Laptop Will Not Start Or Be Able To Recover?

Oct 11, 2012

So i have a laptop that i have had since January... Normally after every few months it would get stuck on the Starting Windows screen and be unable to move from this screen... So normally i would do a system restore and just "deal with it". However today when i tried to start my laptop after two continuous weeks of having to restore my laptop, now i cant even recover the laptop

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Recover Start Windows Normally Mode

Dec 5, 2011

i had a virus and contacted a microsoft tech. he did a remote control of my system and ran a hi tech. spyware scanner and it found 5 infections. he cleaned them. all this was done in safe mode with networking. after he rebooted my computer it would only reboot in safe mode. he said a start up file must have been connected with one of the infections. he said i would need a restore disc to recover the file. i contacted dell and the are sending me a disc. my question is what are the steps i need to follow once i insert the disc. click by click.

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How To Restore Or Recover Original Windows 7 Start Orb

Jun 2, 2011

I have recently downloaded the windows theme installer and installed a new theme in my computer. After changing to the new theme and wanted to return my window theme to the original windows 7 theme, I was unable to do so.Even when I used the restore to original system file button in the window installer theme.

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Laptop Won't Recover From Hibernate In Windows 7?

Jul 23, 2009

I had Windows 7 running great on my Dell XPS M1530 Notebook, until I turned it on this morning before work and left it on. Apparently while I was gone, it went into sleep or hibernate, and then, when I turned it on last night nothing came up on my display or my second monitor. The computer acted just as if it was booting up normally, but nothing ever showed up on the LCD. I waited over an hour, thinking it may just be having a hard time recover from hibernate, but nothing happened. I then had to just reset using the power button to retry. I did that several times with the same results. Then I unplugged it and just let the charge run out, hoping it would work this morning, but same deal.

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How Go Recover Crashed Laptop When Booting Up

Aug 7, 2012

I have a Toshiba laptop with Windows 7 and I am using Kaspersky for protection. Last night it gave me an error (I can't remember what it said) and then when I went to reboot the computer it got as far as showing the toolbar at the bottom with the start button. Once it reached that state it stopped and just showed the hourglass. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? Or, is the computer dead and I need to try to find someplace that can fix the hard drive?

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Laptop With Raid 0 - Need To Recover Data

Feb 17, 2012

I have a dell inspiron 1721 which has 2 x 160GB HDD's configured as RAID 0. The laptop is broken but I'm almost positive the hdd's are ok. Is there something I can buy like an external dock that I can plug the 2 drives into and access the data? Maybe there is a sw solution? I thought about looking on eBay for a 2nd hand inspiron 1721 and poping in my drives but thats a bit pricey.

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Recover The Original OS On Laptop After It Crashed?

Oct 3, 2012

But my biggest obstacle is that I am just a layperson with very little knowledge of computer lingo. plain non-technical language. LOLMy HP touchsmart tm2 crashed a few weeks ago after I tried making a recovery disk using drive D on the laptop (which wasn't the smartest thing I could've done!). After a 4 hours, I got the error message that I did not have enough space. But when I tried to undo it by doing a restore point prior to the recovery disk making, it did not work and i ended up with zero memory left on my computer which led to the computer crashing. When I tried a factory reset, it did not work and i ended up with a computer that does not boot... some error i could not recall anymore.

Bottomline, I had my computer sent to a "technician" here in my city who said there was no way to boot my computer except to replace the OS.... which he did by putting a Windows 7 Ultimate operating system into my computer. It now works fine... EXCEPT for the fact that this is a pirated software. He warned me not to do updates on it as it will detect the illegal software and freeze my laptop. I cannot live with the fact that I am now using an "illegal" software when by rights, I still should be able to use the original "legal" one which came with my laptop when I purchased it.My other problem is that I did not create a recovery disk way back when i first got this laptop, so I couldn't do it from there. I have the product key to my windows 7 OS but i am not sure which version of windows 7 came with my laptop originally, i only know that my laptop has a windows 7 sticker on it plus the product key sticker in the back.

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How To Recover Data From The Crashed Laptop Windows 7

Feb 12, 2011

laptop with win7 is get crashed and I have very important data in it . Is there any way to recover the data its very urgent.

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How To Recover Acer Windows 7 Laptop Password

Sep 16, 2011

How to Recover Acer Windows 7 Laptop password

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Windows 7 Preinstalled On Laptop - Can't Recover / Chkdsk Or Format HDD

Feb 17, 2012

New laptop with Win7 pre-installed. No Win7 CD. Laptop HDD came with separate recovery partition. Burnt recovery CD and backed up HDD to seperate USB HDD. Then laptop was dropped. Laptop won't boot past blank win7 desktop(with curser). Tried running HP recovery program from recovery CD but program says no recovery partition found and once again, will not boot past blank Win7 desktop. Can't get to chkdsk to run HDD fix.

With the Win7 stuff that I have, I can't get to any point where I can even determine if this laptop HDD is fixable? Is there a Win7 iso file that I can download to boot into Win7 so I can then run chkdsk and then access my backup original installation on my USB external HDD? If not, can I use one of my old original Win XP CDs to boot the laptop, run chkdsk or maybe even reformat the drive NTFS, and then install my backup Win7 setup from the external USB HDD over the now XP installed HDD?

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How To Recover Delete Users On A Laptop Windows 7 User

Apr 26, 2011

i delete my user account which had viruses and created a new user but there were some saved documents which were in my local disk andi deleted them also without backing up that file.... pls how can i restore this user and copy out the files and downloads in the local disk

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Dell Laptop Wont Recover In System Restore?

Oct 17, 2012

I attempt to do a system restore from several dates, keep getting recoveryunsuccessfull, what do I try next ?

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How To Recover The Factory Image Of Dell Inspirion 5010 Laptop

Jun 10, 2011

i am having windows 7 64 bit operating system.Earlier i was using windows 7 32 bit operating system but when i changed my operating system it lead to formatting of the recovery drive on my laptop.Now i am not able to backup my data on my kindly suggest a way through which i can recover the factory image of my laptop.

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How To Recover Operating System On A Gateway Laptop Accidentally Wiped Out

Oct 8, 2012

my son wiped out my operating system on my gatewaylaptop, can u help to get it back

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Laptop With Windows 7 Hangs At Start Up Will Not Start In Any Mode?

Dec 8, 2012

F keys will not work either! I don't think I have a disc to restore from, what else can I do?

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Laptop Freezes Everytime Start It Up Normally But Can Start It Up In Safe?

Feb 7, 2012

My laptop freezes when i turn it on after a minute or two just enough time to maybe sign in but i can go into safe mode and it wont freeze but you cant do anything in safe mode that

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Laptop(Dell Core I3 Vista. Laptop Freezes To Start?

Jan 30, 2013

Laptop(Dell core i3 vista. Laptop freezes to start?

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Cant Start Laptop In Normal Mode Only On Safe Mode When Try To Start?

Feb 16, 2013

i cant start my laptop in normal mode. when i start in normal ,mode i stuck in black screen only the mouse pointer is appear, when i wait it reboot again but still i get stuck in black screen

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Laptop Won't Start Up

Oct 14, 2011

Last night I got on my laptop and it was working fine once it was done doing system and windows 7 updates. It restarted itself after 5 minutes of it being on, then did it again after another 5 minutes. Now, I am just getting the beginning Toshiba Satellite screen, a black blank screen with a blinking cursor then it shuts off. It keeps repeating this process untill you hold the power button to turn it off. I have tried changing the setup back to default settings and did a HDD/SSD recovery and nothing is helping. I need this computer. It's for school and it is essential to my college courses

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Laptop Won't Start Up?

Oct 25, 2012

This is what my laptop says when I try to start it " STOP: c0000135 The program can`t start because %hs is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling th program to fix this problem."

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Laptop Won't Start Up Again

Aug 15, 2011

my lap top wont start up again

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Asus Laptop Won't Start Up

Jan 8, 2013

My Asus laptop won't Start up , I have tried system repair , system restore , system image recovery and even windows memory diagnostic but it still won't start up

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Need To Start The Laptop From Hibernation

Jun 15, 2011

I've had my HP laptop for going on two years now and it's been acting up. It's mainly in the hibernation field and it started when i turned the start up GUI off (saved me about 15 seconds in start up) and first installed Ubuntu. I've read elsewhere and it said that my drivers need updated, but Windows update AND HP support assistant said that everything's up-to-date. I want to start from hibernation again. Oh, one more thing the screen is just a white dash (_).

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Laptop Won't Start Up Properly

May 1, 2012

My sons Windows 7(64 bit) laptop won't start up properly, I suspect he pulled the battery off while Windows was still open. I hope someone can help, I have tried the following start ups several times.With a normal start up, it gets to the "Starting Windows" page, loads for a while and then restarts.With a Safe Mode start up (all versions), it gets to:Loaded: Windowssystem32DRIVERSAtiPcie.sys, hangs for a while and then restarts.With a Startup Repair (recommended) start up it gets to the login screen - well sort of. The background picture appears with a cursor, but there are nothing else.I have created a system repair disc from my own Windows 7 (64 bit) laptop and have booted from that.This does the same as a Starup Repair, with the addition of choosing a keyboard, it doesn't progress ot offering me an account to log in to.

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Laptop Is Unable To Start

Dec 31, 2012

I have an asus u45jc laptop. I have had this problem so much. Basically when i start my computer, it would work. Then i shut it down. The next time i start my computer it would not work and then i need to shut it off and then turn it back on.

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Laptop Won't Start After Restart?

Feb 7, 2012

I have an Asus K50IN laptop, which I recently took apart to clean it from dust, during that I screwed apart the cooling system, hard drive, SD card reader chip and CD/DVD-player device. (And I just took them apart from the PC, not individually apart, so that I could just be able to reach more places inside laptop's interior.) Then I put everything back the way they were, and also applied new thermalpaste to CPU and GPU. When I turn the PC on, it goes OK, works all the way 100%, but when I restart it, it boots 'til the Asus logo, but then suddenly shuts down, when I start it up again from Power switch, it also dies at almost the same spot, and this process continues as long as I restart it right after previuous crash. Now the interesting part is that when I let my laptop rest for a couple of minutes for example, or even couple of tenths seconds, it starts OK, and everything works. But as soon as I want to restart, this scenario happens again.I have freshly formated Windows 7 which worked just fine, but then I took it apart, and this restart-startup problem occoured. And when it wants to shutdown then it will, it doesn't matter if I reach BIOS menu, or boot menu, with F2, F12 keys on my pc. I have done startup repair but no use.

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Laptop Reboots Over And Over Again At First Start-up?

Feb 18, 2011

I bought an ASUS X52J laptop 2 months ago. Worked perfectly up until yesterday - I couldn't play any videos at all. Games worked good, but no videos at allTried updating Flash player, video drivers, than downgrading both - no resultsSo I decided to do a freah install of Windows 7, like with every PC that I had so far - since all that OEM crap is really choking the machine. Anyways, installation goes good until the part when it's supposed to start first time. This is how it goes-BIOS screen-Little gray line and "Windows is loading files"-Black background, some "lights" in the middle and all that "Setup is checking video performance", "setup is editing registry", "preparing Your PC for first start-up" - or something like that. hen, I suddenly get a GRAY background image(instead of blue), a spinning mouse cursor, and it restarts. And it does the same thing again. And again. And again. And again. I even left it like that for half an hour, but nothing changed.

Tried booting in Safe mode. Got the black background with "Safe Mode" in each corner but it suddenly restarts. That's it.So I tried to use ASUS Recovery - the F9 on BIOS Screen. Starts and then I suddenly get a HUGE red ERROR over my screen. In the upper left corner's "ASRecovery - OS File DEPLOY ERROR !So now I'm stuck without an OS. And I don't know what to do

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Laptop Wont Start

May 7, 2011

I have a problem i got a hp computer and it was a bit slow after i did some work with it and i made a restart. When it did it started up with the hp logo but then when its about to write something it just stays there.

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Emachines Laptop Won't Start Up Normally

Aug 12, 2012

my netbook won't start. It happened when I accidentally plugged out w/o the battery on it. When I tried powering it on, It went to black screen with options:

safe mode safe mode with networking safe mode with command prompt last known good configuration start windows normally

We already higlighted all the options but it just kept on restarting all over again.

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Not Able To Start Bluetooth In Laptop

Oct 20, 2012

I am not able to start bluetooth in may laptop. os : windows 7. I was using it earlier without any problem b ut now I can not find the bluetooth option itself. I have restarted the bluetoothe services as well but no luck.

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How To Start Ne56r Laptop

Dec 29, 2012

i brought new one is it require to install windows in it,because it does'nt start normally

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