Disabling Dynamic Process Priorities?

Nov 8, 2011

So apparently Win 7 changes the process priorities for certain apps depending on whether or not they are in the foreground. This is causing problems for me and forcing some of my apps to play catch up once they are back to the foreground.

I've done some research and apparently the OS does this to conserve system resources, which is well and great, but is there no way to lock a process at a certain priority level regardless of whether or not its visible? If not, is there a way to disable this feature entirely?

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Hamachi And Network Priorities

Feb 19, 2009

I run windows 7 since the first day of release and i can't figure out how to set up network priorities. I was trying to start a virtual lan in order to use for gaming. Anyway in order to do that i have to set the virtual lan at high priority...

Anyone knows how to do that?

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Boot Priorities And Paths Deleted After BIOS Reset To Default?

Dec 28, 2012

I bought a Windows 8 laptop, ASUS Q500A, and reformatted it with Windows 7. I went into the BIOS and used "Restore Defaults" and now all Boot Option Priorities are deleted. Each time I boot the laptop, it automatically goes to BIOS (or UEFI). I tried inserting the Windows 7 disc so I can access Startup Repair or Command Prompt but it freezes before it could get anywhere even when I tried it with an external CD/DVD drive. I cannot get the laptop to boot to the hard drive or CD drive at all, how I can reset the boot option priorities so it will be boot to the hard drive again.

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Dynamic Disk To Basic Disk When Windows 7 Is Installed On Dynamic Disk

Mar 13, 2011

so i got this cool Hp laptop... nice the bad part ... I had a single 500 gb Hard disk. only two partitions ... experimented to partition it ... 1. I upgraded my basic drive to dynamic drive ( got four partitions now) 2. My OS (win 7 home premium x64) is on one of the partiotion on the dynamic disk. QUESTIONS How do i convert back to basic... i only have my OS key no install cd? Can i take a back up or sys image that i can use later on after converting my hard disk to basic?

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Process Cannot Access / File Because It Is Being By Another Process

May 3, 2012

I am getting this error all the time with Windows 7. I open a text file I want to edit, then go to save my changes and I get this error:"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process".I have full admin rights, running Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1. From a bit of research I have seen where many others have been experiencing this problem or something similar too. The only "fix" (that doesn't work all the time) is to close explorer.exe and then restart it to "release the handle"? Anyway, this is not acceptable for all the money and time I spent upgrading/configuring this new OS from XP -where I never had this problem- and seriously cuts down my productivity.Has Microsoft even acknowledged this as a bug yet? I can duplicate this scenario the second or third time I try to edit/save/delete a text file and I know that explorer.exe is the problem or a big part of it in any case. I don't want to go back to XP x64 but having to deal with this headache 10-20 times a day is just too much to ask.The file here is a game's map script & has to be saved to a .pk3 and then loaded into the program's root before it can run so i know othing else is running the file. No apps running in taskmngr either.

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Process Explorer Shows "error Opening Process"

Nov 9, 2012

New dell n7110/win7sp1x64.At startup on new machine from dell, process explorer (procexp64.exe) lists 81 processes running (seems like way too many - compared to xp with maybe 25 at startup). But which processes I can turn off is a question for another day. OK, read carefully, at least 15 processes in PE show " Path: error opening process". PID, CPU, Private Bytes, and working set columns are shown for these "problem" processes, but nothing after that, ie, description, company name etc. For all other listed running processes (with known paths), all info is shown in all columns. The problem processes include some important ones, services, crss, ism, wininit, winlogon, that must to be working for the computer to work, and everything seems to be working properly, and no cpu spikes or other weird stuff is happening. Right clicking properties on these problem processes, properties window pops up as normal, but shows "version: n/a, build: n/a, path: error opening process, no command line, no current directory, autostart location: n/a, Parent: non existent process (708), user: access denied. Again, this info can not be correct since the computer is working. And then, after a few minutes, another window pops up and says PE has stopped working, and closes the program. Now, if this was the whole story, I would go to sysinternals with this, but read on... Task manager running simultaneously with PE lists 83 processes running, more processes than PE, and also ~5 different processes than PE, and PE lists some processes running that TM doesn't list. So PE and TM show different running processes at the same time. How can that be? For the processes that PE shows "error opening", e.g., crss, etc., when I click properties in TM for the same process, sometimes I get the usual/normal pop-up window listing the path, and all the other data as normal, suggesting the process is working properly. But sometimes when I click properties in TM for the processes that PE shows "error opening", I get no pop-up at all, nothing for that process. So, IMO, it's not just a PE glitch, something is actually wrong here. This is a new machine, with PE the only 3rd party installation. I have installed several dell driver updates, but this problem occurred before I installed them. Also, remember PE and TM simultaneously list some different running processes and TM also fails to show paths, etc.

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DWM Keeps Disabling Itself?

Jun 23, 2009

Ive looked on google only thing i found is this guy with the same problem but no solution - Hacking Windows 7 beta problems - Computerworld BlogsIts happened on a few different builds now, latest is 7232 x64.Im running phenomII 940 BE on a DFI 790 fx mobo with 8600GT card.PSU- Antec 550W EarthwattsAt first i thought it may be an application like my antivirus causing the problem but ive tried lots of different apps.Has anyone had problems like this with Win 7 x64 When i apply the troubleshooter it reports DWM disabled (no other problems) & fixes DWM for sec

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Does Anyone Actually Use Dynamic Volumes

Nov 9, 2012

I've been reading up on dynamic volumes, and while they are interesting, I wonder if they are actually used in the real world, and if so, more by enterprises than individuals?

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How To Remove The Disabling Add-ons Pop-up

Nov 30, 2011

IE has a system pop-up that tells the user that disabling toolbars will speed up IE. It appears at the bottom of the window. I want to know how to disable this from IE9.lsewhere in these forums are the instructions for using the Group Policy Editor to do this; but� gpedit.msc is not available in Windows 7 HomePremium edition. The post I saw says that HomePremium users have to edit the registry manually.I'm happy to do a registry edit but which entries do I have to edit and what values do I have to use, please?Other forums suggest setting the time delay to some seconds but this merely affects the time it takes for the pop-up to appear.

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Disabling Alt + Tab Screen?

Nov 28, 2009

I've been trying for hours now to disable the alt+tab screen. I want to record a sequence of keystrokes, I want to be able to record ctrl+alt+tab, but whenever I press the keys, the alt-tab screen comes up so the buttons won't get recorded. I also have to record them in the actual order, I can't move them around so basically:

I need to be able to press ctrl+alt+tab without bringing up the swtich screen. I need to record theese keys in order. Is there something I can change, maybe in the registry?

Is it possible to change the hotkeys in windows? So that ctrl+alt+tab does nothing, and then switch it back after I've recorded the keystrokes?

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Disabling Nvidia Gpu?

Feb 8, 2012

Msi FX600 (MSI Europe ? Notebook - FX600) laptop has two onboard video cards - one for games, other for desktop/browsing/etc. IS it possible to disable nvidia gpu in order to save some energy. As I know, at IDLE, when I am looking at my desktop, GPU is still working at 127mhz speed. How to absolutely disable it without removing it?

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Dynamic Disk In Windows 7?

Oct 10, 2012

I have been using computers for a while but just recently started to learn what is really going on. I am having trouble understanding what a dynamic disk is. I have read a lot online but I need a very very simple explanation as I am an older person and a lot of the explanations I read online use technical terms which I also do not understand. I think what I have is a basic disk and I don't understand what a dynamic disk is. Can you have a dynamic disk if you have just a single regular physical disk, and if so what is the advantage.

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Converted My Drive (non OS) To Dynamic

May 7, 2009

I have a 500GB IDE (seconday master) (all my OS and other drives are on SATA) to dynamic. (it wouldn't being recognized by Windows 7, and in a hurry I converted it to Dynamic).

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How To Setup Dynamic IP Address

Dec 6, 2011

How to set up a dynamic IP address?

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From Dynamic To Basic Format

Feb 9, 2013

In order to change back the format type of my system disk from Dynamic to Basic, I took a system image using Win 7 Pro System Image Tool and deleted all the partitions on the system disk, change the format type to Basic using the Command Prompt, and restored the image. Unfortunately, the format type restored also to Dynamic.Did I missed any step? or there is something wrong?

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Disabling Virtual Memory?

Jun 13, 2011

Is it safe to have 0 megabytes of virtual memory? I have 8 GB of DDR2 and i don't see why i would need virtual memory. Plus i need to save some disc space

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Speed Up Browsing By Disabling Add On's

Jul 16, 2011

I keep seeing a window pop up saying "speed up browsing by disabling add on's".Should I do it, and what is a add on?

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Disabling Sounds In Windows 7

Jun 14, 2011

I know I have not discovered anything new with the following problem, but I have not yet read a workable solution.

I find the "bleeps" and "bonks" most annoying when I am navigating around Windows 7, and I am well aware what it says in the personalise/sound menus. The trouble is that opting for "no sound", or switching off individual sounds does not work. I have spent many hours on this problem, to little avail.

if there is a glitsch somewhere in the system,and if there is a solution other than to turn the speakers off. This would be a bit drastic some some of the sounds are useful.

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Disabling TouchPad On Laptop?

Jan 23, 2011

I do not like at all using my touch pad with my laptop as i have lost more stuff doing that. Typing along and it somehow highlights everything and if you aren't watching and aren't fast, the next key stroke zaps everything.So I found before on my old lap top that the fn key and the f3 key together will work as a toggle (that sometimes irritatingly toggles its own self) to turn touch pad on and off.On my new laptop I found it had a control to completely disable the touchpad which was way cool, one time, done. Now amazingly enough the control is not locatable and the touch pad is activated and the fn f3 fix does not work either.computer manufacturer says restore to default settings but I don't buy it there has to be another way as that will wipe out all my settings and more?

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Enabling/disabling WiFi

Feb 9, 2011

I have been using an Acer Aspire 7551G windows 7, and when purchased the Wifi was already enabled and has always picked up available networks.However I think I may have accidently disabled it, pressing the F3 key does not do anything so it is not lighted up or showing any available networks.

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Disabling All Addons But It Still Freezes

Apr 6, 2011

Whenever I get on the internet it freezes maybe every minute. I can still control the mouse but everything else is frozen. It stays that way for about 15 seconds and then unfreezes and I can go back to working. Nothing closes or crashes, it just freezes. I use mozilla firefox. I read somewhere that it might be add-ons crashing that make it freeze so I tried disabling all the addons but it still freezes.Should I just use IE9?

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Disabling The Keyboard In Windows 7?

Sep 19, 2011

For some reason something is disabling the keyboard in windows 7 I notice the speech and on screen keyboard on start up? could that be whats disabling the keyboard?

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Disabling WFP For Specific File?

Apr 11, 2012

I am having trouble with windows 7 because I am trying specific words from US English to UK English (E.G. "appearance and personalization").

C:WindowsSystem32en-US (Shell32.dll.mui)

Now, because of the windows checksum. It will not allot me to successfully edit it without it reversing the changes. I'm trying to teach my Windows to learn proper English. I have been trying to use WfpReplace but the server to download seems to be down. [URL]. Is there any way to do this in a more simplified way?

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Disabling Hp ProtectSmart Harddrive?

May 29, 2012

i play alot of music from my laptop, and everytime i close the lid my music stops and starts and plays for a bit and then stops and starts again, it happens all the time, i read in another forum that its because of the HP PROTECTSMART harddrive that helps ur drive from breaking from too much movement. now i feel its way to sensitive, anyone know how to disable it? ive tried looking it up in the control panel but im completely lost.


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Hotspot For Disabling Sleep?

Jun 8, 2012

Is there an app, or setting, I can use to hotspot a corner to disable sleep?I sometimes have things I need to run/download overnight, and the apps aren't preventing Windows 7 from sleeping. So I need to do it manually, preferably without going thru the route of manually altering the power settings.

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Disabling Windows Aero

Oct 13, 2009

I ran the upgrade advisor and it said for my video card that I had to upgrade the video card. Any chance that by disabling windows aero i can skip having to upgrade my card?

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Disabling The Smart Pad Permanently

Oct 9, 2011

Is there a way I can PERMENANTELY disable the smart pad? Every time I boot up the little darling is back up and working, I have to uninstall then re boot to stop it every single time I use the lap top.I have downloaded the latest driver, but it makes no difference. The fn9 button does not work at any time either so I do not have that option.

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Accidentally Disabling Internet?

Nov 28, 2011

i am not sure if this is where my problem should go, but My friend mentioned that if i go into Control Panel, click Network and Internet, click Network and Sharing Center, click Local Area connection, properties, then uncheck internet protocol version 6 (TCP/lPv6), i could speed up the internet, but i accidently clicked the "disable" button and i don't have internet, what do i do?

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Disabling Program From Accessing Web

May 15, 2011

Recently I dug up one of my older games that I used to love as a kid. The game was one of the first online games, and then offline games when you couldn't get online. However, I managed to make it work on windows 7, but every time I get on it will spend 5-10 minutes trying to ping the dedicated server that no longer exists.

My real question is there a way that I can make it so just that one program cannot access the web, if I can pull that off then I won't have to wait a year to play each game.

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Disabling Non Windows Services

Nov 7, 2011

I'm trying to optimize my computer a bit, and in msconfig I have found many services from application that, at the best I only use occasionally. My question is, if I disable a service that is needed for an application, will it automatically be restarted when trying to run said application? Or do some applications really need to do something at startup to be fully functionally (seems a bit weird to me, but you never know...)

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Startup Programs Not Disabling

Mar 6, 2012

I have Windows 7 SP1, i tried many times via msconfig, CCleaner, Asus Fast Boot, but everytime my windows loads, their are tons of startup icons like Nokia PC Suite etc etc.I have disabled them using msconfig and CCleaner etc, but still they appear during startup and hence my startup process is v slow.

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