Networking With Apple Computers (Leopard / Tiger)

Jan 10, 2009

I will ask for Leopard first since this is what most people are using.

I tried to set up the networking with the Apple machines last night to no avail, rather, this morning. Has anyone had success doing so? According to everything I have read, it should be fairly straight forward, yet it is not connecting.

Any ideas?

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How To Networking Between 2 Computers

Aug 23, 2012

I tried to read the tutorials from this forum regarding networking. I am too dumb to understand. They are all Greek to me.

Is there a " How-to for Dummies " instructions for connecting my 2 laptop computers ? Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP2 Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1

They are both wireless enabled, but because my Vista computer battery refuses to charge, it is always plugged in. ( $124 for a battery replacement ? No way. )
In fact both my laptops are plugged in all the time. ( don't laugh ).

ISP is

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Networking Will Not See Non Win 7 Computers

Nov 25, 2009

I've spent 2-3 days now trying to solve the networking mysteries of Win 7.

In a nutshell. This computer (Windows 7-64) cannot see the other computers and shares on our small studio network except for the windows 7 machines (also Windows 7-64). (the other computers/shares are all XP)

We have 2 identical machines side by side, one can see all the computers, this one cannot. Both are fresh installs.

There are approx 8 other machines/shares on the network.

Both computers have vista installed on a seperate drive that see the network fine if booted into.

Both have homegroup turned off, and have workgroup enabled with the same workgroup name "WORKGROUP". Both have discovery and file sharing enabled. Both use the same network controller, and have the same updated Windows 7 driver.

-I have tried turning on/off iv6 (which I see some people think/don't think is an issue).

-I have disabled FIREWALL

-I have disabled anti-virus

-I have rebooted after each change

-I have tried different locations/cables on the hub

-I have tried the cable/hub location on the Windows 7 computer that is seeing the network computers.

ps. I forgot to mention that if I type in the IP address in addres bar I can access one of the other machines, but it will not show up in the network window.

I am really at a loss, and have read about every post I can find, and tried every suggestion.

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Networking Two Windows 7 Computers Together?

May 3, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite running Windows 7 home pre and a desk top running the same. I want to network the two together so I can share external Hard Drives and such. I want to do this so the files can only be seen and or read by my two computers. I have a room mate who is also running windows 7. What can i do to make sure he dose not have access to my computers?

Both are connected to the internet VIA wireless connection. ( router in room mates room ) I have both computers connected together via a cross over cable also.

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Networking Two Computers Questions

Nov 20, 2009

Homegroup or Sharing?

Which should I do. Its my home office computers. I'd like to be able to access files between both machines. Doing this, what precautions should I make that noone can get into my system? I'm a little hesitant to share ALL files on both computers between each other. But i'd like to!

I'm playing with Sharing now but i'm noticing that sometimes when I save a file on one computer it isn' accessible to the other computer until I right click and SHare it. I thought by sharing the folder it would just share every new file. Is there a way to do that?

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Networking Computers With Vonage Device & Qwest DSL Router?

Jul 12, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to network my laptop with my desktop. I have a Qwest DSL Wifi router. My desktop computer is hooked up to a Vonage device/router and then the Vonage device is connected to the DSL router. My laptop is connected to the Qwest router by Wifi. Also, the deskop and Vonage device are setup with a static IP. Is there any way to network between my desktop and laptop so I can do file sharing?

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Mac OS X Tiger Theme For Windows 7 X64 Ultimate

Jan 22, 2012

I would like a Mac OS X Tiger Theme for Windows 7 x64 Ultimate.I did find one on deviantART but it didn't work.

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Tiger Woods 08 Wont Install On Windows 7 Pro 64?

Jul 5, 2012

Just bought tiger woods 08 for my dad for his windows 7 pro 64bit PC - it starts to load then sticks on 21%

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Tiger Woods 08 Wont Install On Windows 7 Pro 64?

Mar 8, 2011

Just bought tiger woods 08 for my dad for his windows 7 pro 64bit PC - it starts to load then sticks on 21%

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Is Win 7 More Secure Than Linux And Leopard ?

Apr 14, 2009

will Windows 7 be the most secure operating system ever? Microsoft seem to think so. Microsoft's Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner made the following bold statement yesterday: Vista today, post-Service Pack 2, which is now in the marketplace, is the safest, most reliable OS we've ever built. It's also the most secure OS on the planet, including Linux and open source and Apple Leopard.

It's the safest and most secure OS on the planet today. Everything that we've learned in Vista will be leveraged in Windows 7, but certainly when we broke a lot of the compatibility issues to lock down user account controls, to lock do wn the ability to manipulate states and all the things, that was a very painful process for us to grow through, but we had to do it.

And the reason that Windows 7 will be successful is because of the pain we took on Vista. Because from a compatibility standpoint, if it works on Vista, it will work on Windows 7. If it doesn't work on Vista, it won't work on Windows 7.

I'm glad he stopped short of saying that Windows 7 will be the most secure operating system in the universe!


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Win 7 And Leopard Dual Boot

Feb 9, 2009

I tried and tried but never succeeded. I have dell inspiron e1505 and I am trying to dual boot Window 7 and Leopard. Has anyone successfully done this?

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How To Run Snow Leopard In Windows 7

May 19, 2011

how do you run Snow Leopard in Windows 7

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Partition To Run Windows 7, Snow Leopard?

Sep 25, 2010

currently running Windows 7 home,64 bit and would like to partition for Mac's Snow leopard too. thought I saw the partition option somewhere in the control panel options.

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Switching From Snow Leopard To Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2011

i have made the jump from mac osx which i have used since windows 98 second edition!) as a result i am behind quite a bit and wanted to know recommended apps for general productivity and pc use.

here are my system specs
gigabyte p55 ud3
4gb corsair dominator ddr3 1333
sapphire radeon 4870 1gb
1tb samsung spinpoint f3
(going to purchase a vertex 3 ssd when i becomes available for the sata 6)
ultra 600 watt psu
haf-x case

im moving up from a 2ghz core due macbook white so i am making a big upgrade

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Windows 7 / Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 In Dual Boot

Oct 14, 2010

For my studies in Brussels, they all use mac os x. I have a compaq laptop with an upgrade from vista on it (so now Windows 7 ultimate). I do not want to buy a new macintosh laptop because i do not want to ruin my savers (like 900 euro's)... So I bought my self a upgrade DVD (20 euro's) to Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. Is there any way I can just install that thing WITHOUT deleting my windows 7 (it has a lot of giveawayoftheday programs installed wich I use daily) so I do not want to lose them... and then set up a dual boot so I can just hit mac or windows? My laptop is complex and I do not know a lot about computers...

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Dual Booting Win7 And Snow Leopard

Oct 16, 2009

So I'm a computer engineering student and I would love to be able to dual-boot Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) on my Dell computer. However, I'm worried things will go terribly wrong and I'll end up screwing my computer up. I'm no expert (yet) when it comes to installation of OS's, partitioning, etc., but I'm pretty sure I could figure most of it out... if I had a guide.

Does anyone have/has anyone made a step-by-step Windows 7/OS X dual-boot procedure that is relatively simple to understand?

* As a note: I will be installing Windows 7 from a CD in about a week when I delete my Vista partition (after backing up all of my files). I'm assuming I would have to order Snow Leopard (a single use license) in order to install it!

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Trying To Dual Boot - Windows 7 And Snow Leopard (Getting Kernel Panic)

Oct 28, 2011

I'm trying to dual boot windows 7 and snow leopard. The problem that I am getting is, that when I try to boot into Mac it says kernel panic or something like that and tells me I need to restart my computer. I keep restarting it and keep on getting the same thing. I'll start from the beginning on how I started off. First I put in snow leopard cd then when the installer loaded i went into utilities, then disk utilities. I then split my hard drive into two partitions. First one I named Snow Leopard the second windows 7. Then after it erased everything and partitioned I installed snow leapord on partition 1 then windows 7 on partition 2. When I put in the Iboot CD and chose Mac it gave me the problem that I mentioned above. So right now I'm on the second partition the one named Windows 7.

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Dual Boot Snow Leopard On Laptop With Windows 7 Already Installed

Feb 17, 2012

Is this possible? I do not have a windows 7 cd, is this necessary? What version of Snow leopard do I need, and what other programs? If you know of a good tutorial, please post it! I'm new to partitions and bios and stuff.

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Dual Boot Two Separate HDD's Windows 7 32Bit IDE & Snow Leopard SATA

May 22, 2012

install on my PC desktop a Dual Boot two separate HDD's Windows 7 32Bit on IDE drive & Snow Leopard OSX on SATA drive

Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz
2MB DDR2 NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS

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Usb Doesn't Have Apple Usb Driver

May 24, 2012

I've had my ipod for over a year and it is jailbroken. One day my ipod couldn't sync with itunes and i figured out that my apple usb driver wasn't listed in device manager. I uninstalled itunes and everything and reinstalled it but it didn't help. I need to put music on my ipod and backup my apps.

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Apple's Mighty Mouse

Jan 23, 2009

I know there aren't very many who will care about this, but Apples wireless Mighty Mouse works out of the box in the 7000 build. Oh, I apologize if this has already been mentioned. I did a search and nothing came up.

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Add Apple Laptop To Network?

Feb 14, 2011

My main computer is a DELL running Windows 7. It is hard-wired to a BT hub and has an Epson printer connected via USB.

My last laptop, which has gone kaput, was a Samsung netpad running Windows 7 Starter and this connected to the printer no problem.

I have just bought an Apple MacBook Air and want to connect it to the printer but cannot get the network to recognise it. It is fully functional on the wi-fi network but just wont find or connect to either the main computer or the printer.

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How To Access Apple Computer On LAN

May 1, 2011

I have just gotten MacBook Air and got it connected to my home network. Now, how can I get access to it from Windows 7 or vice versa?

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Apple 16/600 Windows7 Drivers?

Jan 30, 2013

Apple 16/600 windows7 drivers?

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Apple Nvidia Geforce 120 On Windows 7?

Oct 30, 2012

I'm curious of trying this. I have an older Mac I don't really use. Is it possible to take out the graphics card and use it on a windows computer? And install the windows drivers for the gt 120?I already have a 680, but Id like to throw on another monitor

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Will Apple USB Ethernet Adapter Work On A Non Mac

May 7, 2011

I have a Acer Aspire 5920G with a spoilt ethernet port. I find wireless too unstable ... so I want to use ethernet. I cant find a USB Ethernet Adapter in most hardwarestores in my country but I found Apple USB Ethernet Adapter but will it work on a Non Mac?

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Apple Laserwriter 8500 Driver

Dec 16, 2009

Can anyone help me get my Apple Laser-writer 8500 working in Windows 7? I have the IP address assigned and can ping the printer. I just can't find a driver to install.

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Drivers Of Apple Macbook For Windows 7?

Sep 14, 2012

Which sound drivers supported for win7 apple macbook 13"

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Way To Reformat A PC From Windows 7 OS To New Apple Mountain Lion OS?

Jul 27, 2012

I would like to know if there is a way to reformat a PC from Windows 7 OS to the new Apple Mountain Lion OS?

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Apple Wired Keyboard With USB Hub On Windows 7 Issue?

Jul 2, 2011

1st- the Apple keyboard (model # MB110LL/A) isn't listed as compatible with Windows 7. But I like it very much & had an extra one & decided to make use if it on my Windows 7 PC. The only issue I have using it on my PC is that the powered USB hub on the keyboard only works with the mouse. If I plug in a flash card I get a Power has been exceeded error. I have plenty of other hubs to use but I'm just curious why this hub works perfect on my iMac but not on Windows 7 (64-bit). I've installed all Bootcamp drivers but it still errors. So, here's how Apple's version of Device Manager looks; refer to as Keyboard Hub.My guess is somehow Apple allocates additional power when needed to it's USB hubs whereas Windows does not (Windows has a max of 500mA). There are several references to Extra Operating Current (see photo) to perhaps support that. Anyways, the only question I have is there a way to fix this? Perhaps a motherboard setting (Gigabyte) or a different driver.

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Network Windows 7 64-bit With Apple Airport Express?

Jul 5, 2011

using an Apple Airport Express device on my existing wireless network? I've combed the web, tried several things and zero luck.

One thing I did learn is that the apple device seems to want WEP2 type security, but that totally knocks out my wireless connection from my pc to the network. I changed it to WEP and got my computer connected again but either way I could not use, access or "see" the apple device.

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