How To Recover Delete Users On A Laptop Windows 7 User

Apr 26, 2011

i delete my user account which had viruses and created a new user but there were some saved documents which were in my local disk andi deleted them also without backing up that file.... pls how can i restore this user and copy out the files and downloads in the local disk

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Windows 7 Single User, Merging Users-all Users, Default User, Public, Etc?

Jan 24, 2012

My father replaced his Windows 98 machine with a new computer running Windows 7.He's currently on 32-bit ultimate, but we could change versions if needed.He's really hoping there's some way to force Windows 7 into a single user mode, primarily so C:usersAll Users, Default User, Public, and his own user are merged into one. It's absolutely driving him nuts the way it is.

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Delete Computer From Domain / Delete Users Profile

Oct 29, 2009

I need to replace a W2K computer on a domain with a Windows 7 computer(laptop), but I want to keep the same computer name.I need the ip, username, profile to stay the same. Can I delete the computer from the domain and name the new computer that name I deleted and still keep the users profile on the new machine, as if it was the old one?

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How To Delete Hidden Users On Pc

Jan 30, 2013

i have found 2 user login i d's on my do i delete these 2 hackers.

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Users And Administrators - How To Delete All And Combine All Stuff

Jul 13, 2010

It has been a month now since installing Windows 7. Everything appears to be fine except this "access denied" errors on some of the files for certain users. I finally managed to turn on the hidden "administrator" feature in command prompt to unlock some. Aside from the design of users potentially "locking" themselves out of their own documents ( because of they are not logged in as an Admin, even though they have all admin privileges. I was going around in circles giving each other permission when the real admin was never enabled.

Now its effecting the programs and installation. For example, if Daddy logs on and try to install a program that requires a command prompt, I can't because I did not log in as an Admin. Now we have 3 separate users, each with their own documents, programs, and desktop settings.I want to delete all users and combine all the docs, programs, etc. Into one easy access and one user. No passwords, nothing. So as soon the computer boots up windows, it should ready to go, everything.

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How To Recover My User / Appdata?

Oct 9, 2012

While doing some C: cleaning I accidentally deleted my user/appdata files. How can I recover or create a new file without having to restore my computer (already tried that)

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How To Find C:Users<user Name>AppDataLocal MicrosoftWindows

Aug 14, 2011

I am experiencing a problem with Micrsoft Word and Googled a solution which is to change the location of the Temporary Internet Files folder however, I can only get to a certain point. Here are the instructions:

This problem occurs because the Temporary Internet Files location for Internet Explorer is set to be an unexpected location. Specifically, the Temporary Internet Files location for Internet Explorer is set to be a location in which the user does not have permissions to create new temporary files.

ResolutionTo resolve this problem, change the Temporary Internet Files location for Intern...To resolve this problem, change the Temporary Internet Files location for Internet Explorer. To do this, follow these steps:

On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, click Internet Options to display the Internet Options dialog box.

In the Internet Options dialog box, click the General tab.

In the Browsing history section, click Settings to open the Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box.

In the Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box, click Move Folder to open the Browse for Folder dialog box.

In the Browse for Folder dialog box, select the following location:

For Windows Vista, for Windows 7, and for Windows Server 2008:
C:Users<user name>AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows

For Windows XP and for earlier versions of Windows:
C:Documents and Settings<user name>Local Setting

Note Whichever location you select, a folder that is called Temporary Interenet Files is created. And if it is necessary, content is migrated to the new location.

Click OK to close the Browse for Folder dialog box.

Click OK to close the Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog box.

Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.

Restart the computer when you are prompted.
When I get to the Browse for Folder dialog box, I cannot find the "C:Users<user name>ApplDataLocalMicrosoftWindows" file that is referenced in order to proceed. Here is what I see:
Gateway (C)
When I double click on that, the following folders appear:
Perf Log
Program Files
Program Files (X86)
When I click on "Users" then a folder with my name appears (which would be "user name". When I click on my name then it shows:
My Documents
Favorites etc; so how do I get to C:Users<user name>ApplDataLocalMicrosoftWindows? I have opened all of the folders such as program files, Windows etc; but cannot find a the files that I am instructed to scroll to. Any help is much appreciated.

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User Accounts Data Blocked From Other Users

Nov 14, 2011

It appears my regular Windows 7 account (a "super admin" account) is blocked from other users. When I try to access the user files from another Windows 7 account, or from my Windows 8 side, it does not let me access the files. Is there a way around this? I'm guessing its some tiny setting or something I have missed or overlooked.

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How To Add Registry Entry Under HKEY-USERS For Current User

Dec 15, 2011

How can I add a registry entry under HKEY_USERS for the current user? I already have the registry entry imported from my account, but my problem is it won't work with other accounts because we have different SID for HKEY_USERS.

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Enforce A Delete Admin Password Prompt Request On Multi-users Sys?

Dec 23, 2012

I have a multi-users Windows 7 (64bits) system, with one Administrator priviledge accounts, the others being non-admin. Disk is partition with system on C and data on D and E.

All users can access to D and E.

How to enforce security properties so that delete file or folder on D or E must prompt for admin password? I see that I can totally prevent DELETE, but I just want to permit delete, when user successfully entered admin pwd on prompt.

If I right-click on D: Then properties and view security tab, I see 4 groups:

* Authentified users

* System

* the admin account

* users (the admin account as user)

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Windows 7 - How To Delete The Kiosk User

Feb 7, 2013

On my wife's Acer Aspire 5517 she has to hold down the shift key to be able to login to her account otherwise the Kiosk user comes up.  It is a windows 7 OS. How do I get this Kiosk option deleted or turned off?I have tried going into the accounts to do this but Kiosk is not an option to delete. They seem to be more involved with getting the kiosk option added or deleted specifically in IE or Firefox. I also did a search on the microsoft website but that was no help either.

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How To Delete Windows Admin User Folder

Mar 15, 2011

I had a problem with my admin account last night. When i tried to login it said that that the user profile could not be loaded. So i logged into the built in admin account and deleted that profile and created a new admin account. Now when i login to my new account, in c:/users, the old profile folder is still there. And i cannot delete it even through the default admin profile. It says that i need an admin account to delete it. All the files and evrything are still in that folder.?

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How To Delete Windows Admin User Folder

Mar 14, 2011

I had a problem with my admin account last night. When i tried to login it said that that the user profile could not be loaded. So i logged into the built in admin account and deleted that profile and created a new admin account. Now when i login to my new account, in c:/users, the old profile folder is still there. And i cannot delete it even through the default admin profile. It says that i need an admin account to delete it. All the files and evrything are still in that folder. How should i delete it completely??

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How To Delete User Account Windows 7 If Administrative Password Is Lost

Feb 19, 2013

admistrative password is lost and problems are found when instel or uninstel or other.

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Laptop Won't Recover From Hibernate In Windows 7?

Jul 23, 2009

I had Windows 7 running great on my Dell XPS M1530 Notebook, until I turned it on this morning before work and left it on. Apparently while I was gone, it went into sleep or hibernate, and then, when I turned it on last night nothing came up on my display or my second monitor. The computer acted just as if it was booting up normally, but nothing ever showed up on the LCD. I waited over an hour, thinking it may just be having a hard time recover from hibernate, but nothing happened. I then had to just reset using the power button to retry. I did that several times with the same results. Then I unplugged it and just let the charge run out, hoping it would work this morning, but same deal.

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How To Recover Data From The Crashed Laptop Windows 7

Feb 12, 2011

laptop with win7 is get crashed and I have very important data in it . Is there any way to recover the data its very urgent.

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How To Recover Acer Windows 7 Laptop Password

Sep 16, 2011

How to Recover Acer Windows 7 Laptop password

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Delete Old User Accounts?

Apr 26, 2011

I have an admin account, but it's the only account for my computer. I used to have plenty of old accounts, some of which were also admin accounts. When I decided to delete them, I chose to keep the files just in case. Now I realize I don't need them but it won't let me delete them.

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Windows 7 Preinstalled On Laptop - Can't Recover / Chkdsk Or Format HDD

Feb 17, 2012

New laptop with Win7 pre-installed. No Win7 CD. Laptop HDD came with separate recovery partition. Burnt recovery CD and backed up HDD to seperate USB HDD. Then laptop was dropped. Laptop won't boot past blank win7 desktop(with curser). Tried running HP recovery program from recovery CD but program says no recovery partition found and once again, will not boot past blank Win7 desktop. Can't get to chkdsk to run HDD fix.

With the Win7 stuff that I have, I can't get to any point where I can even determine if this laptop HDD is fixable? Is there a Win7 iso file that I can download to boot into Win7 so I can then run chkdsk and then access my backup original installation on my USB external HDD? If not, can I use one of my old original Win XP CDs to boot the laptop, run chkdsk or maybe even reformat the drive NTFS, and then install my backup Win7 setup from the external USB HDD over the now XP installed HDD?

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Cannot Delete Administrator User Account

Jun 25, 2011

I am currently unable to delete my old Administrator user account on my Win 7 PC. I log onto my new Admin account and go to the Control Panel and then to add or remove user accounts. I select the old account select delete, and then confirm. It does not let me do this. However, oddly there is no error message, it just sends me back to the page I was on previously and the account is still there. I also cannot demote it to a standard user account.

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Okay To Delete Folders In User Folder?

Oct 6, 2012

I don't use: Contacts, Downloads, Favorites, Links, Saved Games, or SearchesIs getting rid of them as simple as deleting them from the user folder?

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Can't Add, Delete Or Change User Accounts

Nov 24, 2012

I have been working on a friends computer, trying to clean it up a little. I am logged onto the administrator account that he had set up, but it also shows it as a guest account and I can't do anything with the other accounts. I am trying to delete some of the standard user accounts that he doesn't want on it anymore and I can't do anything with them. When I try to create a new user account it shows "The specified account name is not valid, because account names can not contain the following characters:/[]";:|<>+=,?* Please type a different name"

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Delete A Guest User As There's No Information

Oct 20, 2011

i wish to delete a guest user as there's no information at all regards this ,on my laptop

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Cannot Delete User Folder (Locked) With No Associated Account?

Aug 24, 2012

My husband and I just got a new desktop, I originally planned on sharing a user account but since we're both in school I figured to have our own user accounts just to keep our files more separated and everything. So I created a second user account for me. I then realized that since he uses MY iTunes account, it makes sense that we use a shared music folder. Somehow I effed up my folders, the Public Music folder in particular. The only way I could see how to fix it was to restore it. Well that fixed the music folder problem, but it restored the computer back to before I had set up my own user login. No problem, I went back in and re-created it. Now my problem is that the user accounts are just fine, but the user folder from my first account is still in the the C drive under "users" but technically there is no user account that's attached to it. And of course, the folder is locked. I tried to delete it, but got a popup saying I was about to delete a system file so How to I remedy this situation???

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Can't Manage Other Account User / Can't Delete Some Program

Jan 7, 2013

am using window 7 ultimate. the thing is that, as an administrator, i dont seems to have full control of my pc. i can install softwares, cant delet some program files, cant make changes to my account name or type, cant manage other account and i cant install my system update. note. it shows a logo b4 (change ur account name,type,manege another account)

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Function Missing - Cannot Delete Temporary User Account

Feb 5, 2012

I just finished installing Windows 7 Professional x32 and had a problem with deleting the windows.old because of the permission bug. Well I managed to delete the Windows.old by editing my security and user however when I log-offed, I saw another user account that I think I've mistakenly made while editing the security in the properties of a folder in windows.old. My problem is, the delete function gone! The mistakenly made user is Administrator. When I logged in Administrator, a pop-up appeared saying that it is a temporary user account.

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Backup User And System Files - Delete Backups

May 21, 2010

How to Delete Windows 7 User and System Backup Files ?

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Delete A Desktop Item But It Keeps Coming Back - User Account

Oct 15, 2012

I received my new laptop from the administrator at work, it came with a browser and recycle bin on the desktop. I found a work around for removing the recycle bin so that is no prob. However...

When I delete the browser icon it asks for an administrator login (which I have been given) I enter this and the icon is then deleted. However the icon keeps coming back! This seems to happen when I log back on or sometimes just after a few hours.

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Laptop Will Not Start Or Be Able To Recover?

Oct 11, 2012

So i have a laptop that i have had since January... Normally after every few months it would get stuck on the Starting Windows screen and be unable to move from this screen... So normally i would do a system restore and just "deal with it". However today when i tried to start my laptop after two continuous weeks of having to restore my laptop, now i cant even recover the laptop

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Dell Users Manual For Inspreon Laptop

May 3, 2012

I have a 1514 that all of a sudden quit loading. After the unit is turned on it goes through the dell logo and the "windows is resuming" message and then the screen darkens coming back to light blue after a moment and stays there. The sign in screen never comes up. how to return to normal operation.

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How Go Recover Crashed Laptop When Booting Up

Aug 7, 2012

I have a Toshiba laptop with Windows 7 and I am using Kaspersky for protection. Last night it gave me an error (I can't remember what it said) and then when I went to reboot the computer it got as far as showing the toolbar at the bottom with the start button. Once it reached that state it stopped and just showed the hourglass. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? Or, is the computer dead and I need to try to find someplace that can fix the hard drive?

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