Install And Boot System FromUSB?

Jul 21, 2012

I have a legit key that I bought. Is it possible to copy the files from windows 7 into a usb and boot the system from usb instead of the cd drive to install the OS?

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Install The Vista Hard Drive Into The Windows 7 System And Boot From Either System?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a WIN -7 system with 1 trig SADA hard drive. I also have a Vista system with a 750mb hard drive from my old computer.Can I install the Vista hard drive into the Win-7 system and boot from either system?

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After XP Install

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.

I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Windows 7 Ultimate X64 Will Install On System But Not Boot After BIOS

Feb 8, 2013

I was running Windows 7 ultimate x64 on my system (specs below), and I usually let my computer go into hibernate as it does that automatically after some time of system inactivity. Usually it will boot back up with no problem but then last week I tried to boot it up, it crashed and said system error.. I can't remember everything it said as it was obviously coded; since then I haven't been able to bring up the same warning screens.

Instead what happened was I reinstalled windows 7 on the same drive, formatted and all, and after installation it would finalize my settings, etc. After which, it would do a final reboot and, after bios goes, the computer hangs on a command prompt type screen with just a flashing underscore. Asking my family members, they proposed it might be a hardware issue so I bought a new hard drive (Seagate Barracuda 1tb.. not sure if that matters) and tried installing windows on that drive; same exact problem.

I also tried different combinations of RAM with my board, including just one stick of RAM, tried taking out the video card, tried taking out the sound card, etc. No dice. So my dad took his drive from his computer, that has an install of VISTA x64, and I plugged it into my computer and it worked perfectly. Conversely, I plugged my drive with the Windows 7 install into his computer and it also worked perfectly. We tried playing around with a few settings in the BIOS, etc. but nothing gives.

MOBO: Intel DP45SG
Chip: Q6600
Ram: Hynix 2x2gb and 2x1gb kingston
Vid card: Zotac GeForce GT 610
Sound: Creative X-Fi Xtremegamer
BIOS: Should be up-to-date, irregardless it ran Windows 7 before

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BootMGR Corrupt System Cannot Boot After Fresh Install

Nov 5, 2012

I was having trouble migrating my OS to a new ssd and received the "Bootmgr is corrupt system can not boot" screen repeatedly after restoring from system image, kept happening so I just decided on a fresh install. Install went well and was fully functional (eg drivers and devices) yet when restarting after installing microsoft office, I got the "Bootmgr is corrupt system cannot boot" appeared and now cannot get the pc past this point no matter how many reboots.

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Windows 7 System Hard Drive Install / Boot

Jul 16, 2012

So I've been collecting extra parts on the side for a while, and finally got around to throwing them all in a rig yesterday.[code] Now it boots fine and happy. I went to install windows from a dvd, the installer saw both hard drives but told me that "windows cannot be installed to this disk. this computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk" for both. Something about both of them saying that told me it wasn't something wrong with the hdds, especially because the 120gb one was fresh out of a antistatic bag that was sealed from the factory :. I went into bios to figure out why, and after looking around I found a utility called "Super Recovery". It basically allows you to manually put in a reserved system partition on the hard drive that windows usually automatically puts on your hard drive of like 100mb. I did that to the 120, and boom, windows allowed me to install onto it. Windows finished installed completely, and went to restart. My boot priority has always been Hard Drive -> then CD-ROM. The system trys to boot from the hard drive, then gets nothing and boots from the cd again. If I take the cd out, it sits there for a bit, then tells you that you need to insert a system disk. The 120gb hdd is pinned to master mode, and the 80gb is pinned for slave. They are plugged into their respective master and slave plugs on the IDE cable.

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System Reserved Drive Shows Up After 2nd OS Install (Dual Boot)

May 27, 2012

I already have windows 7 Ulitmate x86 but 1 day I came up with an idea of giving a try on x64 one by dual booting.. So I downloaded it legally from microsoft and I did every procedures required for the install. Shrunk my C drive and installed the OS on the unallocated free space on the drive and it went on perfectly. But the problem is the System Reserved partition showed up on the x86 OS. every time i open My Computer i can see the system reserved partition.

I could accidentally do something wrong with the partition if it remains unhidden so I want to hide it. I was thinking of changing the drive letter but I afraid that's going to give me boot problem. In disk management the System Reserved is labelled Z and marked as active. I tried to set my other partition as active that day but the pc cannot boot at all not even the boot manager showed up. However I managed to fix it using my recovery disc to access the cmd and reactivate the Z drive using diskpart.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - No Operating System Listed / System Partition Not Valid

Oct 19, 2011

Suddenly my Win 7 Home Premium x64 will not boot. The system starts, POSTs then loads the DVD driver, then the screen goes black (not blank but "lit up" black if that makes sense). Then nothing. If I use Hiren's boot cd I can boot up using the "boot from HDD" option fine and Windows operates normally. System restore to a previous configuration made no difference to the original problem. I cannot boot into Safe Mode. F8 just offers me boot order options.

- Running the Windows 7 DVD I find: "No operating system is listed on the Repair Windows option."
- Running Startup Repair finds the following error: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" which it claims to have repaired, but the error remains and Windows will still not boot.

I followed this advice:
Boot 7 dvd to system recovery options command prompt. Type: Diskpart
list vol (find the vol letter e.g C or partition number e.g. 1 for the system partition )
Sel vol C ( or sel vol 1, obviously use the correct letter or number)
act exi

My system partition was easily identified and listed as healthy so I selected it and made it active. The problem still remains exactly the same. My system is self built just over a year ago, to my knowledge has been running fine, without any hardware issues. I'm prepared to do a clean install if that's what it takes but if there is a way to fix the partition problem without that I'd like to explore it first.

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How To Make A System Image For A Dual Boot System

May 8, 2012

I want to make a recovery disc to reset my entire 4 partition dual boot hard drive back to its current state. the recovery would reset both xp and win 7 which i have dual booting. can i make one single image to do this without it screwing up my boot loaders etc? what should i use? 3rd party software?

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System Not Dual Boot After System Restore In Windows 7

Oct 19, 2012

Did a system restore in Windows 7 and my dual boot system (Windows 7&XP) won't boot. It's looking for a boot device. When I put in a Hiren boot 10.6 disk, the dual boot option is one of a number of alternatives, and it allows me to get into my pc. How can I get back to having the system work like it did before? So it boots to the dual boot option without Hiren.My SSD drive is the main drive for Windows 7 &XP. It has two partitions.

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No Boot Up Mutiboot System After Deleting Old System?

Sep 29, 2011

i had multiple systems (3) on my computer but mainly 1 i use everyday, so i formated the two partitions with the systems i dont need after a reeboot (like i ecpected) i had a bootmbr missing error. So i went and tryed using the repair function of the dvd but that dident work. So i installed a complete new system on one of the new partitions (i left the old one allown), after i installed the new system i booted up and installed easy bcd and added my old partition to my boot manager, but after i boot up I can see the boot menu and select the old system i want to start up from but it brings an error and tells me to enter the dvd and repair the system. I am so lost on this. why istent it just taking the files and booting? what did i do wrong

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BSOD System Won't Boot / Cannot Boot To Safemode

Jul 10, 2012

My Windows 7 64 bit machine will not boot. It keeps going into Windows System recovery mode. I have tried that multiple times and rebooted each time but no luck.System specs - Windows 7 64 bit, 16gb ram. Core i7-920 with 12 gb ram. This is an OEM disc that I bought from comp store, all parts and OS are less than three years old. C: drive - windows install a few apps, Drive 1 - games and music,

1) tried looking up this error with instructions. online instructions have had me go into the command prompt to perform edits on the c: windowsSystem32 folder. These do not come up in my prompt on my c: drive - where windows in installed. See program files etc, but no Windows32 folder.
2) already have run the c: chkdsk /r to try and fix the disc. It went through everything and comes back saying there are no problems. Still cannot boot to windows either get BSOD mentioned above or recovery mode.
3) Cannot go to previous restored state (one of the choices ) as it states that I have no restore points although I know that I have established at least 2 in the last 2-3 months
4) Tried inserting the Windows 7 disc and running repair from there but it just takes me to the same Windows system recovery mode which still does not work.
5) I tried hitting F8 during boot to go into safe mode but no good. it only takes me to a screen which gives me the option for boot order.
6) run the memory test from recovery console - no problems.

I have read the BSOD thread but everything there seems to assume that you can already boot into Windows at sometime and download the exe to run. (I cannot get into windows at all)Does anyone have any suggestions? I built this one myself (4th build) and have never in the 10 years of using Windows had a problem which I could not get into at least safe mode.I can go to maybe until this weekend but need to use my computer by Saturday cob.If I have had no luck at that point i will have to reinstall windows (it is on its own harddrive with most all of my applications on separate drives. So that may be a small blessing.I have had no strange occurrences while using the computer which is on pretty much 24/7.Is this what happens when a harddrive crashes? This one is about 2.5 years old and there have been no warning signs that something was amiss (no clicking etc)

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Clean Install Versus System Image File Install?

Jun 10, 2012

tell me if a re-install from a system image file on my notebook is as good as a clean install from say a retail disk.I can not format all my drive and start a fresh. Can my System image file become glitchy or infected with a virus.?

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Can't Install Java Windows 7 X64 NT Kernel & System Is Stopping Install

May 28, 2012

NT Kernel & System rises to top of list in task manager and then just totally stops installs from proceeding. I have fought NT Kernel & System on 3 computers running Win 7 x64 ever since Win 7 has been out. No one yet that I know of has been able to solve the issue. I now need to install Java and can't because of NT Kernel & System stops it. I have tried everything on every forum and sites l find with Google searches. Nothing has worked yet.

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Install Windows 7 But Boot Manager Won't Show Dvd Boot

Jan 13, 2013

ihave windows 8 my lpatop is acer aspire E1-531, I am trying to install windows 7 but boot manager wont show me dvd boot !! it show me only network boot what can i do to be able to boot from dvd

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Install Drivers For Another PC To Boot From The Install That Was Made On Another PC?

Dec 14, 2012

how would i be able to install drivers for another PC to boot from the install that was made on another PC

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System Won't Boot Up?

Apr 25, 2011

(it started life out as a gateway) and I have aprox 500 gigs divided into 2 parts, with another external tb that I keep all my art stuff on (I am a computer artist) so I won't lose everything...Anyway to make a long story short, at the moment I can't get it to boot up, Yesterday it was at least booting up but all it gave me was a pure white screen and now it won't even do that... I have tried to do a restore, but all my points were I tried from reading here that I could go into my reg files and fix that by removing a couple of folders...well that worked great and displayed my restore points, but i tried 6 or 7 and it wasn't able to complete the restore...I then tried the restore in the "repair your computer" section and several times it told me again there were none....Also the "start up repair" told me that there was nothing wrong with my computer...So, here are the "tools " I have to work with, to get my system back and running.

I can pull a boot up from a Vista dvd that came from MS directly, but I also have 2 install discs of Windows 7 I made, and one just boot and repair, and when I try to reinstall windows, it tells me that there is an issue with a connecteddrive....But, if I use the vista one it does boot, but never starts installing the files...When I try to boot (and sometimes i was successfull with one of the win 7 discs too) it does show windows installing, but then it keeps starting over and over again.I AM able to access my computer via programs like regedit and my c-prompt, but most of the programs won't start. Some exe's will start though like mozilla so I can also access the internet.I can also access my program files, and don't see anything glaringly out of place.

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Cannot Boot The System

Jun 19, 2012

I cannot boot my pc, even go to command prompt, I have the restore cd, nothing happen

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XP And 7 Install Issues (Won't Boot Into Win 7 Install)

Nov 1, 2009

I have XP SP2 installed. I used EASEUS Partition Master to split my drive in half, one half being XP, the other half being a future install of Windows 7.

Put DVD in, selected the blank partition, began the install. Once it gets to the first reboot, it will reboot and go straight into XP. There is no option to choose Windows 7. The XP boot.ini has only one entry for XP.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm thinking I need to add an entry for Windows 7, but have no clue what to put and I'm also guessing I'd have to add a few special tags because it's booting into the setup process of Win 7.

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Getting The BSOD And The System Will Not Boot

Nov 28, 2012

I'm getting the BSOD and the system will not boot.

AMD Athlon 64x2 6000+
3072 MB Ram
500 GB HD
Nvidia Geforce 6150 SE

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Boot And System Files On Different HDD?

Dec 22, 2012

I attempted to move my Win 7 OS from a smaller (original) drive to a new "used" larger HDD.Unfortunately I wound up with the boot files and system files on separate HDD and cannot boot from the disc I moved the OS too without the original HDD configured into the system.

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Unable To Boot System

Nov 9, 2012

I'm having a problem I cannot seem to fix at all. I'll provide the backstory and what steps I've tried to take to resolve the problem, but I'm literally at a place where I don't know what to do. My ultimate end goal is to just recover personal files from my old hard drive and that's it. I don't care how I access that drive, I just need to access it. The problem is I can't no matter how hard I try.

So a week ago I was having problems with my computer. Lots of blue screen errors (unfortunately I don't have those numbers anymore) and even after try to do chkdsk, running repair programs, defragging, etc., nothing seemed to help. I had a 1TB HDD partitioned into two sections. I backed up my personal files to the second partition (the one without Windows) and then tried to do a repair of the Windows installation. That didn't help, so I just wiped that first partition and did a fresh install of Windows. Everything seemed to be working great, no errors, no BSOD, nothing. So I moved back my personal files to the partition with windows on it (my second partition is where I hold all my games) and called it a night after I had gotten everything back to normal.

The next day my computer is on and it suddenly just turns itself off. When I restarted it I got a blue screen error that flashed on my screen and immediately rebooted the computer. When it tried the second time I got another BSOD, this one giving me the error of 0x00000024. I tried booting last known good config, safe mode, disk repair... seems no options can get me back into Windows.

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When Boot The System Up It Is Trying To Use The The DVI Or VGA Port?

Jun 9, 2011

Okay so I have a Problem with my Media Center PC. I have a HD 4650 1GB video memory and i shut it down when I am not using it to save on hydro. When i boot the system up it is trying to use the the DVI or VGA port because i am using a HDMI cable and HDMI port on the video card but why is it always setting my main display as a secondary and i can't see anything that is not set rightI have installed the lastest drivers from ATI's website. I have uninstalled the drivers used driver sweep and removed the card booted up with the integrated video then downloaded the drivers again and installed the card and the drivers and it doesn't help.

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Installed New HDD, System SSD Won't Boot

Sep 8, 2012

I have a 260 GB SSD with my Windows 7 system on it, and I connected an old laptop HDD. Afterwards, it booted from the laptop HDD, and I did some perusing to run my Windows 7 disk and boot from that to "activate" my OS on my SSD.I tried this, but it doesn't display anything. I have disconnected all of the other HDDs (two laptop HDDs total) and now nothing is listed in terms of disks with Windows on it. It says, "If your operating system isn't listed, click Load Drivers and then install drivers for your hard disks." I can do this, and it brings up my SSD with all of the folders. Would this be a place to load a driver? I am not sure what I am looking for.I have spent about an hour looking elsewhere online but it doesn't seem that any body else has had my problem (or I wasn't able to find it). It recognizes my SSD in the BIOS, but it simply won't load from it. As well, when it was loading from my laptop HDD's OS (Windows 7 Professional 64-bit), I was able to access my C: drive (the SSD) and all of its folders.

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Can Set Up A Dual Boot System With A HDD With OS From Another PC

Feb 6, 2012

I have just given my Dad my old PC, to replace his ancient one from around 2000.It has a SATA hard drive with Windows 7 installed on it. The problem is he can't use his old printer with Windows 7. There is an available driver, but when I attempt to extract it, the message says there isn't enough storage space. This seems a bit crazy to be honest, as it;s not a very big hard drive (75GB total), but there is around 30GB free.Anyway, unless you guys have a solution to that problem I was going to take his old hard drive (80GB) and put XP on it and make a dual boot setup. Then he could use his printer in that at least. I was wondering though if I could simply pop that one into the new machine as it does currently have a recently installed copy of XP on it. I am aware that this may cause issues, but I wanted some good advice.

Also, this hard drive is an old style one (the one with the jumper) settings and I only have one connection on the motherboard for it. So I have had to connect the DVD drive and the hard drive on the same cable. I know that's not ideal, but it seems like there isn't another option. That won't cause problems with the dual boot setup will it?

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How To Set A Dual Boot System

Jul 8, 2012

I have:

4 hard drives
1 160 gigabyte at sata controller 0 position 0
1 64 gigabyte at 0 1
2 bluesy drives at 1 2 & 3
1 1tb drive at 1 4
1 2tb drive at 1 5

The 1 tb is a Debian system running ext4
The 2 tb is a data drive running ext4

The 64 gb is empty And the 160 is empty and where I intend to install windows However it seems that I can't it is not partitioned however when ever I say that it is to be partitioned through the windows install partitioner it again says that it's invalid and I can not continue?

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How To Boot Windows 7 On Different System

Dec 17, 2011

I have HDD which I have windows 7 installed on it and I want to boot this on another system? I had tried but system restart when Windows 7 tries to boot. The same hdd works well on the original system. So what can be the solution, I have lots of programs installed on it and I don't want to format hdd to work on the another system.

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Speed Up System Boot?

Aug 23, 2012

is there any software application that can boost my boot time? certain laptops have it like in Lenovo.. do you think I can have the same in my Acer laptop?

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How To Auto-boot 64 Bit System

Sep 9, 2012

I have a 64 bit system on my main drive and a 32 bit system on my secondary hard drive. When I start my computer it asks me which operation system I want to start windows in and I choose 64 bit. My hard drive with the 32 bit system is corrupted and I haven't used it in months so I want to remove it from asking me which system to run. I want the 64 system to automatically start without me needing to choose it.

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System Hangs At Boot From CD

May 5, 2009

I have the official RC1. I checked the MD5 sum and it came out fine (for once). I did not burn the DVD at max speed so I could avoid write errors. However, I have tried to boot from the DVD on 3 computers and cant get past the "Press any key to boot from CD" prompt. the weird thing is, all 3 computers display "Press any key to boot from CD o"

I press a key and nothing happens. Why is that little "o" appearing at the end?

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Boot Failure System Partition

Aug 23, 2012

About 8 months ago, I built a computer for myself;SINGLE Hard drive, 1 T;1 Partition..Windows 7 Home Premium service pack 1..The BIOS identifies the HDD..Last week, the computer worked properly, with regular shut down.3 or 4 days later, when the PC was turned on, it booted through the Windows 7 splash screen, but the log on screen did not appear.After a spontaneous reboot, the Windows 7 repair utility informed me that the situation could not be fixed. I selected advanced options and tried 2 different restore points from about a week before the last happy event. [code]

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