How To Delete Hidden Users On Pc

Jan 30, 2013

i have found 2 user login i d's on my do i delete these 2 hackers.

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Delete Computer From Domain / Delete Users Profile

Oct 29, 2009

I need to replace a W2K computer on a domain with a Windows 7 computer(laptop), but I want to keep the same computer name.I need the ip, username, profile to stay the same. Can I delete the computer from the domain and name the new computer that name I deleted and still keep the users profile on the new machine, as if it was the old one?

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Cannot Delete, Right Click, And Info Is Hidden?

May 3, 2011

I just updated my windows. Unfortunately, when I did that, something strange happened. Now I cannot right click or delete icons on my desktop. When I right click on an icon on the desktop, I have less choices than normal (cannot rename, deletesee properties, ect). I cannot see anything in my control panel, my computer folder shows up, however there are no words, just pictures.

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How To Delete Uninstalled Hidden Updates

Sep 21, 2011

Windows Updates recently automatically installed two .NET 4 updates. Almost immediately my system began misbehaving: my Firefox Booksmarks toolbar disappeared along with all the bookmarks it held, the shutdown/sleep/lock/logoff button in the start menu changed selection each time the Start menu was opened, desktop icons moved and/or disappeared each time the desktop was opened.

I uninstalled the two updates (Kb2468871 and Kb 2533523) and the system returned to normal.

I hid those 2 updates and changed my update setting to "notify but don't download" so MS doesn't install .NET updates I didn't know about BUT I am concerned that those 2 updates are still stored in my system.

I know that Windows stores updates in C:WindowsSoftware DistributionDownload. My dilemma is that there are more than 30 folders/files stored there and I can determine the contents of only the 2 folders. I can't open the files so I don't know which of them to delete to remove the .NET 4 updates. I've been installing MSE updates manually for the past week.

How can I clear my system of those 2 hidden .NET updates?

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Delete Hotmail Hidden Contacts?

Jul 24, 2012

I have windows 7 64 and in my hotmail there are email accounts that I can't delete. They must be spam placed there from a website I visited. When I click on CC, they show up in the list, but when I go to manage my contacts, they are not there.

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Delete An Icon From Hidden Icons?

Jul 16, 2011

there is a hidden icon in my system tray which maybe harmfull to my computer, how do i get rid of it

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Delete Hidden Admin Account In Windows 7?

Aug 27, 2010

I have enabled the hidden admin account in windows 7 and I picked up a won't let me do nothing...I have tried installing antivirus but it keeps giving me an error message that says the application I am trying to open is infected and it won't open it....

now I can log into the other account and work fine, however these accounts do no admin priviledges!

so my question is can I delete the current hidden admin acct and recreate a new one? or is there anyway around my problem, basically how I can I restore the account back to normal.

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Users And Administrators - How To Delete All And Combine All Stuff

Jul 13, 2010

It has been a month now since installing Windows 7. Everything appears to be fine except this "access denied" errors on some of the files for certain users. I finally managed to turn on the hidden "administrator" feature in command prompt to unlock some. Aside from the design of users potentially "locking" themselves out of their own documents ( because of they are not logged in as an Admin, even though they have all admin privileges. I was going around in circles giving each other permission when the real admin was never enabled.

Now its effecting the programs and installation. For example, if Daddy logs on and try to install a program that requires a command prompt, I can't because I did not log in as an Admin. Now we have 3 separate users, each with their own documents, programs, and desktop settings.I want to delete all users and combine all the docs, programs, etc. Into one easy access and one user. No passwords, nothing. So as soon the computer boots up windows, it should ready to go, everything.

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How To Recover Delete Users On A Laptop Windows 7 User

Apr 26, 2011

i delete my user account which had viruses and created a new user but there were some saved documents which were in my local disk andi deleted them also without backing up that file.... pls how can i restore this user and copy out the files and downloads in the local disk

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Enforce A Delete Admin Password Prompt Request On Multi-users Sys?

Dec 23, 2012

I have a multi-users Windows 7 (64bits) system, with one Administrator priviledge accounts, the others being non-admin. Disk is partition with system on C and data on D and E.

All users can access to D and E.

How to enforce security properties so that delete file or folder on D or E must prompt for admin password? I see that I can totally prevent DELETE, but I just want to permit delete, when user successfully entered admin pwd on prompt.

If I right-click on D: Then properties and view security tab, I see 4 groups:

* Authentified users

* System

* the admin account

* users (the admin account as user)

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See Hidden Text Or Hidden Streams In A Doc(x) File In Starter?

Mar 10, 2012

I was checking Microsoft Office Word Starter 2010 and I realized that one of the files had hidden text in it. From Options - Display, I chose show hidden text and it was "Top of Form" at the top of the page. But I got curious about this and made some search and I realized that you can hide text in a txt file with a stream method and also there can be hidden streams in processes also.How can I find out if a doc(x) file has no streams in it. I mean the hidden text may be seen by the method of Options - Display; but can someone hide something with a password in a doc(x) file? If yes, how can I find this out?

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Hidden System Files Are No Longer Hidden?

Sep 11, 2011

Some of my important system files are no longer hidden and I can't hide them even with the Command Prompt "attrib" command. Files such as bootmgr and ntldr are shown and I can't hide them. Also, show Protected System files is unchecked and show hidden files is also unchecked so they shouldn't be showing. I tried to re-add their system file attribute but I keep getting an "Access Denied" error in CMD and I do not have user account control on and I'm on a Default Administrator Account.

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[ACCOUNTS] Move C:users To D:users?

Jan 30, 2011

I just installed a new 64 gig SSD in my computer. I also have a 2T secondary hard drive.The SSD is not big enough to contain all the stuff that will eventually be in "My documents",i.e. under "users" so I need to move the users directory to my secondary hard drive but havewindows behave as it were in its original location.I did some research and found the following technique which seemed plausible (and several people said it worked for them)

1. Install windows normally.
2. After install, boot from installation disk.
3. Get into the command prompt by clicking "repair".
4. Use robocopy to copy c:users to d:users. The command line should be: robocopy c:users d:users /mir /xj /copyall
5. Verify all files copied successfully.
6. Delete c:users. Command line should be: rmdir /s /q c:users
7. Delete c:documents and settings. Command line should be: rmdir "c:documents and settings"
8. Create junction to new users directory. Command line should be: mklink /j c:users d:users
9. Create junction for the old "documents and settings". Command line should be: mkdir /j "c:documents and settings" d:users
10. Restart computer.

Note:When in recovery mode the disk drives end up with different drive letters than what the normally have.Consequently my SSD drive which is "C" became "E" and my hard drive which is "D" became "C". Confusing, but I adjusted the above commands to reflect this.All seemed to go well until I rebooted. The computer booted up fine, but when I entered my password to log in windows complained that it could not find my profile. Since I could not log in at all I was forced to re-install windows. Supposedly, this is doable and I NEED to do it asap as my SSD will not hold all the stuff that will eventually be in "users".

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Show Processes From All Users, With No Other Users

May 4, 2011

I am cleaning a laptop out and i created a brand new user name. I deleted the other 2 users using the control passwords2.

So the machine starts and i select the user. Process usage is very high and it says 50, but actual user shows about 9. I click show processes from all users and i find the culprit as well as 50 processes. I deleted the users so there shouldnt be that option.

Why is there more processes if this is the only user, why does it even have the option?

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What Are The All Users And Default Users Folders

Apr 3, 2012

What are the all users and default users folders? Do I need them or can I delete them if I am the only user.

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Users / All Users Redundant Folders?

Nov 10, 2012

I will if I have to manually delete them, although I'm not sure what other files may still be around on my drive that are located in Users/All Users that are redundant any recommended programs that I could depend on for this task ?

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Windows 7 Single User, Merging Users-all Users, Default User, Public, Etc?

Jan 24, 2012

My father replaced his Windows 98 machine with a new computer running Windows 7.He's currently on 32-bit ultimate, but we could change versions if needed.He's really hoping there's some way to force Windows 7 into a single user mode, primarily so C:usersAll Users, Default User, Public, and his own user are merged into one. It's absolutely driving him nuts the way it is.

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Can't Find Option To Delete Thread On Phone Will Delete

Jan 28, 2013

Moving to general can't find the option to delete thread on my phone will delete.this thread when im home.

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What Are All Af These Hidden Partitions

Feb 2, 2012

This is a 1TB HD with Win 7 pre-installed on a 100GB partition (C and a remaining 809GB or 811GB depending on what I use to look at it on a second partition, I would like to partition the remaining 811GB (D however I ran into a confusing snag. Even though Windows shows only 2 partitions,when I run my partition manager it shows that there are 4 partitions, 100MiB NTFS, 101GiB NTFS, (extended) 809.65GiB,sda5 809.65GiB NTFS.

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Everything Under C:\User Is Hidden

Dec 21, 2011

I'm working on my son's laptop, it picked up some Malware. in following the Malwarebyte instructions, I noticed I couldn't navigate to the Desktop to save files. I worked around that, but noted that there's no visibility to anything in C:\Users. Applications, such as Malwarebytes, and McAfee can see those folders, and MS Office programs can access files in their history lists. But I can't get there using Explorer.

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What Are These Hidden Folders

Sep 20, 2010

can any tell me about these hidden folders (.files) ? they are same name as my pictures, how can i remove or prevent create these are folders ?

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Cannot Get On To Hidden Account

Oct 5, 2012

So today I by mistake made my regular admin just user and not an admin and my hidden account my admin. I tried to make my hidden account accessible but I cannot change it from 0 to 1 without admin user name and password, I could press Shift Right click and run as different user, but the main problem is I did not password protect my hidden user and when I just type in my Admin name and no password it says Logon failure: user account restriction. Possible reasons are blank password (I don't have one) logon hour restrictions, or a policy restriction has been enforced.

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Cmd Console Hidden

Jan 21, 2012

I am hosting a minecraft server, and am trying to use a windows scheduled task to start a .bat file that calls on java and shows input on the cmd.exe console. When I manually start the .bat file the console shows, but when I start it with the windows scheduler its hidden. When I start the run.bat with a scheduled task on computer start up. The server will start and function correctly, but I don't know how to open the cmd console to type things in.

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Hidden Icons Not Working?

Feb 16, 2011

I just did an up-date on my AOL (I know, I know). After the up-date, the hidden icon, for AOL, in the taskbar, is there but does not work. All the other icons work.

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Viewing Some Hidden Files?

Jan 16, 2011

Okay, I am trying to keep an open mind to the point that I invested my money into Win 7 Ult. 64 bit. While I find that it has some interesting addons, like Vista I find that is appears to be warmed over XP with the same features, just renamed and in different places so as to seem new. Now, that being said the deal breakers is really whether or not I can access and view files that I wish to. It seems no matter how I set up my admin access I can not view files such as, Temporary Internet files, cookies and many others unless I go through a 3rd party program such as Norton Utilities 10.5. In XP I could find and view them without problems. In Win 7, not only can I not view them but the difficulty in even finding that they exist makes me wonder what other files hold information that I wish to know about but windows is hiding from me.So, 2 questions. Can anyone give me an easy fix that will allow all files to be exposed to me AND viewable to me via Windows Explorer and 2, While Win 7 some nice little add ons can anyone explain what makes it fundamentally better than XP so that I would want to stay with it rather than going back to XP?

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Crsss.exe Hidden In Auto-run?

Feb 20, 2011

I checked my task manager and the file crsss.exe shows up. I rebooted in safemode and looked for the file in autorun (I enabled searching for empty locations, verify code signatures, and hide microsoft entries and pressed F5).I can't find crsss.exe in any of the image paths. Is this a common malware virus that goes by a different name or something in autorun or am I missing something?

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Accessing Hidden Folder?

Jan 5, 2012

i heard that when you delete a file, it actually puts it into a hidden folder in the recycle bin. i enabled the visibility of hidden folders, but i did not see it there.where else could it be?

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Hidden Files On Windows 7?

Jan 17, 2013

I intend to burn some hidden files onto a CD with a only a visible direct access into them, but the folder holding these files carry only the direct access onto the CD. I think that this trick might protect files on CDs from unauthorized copy. Does any one know how to do that?

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Hidden Folders Won't Show Up

Aug 31, 2010

I am trying to get my music off my ipod to my laptop win 7 home. 32 bit. When I goto folder options and select show hidden types. I hit apply and ok. but it wont show up and when I return to the menu it stays on hide hidden files.

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All Files 'hidden' Attribute Set

Dec 23, 2010

For the past week or so, ALL of my files on desktop and in every folder have turned translucent. When I checked properties, the hidden attribute has been set. However this includes my special Libraries icons (Pictures, Music etc).Fair enough, I could simply go and manually unset the hidden property via DOS or Properties on the root C: folder, but this will be time consuming on a 640GB hard drive and it still won't answer why it happened in the first place.My first step was to perform an Antivirus scan which found nothing, then a malware scan which only picked up an infestation of 31 Relevant Knowledge files/registry entries. It tells me these are all now all removed but my icons are still "hidden".I have just done a test run to unset H on my C:usersusername folder (which required administrator privaleges to run) and it seems to have done the trick on folder and file icons, but my special Libraries icons are still translucent, and when I right click I don't get the usual properties dialog to unset the hidden attribute.After days of googling, I can't find anyone with a similar story for an explanation of why this may have happened, if it will happen again, if there are any other underlying issues/threats that are not obvious to me, or if I'm just being a numpty.In addition to this, around the same time but probably totally unrelated, my Chrome Shockwave Flash has crashed and have unsuccessfully uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail and I have now been forced to resort to using IE!

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Files Saved As Hidden?

Jan 26, 2011

Whenever I save a file to my desktop, I have to go into the folder options for the desktop and select to view all hidden files. The files I save, when I check their properties, are no longer hidden. I have to go through this process ANY time I save a file to my desktop, no matter the file type.

Files saved to other folders aren't hidden.

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