How To Run Snow Leopard In Windows 7

May 19, 2011

how do you run Snow Leopard in Windows 7

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Installation Of Snow Leopard And Triple Boot (Windows + Windows + Snow)

Jun 30, 2010

I have a ASUS G72 with Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 2.53 GHz.I have one HDD and 4 partitions in it(c is windows 7 home premium x64, d is windows 7 ultimate x64, e is empty and i am planning to install snow leopard on e and f is just my important files.).my dvd writer seems to be only compatible with dvd + r dl.i have a 8 gb microsd (SD) i said, i want to install snow leopard on e: and i want to have triple boot (windows 7 home premium x64, windows 7 ultimate x64 and snow leopard).simply, just with a windows pc (notebook that is), how can i install snow leopard by the 8 gb SD or by dvd + r dl and how can i make a triple boot?

Note: Snow Leopard Installation DVD is 6 GB so it requires a DL DVD if being installed from DVD, the thing is -for some reason- people are advising DVD - R DL.

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Partition To Run Windows 7, Snow Leopard?

Sep 25, 2010

currently running Windows 7 home,64 bit and would like to partition for Mac's Snow leopard too. thought I saw the partition option somewhere in the control panel options.

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Switching From Snow Leopard To Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2011

i have made the jump from mac osx which i have used since windows 98 second edition!) as a result i am behind quite a bit and wanted to know recommended apps for general productivity and pc use.

here are my system specs
gigabyte p55 ud3
4gb corsair dominator ddr3 1333
sapphire radeon 4870 1gb
1tb samsung spinpoint f3
(going to purchase a vertex 3 ssd when i becomes available for the sata 6)
ultra 600 watt psu
haf-x case

im moving up from a 2ghz core due macbook white so i am making a big upgrade

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Windows 7 / Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 In Dual Boot

Oct 14, 2010

For my studies in Brussels, they all use mac os x. I have a compaq laptop with an upgrade from vista on it (so now Windows 7 ultimate). I do not want to buy a new macintosh laptop because i do not want to ruin my savers (like 900 euro's)... So I bought my self a upgrade DVD (20 euro's) to Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. Is there any way I can just install that thing WITHOUT deleting my windows 7 (it has a lot of giveawayoftheday programs installed wich I use daily) so I do not want to lose them... and then set up a dual boot so I can just hit mac or windows? My laptop is complex and I do not know a lot about computers...

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Trying To Dual Boot - Windows 7 And Snow Leopard (Getting Kernel Panic)

Oct 28, 2011

I'm trying to dual boot windows 7 and snow leopard. The problem that I am getting is, that when I try to boot into Mac it says kernel panic or something like that and tells me I need to restart my computer. I keep restarting it and keep on getting the same thing. I'll start from the beginning on how I started off. First I put in snow leopard cd then when the installer loaded i went into utilities, then disk utilities. I then split my hard drive into two partitions. First one I named Snow Leopard the second windows 7. Then after it erased everything and partitioned I installed snow leapord on partition 1 then windows 7 on partition 2. When I put in the Iboot CD and chose Mac it gave me the problem that I mentioned above. So right now I'm on the second partition the one named Windows 7.

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Dual Boot Snow Leopard On Laptop With Windows 7 Already Installed

Feb 17, 2012

Is this possible? I do not have a windows 7 cd, is this necessary? What version of Snow leopard do I need, and what other programs? If you know of a good tutorial, please post it! I'm new to partitions and bios and stuff.

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Dual Boot Two Separate HDD's Windows 7 32Bit IDE & Snow Leopard SATA

May 22, 2012

install on my PC desktop a Dual Boot two separate HDD's Windows 7 32Bit on IDE drive & Snow Leopard OSX on SATA drive

Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz
2MB DDR2 NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS

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Dual Booting Win7 And Snow Leopard

Oct 16, 2009

So I'm a computer engineering student and I would love to be able to dual-boot Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) on my Dell computer. However, I'm worried things will go terribly wrong and I'll end up screwing my computer up. I'm no expert (yet) when it comes to installation of OS's, partitioning, etc., but I'm pretty sure I could figure most of it out... if I had a guide.

Does anyone have/has anyone made a step-by-step Windows 7/OS X dual-boot procedure that is relatively simple to understand?

* As a note: I will be installing Windows 7 from a CD in about a week when I delete my Vista partition (after backing up all of my files). I'm assuming I would have to order Snow Leopard (a single use license) in order to install it!

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Is Win 7 More Secure Than Linux And Leopard ?

Apr 14, 2009

will Windows 7 be the most secure operating system ever? Microsoft seem to think so. Microsoft's Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner made the following bold statement yesterday: Vista today, post-Service Pack 2, which is now in the marketplace, is the safest, most reliable OS we've ever built. It's also the most secure OS on the planet, including Linux and open source and Apple Leopard.

It's the safest and most secure OS on the planet today. Everything that we've learned in Vista will be leveraged in Windows 7, but certainly when we broke a lot of the compatibility issues to lock down user account controls, to lock do wn the ability to manipulate states and all the things, that was a very painful process for us to grow through, but we had to do it.

And the reason that Windows 7 will be successful is because of the pain we took on Vista. Because from a compatibility standpoint, if it works on Vista, it will work on Windows 7. If it doesn't work on Vista, it won't work on Windows 7.

I'm glad he stopped short of saying that Windows 7 will be the most secure operating system in the universe!


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Win 7 And Leopard Dual Boot

Feb 9, 2009

I tried and tried but never succeeded. I have dell inspiron e1505 and I am trying to dual boot Window 7 and Leopard. Has anyone successfully done this?

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How To Uninstall Animated Desktop Wallpaper Snow

Jan 16, 2013

I downloaded Animated Desktop Wallpaper Snow but now I want it to stop and off my computer! When I remove it from my computer it's still keeps on snowing.

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Networking With Apple Computers (Leopard / Tiger)

Jan 10, 2009

I will ask for Leopard first since this is what most people are using.

I tried to set up the networking with the Apple machines last night to no avail, rather, this morning. Has anyone had success doing so? According to everything I have read, it should be fairly straight forward, yet it is not connecting.

Any ideas?

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Windows 8 Accidental Overwrite Windows 7 / Dual Boot Windows 8 And Windows 7?

Jul 13, 2012

Hi everyone. I installed Windows 8 today. I did partition the disk like in a guide, however, I missed where to install...I downloaded a Windows 7 iso image today and burned it to a disk, will I be able to install Windows 7 again from a disc? I still have Windows.old folder in my C drive, is there any way to dual boot Win8 and Windows 7?

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Windows Boot Manager Windows Failed To Start For Windows 7 Status 0xc0000225

Jun 8, 2011

I am getting the following error from past 2 days :-It says "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your language settings, and click "Next."

3. Click "Repair your Computer".

Status: 0xc0000225.

Since i dont have the recovery disc so i downloaded the one from torrent but of no use as it failed to read from the USB.

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Migrate Windows.old After Changing From Windows 7 Ultimate To Windows 7 Home?

Jan 25, 2012

I installed Win 7 Ultimate onto my brothers Win 7 Home Edn laptop. I didn't realise at first and he has done quite a bit of work on it since the installation, on iTunes and the like. I only noticed the error when trying to activate windows and, of course, as the laptop is Home Edn, and I used an Ultimate disc it didn't take the key on the laptop. So I have now installed Home edition and have the Windows.old folder present. I basically need to put all the programs and file/folders etc into the new OS.

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Windows 7 X-Fi Fatality Pro Windows 7 X64 / Losing Sound After Restart Windows

Oct 18, 2012

the XF's are lost after rebooting Windows and it does not happen every time, ie occur alternately eg after 2 and sometimes 10 days...then i go to device manager sound and i have sb x-fi but at sound i havnt sound icon so i click right at sb x-fi icon at dm and uninstall...reboot windows..after rebooting sond install by itself my sound card from motherboard is disabled at bios.

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Reinstall Windows 7 Old (windows 7) After Installing Windows 7 For 2nd Time?

Nov 26, 2011

the stellar customer service at Dell I have had to recently reinstall windows 7. I was running windows 7 prior to this installation and therefore those files have been moved to windows old. How do I reinstall this file? I'm assuming the process is the same as for other versions but being as I'm not that technically savvy I don't know how to change the command scripts to suit my situation.

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Windows XP And Windows 2000 Both Allow To Use The Windows Tool ALockout.dll?

Aug 18, 2011

I have a PC running Windows 7. It is constantly being locked out, and windows XP and windows 2000 both allow you to use the windows tool ALockout.dll to discover which process is causing the lockouts. Does anyone know if there is a similar program for Windows 7?

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Troubles Transferring Windows Mail Vista To Windows 7 Windows Live Mail 2011

Apr 22, 2011

MS and their mail systems are giving me grief. I have a Vista 32 PC using "Windows Mail" and want to transfer email folders (lots) and messages to Windows 7 using Windows Live Mail 2011.Windows Mail was a replacement for Outlook express on Vista.Windows Live Mail 2011 is a replacement for Windows Mail on Windows 7.I tried a couple of things.

1) Basic Export and ImportI exported relavent files: Account info, Contacts and all the messages to a folder (in Windows Mail format) on old computer and used the old "Addias" transfer - copied folder to stick and RAN it over to the new computer.
- Imported (using the Windows Mail format) the Account info successfully,
- imported the Contact info successfully.
- Import Messages - appeared at first to be successful

Issue: Message folders appear to be renamed and some folder names have been truncated, not all folders appear to be there. (Looks like "long Name folders greater that 8 characters get truncated)

2) Tried the "Easy transfer mechanism (Vista and Win7 transfer utility) - but couldn't get the new computer to see the Vista even though I could see them on the network. I thought that this would transfer the folder names correctly.I'm about to try a time consuming effort of coping folder by folder (export/Import)What I am more concerned about is that the individaul messages may have the same issue Ie not all coming accross and subject names being lost. Looking for alternative or third party transfer solutions?

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Windows 7 Hangs On "Starting Windows" After Finished Expanding Windows

Jul 17, 2012

I just bought myself some new parts for a new computer I built. After buying the parts and assembling it I tried to install windows 7, keeping in mind that this computer has no previous os installed in it, completely blank. I somehow managed to get to safe mode and install till the part where it says expanding windows files completing that step fully and rebooting to continue the installation, I have no idea why but after when it restarts, it freezes at the "starting windows" screen with the four orb animation. It should just go to the next screen with the blue wallpaper asking me for the language I would like and what not. But it just gets stuck there and doesn't move on, I tried

removing as much devices I had plugged into the motherboard
removing everything but the mouse and key board
removing the graphics card
removing one of the two sticks of ram


I have tried everything I know of and I don't think I need to update my bios because no one else has encountered this problem. Swell I am not very good with computers I am very new to this so...I also heard about updating drivers , but don't u need to actually be able to login to your computer to download and install them? I can't even log in, I wait for the windows logo to pass but it never does please help Tom Hardware community.

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Add Another Windows 7 To Windows XP/ Windows 7 Dual Boot?

Apr 8, 2011

I bought a new computer that came with a Win 7 HP license, however I already have a copy of Win 7 Ultimate on another smaller HDD that dual boots with XP.I have copied the Win 7 HP partition to the smaller HDD that has dual boot Win 7 Ultimate / XP using EASUS Partition Manager. Then I disk copied the smaller HDD to the new larger HDD thus wiping the original contents of the HDD.So far so good, the larger HDD now has C: Windows 7 Ultimate; D: XP Pro; E: Windows 7 HP. Of course the boot manager only has entries for the C: and D: partition.I think I can use bcdedit to add another entry but I am a little confused about how to do this, I've seen examples for Win 7 and XP or Vista but not for 2 copies of Win 7. Can anyone tell me what bcdedit commands I need to run? For instance I could run "bcdedit /create {} /d "Win 7 HP" but I don't know what to put inside of the {}, I think I need a new UUID but I don't know if I should be running "bcdedit /createstore" first or something else.

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Windows 7 Hangs On "windows Start" After Windows Install

May 2, 2012

Yesterday i wanted to change my OS to windows 7 64bits (I had windows 7 32bits before and worked just fine). The installation goes well but when windows install tries to reboot to complete the installation it hangs on "windows start" and reboot again and again. I tried several solutions such as

- Install using a different cd (3 different cds and same problem)
- Install from USB flash (not even working)
- Fix boot system (from command prompt using windows repair cd)
- Re-install windows 32 bits (same problem)
- boot in Safe mode (same problem it reboots again and again)
- Windows system repair (from cd)

PS:I have a Dell inspiron M 560 (Core 2 Quad, 4Go in RAM).

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Windows 7 Toshiba A505 Windows Boot Manager And Recovery Media Failed

Feb 20, 2012

I have a Toshiba Satellite A505-S69803; serial number Y9340538Q, with Windows 7, 500Gb HDD at 5400rpm and 4Gb RAM... I think that's all correct.Anyway, long story short, I got a b!tch of a virus, which apparantly was doing all sorts of nasty things to the explorer.exe file in particular. So I backed up all my important stuff: files, Uni work, writings, music and photos etc onto an external hard-drive and went about restoring the laptop to out-of-box factory settings by making the Windows 7 Recovery Media Discs. But when I try to use the discs I get told after about 30 minutes The Toshiba Recovery Wizard "Can't read from the source file or disk: PREINST5.SW5" with options to: Try Again (The same thing happens), or Skip (Same message again), or Cancel (in which case I'm back where I started).After the Recovery Wizard failed I chose the option to erase the hard-drive; it then appeared that when I turn on the laptop as normal I was told <Error>: F3-F200-0002 and the Recovery Media Disks still refuse to work.Now, if I turn on the laptop as normal a message telling me to insert the installation disc, choose language and click "repair your computer". So I put in the recovery disc and get the same message.

Toshiba can't help as my A505 is an American model in Britain and out of warranty anyway. Europe Toshiba HQ don't supply the recovery media for the A505 and the American based Toshiba aren't allowed to send the Recovery Media to Europe; so apparantly I get no help from them. And Microsoft can't help me because my laptop was purchased with everything pre-installed so the codes associated with my Windows and Office are comletely irrelevent.I have been told that I need to purchase a compeltely new hard-drive and purchase Windows 7 brand new to get my laptop back up and running. Purchasing a new OS isn't too much of an issue because I can just get XP for a tenner, validate it with Microsoft and then get a student upgrade onto W7-Ult for �60. So �70 in total, I'm fine with that. But do I need a new hard-drive too? Or can I rescue everything I already had?

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Fresh Install Windows 7 Ultimate - Windows Cannot Access The Specified Device, Path, Or File?

Aug 30, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Ultimate on my Dell Optiplex 755. It originally had Windows Vista Business. 64 bit OS. After Win 7 Ultimate installed I immediately want to access files or folders and I'm hit with a Explorer.EXE

Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.So after doing some research I re-installed a second time this time formatting the drive first. Then installing Windows 7 Ultimate. As soon as I get to the desktop I received the same error as mentioned.

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Downloading Files From Internet Nor Windows Player Runs Properly After Installing Windows 7?

Feb 6, 2011

I can neither download files from internet nor Windows player runs properly after installin Windows7.

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Unable To Download Windows Updates KB2524375 And KB9478321 For Windows 7 Home Premium?

Apr 22, 2011

I am unable to download windows updates KB2524375 and KB9478321 for my windows 7 home premium. I have downloaded Hot Fix KB947821 but still get error. Log shows MUM 0X00F0900. Its seems that I have a registration problem but my windows was downloaded on my new acer computer. These are the only updates I have been unable to install.

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Windows 7 Update = Mozilla Constant Crash & Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working?

Mar 4, 2012

Had a bad storm last night, so I shut down the comp. Restarted this a.m. tried to stream the Arsenal match and mozilla would crash every time I tried to leave the home page. Went to IE, watched the match, and then began to TS moz. After a bit I decided to unistall. Upon trying to reinstall i get a corrupt file error msg during extraction. I then tried to d.l. Chrome and had problems w. that too. Yet amazingly enough, IE works fine. Is this Microsoft just f'in w. me 'cause I'm not amused?I also notice that in my start menu I have no quick select icons for network connections, control panel, etc.

Mobo: Biostar A880GU3
CPU: AMD Phenom II 965
GPU: ATI HD 5770
PSU: Corsair 750w
RAM: 4GB (2x2) DDR 3
HDD: WD 320gb
OS: Win 7 Pro 64bit

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Wireless Mouse Doesn't Work Windows 7 64bit But Works On Windows 7 32bit

Apr 12, 2012

I've just recently purchased a generic wireless mouse from eBay. more specifically, this one: 2.4GHz USB Receiver Wireless Optical Mouse F PC Laptop | eBay it doesn't work. I'm running Windows 7 64bit and it started installing the drivers, first it was installing "HID Wireless Mouse", then it switched to "USB Input Device" but failed after 3 seconds. now it's listed in Device Manager as "USB Input Device" with yellow sign that indicates it doesn't work. I tested it in 2 other Windows 7 32bit computers and it works just fine! installing drivers and everything. moreover - I testes my bro's logitech wireless mouse on my 64bit Windows 7 computer and it works fine. I think Windows fails on recognizing it. I mean the drivers are there.. the Logitech Mouse works but mine doesn't.. how do I make it work?


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Formatted Windows 7 Loads Shows Windows 7 Logo And Screen Blank With Cursor

Oct 28, 2011

Formatted Windows 7 loads shows Win 7 Logo and Screen blank with cursor

I have an Acer laptop 4551, got hit by nasty viruses and on top no restore intact.
I formatted the hard drive which gave me an error 83% and stopped. Today I turned on laptop to install fresh genuine Windows 7, I popped in the DVD and done everything in BIOS selected Boot from CD. Everything was Ok I hit enter to Continue then comes the Windows 7 logo and after that a blank black screen with Cursor, that's it! I done that some 5/6 times but no luck.

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Loaded Windows 7 And Hard Drive Light Blinks Then Starts To Start Windows 7?

Dec 5, 2012

I have a lenovo pc 9210 all diags pass all hardware is good. was running xp fine loaded vista ok loaded windows 7 32 bit runs ok, needs windows 7 64 bit...loaded windows 7 64, reboots after load begins first time setup then completes as normalreboots ....and hard drive light blinks .... then starts to start windows 7 but gets the four colored dots then just sits there no more hd lights no , no nothing.

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