How To Restore Or Recover Original Windows 7 Start Orb

Jun 2, 2011

I have recently downloaded the windows theme installer and installed a new theme in my computer. After changing to the new theme and wanted to return my window theme to the original windows 7 theme, I was unable to do so.Even when I used the restore to original system file button in the window installer theme.

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Recover The Original OS On Laptop After It Crashed?

Oct 3, 2012

But my biggest obstacle is that I am just a layperson with very little knowledge of computer lingo. plain non-technical language. LOLMy HP touchsmart tm2 crashed a few weeks ago after I tried making a recovery disk using drive D on the laptop (which wasn't the smartest thing I could've done!). After a 4 hours, I got the error message that I did not have enough space. But when I tried to undo it by doing a restore point prior to the recovery disk making, it did not work and i ended up with zero memory left on my computer which led to the computer crashing. When I tried a factory reset, it did not work and i ended up with a computer that does not boot... some error i could not recall anymore.

Bottomline, I had my computer sent to a "technician" here in my city who said there was no way to boot my computer except to replace the OS.... which he did by putting a Windows 7 Ultimate operating system into my computer. It now works fine... EXCEPT for the fact that this is a pirated software. He warned me not to do updates on it as it will detect the illegal software and freeze my laptop. I cannot live with the fact that I am now using an "illegal" software when by rights, I still should be able to use the original "legal" one which came with my laptop when I purchased it.My other problem is that I did not create a recovery disk way back when i first got this laptop, so I couldn't do it from there. I have the product key to my windows 7 OS but i am not sure which version of windows 7 came with my laptop originally, i only know that my laptop has a windows 7 sticker on it plus the product key sticker in the back.

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Restore Original Graphic

Feb 25, 2011

after i update my graphic card at the device manager and then restart my computer, my graphic change from a hd5650 radeon into a standar pnp monitor. i dunno what to do!!!
how can I restore my original graphic card?

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Error When Trying To Restore All Original Files Using SFC

Sep 3, 2011

While trying to restore all the original files using SFC, I just encountered this error: SFC /scannow Found but could not fix some Corrupt files. I am trying to restore all my default files from theme modifications. I restored already all the back up files that was used by the theme patcher all the .dll's and .cpl etc. Then I run SFC just to make sure everything was restored, then that error occurs.

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Restore Original 'open With..' Settings?

Mar 17, 2012

I accidentally changed all of my my icon settings to Adobe Programs. So when ever i try opening say 'Google chrome' icon, it 'opens with' an Adobe program page. So how do i change the icons back to their original settings? so one they have their original icon (the Google chrome icon instead of the Adobe icon) and they open in their original program.

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How To Restore Original Open With Settings

Nov 10, 2012

I accidently changed all of my my icon settings to Adobe Programs. So when ever i try opening say 'Google chrome' icon, it 'opens with' an Adobe program page. So how do i change the icons back to their original settings? so one they have their original icon (the google chrome icon instead of the Adobe icon) and they open in their original program.

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Restore Original 'open With..' Settings?

Dec 25, 2012

when i right click a picture ive lost the option to open with the only option i get is to open with notepad how to restore this option as its driving me mad im running windows 7 ultimate?

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Can't Get Recovery Drive (D) To Restore Pc To Original Condition

Oct 27, 2012

I can't get into pc recovery drive (D) to restore pc to original condition in two pcs. I think it is because I reinstalled Windows 7 into drive (C), which prevents pc recovery from drive (D) [because it's not the original software.I can see the recovery drive (D).Also, I used SpotMau to get the windows 7 Ultimate product key, but the lable on the pc shows that Windows7 Pro is installed.The product keys are different.

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How Does Restore Icons Back To There Original Appearance

Mar 9, 2011

i was speaking to my brother last nite who was trying to open a website it said he needed Adobe pdf , so he downloaded this and was able to see the site ,however after he noticed that all the desktop icons had adobe signs in them, my question is why did this happen and how does he restore icons back to there original appearance.

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Reset Backup And Restore To Original Settings?

Apr 15, 2011

Backup and restore does not work because it points to my external J drive where my last backup was taken. However, Windows has assigned my external drive to K and is treating as one of my fixed drives whenever connected.

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Restore The Toshiba Canvio To Its Original Condition?

Dec 22, 2012

how can I restore the Toshiba Canvio to its original condition?

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Restore Original Firmware WRT54GL Wireless-G Router?

Aug 21, 2011

Current My Firmware Is DD-WRT v24 std But.. Now I Need Restore to Original Router Firmware

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Recover Files, Used Restore Point Feature On Windows 7?

Nov 10, 2011

i recovered from a "windows restore (or) system recovery" virus the only way i could get to work.that was restoring to a restore point. Except i had to try 2-4 different points before the computer finally booted normally.I dont back up files daily, therefore, the day the virus got thru (Webroot) was the same damn day I finished and saved final changes on my last 2 midterm projects of the semester. i had just saved the final changes minutes before the fake windows restore virus shat all over me in every way possible!!! It sucked.... still does cuz i have nothin in the grade book for either midterm, except a fat old ZERO.

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Recover Start Windows Normally Mode

Dec 5, 2011

i had a virus and contacted a microsoft tech. he did a remote control of my system and ran a hi tech. spyware scanner and it found 5 infections. he cleaned them. all this was done in safe mode with networking. after he rebooted my computer it would only reboot in safe mode. he said a start up file must have been connected with one of the infections. he said i would need a restore disc to recover the file. i contacted dell and the are sending me a disc. my question is what are the steps i need to follow once i insert the disc. click by click.

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Windows 7 Repair From Original Windows 7 CD Won't Start?

Mar 16, 2012

Even after I use the F2 & F12 functions at startup, I still cannot get my computer to recognize the original Windows 7 CD in the drive. Under the F2 Boot function (on the InsydeH20 Setup Utility Screen) I have moved the CD/DVD drive to #1. I also attempted to manually choose CD/DVD under the F12 function for Boot Setup.Neither will recognize the CD. I have just two very important documents that were created in the past week that I need to get off my hard drive.[CODE]

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Dell Laptop Wont Recover In System Restore?

Oct 17, 2012

I attempt to do a system restore from several dates, keep getting recoveryunsuccessfull, what do I try next ?

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Recover Lost File After Hard Disk Restore/crash?

Mar 16, 2012

Had a power failure during a recovery of an Acronis backup on my C: drive. It seems it happened while Acronis just started loading the backup files? When I restarted the Samsung Laptop local drive C: did not appear in Explorer. Only drive D: and my DVD drive E: appeared (C an D are partitions on the same hard disk). The recovery software was on a hidden partition but when trying to use the Samsung Recovery facility it say Drive C: not found.After trying out suggestions found on the internet I only managed to screw everything up resulting in also loosing the D: drive containing my Acronis backup. The laptop did not start at all. I at last managed to get it going after installing Windows 7 again and I then sit with only C System Disk, D System reserved and E: DVD drive at that point.Foolishly I shrinked the system disk C and created a data disk. That disk is now Data Disk F. and not D as original.The Acronis backup containing all my files and data was on the original Data Disk D:I have used various free software to try and find that specific file. But they all search by drive and the missing file must be somewhere on the disk either as lost or wrong drive letter or something.

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Laptop Will Not Start Or Be Able To Recover?

Oct 11, 2012

So i have a laptop that i have had since January... Normally after every few months it would get stuck on the Starting Windows screen and be unable to move from this screen... So normally i would do a system restore and just "deal with it". However today when i tried to start my laptop after two continuous weeks of having to restore my laptop, now i cant even recover the laptop

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Undo Or Recover Lost Files From System Restore In SAFE MODE?

Oct 27, 2011

I am familiar with System Restore, selecting earlier times, and the often-available option of undoing a System Restore. But I found out (too late) that according to Microsoft, System Restore done in Safe Mode is not able to be undone.I lost 1,000's of photos doing the system restore, now the only restore point option visible is what I believe to be the new one after I did the restore. Prior to me doing the System Restore, there were a number of times from me to choose from, I just chose one that was 10 days ago. Is there any software, method, or hack that I can use or do to recover the thousands of photos that were on my desktop and that were in folders on my desktop? It's a 1 TB HD?

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Windows 7 Don't Start And Can't Even Restore

Aug 21, 2012

I had only one account name anju that was created when I first time started my laptop and this account had admin rights. Yesterday my son created his account test1 and gave admin rights to his account while he was logged in using my account. He also removed admin rights from my account. Now my windows are not starting, not even in the safe mode. When I try to start my computer it give me the option to repair computer. The repair fails and it gives the option for advance recovery, When I choose this option it ask to login. If I choose my account, it does not give option other than repair and it does not work. If I login using my son's account test1 which is now admin, it give the option to restore and dos prompt. If I take restore it says no restore points found. I'm thinking because as my sons account test1 is recently changed to admin, that is why its not finding any restore points. May be the restore points are created under the original admin account which was anju. So I want to assign admin rights to my account anju using dos prompt because windows don't start even in the safe mode.

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Windows 7 Won't Start, Repair Or Restore

Sep 28, 2012

Problem: This morning I had a brief 1 second power outage while I was using my computer which forced it to shutdown. It just stood there shutting down for about 15 minutes when i decided to click force shutdown. After restarting, computer ran checkdisk and startuip repair because windows was not loading.

Issues; I ran chkdsk a couple times, lots of bad sectors./index files repairing recovering, but it ends up hanging at stage 4 at a certain spot. I left it running at that spot for over 5 hours and just stood there(I went to sleep and woke up at same spot). I booted with windows 7 cd and tried startup repair, the first 3 times it said it couldnt repair. It only showed 2 restore points available and both gave error messages saying they couldnt load. I ran a checkdsk /r again and was fixing a lot of stuff and hung at same spot again. Tried another startup repair, this time it said it worked but still the same problem, windows isnt loading. However, I am able to get to the login screen now after waiting about 10 minutes at the windows logo however my kieyboard/mouse functionaility seems to be gone so i cant even type my password to login at that point. I ran a diagnostic in the boot menu, when checking the harddrive it gave me an error. Ive tried booting to every option available, safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode with command prompt etc, nothing works. It brings me to logon screen after a long time but keyboard./mouse dont work at that point. Now, like i said i dont want to reformat my computer and lose all my files. My keyboard/mouse work with the windows 7 bootup cd doing those menus but not when it gets to logon screen booting the normal way. I was thinking of buying an external drive and installing windows on there and booting from there but im not sure if my computer would recognize it since it wont recognize my keyboard and mouse at login screen.

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Windows Does Not Start And No Restore Points

Nov 25, 2012

I am using a Lenovo Y450 Ideapad. When I turned on my laptop one morning, windows 7 refused to start up. After starting off with the initial Lenovo start up screen, a second screen of 'Loading Files' appears. It then goes into Startup Repair. After attempting to repair, a message appears stating that Startup cannot repair this computer automatically. It cannot repair and the only solution is to restart the system and the same cycle repeats. I have read some comments about using F8 and F2 but there are also no restore points (which is surprising) or any image points. I have important data and I usually back it up but havent done so in the last couple of weeks due to work. I am hoping that I can at least get the data out. Also, I do have a Windows 7 CD.

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Cannot Start Backup And Restore In Windows 7

Oct 20, 2012

I cannot seem to start the Backup program provided with Windows 7.I go to Control Panel and click on "Backup up your Computer" and nothing happens. What do I have to do to start the Windows 7 Backup program?

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Performed System Restore Now Windows Won't Start

Jul 1, 2011

I was having some problems with my computer. Seemed like it had a minor virus that my Norton wasn't getting rid of. I have all my files backed up so I decided to start with a clean slate and just restore my computer back to factory settings.i have a Dell Inspiron laptop. I performed the Dell DataSafe Restore and Emergency BackUp. I followed all the instructions and everything went fine. It told me it was successful and to restart the computer. I restarted and now Windows 7 will not work.i turn my computer on and a screen comes up that says "Windows Error Recovery" it gives me two options to "Launch Startup Repair" or "Start Windows Normally"... Starting normally just sends me backwards. I tried the Start Up Repair and it begins to run and then I get an error that it can not repair. There are some problem details/signatures if that is helpful but I don't understand them.I can't run in safe mode. I never made a set of recovery discs, I only have the disc the computer came with (drivers and software installation).

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HP Laptop Windows 7 Won't Start Up And Can't Do A System Restore

May 3, 2012

So the SMART program has warned me about an imminent hard drive crash for a while. Yesterday Windows was installing updates when my dad closed the laptop lid, when I come home afterschool today, I open the lid and it is frozen. Windows warns not to power off during the updates but since it is frozen I have no choice so I power it off. I have constantly getting BSODs, and have to do a system restore everyday so I was not too worried when it wouldn't start up. So i hit f11 when i turn on my computer and it takes me to the HP Recovery Manager, HOWEVER this time the option to do a System Restore was greyed out and I can't click it! I don't have working recovery CDs so what can I do about this?? My new hard drive is also coming in tomorrow, but i won't be able to replace my failing hard drive when my Pc can't even start up now, and I can't do a system recovery to fix it...

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No System Restore Points After Windows Wouldn't Start

Nov 25, 2012

I got message in Word that there was insufficienmt memory to perform an operation so I rebooted. My PC wouldn't reboot and there was no last known good configuration so I ended up having to reinstall windows (had only installed it a month ago) Why should there have been no restore pointsa? Doesn't it automatically set them?

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Windows 7 Won't Start Up / Startup Repairs And System Restore Can't Fix

Jan 28, 2013

I bought Acer aspire one D270. My computer worked fine for 1,5 week. But I got blue screen at last night.I tried startup repairs and system restore. [code]

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Windows 7 Recovery Virus - Unable To Restore Start Menu Programs List

Jun 10, 2011

A client of mine (I'm an IT summer temp in a production facility) recently contracted the Windows 7 Recovery virus and contacted me to fix it. Having encountered the XP version recently and resolved the issue, I was able to easily remove the virus and associated rootkit. The difference this time was that unhide.exe failed to restore the start>all programs menu shortcuts, although it did manage to restore the folder structure. I read through and followed the instructions of another thread here: [URL]. Which did not resolve the issue. The output given by SystemLook is as follows:

SystemLook 04.09.10 by jpshortstuff
Log created at 09:14 on 09/06/2011 by debra
Administrator - Elevation successful

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Medion Pc Won't Start And Restore Fails

Jan 27, 2012

I switched my medion akoya i3 1tb (running windows 7) pc on this morning and up popped startup repair. When it had finished it gave me the option to do a system restore which I tried to do but then I got a message saying

"system restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed.

Details: system Restore failed while deleting the following file/directory

I dont know what to do as I cant get my pc to startup properly

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PC Wouldn't Start Even From Restore After Wed Updates

Jan 13, 2012

Following the windows updates this wed, my pc wouldn't even start from a system restore.It was maybe heading that way as it was taking 20 minutes to boot up - despite 8 Gb RAM to help it along.I think one of the problems may be that it has never seemed top do many restore pointsd and there was only one choice for before the updates but even that didnt work. Now setting about the hours of work working out how to restore files from Livedrive.First thing I notice - can't set the time to 24 hour clock (12 hr clock irritates m,e). Despite going into setting and chhoosing the capital HH for hours it still stays as 12 hour clock.

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Can't Get To Start Menu To Run Restore Disk

Jan 30, 2012

My internet company removed a virus along with some of my windows files now i can run my restore disk because i cant open up windows it starts to open but wont go past the windows 7 logo so i am stuck [url]...

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