Disabling The Smart Pad Permanently

Oct 9, 2011

Is there a way I can PERMENANTELY disable the smart pad? Every time I boot up the little darling is back up and working, I have to uninstall then re boot to stop it every single time I use the lap top.I have downloaded the latest driver, but it makes no difference. The fn9 button does not work at any time either so I do not have that option.

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How To Permanently Delete These Folders

Jul 12, 2012

I have a problem when I try to delete some folders from "C:UsersMYUSER". Here it's a cap from that folder: I want to delete folders like Search, Contacts, Favourites and Tracing, but when I turn on my computer appears again.

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Delete Files Permanently?

Aug 27, 2010

Wonder if anyone knows of some freeware software that can permanently delete selected files/folders?..rather than just sending them to the recycle bin because we all know they don't really get deleted....just get made invisible so they dont show up anymore and still actualy take up some disk space.

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How To Corrupt Windows 7 Permanently

Sep 9, 2010

how to corrupt window

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How To Permanently Uninstall 7zip

Feb 16, 2012

I do not have 7zip in my uninstall folder or an uninstall icon in the 7zip folder. How do I permanently uninstall it?

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Get Zynga Off Of Computer PERMANENTLY?

May 15, 2012

Excuse my French,...but how the f*** do I get Zynga off of my new build with Windows 7HP 64 bit permanently? Oooooo it makes me mad. It's not listed on my program files so a simple uninstall doesn't work. I am no software genius.

My boot drive is a Crucial M4 SSD. I also have a new WD Caviar Black HD that I haven't connected to the build yet.I'm not good with software or file management and I could also use some info about how to get all my data and jpegs etc. off of my older WD HD from my old build. I need lessons. I should take a course someplace.

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How To Permanently Save A Restore Point

Nov 11, 2012

I set a restore point 2 days ago manually. Today I have found it has been deleted and I may have to reformat because of this.I set my drive to hold 1.15gb in size for restore points. The current restore point is a mere 200mb yet it STILL decided to delete the old ones. Previously I've checked only to find 0 restore points despite the settings being adequate.It seems restore points simply don't work on my OS. They show up for a handful of hours and are automatically deleted (even the manually made ones).

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Magnify Part Of Screen Permanently

Nov 25, 2009

I like the Windows gadgets, but many of them are too darn small for me to use (like most of the CPU meters). Are there any programs that will let you magnify certain parts of the screen permanently?

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How To Disable Laptop Monitor Permanently

Mar 7, 2012

i have a lenovo laptop in one place, so I use external monitor. is there any way ,when my child tries to unplug the external monitor, the laptop screen not to work? i want to disable permanently the laptop screen.

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Permanently Delete Files From Library?

Mar 20, 2012

How do I stop a Windows 7 library from displaying files that I have deleted from my computer?More precisely, how do stop them from showing up on my flat-screen TV which is connected to my home network with DLNA (which is just a fancy abbreviation for a TV that can read audio and video files from your computer) This is driving me completely bonkers. I've spent hours trying so many solutions from forums, I can't even keep track. I even used a registry hack the disables libraries entirely and the files *still* show up.It gets worse...Files that are completely *deleted* from my computer show up in the folder as viewed on the TV, though they don't play.Files that have been *renamed and moved to non-shared, non-library folders* will still play on the TV!I also did a total reset on the TV back to factory defaults, in case it had some sort of cache. Didn't work.

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Windows 7 : Auto-log-off Permanently After Login?

May 26, 2012

My university has an application that students must run it to do test (midterm, final,...). It really annoy to all students. It will close all file it can close on computer. (system file too...). So, users must turn account control to default level so... this app cannot auto close it.I don't know this before. My account control is lowest level. So, when run this app, it will automatically restart. (because some system file has been closed). After twice times, I login at meet that error : No matter how I login, Windows appear Welcome, and logoff permantly after.When I create another account and set account control to default level, I can run this app and can logon.But I still want to use old account.

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Webcam Mic Permanently On Causing Feedback

Dec 21, 2011

I have a Microsoft LifeCam 5000 which I use for Skype calls. The microphone has recently become stuck ON so that all room noises are picked up and played through the speakers, even when Skype is not running (it's not set to open at Startup and I always quit when I've finished using it). Lifecam was in Startup so I disabled that but still have the problem; I checked it hadn't re-inserted itself in Startup - it hasn't.The change may have occurred after I opened the LifeCam's own application to check lighting for the video image. I'm sure there's a simple solution (i.e. so the camera mic is turned off when the device is not in use) that does not involve uninstalling/re-installing - I want to be able to fix this if/when it happens again.

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Windows 7 Profiles Permanently Corrupt?

Sep 3, 2011

i've installed Windows 7 severeral times now.whenever I use the advised install procedure for having the /users store on a secnd disk .....(during Windows 7 install)the profiles get corrupted and I get thrown back to temporary profiles.I detect no other install problem.These systems are multi user systems, so the user space isgetting rather big (unacceptable to be on the system disk)the procedure is straight forward and I can not find any error in the profileList....Clearly I have the SID.BAK profiles every time in the registry ...But however I repair I always get the error back This problem makes windows 7 as a whole unusable (CRAPPY PROFILES)Is there a way to really get rid of this problem .....ps: I run my secondary �SERS disk on: (BRAND NEW INSTALL)-the same physical disk ....... disk latency can not cause the problem -On a different physical disk (other setup/but fails as well)-32 bit 64 bit same problem

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Disconnect Shared Drives Permanently

Dec 30, 2009

I am home user running Windows 7 professional and have mapped a network drive (Y that points to a folder on a LaCie NAS on my LAN. When the mapping was setup, the "Reconnect at Logon" option was selected.

Now I want to permanently disconnect that mapping. I have tried:

1) Disconnecting in Windows Explorer


3) NET USE Y: /D

The drive disconnects no problem, but when I login again, the mapping is back. How do I get rid of this mapping PERMANENTLY?

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Information Balloon Permanently On Screen

Dec 14, 2009

The annoying notice that pops up to tell me i've plugged or unpluged a device into the audio jack is on the screen all the time, just flicking from plugged to unpluged.

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Switch Off Internet Filters Permanently

Jun 17, 2011

How do i switch off internet filters permanently

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PERMANENTLY Disable Drop Shadow?

Sep 27, 2011

Disabled the drop shadow but every time reboots the drop shadow reappears. Is the a Win 7 problem as in Win XP it can be done.

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How To Hide Taskbar In Windows 7 Permanently

Apr 7, 2012

How to hide taskbar in windows 7 permanently

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How To Permanently Turn OFF Windows Updates

Dec 17, 2012

I have been trying to no avail to turn off permanently, here are my steps:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Windows Update

2. Click Change Settings>Use Pulldown to set to "Never Update this Computer (Not Recommended)"

3. Click OK

All is good for about a week, Then some entity turns back on updates to "Download and Install Updates Automatically" and User Account Control is turned on to Full Protection.

I did not make these changes on my own. I have tried using the Group Policy Editor, nogo

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How To Remove Nasty Stuff From Windows Permanently?

Feb 12, 2011

I downloaded some 'music' files and then saw they were 'nasty' stuff and wanted to delete them. I followed Microsoft's instructions and used Shift-Del and got a message asking if I want to permanently delete them so I replied Yes.

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How To Permanently Remove Programs From Start Menu

May 6, 2012

How to permanently remove/ban programs from the Start Menu Recent List? (Since manually deleting them will only get them back on once the program is started again.) The sole answer gave a suggestion to "switch the feature off". This answer though useful to some is not to me. Those programs which are indeed often used are on the desktop via a shortcut. Those on the start menu, are programs not often used or perhaps only used this week, then not used for 2 months, then used again later once. Therefore, as the reader suggested, to then, after turning the feature off and"add links to the programs you do want there manually" doesn't do it since I may not want them there 'next week' nor do I like the idea of me having to manually add them and manually remove them all the time. In Windows XP there used to be a little Microsoft program called TweakUI (Power Toys) that would do exactly that--controlled which programs could go there and which could not. Considering that TweakUi was originally made for the 1st or 2nd Windows version (before Windows 95) I hesitate to use it again for Windows 7.

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Adjusting Numbered Indents Permanently For Every New Document?

Jun 30, 2011

I frequently use numbered indents but have to adjust the indent each time in a new document by right clicking against the number, adjusting the indent, and then clicking OK. How can I fix the indent to a required distance so that it is the same for every new document without having to adjust each time. In XP this was a simple exercise - but I have yet to find it in 7.

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Can't Reinstall Windows 7, Freezes Every Time Permanently?

Mar 15, 2011

This morning I had serious freezing issues with Windows 7. Just minutes after booting, it would freeze permanently. My mouse wouldn't even move on the screen, completely frozen.Manually shut down. Then it would sometimes freeze at the "Asus" screen and sometimes the computer would turn on but there wouldn't be any output to the monitor. I managed to boot and enter in Safe Mode. That didn't freeze. So I tried reinstalling Windows 7, selected Custom Installation, etc. Unpacked the files alright, went about 17% through the second step but had to restart to continue.Shortly after restarting, at about 36%, it froze again. Tried it again, froze in nearly the same spot, 37%. Started again and it tried to recover my old installation, gave me the blue screen of death "Windows stopped to prevent damage.Now I'm back in the cycle where it either starts with no video output or starts and freezes in Windows.

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How To Permanently Remove Programs From Start Menu

May 6, 2012

How to permanently remove/ban programs from the Start Menu Recent List? (Since manually deleting them will only get them back on once the program is started again.) The sole answer gave a suggestion to "switch the feature off". Those programs which are indeed often used are on the desktop via a shortcut. Those on the start menu, are programs not often used or perhaps only used this week, then not used for 2 months, then used again later once. Therefore, as the reader suggested, to then, after turning the feature off and "add links to the programs you do want there manually" doesn't do it since I may not want them there 'next week' nor do I like the idea of me having to manually add them and manually remove them all the time. In Windows XP there used to be a little Microsoft program called TweakUI (Power Toys) that would do exactly that--controlled which programs could go there and which could not. Considering that TweakUi was originally made for the 1st or 2nd Windows version (before Windows 95) I hesitate to use it again for Windows 7.

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Permanently Give Programs Administrative Permission?

Jan 11, 2011

always having to give programs like autoruns permission to edit the registry and protected files, not to mention the popup asking if i want to open this and that. I want to disable this function, how?

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Permanently Delete References To Deleted Files?

Jul 17, 2012

Over time I delete lots of files and folders. I usually use the 'Control-Delete' trick to "permanently" delete the files. However my understanding is that although this method may remove the file reference from the Windows file catalog, they files still may exist on the hard drive. And appropriate tools can recover these lost files. For example, using Recuva, one can see lots of references to files that I had previously deleted using the 'Control-Delete' trick. I would like to delete all of these references. Is there a tool that can scan the system and delete all references to these deleted files? I tried using Ccleaner, but this tool does not delete these references (unless I am using it incorrectly?).

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Permanently Lock Taskbar And Start Menu?

Mar 30, 2011

Is there a way to permanently lock items on the task bar and start menu? I can for example lock the taskbar, but can still drag icons onto or from it and rearrange them. I want to lock everything permanantly so no one can screw them up. I'm using Home Premium.

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Media Player Permanently Turns Off Screensaver?

Oct 28, 2009

I know that Windows Media Player/Center are supposed to disable the screensaver while I'm watching something, but for some reason, the screensaver is not being re-enabled when I'm done. This is also happening when I watch video on the Internet. It happened in Build 7232 and now again in the final. why Windows is failing to re-enable the screensaver when I'm done watching my video?

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How To Stop Office SP Service From Running Permanently

May 19, 2010

I inquired about this on Technet forums, I got a great functioning and undocumented answer. The Office Software Protection Platform service starts every time you start an Office aplication. It usually doesn't exit after you exit an Office app. If you are a process count control freak, you will be elated by this official tweak.

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Disable Ipv6 On Windows 7 / 2008 R2 Permanently

Feb 5, 2011

i already follow this guide: How to disable certain Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) components in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 to disable ipv6. and already try all combination from 0xffffffff until 0x11

0xffffffff will disable ipv6, but listening port still bind to ipv6.

for example, i still can ping ::1 even though that above registry editing should "disable the ipv6". and when i do netstat -an | find "LISTEN", some ports still bind to ipv6, for example:

TCP [::]:80 [::]:0 LISTENING
TCP [::]:135 [::]:0 LISTENING
TCP [::]:443 [::]:0 LISTENING
TCP [::]:445 [::]:0 LISTENING

and so on. anyone have solution to permanently disabling ipv6? the reason why i want to rid of ipv6 listening is because it cause conflicting to my router when want to do port forwarding. i don't have any problem to port forward to other machine installing windows xp/2003. tq.

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How To Permanently Remove Programs From The Start Menu

May 6, 2012

How to permanently remove/ban programs from the Start Menu Recent List? (Since manually deleting them will only get them back on once the program is started again.) "switch the feature off". This answer though useful to some is not to me. Those programs which are indeed often used are on the desktop via a shortcut. Those on the start menu, are programs not often used or perhaps only used this week, then not used for 2 months, then used again later once. Therefore, as the reader suggested, to then, after turning the feature off and"add links to the programs you do want there manually" doesn't do it since I may not want them there 'next week' nor do I like the idea of me having to manually add them and manually remove them all the time. In Windows XP there used to be a little Microsoft program called TweakUI (Power Toys) that would do exactly that--controlled which programs could go there and which could not. Considering that TweakUi was originally made for the 1st or 2nd Windows version (before Windows 95) I hesitate to use it again for Windows 7.

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