How To Setup Dynamic IP Address

Dec 6, 2011

How to set up a dynamic IP address?

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DHCP Is Disabled But IP Address Is Dynamic?

Aug 3, 2012

My network is set to automatically set an IP, and this has worked semi-okay for the past few days. It disconnects a lot but I can usually go to the Command Prompt and then release and renew my IP, which would normally fix it. So I did that today, only that time it said something about being unable to contact the DHCP server. So I then typed in ipconfig /ALL and it said the DHCP isn't enabled. I tried it again just recently, but instead I get a message saying that the RCP server is unavailable, but the ipconfig /ALL prompt still says the DHCP isn't enabled.

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How To Change Dynamic IP Address In Windows 7

Jul 5, 2010

I have been doing a lot of reading on how to change your IP and to me in windows 7 it is not possible. How to change (Dynamic) IP address in Windows 7 or Vista? How to be able to change there IP? I have tried everything. run/ipconfig /release, unpluging modem and router and no change.

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Windows 7 Unable To Refind Printer With Dynamic Address?

Dec 18, 2011

I have added a windows 7 computer on a network with a network printer which gets the address dynamically but Windows 7 gives it a static address during configuration and cannot find the printer when the address changes. All other computers on the network are OK.

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'No Internet Access' IP Address Shows Router Not The Modem IP Address

Jul 7, 2012

My internet connection shows 'no internet access' even though my ISP shows the connection is coming into the house just fine. I usually use a router (NetGear-WNR3500U) but I right now I have the Ethernet connection plugged directly into my PC. I tried directly plugging into my laptop and the internet works just fine. So I know the problem resides in the PC.

Some troubleshooting things I have tried.

-Power cycled my modem, router and PC.

-Repinged my connection from my ISP(Comcast Xfinity)

-Used the reset option on the router and the modem

-I was walked through the internet options needed with the tech support from my ISP to make sure DHCP was enabled and every other setting was correct, and he cleared me that all settings were correct.

-Tried ipconfig commands to /renew and /release my IP When I tried ipconfig /renew I get the error 'An error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection : unable to contact your DHCP server'

-Restored my PC to a restore point where the Internet was working

All of these options did not work.

What I think the problem is and I am not sure how to fix it, when I run the ipconfig /all command my Auto configuration IPv4 Address shows which I was told is a router IP address even though I am plugged directly from the modem to my PC with an Ethernet cord. So I think that's my problem? But I am not sure.

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Dynamic Disk To Basic Disk When Windows 7 Is Installed On Dynamic Disk

Mar 13, 2011

so i got this cool Hp laptop... nice the bad part ... I had a single 500 gb Hard disk. only two partitions ... experimented to partition it ... 1. I upgraded my basic drive to dynamic drive ( got four partitions now) 2. My OS (win 7 home premium x64) is on one of the partiotion on the dynamic disk. QUESTIONS How do i convert back to basic... i only have my OS key no install cd? Can i take a back up or sys image that i can use later on after converting my hard disk to basic?

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Comcast Address Book To Windows Live Mail Address Book

Apr 24, 2011

Having problems exporting my comcast address book to windows live mail address book,Also tyied exporting address book from plaxo without success, please help!

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Change Mac Address And Ip Address?

Dec 31, 2012

i want to change mac address and ip address on acer apire win 7

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Windows 7 Starter Getting Error On Initial Setup; Locked In Setup Loop?

Oct 5, 2011

one of the netbooks was plugged in to initially power it up, but then hard-shut-down before Windows could run through its initial setup.Now when I boot up the netbook, and it attempts to go through the initial windows setup "Setup is starting services", and then throws an error message: The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install Windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation.I restart, and the cycle continues. This happens whether I try to boot normally or in safe modeI've got no CD-drive attached to it, so I'm not sure what I can do to break this error cycle.

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Setup Will Only Run In Administrator Mode - Setup Is Aborting

Jan 16, 2009

When I try to install some programs and drivers i get error: 'Setup will only run in administrator mode. setup is aborting.'. I only have one account which has administrator rights. I have already tried to enable and disable UAC, booting in safe mode, run as administrator, enabling original administrator account, adding permissions, taking ownership, changing compability mode and other but nothig is solving my problem. I'm running windows 7 x64 build 7000.

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Does Anyone Actually Use Dynamic Volumes

Nov 9, 2012

I've been reading up on dynamic volumes, and while they are interesting, I wonder if they are actually used in the real world, and if so, more by enterprises than individuals?

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Dynamic Disk In Windows 7?

Oct 10, 2012

I have been using computers for a while but just recently started to learn what is really going on. I am having trouble understanding what a dynamic disk is. I have read a lot online but I need a very very simple explanation as I am an older person and a lot of the explanations I read online use technical terms which I also do not understand. I think what I have is a basic disk and I don't understand what a dynamic disk is. Can you have a dynamic disk if you have just a single regular physical disk, and if so what is the advantage.

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Converted My Drive (non OS) To Dynamic

May 7, 2009

I have a 500GB IDE (seconday master) (all my OS and other drives are on SATA) to dynamic. (it wouldn't being recognized by Windows 7, and in a hurry I converted it to Dynamic).

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From Dynamic To Basic Format

Feb 9, 2013

In order to change back the format type of my system disk from Dynamic to Basic, I took a system image using Win 7 Pro System Image Tool and deleted all the partitions on the system disk, change the format type to Basic using the Command Prompt, and restored the image. Unfortunately, the format type restored also to Dynamic.Did I missed any step? or there is something wrong?

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Converting From A Basic Disc To Dynamic

Sep 19, 2012

I have been reading up on it from microsofts site as well as various places throughout the web. most articles were also a few years old might have been before windows 7 was even released.from what I understand you will only really have an issue if you are using windows 98, 2000 , xp and server 2003.What I am trying to do is make a partition but the only way to do it so it seems (I am using the admin disk management tool)is to convert to dynamic.I am creating the partition to install a small linux distro to use in dual boot but the part that is making me weary is the last step of the disk management tool says "the operation you selected will convert the selected basic disk(s) to dynamic disc(s). If you convert the disk(s) to dynamic you will not be able to start installed operating systems from any volume on the disk(s)(except the current boot I will (hopefully) never have to deal with those headaches called OS's again. So would I have any negative impact from this conversion? would i still be able to boot windows 7 with all of my data still intact?

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How To Change From Dynamic To Basic Disc

Jun 12, 2011

i have a acer laptop having 500 gb hd. Isince i want to dual boot ubuntu with windows 7 i was planning to install it on Local Disk F so i shrink the Drive F for swap area required for ubuntu. I shrink it to 4500MB and new partition was created showing 4.5GB of space. Then i right click on it to create new volume. I keep on clicking next till a warning came.I click ok to that and my whole disk got converted to Dynamic disk. Now my problem is that my os is still booting even after converting to dynamic . I dont know how.
Since i have only one hd how can i use Partion wizard since i can't unallocate the whole HD.

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Partitions Converted From Basic To Dynamic?

Jul 11, 2011

I am building a new computer with 1TB of HDD. At first when I started to install an OS, a system volume was created automatically of 100MB size. Then I created another 200GB partition as C to install Windows 7 and 2 other partitions of 250GB. I wasn't allowed to create another one partition. After I finished windows installation, I tried to create partition in unallocated space using > New simple volume. The sytem warned me of dynamic volumes > accept it. Then eventually all 4 volumes were converted to dynamic in disk management window.

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Convert Dynamic To Basic Disc

Apr 22, 2012

I wanted to make a new partition on my hp laptop on the only disc it hasso as to create a system image.Unfortunately,because it came with already 4 partitions I accidentally turned the disk into a dynamic disk.Now its booting normally but I cant load the system Image that I have created before the partition.Other than that the pc is running smoothly. As I said this is the only disk on the system.Is it possible to convert the disk back to basic?After a lot of googling I found some exmples but all of them assumed you had a second disk on your system.Is it possible to convert the disk back to basic without having to reinstall windows?(I have no windows cd)

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Dynamic Disk Creation In Windows 7 X64

Sep 14, 2011

I have 2 x 750GB HDD's running Windows 7 x64. One of the HDD's contains data the other is blank. Do I have to format the drive with data on it to convert both drives to being a Dynamic Disk? I don't have a backup drive to move the data to whilst I create a Dynamic Disk so hopefully the answer is no?

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Recover A Dynamic Volume In Windows 7?

Nov 19, 2012

i have a single hard drive with 2 partitions. 1st partition with Windows 7 OS and the second strictly for data. yesterday i decided to try software raid using windows disk management. firstly, i added another identical but empty hard drive into the computer. boot it up and went into disk management. i right-clicked on the 2nd partition (data partition) on the original hard drive, and selected add mirror. after a few seconds, the disk management tell me an error "failed redundancy" on both my old 2nd partition and the hard drive i just added. so without thinking much, i decided to delete volume on the new hard drive (bad move!), and guess what, it deleted the new hard drive volume together with the original hard drive's 2nd partition (contains data!). now it is showing as unallocated space and i have not format nor create a new volume over it.(i think the data is still intact)

is there anyway to recover the volume?

*i know there is a fix within windows using dmdiag but that is for non-mirror volume(dynamic disk) only. also tried with easeus partition master but still unable to recover the partition as it is a dynamic disk.

*minitool partition recovery doesnt work either for dynamic disk..any other recommendation?

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Dynamic Disc And System Reserve?

Apr 23, 2011

after converting my internal drive to a dynamic disk, why can't it boot another os? i was interested in spanning volumes, and obviously in terms of optimized virtual raid the real issue is putting the windows partition on a raid volume, but simply put why can't i install a second operating system after i've converted a disc to a dynamic disc. is there anyway to forego that trouble? in short, i want to install linux side by side with windows on seperated partitions, striped mirrored or otherwise but not having a raid controller, vraid is the only hope i have and windows dynamic disc is telling me that i can't boot other os's except the currently booted system if i convert the discs. in fact after converting the drive initially, i couldn't even reformat and reinstall windows with the 7 disc. but in my experience, it's saying windows will no longer perform these functions but other discs and environments may not even recognize the windows os change so that the possibilities aren't closed to anything but the windows operating system.

secondly, if i installed something like lilo or grub, without linux let's say, could i delete the system reserved partition? i believe i've deleted it in the passed and not had boot issues or other noticeable trouble with windows, but i'm unsure what i had or would be doing in terms of long term os stability. i saved the reserved partition of a former install by assigned it a drive letter, opening it and saving the contents for learning purposes.

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Windows 7 Does Not Boot From Dynamic Disk?

Oct 8, 2012

i changed my disk partitions as dynamic disks in windows 7 home basic (accidently) After i install windows 7 ultimate. It cannot boot from dynamic disk. it shows blank screen. What can i do. how do i recover it. my system cannot boot.

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Create Both A Static And Dynamic Network

Oct 28, 2009

I am trying to create both a static and dynamic network for my computer to choose from when I connect my notebook to one of two locations. I want to create a LAN 1 which picks up the static info specific and an LAN 2 for my dynamic connection.

This is possible to do with operating systems such as ubuntu and it is very easy, however is it even possible with Windows 7? I tried this with Vista as well and failed.

Can anyone help. I am tired of going into the TCP IP settings and reconfiguring this everyday.

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Basic Versus Dynamic Volume

Jun 29, 2011

1) What is the major difference between Dynamic and Basic Volume It seems Dynamic volume can let you change the size of the volume up or down when there is an adjacent unused physical space, without impairing the files already stored. However Partitions (Basic Volume) can only be extended, and will always requires reformating.

2) It seems that Dynamic Volume has a lot more overheads, so it may be a little slower and actual file stored will be less, any opinion on that?

I did notice one of the Dyname Volume started to show massic missing storage space, e.g. Used Space of 30GB only has 7GB realy files on it, absolutely no hidden files there because I created the volume. This happens after shrinking and expanding it up and down a couple of time, BUG?!! If so it is a serious one.

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Disabling Dynamic Process Priorities?

Nov 8, 2011

So apparently Win 7 changes the process priorities for certain apps depending on whether or not they are in the foreground. This is causing problems for me and forcing some of my apps to play catch up once they are back to the foreground.

I've done some research and apparently the OS does this to conserve system resources, which is well and great, but is there no way to lock a process at a certain priority level regardless of whether or not its visible? If not, is there a way to disable this feature entirely?

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Converted HDD To Dynamic - How To Change It Back

May 2, 2012

I had some partitions, as follows.

Next, I shrank the Windows 8 volume and made a new volume. My plan was going to be to clone the Windows 8 volume to the new volume, so I could add more storage space to my shared data partition. The problem is this: creating the extra volume converted my whole HDD to dynamic. That said, my Windows 8 boot was lost immediately. So, I just deleted the Windows 8 partition and the new one and merged all that extra space to my data partition. Now, will this mess with my Windows 7 boot at all? I'm scared to restart my computer. All of my partitions (including my Windows 7 one) are just simple volumes now.

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Dynamic Volume To Primary Partition

Apr 6, 2011

I'm currently running Win XP Pro. on dynamic disks with the system partition mirrored.I have a 20GB simple volume on one of the dynamic disks which I had intended to install a copy of Windows 7 Enterprise on, intending to dual-boot as I changed over from XP to 7, but it appears that you can't install Windows 7 on a dynamic disk as "setup cannot find a location for temporary files." According to Microsoft my only option is to revert the existing dynamic disk/s to basic - losing everything on it including my XP installation.Microsoft says not to mix volumes and partitions on the same disk, but a third party application called Dynamic Disk Converter claims to be able to change simple volumes back to primary partitions - though it isn't clear from the documentation if this can be done to just one volume out of several on a dynamic disk.My options appear to be:

1. Get another hdd for Windows 7.
2. Break the XP mirror and convert one dynamic disk back to basic for Windows 7 - losing my RAID protection
3. Ignore Microsoft's advice and see if Dynamic Disk Converter actually can convert a simple volume back to a primary partition, risking my whole installation.

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Install Dynamic Link Library?

Oct 18, 2011

Install dynamic link library?

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How To Install New OS On Dynamic Disk (Old Corrupted)

Jan 3, 2012

I have a problem on my hard disk & it is dynamic disk the OS is corrupted how to install a new OS to my corrupted Dynamic Disk.

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Windows 7 Dynamic Link Library?

Feb 26, 2012

I am missing 2 windows movie maker and windows live photo gallery dlls. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the programs. Should I reformat my Windows 7 os or try to find the correct dlls?

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Dynamic Disk Status Errors

Feb 20, 2010

After dual booting my drive, it was suddenly changed to an offline dynamic disk. My problem is, I can turn it back online, but it gives me the status of "errors" I checked around for the past 12 hours, and everything says the same thing, turn it back online (it is) Reactivate it (That command is grayed out) Use Dynamic disk converter 2.1 (Says offline even though CMD says it is online)

Now, I am a bit frustrated, after 6 hours or so, my entire PC crashed, I did nothing special to cause this but hey it did. When I would boot up it would give "error loading OS" I checked all my drives, they're working PERFECTLY fine so I have no idea what is causing this. After I inserted my Windows 7 CD it seems to boot up fine now. I have two separate drives, one to handle my main OS being Windows 7 and the other to handle all my media which is the one that I cannot access anymore.

After reading dozens of articles I cannot find any solid answer that work for my case.

I am using the Windows 7 disk manager not a third party program, also, I have read all the 'help' from the microsoft website there is to deal with this problem. But nothing seems to work.

To help literate a bit more this is what my Disk Manager looks like:

Disk 0 Primary partition
38 GB

Disk 1


When right clicked on Disk 1 everything is Grayed out except properties, help, and Offline.

I don't know if any of this information will be of any help, I am trying to literate as much as I possibly can and give any evidence that might help.

Anyways, this entire thing has given me a huge headache and I have a huge term paper due x_x...

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