Getting The BSOD And The System Will Not Boot

Nov 28, 2012

I'm getting the BSOD and the system will not boot.

AMD Athlon 64x2 6000+
3072 MB Ram
500 GB HD
Nvidia Geforce 6150 SE

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BSOD System Won't Boot / Cannot Boot To Safemode

Jul 10, 2012

My Windows 7 64 bit machine will not boot. It keeps going into Windows System recovery mode. I have tried that multiple times and rebooted each time but no luck.System specs - Windows 7 64 bit, 16gb ram. Core i7-920 with 12 gb ram. This is an OEM disc that I bought from comp store, all parts and OS are less than three years old. C: drive - windows install a few apps, Drive 1 - games and music,

1) tried looking up this error with instructions. online instructions have had me go into the command prompt to perform edits on the c: windowsSystem32 folder. These do not come up in my prompt on my c: drive - where windows in installed. See program files etc, but no Windows32 folder.
2) already have run the c: chkdsk /r to try and fix the disc. It went through everything and comes back saying there are no problems. Still cannot boot to windows either get BSOD mentioned above or recovery mode.
3) Cannot go to previous restored state (one of the choices ) as it states that I have no restore points although I know that I have established at least 2 in the last 2-3 months
4) Tried inserting the Windows 7 disc and running repair from there but it just takes me to the same Windows system recovery mode which still does not work.
5) I tried hitting F8 during boot to go into safe mode but no good. it only takes me to a screen which gives me the option for boot order.
6) run the memory test from recovery console - no problems.

I have read the BSOD thread but everything there seems to assume that you can already boot into Windows at sometime and download the exe to run. (I cannot get into windows at all)Does anyone have any suggestions? I built this one myself (4th build) and have never in the 10 years of using Windows had a problem which I could not get into at least safe mode.I can go to maybe until this weekend but need to use my computer by Saturday cob.If I have had no luck at that point i will have to reinstall windows (it is on its own harddrive with most all of my applications on separate drives. So that may be a small blessing.I have had no strange occurrences while using the computer which is on pretty much 24/7.Is this what happens when a harddrive crashes? This one is about 2.5 years old and there have been no warning signs that something was amiss (no clicking etc)

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System Won't Boot After Restart BSOD

Sep 6, 2012

i just save my project and then after a few minutes i got BSOD i read "ntfs.sys" then i restart my computer and then my system won't boot, displaying in monitor is no cable connceted, but when i check it's ok.

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Boot Bsod After System Restore?

Apr 18, 2012

I got the smart hdd virus last night, I tried to install malwarebytes but it was blocked by the virus, so I did a system restore from safe mode to 5 days ago. When the restore finished, it booted and said that the restore had not fully worked, but it appeared to have had, with all my files visible again, same with my programs. I then installed malwarebytes and restarted. In the middle of booting windows, it bsod'ed, I did not catch the error message. It does this when I try to boot every time. When it goes into system repair, this message:Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change may have caused the problem. To fix this:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart the computer.

2. Choose your language settings, then click next.

3. Click repair your computer.

If you do not have this disc, please contact your system admin or manufacturer for assistance.Status: 0xc000000e Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessable.I do not have a Win 7 home premium disc, only a win7 pro disc. I am able to make a clean install if required with the pro disc.Will this work with the windows 7 professional disc?

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BSOD During Windows Update / System Boot-up

May 11, 2011

CPU: i7 2600k 3.5ghz
MOBO: Gigabyte g1.Sniper 2
RAM: Corsair CL8 vengence 8gb (4x2)
SSD: Corsair Force 3 60gb (Windows 7 pro 64 bit installed here)
VGA: Sapphire 2gb 6950 x 2 (in crossfire)
HDD: Western Digital 2TB SATA 3 black
PSU: Corsair HX-1050W

I have been having some troubles with this computer since day of purchase. The first BSOD I had was posted and resolved here: BSOD during battlefield 3. Previously, my computer would BSOD during game activity, such as battlefield 3. Elmer identified the probable cause being Avira, and sure enough when I attempted to delete it the computer BSOD; I managed to delete it in safemode and have had no BSOD's during game sessions ever since. However, lately I have encountered random BSOD's during Windows update and System start up (Just before the windows logo screen) of the same error code; I have posted the DMP file and CPUz screenshots. I think it is also worth mentioning that in games I have noticed stuttering no matter what graphical settings I set it to.I am having difficulty tracking down the Hardware responsible for this BSOD; I have run memtest overnight and it passed without fault. Could the 60gb Force 3 SSD be responsible? Or the RAM?

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BSOD When To Create Dual Boot System With XP And Ultimate 7 X64

Mar 28, 2012

I have a new Toshiba Qosmio X770 laptop with Dual 120 Gb SSD drives. From the factory it had Win 7 Home. I upgraded immediately to Win 7 Ultimate x64. I set up the VM to use XP (Have to use XP because current dev projects with work are stuck in old ages on XP for the time being). I can run the XP Mode in VM fine and even Visual Studios functions fine. There is a problem with the 3rd party drivers for the USB comm boards we are using, the USB drivers apparently cannot be shared across the VM environment for the particular ones we are using.

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Boot MGR Missing, No Operating System, BSOD While Trying To Download?

Jun 19, 2012

It all started when I realized I downloaded the 32 bit operating system on my desktop. Now however, I got a BSOD when I inserted the CD into the desktop. People around the internet said that you must go ahead and format the drive, So, I went ahead and did that. Thus deleting the operating system in the process. Now, When I try downloading the operating system, I get this message:Boot MGR is missing. restart the computer.I have tried everything. Using my laptop to make a USB Drive to boot it up. I cannot do that because my laptop is a 32 bit operating system, and I want a 64 bit.Please, The motherboard is a M5A 78L-M LX Plus with an AMD chipset. The monitors work fine and everything works until the boot MGR Pops up. I am puzzled because while working on computers in school, this only popped up when the operating system was on the harddrive. However, I cannot do anything at all.

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BSOD After Changing System Locale Then "Insert Proper Boot Device"

Aug 21, 2012

Trying to play a game and since it's Jap, I had to change the system locale to Japan. After rebooting, because it requires a reboot, I got a BSOD in about a minute. I thought it was okay and wouldn't happen again because it ran out of memory or something. After I reboot, I got another BSOD and now it's saying "Reboot or insert proper boot device.

I went to the BIOS and my HD was the first boot priority. I'm a total noobie when it comes to computers.

I have an ASUS K52F-BBR5 Notebook. Could my HD be corrupted or is there a way to fix this? I'm currently finding my installation disk to see if I can do a startup repair.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - No Operating System Listed / System Partition Not Valid

Oct 19, 2011

Suddenly my Win 7 Home Premium x64 will not boot. The system starts, POSTs then loads the DVD driver, then the screen goes black (not blank but "lit up" black if that makes sense). Then nothing. If I use Hiren's boot cd I can boot up using the "boot from HDD" option fine and Windows operates normally. System restore to a previous configuration made no difference to the original problem. I cannot boot into Safe Mode. F8 just offers me boot order options.

- Running the Windows 7 DVD I find: "No operating system is listed on the Repair Windows option."
- Running Startup Repair finds the following error: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" which it claims to have repaired, but the error remains and Windows will still not boot.

I followed this advice:
Boot 7 dvd to system recovery options command prompt. Type: Diskpart
list vol (find the vol letter e.g C or partition number e.g. 1 for the system partition )
Sel vol C ( or sel vol 1, obviously use the correct letter or number)
act exi

My system partition was easily identified and listed as healthy so I selected it and made it active. The problem still remains exactly the same. My system is self built just over a year ago, to my knowledge has been running fine, without any hardware issues. I'm prepared to do a clean install if that's what it takes but if there is a way to fix the partition problem without that I'd like to explore it first.

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Install The Vista Hard Drive Into The Windows 7 System And Boot From Either System?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a WIN -7 system with 1 trig SADA hard drive. I also have a Vista system with a 750mb hard drive from my old computer.Can I install the Vista hard drive into the Win-7 system and boot from either system?

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How To Make A System Image For A Dual Boot System

May 8, 2012

I want to make a recovery disc to reset my entire 4 partition dual boot hard drive back to its current state. the recovery would reset both xp and win 7 which i have dual booting. can i make one single image to do this without it screwing up my boot loaders etc? what should i use? 3rd party software?

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System Not Dual Boot After System Restore In Windows 7

Oct 19, 2012

Did a system restore in Windows 7 and my dual boot system (Windows 7&XP) won't boot. It's looking for a boot device. When I put in a Hiren boot 10.6 disk, the dual boot option is one of a number of alternatives, and it allows me to get into my pc. How can I get back to having the system work like it did before? So it boots to the dual boot option without Hiren.My SSD drive is the main drive for Windows 7 &XP. It has two partitions.

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No Boot Up Mutiboot System After Deleting Old System?

Sep 29, 2011

i had multiple systems (3) on my computer but mainly 1 i use everyday, so i formated the two partitions with the systems i dont need after a reeboot (like i ecpected) i had a bootmbr missing error. So i went and tryed using the repair function of the dvd but that dident work. So i installed a complete new system on one of the new partitions (i left the old one allown), after i installed the new system i booted up and installed easy bcd and added my old partition to my boot manager, but after i boot up I can see the boot menu and select the old system i want to start up from but it brings an error and tells me to enter the dvd and repair the system. I am so lost on this. why istent it just taking the files and booting? what did i do wrong

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[BSOD] Windows 7 Cant Boot After Bsod?

Apr 10, 2011

im having a strange error i got after modificating DEP and after that got BsoD's and the windows cant boot now.full story in that thread

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New System Is Getting BSOD

Nov 14, 2011

I keep getting BSOD! I put my computer together yesterday, within the first 7 hours i got a BSOD, i was like okay. updated my drivers, double checked everything. I'm still getting BSOD! It really starting to worry me! I've attached my mini dump, if that's needed.

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BSOD Following System Idle?

Feb 24, 2012

I recieved my computer from a family member about 6 months, when he gave it me he told me it had a problem of BSOD, my knowledge of computers is limited and having read forums i have tried to update all my drivers, i have also unplugged different equiptment attached to the pc but still i get the BSOD after the system is idle and has been brought back to life, this happens anywhere between 1-15 mins of it being brought back to life[CODE]

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System Keeps Randomly BSOD

Dec 29, 2009

Okay so I've just built my first rig from scratch yay!!. But it keeps crashing at random times even when I'm not using it. I'll get a blue screen that either says pfn_list_corruption ir memory corruption. I've tried looking up these issues online and to know surprise I havn't found a thread where the main culprit of this problem has been found.

I do know that it is a memory related issue lol or it could be a bad driver. Which I don't think it's a bad driver because I've just reinstalled windows 7 and the only driver I have downloaded were the windows updates and for my graphics card. So now I'm trying to learn how to use windows debugger to narrow down the source of the problem.

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Random System Crashes (no Bsod)

Sep 19, 2011

Just to be clear, these crashes do not provide a BSOD and therefore no error code for me to research and correct on my own. In the last two days, this has happened 4-5 times, and most often while watching streaming video online (but not always). Without warning, everything will lock up (sometimes this is accompanied by a terrible sound emitted from the speakers - presumably looping audio from the video i was watching). The computer then reboots itself without my involvement. Before anyone asks, my drivers are UP TO DATE, and my BIOS is up to date as well. So far, I have asked around and most people point to my graphics card overheating, or a very dirty (dusty) pc as a likely cause. Firstly, my computer is generally kept very clean, and I am monitoring my GPU temps and they are usually WELL within normal ranges (frankly it runs very cool). I have called EVGA for support, and they told me they had not heard of this problem before. They had me run a bunch of gpu stress tests, all of which provided no clue (they were clean) as to what could be wrong. Someone else told me to make sure my RAM was properly seated. I did check that and I can't see any seating issues.

OS. Windows 7 HP 64Bit
CPU. Core i5 750 2.66
Motherboard. Gigabyte GA-H57M-USB3
Memory. Mushkin Enhanced Blackline Frostbyte 6GB 3X2GB PC3-12800 DDR
Graphics Card. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460
Monitor. Displays Acer LCD 24" 2MS H243H BMID
PSU. Corsair TX750W 750W ATX 12V 60A 24PIN ATX Power Supply
Case. Antec Three Hundred Gaming Case ATX 3/0/(6) 2xUSB Audio
Cooling. Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro REV.2 CPU Heatsink Cooler LGA13
Hard Drive. Western Digital Caviar Green (WD10EARS) 1000GB (1TB) SATA 3 Gb/s 64MB (OEM)

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BSOD - System Service Exception Tdx.sys

Aug 28, 2012

my config:

Processor: AMD Phenom II x4 945 AM3
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-790FXTA-UD5 AM3, BIOS F2
RAM: DDR3 Mushkin 996776 4x4 GB (16GB)
graphics: Gigabyte Radeon HD 7950 GV-R795WF3-3GD


SSD, Radeon HD 7950 and Mushkin ddr3 are the newest parts. But I'm experiencing random BSODs (ntoskrnl.exe). There were also BSODs related to dwm.exe, but they disapeared when I installed Catalyst 12.8. Sometimes there are hardlocks without BSODs - ctrs+alt+del doesn't work here so I have to do a hard reset.First I thought it might be related to Radeon 7950 and compatibility problems - F2 (2009) is the latest BIOS for my motherboard (there is also F3J but still beta). Now it seems to be ok after I installed Catalyst 12.8.Then I thought that the SSD connected to Marvell controller is the problem. Well, there is a problem cause BIOS sometimes cannot see this SSD. Now Im thinking of buying a newest motherboard... unfortunately. I updated Marvell Controller drivers, still the same.Next thing - I ran memtest86+ ver. 4.20 to check memory. Pass 0 (Modulo 20, Random pattern) - there's only one error:

Test 8, Pass 0, Failing address 00080073468 - 2048.4mb
Good: e17e40c8
Bad: e17e00c8
Err-Bits: 00004000
Count 1

Next pass - no error. I let Memtest complete 6 passes. I got only this one error.BIOS settings:

tCL: 9
tRCD: 9
tRP: 9
tRAS: 24

Ram voltage - 1.635v set memory voltage to 1.650V. First MemTest pass - no errors. Second pass also completed. I think that all four sticks are ok. I can't say it's overheating. I'd say the memory is getting warm (even not so warm), but not hot. Third MemTest pass also was completed. No lock ups. Probably too low voltage could generate errors.Today I got another BSOD:

2012-08-28 19:38:20 SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION 0x0000003b 00000000`c0000005 fffff880`0404a609 fffff880`0b98e9b0 00000000`00000000 tdx.sys tdx.sys+3609 x64 ntoskrnl.exe+7f1c0 C:WindowsMinidump�82812-36504-01.dmp 4 15 7601 276 112

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BSOD At The End Of Creating System Image?

Sep 13, 2011

I was creating a system image with Windows built-in utility. It had been running for at least six hours and I think it may have been either finished or very close when my computer shut down due to a BSOD.

Is there any way to find out whether or not the image was finished and created successfully, or if not, is there a way to continue and finish writing the last little bit to salvage the image and have one that would work if I needed it to restore my computer?

The image was writing to an external HDD, and I think it had to erase/write over the previous image due to space considerations.

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Random BSOD On Overclocked System (both Gpu And Cpu)

Mar 18, 2012

it's overclocked, both CPU and GPU and i've done a lot of adjusting over the years

it was doing so many BSOD when i was tweaking the overclock, but i left it alone when i left the home i was at, at the time (i have had it so it was much stable and was rarely BSOD'ing) and i moved to somewhere else for a while, but anyways

now i'm back and taking my computer to my actual home, so now i want to get this under control

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Windows 7 - BSOD 7e While System Restart

May 6, 2012

Windows 7 - BSOD 7e while system restartWindows 7 Home Premium, 64bit (installed by recover CD ).

System is just new installed.
Antivirus is Norton
my system specs: CPU:I7-3610QM 2.3GHz
Display :intel + NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M optimus technologyChief river platform

I've been trying to troubleshoot my BSOD issues the last 2 months but I'm not sure what to do from here. During restart my computer will BSOD; sometimes restart 5~6 times will BSOD, sometimes 2000~3000 times not happen, always seemingly random but once happen ,next time will continuous BSOD. A few things I've already done:

Updated BIOS.
Scan virus (no virus)

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Bsod Occure When System Restart

Jul 21, 2012

It is windows 7 and runs very very smooth (since it's a gaming computer). Today i decided to watch Naruto shippuden so i searched it on google went to the link, found the video and clicked play. 5 seconds after i hit Play my computer shut off. The system automatically restarts and i Select run windows normally again it restarts and gives BSOD. I can run windows in Safe mode, and safe mode with networking. When it restarts i hit run windows normally, it runs everything is fine. The boom BSOD.

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BSOD System Service Exception

Nov 19, 2009

So I finally get everything installed and running. I updated my gfx drivers to the latest at the time(a couple weeks ago) and things worked.

The computer had been shut off for probably a week maybe longer. Turn the computer on, right after I login, bam, BSOD. system_service_exception.

So I do some searching on another computer. Most of the things come up talking about gfx drivers being the problem, but nothing definite.

I rolled back the drivers. Things work fine. ATI released a new driver catalyst 9.11. I install that, everything is fine. computer was shut down and restarted and still worked fine.

I fire up the computer tonight, bam, BSOD. Same message as before. So I rolled back the gfx driver and now it's working normal again.

Does it make sense for the computer to be working fine with the newer drivers, be shut down for a while, and then not work? Cause that doesn't make sense to me.

There's also not much information out there regarding this system_service_exception BSOD that comes up. It would be nice to have some better concrete info on it.

current setup:

gigabyte ga-ma790gpt-ud3h
amd x4 955
g.skill 4gb ddr3
WD caviar black 750 gb
Windows 7 64 bit home premium

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System Randomly Either Freezes Or Get A BSOD

Nov 12, 2012

Did a new install....updated win 7, updated and a clean install of GPU drivers, updated all other drivers.Only software loaded as yet is MSoffice 2010....updated and Norton. No overclocking as yet and the system randomly either freezes or I get a BSOD.

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C000021a System Error Bsod

Jan 15, 2013

I have already read through the small dumps with BlueScreenView and fixed any driver issues I found. I also ran Windows 7 Verifier to stress test drivers and uninstalled anything I found to be an issue. I recently ran into an issue with my system receiving the Stop: C000021a Fatal System Error BSOD. It only occurs at nighttime after I am done gaming. From the system logs it seems to crash right after I get off the system (like within 15 minutes). I do have a screen timeout setting of 15 minutes. However, I play the same games throughout the day on and off with my screen timing out and it doesn't BSOD then. ONLY at nighttime. I can't think of anything else I am doing that is different. Below is a list of changes I recall since the issue started up.

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[BSOD] Various Blue Screens Affecting System

Mar 14, 2012

My computer has started getting BSODs since a few weeks ago and like running Memtest, an extended version of Windows Diagnostic scan (both of which came up with no error results), and updated my drivers but to no avail.

Attached is a rar file containing files from SF diagnostic tool, screenshots of the cpuz tabs and an html report from Rammon. Seven Forums.rar

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BSOD System Service Exception Mostly/while Playing BF3 And/or WoW

Jan 16, 2012

Since building a new computer a few months back, I have been having issues with BSOD's while playing certain games like Battlefield 3 or Wow. But Skyrim and others are fine. I've tried many different drivers for ati and I'm currently using 11.12, but crashes still happen. I don't believe its a overheating problem as the temps are all low. WhoCrashed suggests a driver issue and has singled out ati as the possible issue a few times.

AX6950 1bg
AMD Phenom II x 4 965
G.Skil 6b (3x2bg) RAM

Do these crash dumps show any type of noticeable pattern for the crashes?

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Random BSOD System Crashes Frequently

Feb 16, 2012

I recently reinstalled Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit on my HP Pavilion dv6233se notebook pc as a response to frequent system crashing and being unable to restart. I've updated all the drivers as far as I can determine, but I still get occasional BSOD. The blue screen is too blurry for me to read so I have no information to go on as far as codes or causes.

The most recent BSOD occurred while running IOLO System Mechanics, when I started the defrag tool, but I have since run the tool without incident.


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BSOD While System Idle, 0x0000009F Driver_Power_State_Failure

Apr 4, 2012

I've been getting random BSODs over the past several months. The latest is the one listed in the thread title, but I've also had the following:

- Kernel_Data_Inpage_Error, 0x0000007A

- Page_Fault_In_Nonpaged_Area, 0x00000050

- A process or thread crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited, 0x000000F4

Whenever I get one of these, it also gives the additional error "Physical memory dump Failed with status 0xC0000010"I've seen about a dozen BSODs in the past 12 months with these four errors, and I think all of them have been while I had left the computer idle for various amounts of time (never more than a few hours).I built this computer from the ground up with all new components a year ago and have been running Win 7 Ultimate x64, no re-installs.

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Bsod, System Locks Frequently During Games?

Apr 10, 2012

my computer has been experiencing frequent bsod events mostly during gaming but often while streaming video as well. I recently installed several new components in my pc including a new mobo, ram, and an hdd. The system's memory was tested, the bios have been updated, and the display drivers have been wiped and updated.Nevertheless, I've received the following error messages:[CODE]

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