How To Update All Devices In Laptop

Jan 11, 2012

can update all the devices?

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HP - Update The Driver For Bluetooth Devices?

Feb 4, 2013

i want to update the driver for my Bluetooth devices?

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Toshiba Laptop Devices Driver

Jan 6, 2010

I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop. I did a clean install of windows 7 Ultimate from windows xp. now my device manger says "other devices- video controller" needs a driver i have looked everywhere for this driver but im not sure what the video controller even is so here i am looking for help. I have been working on this for 4 days now. so here are the specs of my laptop. I probably have given to much info on my laptop,

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Windows 7 Laptop Sometimes Doesn't Recognize USB Devices?

Feb 3, 2011

I am running an HP Compaq 8510w with Windows 7 Enteprise. When I first got the laptop the USB ports didn't recognise devices when they were plugged in, and the laptop would just hang when shutting down (on the Windows Shutting Down screen), so I decided to reinstall the OS as there was a lot of unnecessary applications installed.

I've been using the laptop since the rebuild and all has been good, until the past week or so when the same two problems have materialised again - when I attach a PSP, or a printer via USB, they are not recognised. And when I shut the laptop down, it hangs on the Shutting Down screen.

What checks can I run to see what the cause of this might be? I've not really installed a load of software on here, and I can't think of anything specific that I may have done that would cause this...

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Internet Does Not Work On Laptop But Works On Other Devices

Jan 9, 2013

I am having an issue that has been an on and off problem for the past month. I currently am using a browser called torch which is a chrome style browser. But my main browser is firefox. Whenever firefox is open I cannot browse the web and when I try web pages do not load on any browser that I try to use, although I am able to use both ipads that are in the house and any applications/programs works fine with the internet. But ones I close firefox all other web browsers on my laptop work fine.

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Wireless Laptop Unable To See Wired Devices

Dec 6, 2011

I have a new Windows 7 (HP) laptop normally connecting to a Netgear WNDR3700v2 router wirelessly. There is also windows XP-Pro file server, an XP thin client (running phone system) connected to the router via Ethernet. Finally, there is a 500GB USB drive plugged into to the router's USB ReadyShare port.

When the laptop is connected via Ethernet it can see and communicate with all Ethernet devices and all Ethernet devices can connect with the wireless laptop including the routers ReadyShare USB storage. All connectivity appears normal and shares are valid and recognized.

When the laptop is connected wirelessly, all wired devices continue to recognize it normally but can NOT communicate with it. The laptop sees nothing but the router's gateway. It does not recognize any other device connected to the router wirelessly or via Ethernet and does not recognize the USB storage connected to the router via ReadyShare.

It should be noted that the Netgear WNDR3700v2 router does see all wired and wireless devices. Also note that network discovery and file sharing is enabled on the laptop.

Netgear has assured me that all is well with the router (and I agree). I believe the problem is with Windows 7 wireless settings but this is the first Windows 7 device we have and I just don't know enough about the OS to know where to look to correct the problem.

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Intergrated Bluetooth Not Working On Laptop Can't Find Any Devices?

Sep 18, 2012

The intergrated bluetooth doesn't seem to work. When i try to add a bluetooth device under devices and printers in control panel, it just keeps saying "Searching for devices... Make sure your device is discoverable".I found out that it didn't work, because i just bought a new microsoft notebook Bluetooth mouse 5000, and when i try to install/connect it to my computer, windows just can't find the device. I know it's not my new mouse that isn't working, because i have tried connecting other bluetooth devices aswell, but windows still can't find anything. I have both a Intel Bluetooth driver and an Atheros bluetooth driver (V7.4.0.115) installed.Both downloaded from the Asus support website.I have tried reinstalling both programs a lot of times, and i have runned a lot of different driver update programs, to check if i was using the latest versions or missing any drivers. I have spent a lot of time browsing the web to find a solution to my problem

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Can't Connect Wifi Devices To Wired Devices?

Jun 25, 2011

I have been unable to connect to anything on my wired network, for about the last week. I don't remember making any changes however, I just became unable to connect.I having done a little troubleshooting.1. I can connect to the shares of my Windows Home Server if I use the IP address. The name does not resolve.2. Flushed DNS and restarting DNS server. Flushing DNS works on one client, to allow browsing by the name & restarting DNS works on the other. However neither works after a restart.3. Only my Wifi clients are experiencing this issue. My wired clients, desktops, PS3, Xbox 360, and Boxee can connect perfectly.This issue is not limited to my server. I can't connect to shares on my desktop, nor print to my wired printer.Some network background:I have DSL through CenturyLink and have a Linksys E2000 router.

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New Laptop And Windows 7 Won't Update

Apr 1, 2011

I recently bought a new Dell Inspiron M5010, and it came with Windows 7 home Premium. I am the first owner of this computer.However, I keep getting this flag that says that it can't update my computer, then... If I go into the control pannel, it says that my firewall is on. However, the flag says that it isn't. I click on it, and hit the turn on button... Nothing happens... And Internet explorer 8 says that it stopped working prooperly.... If I restart my computer the flags go away for a while, but if it is on for a couple of hours, the flags come back up... I have the Mc Afee antivirus... I have Norton as well, but was waiting until my free trial that came with the computer to end to install it... I understand basic computer concepts..

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Driver Update Corrupted Laptop

Nov 3, 2009

I installed Driver Utility and it was installing 2 new drivers and a littler earlier there was a Windows update popup and it had to restart so I hit postpone for 4 hours

and so I left it to finish installing the 2 drivers and I checked on it 30 min later and it started restarting and then it showed the specs for the laptop and then it gets to a menu (all black background) and the options are

Launch Startup Repair

which finds no problems


Start Windows Normally

which just shows the specs and ends up on this screen

I tried doing a System Restore and it didn't even do anything from that

and I ran a diagnostics and I also got nothing

so does anyone know how to fix this?

this is Windows 7 Ultimate

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Laptop Lag When Installing Windows Update

Feb 3, 2013

my laptop has 8gb of ram and intel i7 quad 2630m. i had mozilla firefox + google chrome opened with 3-6 tabs while playing Internet video but when i was installing this 1 windows update my laptop lagged until it the update was nearly completed.i don't think i should be lagging but my question is when installing windows update is it normal to lag and does it use the cpu or hard drive?

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Update Usb Drivers For Toshiba Laptop?

Jan 29, 2012

how to update usb or pendrive for windows 7,Toshiba laptop customer

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Laptop Turned Off During Windows 7 Update?

Feb 3, 2013

I have a Dell laptop Vostro 3350. It has been working fine for 2 yearsIn the middle of a windows update, the laptop was turned off.When started again, it had errors on update and stopped. Rebooted a few times but it always failed at the same point.Tried rebooting and using the system restore and repair options.It did get past the initial error point, but failed again further on.Now it doesn't boot at all, I get the error of needing to plug in a bootable device.

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Windows 7 Update Causing HP Laptop To Be Unresponsive?

Dec 3, 2012

My HP Pavilion DM4 laptop is currently un responsive, stuck in the midst of a Windows update (screen showing "Please do not power off or unplug your machine, Installing update 2 of 2") for more than 16 hours. I've tried to hard reboot it by pressing the power button but it doesn't work (the same screen with the Update message just keeps displaying). I'm ready to take the battery out but wanted to check here first to find out what you think I should do.

Here is some add'l background. This laptop was experiencing issues w/the keyboard and mouse not working after a Windows update was applied a couple of months ago (didn't realize it at the time). I tried several things to try to fix it before I realized I could do a system restore and just go back to a time before the update was applied (sometime in Aug or Sept). I then shut off the automatic Windows updates and ran each update separately (there were about 16 critical and 6 recommended updates), rebooted and checking for issues in between each update. I should have written down exactly which update this was (I believe it was from Oct 9 and related to security issues w/Microsoft Windows).

what I can do to get my laptop to respond again??

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After Update, Laptop Reverted From Windows 7 To Vista?

Jul 22, 2012

I recently purchased an Acer Aspire for the business & I was very specific at time of purchase that it must NOT run Vista as the accounting software I run is not compatible with Vista.

All went well for about a month & then the accounting software started to play up. I contacted their tech support people & they talked me through a few fixes however during these fixes we discovered latent COMPATIBILITY FOLDERS on the computer that simply should not be on a machine unless it is running Vista. I contacted the store I bought it from & they admitted that it had originally come with Vista but had been upgraded to run Windows 7 Home Premium prior to purchase. He told me to come in & they would remove the components that had not been removed properly during upgrade.

I was unable to go in that day but told them to expect me within a day or two at the most however before I could get back (the following night in fact) the computer ran some scheduled updates from Microsoft & when I went to use it the next day it was all sorts of wrong! It didn't even look the same (desktop) & files were missing or moved. When I went to online help I kept getting diverted to Vista help rather than Windows 7 help. I contacted the computer store again & they said that the update may have found these compatibility folders & freaked out & reverted the machine back to Vista.??

Anyway, I have lost loads of files that I had not yet backed up as I was planning to do this immediately prior to taking the laptop back to the shop so I had everything backed up & my accounting software won't work. The shop said they can restore Windows 7 but probably can't restore any lost data as they are only retail...

2. Is my data lost forever or can it be restored by a computer repair technician?

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Laptop Accidentally Shut Down During Windows Update?

Mar 9, 2011

I tried to shut down my laptop, the "Installing update, do not shut down or power off your computer" screen appears but my battery died during the update. And now when I startup the "Launch start up repair" appears and when i click it, I get stuck on a blue flower wallpaper screen thing and nothing appears. All i can see is the wallpaper and the mouse cursor.

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Accidentally Shutdown Laptop During Windows 7 Update

Feb 16, 2012

New laptop, it was shut down or closed during the update and now is frozen on the 7 of 8 screen and just hangs there. I cannot reboot and it did not come with a recovery disk. I can't get it to come off this screen at all. I tried shutting it off but an orange light flashes and when I turn it back on it's still on that screen. Since I have no recovery cd or repair CD what do I need to do? If I have to restore I really could care less as I don't have too much on it because it's new. Maybe some photos but whatever.

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Shut Laptop Down During A Windows System Update?

Jul 18, 2012

i have a dell latitude d430 and I accidentally shut it down whilst it was configuring updates.Now, when turning on all i get is the 'configuring updates stage 3 of 3 0% complete' and then it appears to restart and do it all over again.

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Laptop Turned Off During Update Now Black Screen

Oct 30, 2012

My toshiba satellite l655 was being updated then turned off i turned it back on but the screen is just black i tried shining a light to see if i could see the picture but there was no picture then i tried to hook up the hdmi to a tv to see if i can try to use it on a tv to see the screen and nothing pops up.

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Bluetooth Update Drivers For HP Pavillion G6 Laptop?

Nov 10, 2012

i want to update the bluetooth driver for my hp laptop pavilion g6, because the driver installed in it does not work..when i want to reinstall new one there is a problem because the oldest one can not removed from the program files directory

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Windows Update Killed HP Laptop Touchpad, Keyboard

Jun 9, 2011

I don't know for sure the the Win7 update killed the track-pad, but about a week or so ago after I let it run I've lost the track-pad function completely and the keyboard is erratic. If I accidentally hit the Caps Lock key the keyboard stops responding. I discovered if I open the keyboard control panel and just change a parameter, like how fast the cursor blinks and APPLY then I get the keyboard back without rebooting. I downloaded the track-pad driver, says it's the same as installed but the system no longer recognizes it's there in the control panel. This is an HP G60 series laptop running Win 7 Home.

I'm downloading TSG to add that info, but searching I see many people have had similar problems like this with no solution on various brands of laptops and Windows.

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Java Update Prompt Won't Stop On Windows 7 Laptop

Jan 11, 2012

On Windows 7 Laptop, incessantly prompts to update Java. I've said yes, I've said no, I've changed the settings to turn off automatic updates several times. It won't stop. It prompts about 80% of the time I boot computer on. I've read a few things about messing with registry edits, but really don't want to start with that.

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Acer Laptop Recently Crashed After A Windows Update?

Nov 18, 2012

My acer Laptop recently crashed after a windows update. Was unable to restore or reset. Now get message telling me to install windows 7 from DVD. Like most was never given DVD.

I do however have XP from an old machine I had. Can I reload the XP and then recover my windows 7 from the partition I think is on my HDD.

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Laptop Auto-hibernates After 4 Minutes Immediately After Windows 7 Update

Jul 12, 2012

Laptop auto-hibernates after 4 minutes immediately after Windows 7 update

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Update Laptop Dell Inspirion 5050 Webcam Driver?

Sep 26, 2012

Update laptop dell inspirion 5050 webcam driver?

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Laptop Crashed After Windows Update - System Restore Disk Did Not Work

Jan 12, 2013

My laptop crashed the other day after a Windows update. To make a long story short it would not boot up. I tried several things to no avail. System restore disc did not work. At this point I thought the hard drive was fried. Finally I stuck the the Windows 7 companion disk and got the system to boot I can tell all my files are there somewhere due to amount of memory taking up on the hard drive. Anyways my main problem it is now asking for the product key although I have 29 days which unfortunately I cannot find. Laptop in question is a Lenovo G550. Where do I go from here? Do I have to purchase a new key? I've been using the laptop since and it seems to be working properly as far as i can tell.

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Windows Update Error / Not Search Or Update / Install Critical Items

Jan 30, 2011

I'm out of ideas. I've been running Win 7 on this machine for more than a year without issues in updating etc. Now it will not search or update/install critical items. I'm running Symantec (even tried turning the firewall off without any success). I get an error code 80072F7C. When I run hijackthis, I get an error message that my system denied write access to the Hosts file. I proceed with the scan but am unable to produce a log file. I've included a screenshot from the windows update error as well as the error I get when trying to run hijack this.

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Optional Update In Windows Update Is Giving A Blue Screen

Nov 3, 2012

The update is called:

nvidia - Graphics adapter WDDM1.1, Graphics Adapter WDDM1.2, Other hardware - NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M.

After installing it, whenever my laptop tries to use the Nvidia card, I get a blue screen and the system restarts. I looked in installed updates to uninstall it, and it is not there. I did a system restore to four days before I installed it, and I still get the same effect. Lastly, I installed some older nvidia drivers that used to work using the clean install option, and I still have this problem.

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Auto-update Property Sheet Extension File Update

Oct 12, 2011

Is this file safe to have operating on my computer???

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Unable To Update Using Windows 7 Update (Code 8000FFFF Error)?

Oct 30, 2012

A while back, after successfully downloading and installing some updates in the Windows Update, it prompted me to restart the computer to finish the update installation process. However, I continued to use the computer for quite some time before restarting it, and then when it tried to configure the updates on the start-up screen, it showed that it was not successful in doing so. In the past, I noticed that this would typically happen when I did not restart the computer immediately (or within a short time) after the updates finished and I got the prompt to restart. I would have to go to Windows Update and do it over again, and then upon immediate restart, it would always work properly. But this time, it did not, and I keep getting the 8000FFFF error message instead.

Also, now, every time I start the computer, it shows that it's "Preparing to configure Windows... Do not shut off computer" (presumably the updates that never got completely and correctly configured) in the start-up screen... gets to 35%..fails... shuts down (screen goes black)... restarts again... tries to configure again, fails again, shuts down and restarts again... tries to configure again, fails again, and finally it apparently gives up and says "reverting changes" and finally goes to the desktop.I've looked at the answers in several threads at the forum that were started by people with similar problems, and also tried several of the Microsoft "FixIt" files on the Microsoft site, but none of them worked. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium.

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Brand New Laptop - Stuck On Blue "Bird" Screen After Windows 7 Automatic Update Install

Aug 4, 2011

I just received a brand new laptop less than 24 hours ago. It's an HP, 4 gig RAM, Windows 7 pre-installed, etc.I was using it all night on the internet, putting my music collection on iTunes, etc. I had a lot of fun and was very impressed with this laptop.The second time I turned on the computer (the first being the initial install), Windows Updates was configuring and installing all of these automatic updates that it downloaded the first time I turned off the computer. I couldn't believe my eyes, it actually said it was configuring over 22,000 updates after I booted it up. Yes, THOUSAND. This went on for less than half an hour.Then it went to "installing" the updates, which had a progress bar that reached 100% in maybe 5 minutes.Then it was "starting Windows".Then it got hung up on a blue "bird" desktop background that said Windows 7 Premium at the bottom. The mouse was completely moveable but there was absolutely no action I could take. I left it like this for 30 minutes thinking, "well, it's just installing, but it really should give me a progress bar so I know what the hell is happening."At the 45 minute mark, I couldn't take it anymore. I called HP (the manufacturer of the laptop) for support. The guy asks me for the serial number, and I regretfully wasn't pleasant. I think I said "serial number? I haven't even owned this computer for 12 hours yet!"Anyway, he had me force a shutdown. And then upon booting the computer, I got the "this computer wasn't shut down properly". This is complete BS for a computer that even as I write this,hasn't been in my possession 24 hours yet. I am returning this piece of crap, but I want to know how can I prevent this from happening to the next computer I purchase. Is it necessary to not use Windows Updates, because whoever made these has their head up their ***? I mean "configuring 22,687 updates" on a brand new, 64-bit Windows 7 machine?

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