecting the content on the second drive, correct? Is there anything I need to know?

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Windows 7 Fresh Install Using Pendrive - DVD Drive Not Working

Mar 1, 2012

I was thinking of doing a fresh install of Windows 7 64bit Ultimate. Currently I am running the same. but wanted to do a fresh install. The problem is that My DVD drive is not working.. and I took it out. Need steps in installing windows 7 64bit Ultimate using USB pen drive. I want to wipe out the entire hard disk before doing that and want to do the fresh install. One of my friends when tried to do like this, his bootable USB pen drive was not detecting via BIOS.

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BSOD On A New Hard Drive, Fresh Install Of Windows 7 Ultimate X64?

Jun 21, 2012

I've just installed a new hard drive and a fresh copy of Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on it, and I just received two BSODs within minutes of each other, citing ntoskrnl.exe withSYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION on BlueScreenView. I had periodical blue screens before my last HDD died so it's most likely something else causing it, maybe hardware... but not sure how to tell what. I've attached the necessary files.- the original installed OS on the system? Yes- Full retail version- What is the age of system (hardware)? About 5 years- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) Two days

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Fresh Windows 7 Install On SSD And Will Not Detect New Seagate Hard Drive

Nov 17, 2011

I've had a sudden loss of my hard drive space. I've deleted alot of stuff, like over 20GB, more then just a few times and it just disappeared in less then 2 days. I've read some topics here with the about same problem and tried what they sugested there: to use software like WinDirStat, TreeSize Free and SpaceSniffer. But they just won't show me my whole hard drive. The stop at 50% and show it as if they have scan the whole 100%.

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Fresh Windows 7 Install Will Not Detect New Seagate Hard Drive

Feb 20, 2012

Me and my fiance just finished putting together her first real gaming computer and we wanted to use a Patriot 64g SSD to put win 7 on and use a 1TB Seagate drive for all the rest of the storage. The installation of Win 7 onto the SSD went nice and smooth but when we get into windows it is not detecting the 1TB HD at all. Funny thing is that when I go in to the SSD properties, I can see the Seagate under the sharing options. The only info I have found is how to clone off an existing hard drive with Win 7 on it not how to do a fresh install on 2 new drives.

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Moving Hard Drive To New Motherboard Without Fresh Windows 7 Install

Apr 4, 2012

I am doing a motherboard upgrade for a friend. I need to know how I can move his hard drive with his current OS instal to the new motherboard without having to do a fresh Windows 7 install. He has too much that cannot be replaced. Is there a way to do this?

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Stuck On Boot Logo After Fresh Install

Sep 19, 2009

I wanted to dual boot Win 7 64 with my vista 32 but after the install completes and the computer reboots it hangs on the Win 7 boot logo and then just stays there until i turn off the power button. It's kinda like the problem when you have a USB plugged in and the boot logo hangs except there's nothing plugged into the comp. Reinstalled again the the same result. When I look at the win 7 drive from vista it looks like all the files are all there but it just keeps hanging on that logo =(. What should I do?

Also when i try and boot into safemode it hangs on "Classpnp.sys"

I've looked elsewhere and seen that people solved this problem by updating bios but I have the latest version of mine =(

I've tried EVERY boot option in F8 to no avail.

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Oem Install Fresh Sata Drive

Nov 26, 2009

I am attempting to install a Windows 7 OEM x64 onto an older machine I have. MB is a Foxconn NF4UK8AA-8EKRS, CPU is AMD Athlon 64 x2, 4200+ 2.25 GHz, RAM 1GB. I installed a new OEM 500GB SATA hard drive unformatted.

Current OS is Windows XP Home SP2, I deleted SP3 since it was giving me some problems with auto login.

My DVD drive will not read the Windows 7 installation disk, similar to another post the drive just flashes, never spools up. It will read other CDs and DVDs.

I initialized the hard drive but have not partitioned or formatted the new SATA hard drive which is where I want to install the new OS. While the BIOS recognizes the drive, its not listed on Computer tree.

I have copied the Windows 7 OEM DVD contents onto a Folder that I created on a Toshiba External USB drive. Only had a 2GB USB Flash Drive so thought I would use the external drive and select the setup.exe in the Windows 7 files I copied into a folder without formatting a complete 250GB ext USB drive.

Question, can I partition and format the new SATA drive using the Windows XP Home Edition with an NTSF format and will this be recognized by Windows 7?

Question, can I install Windows 7 from the Toshiba Ext USB drive's folder onto the newly formatted SATA drive? Or does Windows 7 require a different formatting setup?

The BIOS and MB won't recognize a DVD drive it only allows a boot from CD. I removed the CD and DVD master/slave parallel cable and only installed the DVD as the master, but Windows 7 DVD just blinks and never spins the drive.

If I can get the new OS installed I'll remove my two older 40GB PATA hard drives and add more RAM. This machine is for my wife's use since it was in the garage gathering dust. Thought I would revive it and set up a wireless home group between my machine and her's. I added an all in one printer/copier/scanner in addition to the HP Photosmart D7460 I have so we can share files, printers and Internet connection.

I have been building my own machines since about 1990. Building a machine is fun (takes maybe 2hrs) but all the software kicks my butt. Also I went to the OEM System Builder License at Microsoft OEM Partner Center that is the most confusing arrangement I have ever seen. I'm just a home builder having fun, not a business, must I buy the full version to get this installed?

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BootMGR Corrupt System Cannot Boot After Fresh Install

Nov 5, 2012

I was having trouble migrating my OS to a new ssd and received the "Bootmgr is corrupt system can not boot" screen repeatedly after restoring from system image, kept happening so I just decided on a fresh install. Install went well and was fully functional (eg drivers and devices) yet when restarting after installing microsoft office, I got the "Bootmgr is corrupt system cannot boot" appeared and now cannot get the pc past this point no matter how many reboots.

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Fresh Install: When To Change Boot Priority Back To HD

Dec 23, 2012

Right before a fresh install of Windows 7, I go into the BIOS and set the boot priority to boot from the CD first. So at what point during, or after, the installation do I go back into the BIOS and set the boot priority to boot from the Hard Drive?

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Hard Drive Failure After Fresh Install

Sep 4, 2009

I have just bought a brand new hard drive due to my last ones controller failed.

Western Digital Caviar Black 500gb

So the problem,

Did a fresh install of win 7 (Build 7229) two nights ago, all installed perfectly, next day (yesterday) went to boot up pc and had the dos error message - Disk boot failure, please insert system disk and press enter.

My first impression was it may have been an install failure, so i formatted the hard drive and reinstalled. shutdown the PC and rebooted up and i had the same error message, now after this, i got my failed hard drive out and after a lot of faffing around, BIOS found it and it gave me the same error message.

Can anyone tell me what the problem might be. I have tried Windows startup repair, did not fix.

BIOS settings are

First boot device is Hard drive

second boot device is CD-ROM

(I have even swapped these around to boot from windows 7 and it just starts the setup procedure of installing windows drivers) I have even set boot order of HDDs so my main windows HDD is up top. Anyone got any clues.

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No Windows 7 Boot Animation On Fresh Install Windows 7 32bit?

Jul 14, 2010

I have just installed (and reinstalled) Windows 7 Pro (32 bit) on my system, and get no boot animation... the number 7 morphing from the Windows logo.Instead I get the text Starting Windows and a small red dot in the centre of the screen!Windows does boot correctly and there seem to be no related issues, so I am not overly worried, though it is certainly od

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Format Needed For New SSD And HDD In Windows 7 Fresh Installation?

Oct 6, 2012

I am putting together my own computer and am putting in a 1TB HDD and 120GB SSD. Seems as I cannot get a definitive understanding of whether or not I need to format and partition each of these drives. I want to install Windows 7 on the SSD and use the HDD for other programs and data. So do I format and not format each of these drives?

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Dual Boot (Server 2008 And Windows 7 Pro) - Cannot Delete Volume Or Format Drive

May 5, 2011

I have a desktop that I installed Windows Server 2008 Web Edition on, and then later added Windows 7 Pro on a separate physical drive.

Server 2008 is C:
Windows 7 is Z:

I used bcdedit to delete the boot entry for Server 2008, and now I'd like to remove the install of Server 2008 and reformat the drive. However, I am not able to delete the volume or format the c drive.

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Cannot Boot From CD / Need To Format & Install

Oct 29, 2011

I have bought an old PC just for the case. It has an 80gb drive in it, so I thought I would use that for a new Vista I had lying around.I installed a new motherboard/cpu/ram combo I had (all working well prior).When I fire it up, the old drive had versions of both XP and 2000. However, both are corrupted an none will boot. The PC goes into a reboot loop each time, regardless of what I try. I have set the bios to boot from the cd drive with the MS original copy Vista, but it refuses to do so.Any way I can force the boot from the CD drive - or force a reformat? I cannot get to a command prompt, even trying safe mode.No biggy as I will just use another drive (once returned from Seagate), but it is a bit annoying not being able to do this. Perhaps the drive itself is corrupted?

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Cant Format Second Hard Drive, Bad Install?

Oct 25, 2009

So I cannot format my secondary hard drive where Windows 7 RC was installed. Did I install Windows 7 incorrectly onto my system? I've posted a screenshot from my Computer Management window.

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Win7 Install On 2nd Drive Now Need To Format 1st

Dec 26, 2009

So I was not sure about Windows 7 and I have a PC with 2 physically separate internal hard drives. So I retained my vista OS on my C:/ drive (named OS) and did a clean install of windows 7 (using an upgrade disc student edition) on my D:/ drive (DATA).

After setting up, using and liking windows 7, I want to eliminate my vista system, which is boated now, completely. However, apparently with an intel chipset, I can't simply format the OS drive using the disc management utility, even though when I boot windows 7, it is renamed the D:/ drive because the bootloader is on the OS drive. I have tried changing the DATA drive to an active, bootable drive in disc manager. Unfortunately, I can't seem to make it the primary partition.

Originally found this forum on google with a hit on help: cannot reformat c drive

useful information, but I am not completely sure what it means.

After spending about a week customizing my Windows 7 install, I am not too happy about the possibility having to reinstall on the OS drive and go from there. What method should I use to format my OS drive, and still be able to boot the DATA drive. I would then like to use my OS drive for storing music, and pictures, etc.

I have an external HD to work with. I suppose I could image the DATA drive with the Windows 7 install, format the OS drive, and then restore the image to the C drive, but that still leaves the problem of how to format the OS drive in the first place. Also, I've never done a recovery from image before, and am not big on the prospect.

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Format HDD From Command Prompt / X Drive Or Boot Volume

Dec 3, 2012

So I am wiping my hard drive by booting with the Windows disk and going to command prompt. I successfully formatted drive C:, about 100 MB of system files and D:, about 500 GB or the bulk of my hard rive. These were the same hard drive, but separate partitions apparently. In Windows it just appears as C: altogether hiding the system files so you don't do something stupid. After I had cleared those two drives, I thought everything was gone until I remembered that it started me out in X:sources. I went back to it and was like what the heck is this? I went to the root directory, X: and typed dir for directory. There was an executable setup file, and four directories including the "sources" one, Program files, Windows, and Users. The whole drive was about 30,000,000 bytes which is I guess 30 MB. It's volume label was called "Boot". I tried to format it, and it said "Cannot format. This volume is write protected." What is this X: drive and is there a command to remove the write protection? Also, what would happen if I did eliminate this data? Could I still install Windows back from the DVD or would that not be possible without those them?

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Fail To Format Disk 0 Partition 2 After Trying To Boot From Cd Drive

Apr 29, 2012

basically a bad partition will not allow me to wipe the computer clean, boot XP from the drive or add/change bios screen...i don't have tje kind of cash to buy or pay for repairs. what can i do?

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Format C Drive And Install With Upgrade Disc

Oct 25, 2009

Is it possible to use the upgrade disc to format C drive (it has the Windows 7 RC activated, I can also reinstall Windows Vista if I have to), and do a clean install?

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Full Format Hard Drive With Win7 Boot Disc

Oct 20, 2009

Is there a way I can remove all the partitions from my Hard drive and do a full format (not quick)? The windows 7 install disc does a quick format but I would like to clean it thoroughly. Is there a utility I can use at boot time to do this?

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