Viewing Some Hidden Files?

Jan 16, 2011

Okay, I am trying to keep an open mind to the point that I invested my money into Win 7 Ult. 64 bit. While I find that it has some interesting addons, like Vista I find that is appears to be warmed over XP with the same features, just renamed and in different places so as to seem new. Now, that being said the deal breakers is really whether or not I can access and view files that I wish to. It seems no matter how I set up my admin access I can not view files such as, Temporary Internet files, cookies and many others unless I go through a 3rd party program such as Norton Utilities 10.5. In XP I could find and view them without problems. In Win 7, not only can I not view them but the difficulty in even finding that they exist makes me wonder what other files hold information that I wish to know about but windows is hiding from me.So, 2 questions. Can anyone give me an easy fix that will allow all files to be exposed to me AND viewable to me via Windows Explorer and 2, While Win 7 some nice little add ons can anyone explain what makes it fundamentally better than XP so that I would want to stay with it rather than going back to XP?

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Viewing List Of Hidden Files In Particular Directory?

Jun 12, 2012

I need to find a way to view all the hidden files in a particular directory. The problem is I cant find them just by enabling the show hidden files option in Win7 'cause they're all scattered. I'm new when it comes to cmd, view the files; they are extremely important!!

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Hidden System Files Are No Longer Hidden?

Sep 11, 2011

Some of my important system files are no longer hidden and I can't hide them even with the Command Prompt "attrib" command. Files such as bootmgr and ntldr are shown and I can't hide them. Also, show Protected System files is unchecked and show hidden files is also unchecked so they shouldn't be showing. I tried to re-add their system file attribute but I keep getting an "Access Denied" error in CMD and I do not have user account control on and I'm on a Default Administrator Account.

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Viewing ISO Files With Windows 7?

Dec 29, 2012

after creating an iso file, when I go to where it�s located via Windows Explorer (sitting on C drive) it�s not located there but when I go to burn the image, I can select it from the location via the program I use to burn it. I have made sure via Folder Options that I can see all files, I have searched high and low on the net, and found one that was the same problem but no one had answered it. I am using a computer that has 64 bit home premium Windows 7, would it have anything to do with a 64 bit system? I am looking at loading Windows 7 Pro either 32 or 64 bit on here but want to give the home premium that came with the computer a chance, this is my first computer I have not built?

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Viewing PDF Files Online?

Nov 6, 2012

When I used to click on a PDF file, it used to automatically open Adobe Reader and then I could print it, make it larger, smaller etc. But every link I click now opens inside the browser, happens with both FF and IE. This means I can only view it online and not save it. how I change this so it opens Abobe Reader? I have Abobe 10 by the way

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Viewing Files On External XP Hardrive

Jul 2, 2012

My XP machine HD started to fail and after numerous tries to fix it, I purchased a new Windows 7 machine. I took the internal HD out of the Xp machine and put it in a docking station to USB and it shows up as Drive K on the windows 7 machine. I wanted to drag and drop some files from it, but can't find most of them! What is odd, is most files aren't showing - no music files, no doc files - the drive seems to be working/reading ok. I also noticed there are no individual user accounts. I've turned on "show all hidden files" and I"ve given ownership of the whole K drive and folders to everyone and my username, but no files show. The drive shows it is almost full, so SOMETHING is on there.

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Blue Screen When Viewing Mp4 Files In WMP?

Nov 25, 2011

My problem is whenever I want to view mp4 files in WMP, it freezes for a while then blue screen. I reinstalled Windows just now but the problem seems to occur again.

I don't know what caused this, I have attached my dump files as suggested in the sticky thread.

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Viewing Recent Files In Explorer

Feb 7, 2011

I work on a file in Word, I saved it. Then I want to email it to someone or upload to a website. When I open Explorer it just gives me an option called Recent Places which is a list of folders I have recently accessed. Then I have to remember (Word doesn't make that easy as it doesnt say at the top of every file the folder it is in like Word perfect wonderfully does) which folder I saved the file in. Is there anyway that I can set up Explorer so that a list of recently saved files, not just folders they are in? That would make things wonderfully easier and I wont have to go back and forth through a bunch of folders to find my file to email or upload.

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Viewing .pdf Files In Adobe Reader

Mar 31, 2011

I view an e-book in adobe reader, it has 456 pages in it and lots of images and graphics.When I scroll, resize the adobe reader window it "lags" and becomes slow.Also when I scroll, there is some noise coming out of my laptop and when I stop scrolling it stops too.

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Wmm2clip.dll Error When Viewing Folder With DVD Files

Mar 28, 2009

Whenever I open a folder with DVD Video files (.VOB files, etc.), an error pops up saying wmm2clip.dll could not be found (in the DVD Maker folder). This happens as soon as I open the folder, so I don't know what's happening... perhaps it's trying to create a thumbnail of the video for display in the folder? Does anyone have any ideas? I have not uninstalled Windows DVD Maker (although I've never used it), and I was able to run Windows DVD Maker without any problems.

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When Viewing .jpg Files In Explorer They Are Associated With Windows Photo-viewer

Sep 25, 2012

Running Win7 Ultimate 64Bit.I recently installed adobe photoshop cs6. When viewing .jpg files in explorer they are associated with windows photoviewer.If I right click on a .jpg file and go to open with, the CS6 executable does not appear, so I select "choose default program", "browse", make sure "always use the selected program to open this type of file" checkbox is checked, go to the .exe file for CS6, select it, and it takes me back to the "Open With" window but does not allow me to select the OK button to make the association. It's like I never chose an .exe to open the file with.

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Viewing Contents Of Temporary Internet Files Folder?

May 2, 2012

I would like to be able to view the various temporary internet file folders like I used to with my previous version of Windows. Can anyone tell me how I can do this. I have tried using: C:> UsersMy DirectoryAppDatalocalMicrososft. According to my antivirus scan tool, the temporary internet files are located within the Microsoft directory but when I try to access that directory it's not there.

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Problems Viewing WMV Files Compress Gotomeeting Codec

Jun 8, 2009

I've encountered a problem where wmv files that are compressed with a go to meeting codex will not uncompress and run even after installing the go to meeting codex. Has anyone else encountered this issue or dealt with a similar issue.

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Have Vertical Auto-scroll When Viewing Folders And Files In Windows Explorer

Feb 6, 2011

Is it possible to have vertical auto scroll when viewing folders and files in windows Explorer, ie. click mouse wheel and then move downwards to scroll down and vice versa?Currently my WE does not allow me to select auto scroll vertically.

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What Are ~$ Files That Appear On Desktop When Hidden Files Show

Mar 13, 2012

I would like to remove the 30 or so files that are now showing on my desktop since selecting to "Show Hidden files"They are all old excel and word documents but not sure if removing them would cause an issue What are they/how are they created?I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and Office 2007

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Hidden Files On Windows 7?

Jan 17, 2013

I intend to burn some hidden files onto a CD with a only a visible direct access into them, but the folder holding these files carry only the direct access onto the CD. I think that this trick might protect files on CDs from unauthorized copy. Does any one know how to do that?

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All Files 'hidden' Attribute Set

Dec 23, 2010

For the past week or so, ALL of my files on desktop and in every folder have turned translucent. When I checked properties, the hidden attribute has been set. However this includes my special Libraries icons (Pictures, Music etc).Fair enough, I could simply go and manually unset the hidden property via DOS or Properties on the root C: folder, but this will be time consuming on a 640GB hard drive and it still won't answer why it happened in the first place.My first step was to perform an Antivirus scan which found nothing, then a malware scan which only picked up an infestation of 31 Relevant Knowledge files/registry entries. It tells me these are all now all removed but my icons are still "hidden".I have just done a test run to unset H on my C:usersusername folder (which required administrator privaleges to run) and it seems to have done the trick on folder and file icons, but my special Libraries icons are still translucent, and when I right click I don't get the usual properties dialog to unset the hidden attribute.After days of googling, I can't find anyone with a similar story for an explanation of why this may have happened, if it will happen again, if there are any other underlying issues/threats that are not obvious to me, or if I'm just being a numpty.In addition to this, around the same time but probably totally unrelated, my Chrome Shockwave Flash has crashed and have unsuccessfully uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail and I have now been forced to resort to using IE!

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Files Saved As Hidden?

Jan 26, 2011

Whenever I save a file to my desktop, I have to go into the folder options for the desktop and select to view all hidden files. The files I save, when I check their properties, are no longer hidden. I have to go through this process ANY time I save a file to my desktop, no matter the file type.

Files saved to other folders aren't hidden.

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Hidden Files Are Got Unhidden

Jun 16, 2012

I have to Hide many of System Files and My files (Which I hide) but after sometime all of them got unhide and also the Icons of User Name are also gone just they are looks like normal folders.

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Making All Hidden Files Unhidden?

Dec 3, 2011

I recently got a virus (I got it professionally removed) that caused all my personal files (pictures, music, etc) to become hidden. I went into folder options to make it show hidden files. I can now go individually to each picture file and make it unhidden, but I have thousands of pictures. I tried going to the folder and doing "select all" to select all the pics in that folder, but when I go to properties the hidden box is grayed out. Is there anyway to make all hidden files unhidden without going through them one by one?

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Permission Denied And Hidden Files?

Feb 12, 2013

I am running Windows 7 ultimate. I currently installed Adobe CS 6 (Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator and After effect) after installation suddenly there seems to be some problem with my Documents folder, I have attached a screenshot kindly view it.When I access "My Documents" folder the My Picture, My Music etc folders are hidden and whenever I try to open them I get an error permission denied but I can access them from the Libraries menu on the left.Also there is a thumbs.db file getting created, in every folder, even when I insert a pen drive this file is getting created in that too.After applying the option don't show hidden files, the files are hidden but after I reboot the hidden files are visible again.

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Temporary Internet Files Hidden?

May 9, 2011

i can't see my temporary internet files folder listed.i can delete the files from ie, but can't see it listed when i look for it through my computer.another problem that i'm having is that all the files are not listed in the temp file.when i watch a video from Internet - i delete all the files in the temp file, watch the video, refresh temp screen - it lists only 3 or 4 files and none of them are bigger than 3kb.

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Properties Mistake Files Have Become Hidden

Oct 3, 2011

I was trying to unhide some files and now I've gone and changed some permissions which has resulted in files being classed as hidden. I can see them (they're at 50% transparency) but how do i get them back to being normal?

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How To View Hidden Files In Windows 7

Apr 25, 2011

In Windows 7 how can I view hidden files?

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Extracting Hidden Files From Old Drive

Apr 30, 2012

I have backed up all the files and emails from a faulty hard drive before inserting a new one and setting up Windows on it. However, because the drive was in such a bad way, I did't run Outlook to extract the email account settings - and now realise that these are hidden in the registry. I have tried importing the registry files (after doing some research on this), but cannot find the registry section which contains it.

Now that the the new drive is fully running (apart from the email account settings) - Windows Vista upgraded to Windows 7 - would it be too risky to re-insert the drive in the laptop to run Outlook and get the settings recorded ? I am concerned that it will cause error messages when I re-insert the brand new drive. I have thought about booting up a computer from the faulty drive, but think it may refuse to load because it's a different PC to one it came out of (Dell XPS M1530) - is this the case ?

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What Files Are Hidden By Default IIn Windows 7

Jun 16, 2011

Got hit with a malware last week, piece of cake to remove. More annoying than anything. Anyway, side effect of it: it hides a bunch of your files so it can do its malware thing. Solution: I unhid everything on my C: to avoid any problems. Being the nutcase that I am, I'd now like to re-hide what was hidden by default from Windows. Anybody know where I could find a list/program to do this for me?

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Checking Number Of Hidden Files?

Dec 18, 2011

well i know how to enable and disable hidden fies... going to folder hidden files..ok...

but i wanna know something...i wanna know how many number of hidden files are there separately in a folder and there destinations.

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Public Documents Hidden Files?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a 64GB SSD drive and wanted to change the location of Public Documents, Public Music, etc in the Library to my storage drive rather than using the smaller C drive. I already did this with My Documents, My Music, My Pictures. The redirect was successful (going to the folder properties, then location and move) but then I decided it wasn't necessary and restored the default location (C:UsersPublicDocuments).ich leads to my question. After restoration, everything seems fine except I noticed the Public Documents folder in the Library no longer contains the padlocked inaccessible files named "My Music", "My Pictures" and "My Videos". Also, under :Users(name)AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsLibrariesDocuments.library-ms, I no longer see the files with the blue arrow icons (Also named My Music, My Pictures and My Videos) or the padlocked files of the same names.Will this potentially cause problems in the future? I've been trying to educate myself on Windows 7 over the past couple of years but the phantom files and shortcuts always confuse me I already restored the Public Documents folder to an earlier version but the missing files didn't reappear. I only have the desktop.ini and Thumbs.db files.

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Files Hidden In Windows Explorer

May 27, 2012

Many of my music files are suddenly hidden in Windows 7 Explorer, but visible in I-Tunes, WMP and Media Monkey

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Hidden Program Files Folder

Jul 18, 2009

I had a virus, which I deleted with Spybot S&D and Eset Nod32 antivirus (it may not have been removed completely). For now the infected PC is not connected to the internet.

I found the virus and started scan by looking into msconfig. I saw two objects:

element: _scott_-{97BAE4-4CF2-5FFC-B9DB 1D 1D324E}
localisation: C:UsersMikakaAppDataRoaming\_scott_css.exe

element: _scott_vrc
localisation: C:Program Files\_scott_svchost.exe

The program files folder is hidden by the virus, you go to C: and it is not there. What can I do about it?? Its not hidden through the standard windows hidden files (I have showing of hidden files enabled, and I still cannot see it).

I tried combofix but it doesn't work for OS higher then XP, how can I restore my Program Files folder??

The Program Files is still there (programs that are installed there are working, and you can find things there through search in start menu, but you cannot see the folder itself).

Here is a screenshot of my C: drive

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List Of Hidden Files In Windows 7?

Aug 21, 2011

I would like to see a list of which hidden files and directories there are in Windows 7, ie the ones that the actual OS, or the by Microsoft with the OS bundled programs such as Mediaplayer, writes to the disk as hiddenHere are the ones I know so far:[CODE]

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