Viewing Files On External XP Hardrive

Jul 2, 2012

My XP machine HD started to fail and after numerous tries to fix it, I purchased a new Windows 7 machine. I took the internal HD out of the Xp machine and put it in a docking station to USB and it shows up as Drive K on the windows 7 machine. I wanted to drag and drop some files from it, but can't find most of them! What is odd, is most files aren't showing - no music files, no doc files - the drive seems to be working/reading ok. I also noticed there are no individual user accounts. I've turned on "show all hidden files" and I"ve given ownership of the whole K drive and folders to everyone and my username, but no files show. The drive shows it is almost full, so SOMETHING is on there.

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Default Settings For Folders In External Hardrive?

Jan 8, 2012

I had this problem last week when all my folders in my hardrive turned into a .lnk file or shortcuts. They said that it was a virus and i tried to unhide all the folders including hidden files, system files, etc. throught attrib in Dos command (c: attrib -r - a - s - h /s /d /l g:*.*)I finally got all my files and folders and deleted all those shortcuts and .lnk files, then scan with my antivirus,antispyware and malware. It all worked out. But the thing is... all the folders/files that supposed to be hidden is now showing. I have a 500GB external drive with a thousand files on it.I dont know which files/folder should hide and others that shouldn't be. Is there any command/system/software to be used in order to make my files/folders in external hardrive back to where it should be?

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Massive Difference Between Between An External Hardrive And A Desktop Hard Drive?

May 14, 2011

I'm looking at getting an external storage device to store my files on, and I can't decide what to get.Is there a massive difference between between an external hardrive, and a Desktop hard drive? These are the ones I can't decide from..Western Digital 1TB Elements External Hard Drive | there much difference between the two? Which one would suit me better? I'm running a samsung rv510 laptop.

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Seagate FA GoFlex Desk External Hardrive Doesn't Show In "My Computer"

Nov 23, 2011

I reimaged my computer because I was having a whole bunch of trubble with it (no of which really matter now). After reimaging I tried to access some of the files I saved on my external hard drive, but no matter what I tried I could not get access to the files.The drive appears in device Manager and in the USB Device pages, and I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drive. But for some reason I just can't access the device.

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Viewing ISO Files With Windows 7?

Dec 29, 2012

after creating an iso file, when I go to where it�s located via Windows Explorer (sitting on C drive) it�s not located there but when I go to burn the image, I can select it from the location via the program I use to burn it. I have made sure via Folder Options that I can see all files, I have searched high and low on the net, and found one that was the same problem but no one had answered it. I am using a computer that has 64 bit home premium Windows 7, would it have anything to do with a 64 bit system? I am looking at loading Windows 7 Pro either 32 or 64 bit on here but want to give the home premium that came with the computer a chance, this is my first computer I have not built?

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Viewing Some Hidden Files?

Jan 16, 2011

Okay, I am trying to keep an open mind to the point that I invested my money into Win 7 Ult. 64 bit. While I find that it has some interesting addons, like Vista I find that is appears to be warmed over XP with the same features, just renamed and in different places so as to seem new. Now, that being said the deal breakers is really whether or not I can access and view files that I wish to. It seems no matter how I set up my admin access I can not view files such as, Temporary Internet files, cookies and many others unless I go through a 3rd party program such as Norton Utilities 10.5. In XP I could find and view them without problems. In Win 7, not only can I not view them but the difficulty in even finding that they exist makes me wonder what other files hold information that I wish to know about but windows is hiding from me.So, 2 questions. Can anyone give me an easy fix that will allow all files to be exposed to me AND viewable to me via Windows Explorer and 2, While Win 7 some nice little add ons can anyone explain what makes it fundamentally better than XP so that I would want to stay with it rather than going back to XP?

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Viewing PDF Files Online?

Nov 6, 2012

When I used to click on a PDF file, it used to automatically open Adobe Reader and then I could print it, make it larger, smaller etc. But every link I click now opens inside the browser, happens with both FF and IE. This means I can only view it online and not save it. how I change this so it opens Abobe Reader? I have Abobe 10 by the way

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Blue Screen When Viewing Mp4 Files In WMP?

Nov 25, 2011

My problem is whenever I want to view mp4 files in WMP, it freezes for a while then blue screen. I reinstalled Windows just now but the problem seems to occur again.

I don't know what caused this, I have attached my dump files as suggested in the sticky thread.

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Viewing Recent Files In Explorer

Feb 7, 2011

I work on a file in Word, I saved it. Then I want to email it to someone or upload to a website. When I open Explorer it just gives me an option called Recent Places which is a list of folders I have recently accessed. Then I have to remember (Word doesn't make that easy as it doesnt say at the top of every file the folder it is in like Word perfect wonderfully does) which folder I saved the file in. Is there anyway that I can set up Explorer so that a list of recently saved files, not just folders they are in? That would make things wonderfully easier and I wont have to go back and forth through a bunch of folders to find my file to email or upload.

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Viewing .pdf Files In Adobe Reader

Mar 31, 2011

I view an e-book in adobe reader, it has 456 pages in it and lots of images and graphics.When I scroll, resize the adobe reader window it "lags" and becomes slow.Also when I scroll, there is some noise coming out of my laptop and when I stop scrolling it stops too.

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Wmm2clip.dll Error When Viewing Folder With DVD Files

Mar 28, 2009

Whenever I open a folder with DVD Video files (.VOB files, etc.), an error pops up saying wmm2clip.dll could not be found (in the DVD Maker folder). This happens as soon as I open the folder, so I don't know what's happening... perhaps it's trying to create a thumbnail of the video for display in the folder? Does anyone have any ideas? I have not uninstalled Windows DVD Maker (although I've never used it), and I was able to run Windows DVD Maker without any problems.

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Viewing List Of Hidden Files In Particular Directory?

Jun 12, 2012

I need to find a way to view all the hidden files in a particular directory. The problem is I cant find them just by enabling the show hidden files option in Win7 'cause they're all scattered. I'm new when it comes to cmd, view the files; they are extremely important!!

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When Viewing .jpg Files In Explorer They Are Associated With Windows Photo-viewer

Sep 25, 2012

Running Win7 Ultimate 64Bit.I recently installed adobe photoshop cs6. When viewing .jpg files in explorer they are associated with windows photoviewer.If I right click on a .jpg file and go to open with, the CS6 executable does not appear, so I select "choose default program", "browse", make sure "always use the selected program to open this type of file" checkbox is checked, go to the .exe file for CS6, select it, and it takes me back to the "Open With" window but does not allow me to select the OK button to make the association. It's like I never chose an .exe to open the file with.

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Viewing Contents Of Temporary Internet Files Folder?

May 2, 2012

I would like to be able to view the various temporary internet file folders like I used to with my previous version of Windows. Can anyone tell me how I can do this. I have tried using: C:> UsersMy DirectoryAppDatalocalMicrososft. According to my antivirus scan tool, the temporary internet files are located within the Microsoft directory but when I try to access that directory it's not there.

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Problems Viewing WMV Files Compress Gotomeeting Codec

Jun 8, 2009

I've encountered a problem where wmv files that are compressed with a go to meeting codex will not uncompress and run even after installing the go to meeting codex. Has anyone else encountered this issue or dealt with a similar issue.

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Have Vertical Auto-scroll When Viewing Folders And Files In Windows Explorer

Feb 6, 2011

Is it possible to have vertical auto scroll when viewing folders and files in windows Explorer, ie. click mouse wheel and then move downwards to scroll down and vice versa?Currently my WE does not allow me to select auto scroll vertically.

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Installing Onto A Second Hardrive

Jan 13, 2009

I'd like to know, how would i go about installing Windows 7 onto my second hardrive? I'm running Vista Ultiamte SP1 32-Bit on my main hardrive, but now today I've formatted my other hardrive, so would i have to run the installaton on Windows? Or do i have to run the installation through boot-up and pick the second hardrive?

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Having Difficulties Accessing Old Hardrive

Oct 29, 2012

My laptop started randomly shutting down a while ago but only when i play a game, but if i have both of my 3d modeling programs, itunes, chrome, and other programs running the computer would run fine for hours on end. A couple days ago the laptop did its usual random shutdown. so i started it back up and the mouse wouldnt work. so after opening it up and reconneting the cable to the board the computer wont boot. It'll get to the starting windows screen but after a minute or two it show a blue screen for about a fraction of a second then restart. It'll keep doing that till i uplug it and take the battery out. I cant start in any of the safe mode options, i cant launch windows repair. Im not able to use a recovery disc cuz the laptop didnt come with one. I basically cant do anything. Now the computer will shut down randomly again but during startup, but the laptop is still cold. So now i decided to take out the hardrive hoping to either save the files or most of them at least or to find the cause of my problem and fixing it. After i hook the hard drive up to my desktop via SATA cable it shows up in My Computer as System Reserved and Local Disk (F: ) but i cant access local disk but i can access system reserve. At the top of the explorer i just get a green bar that never reaches the end and when i click on local disk the explorer becomes unresponsive and what not.

I open devices and printers and it read the hard drive as usb storage so i checked device manager and it recongizes it as a Hitachi Hard Disk. When i click on disk management Nothing happens besides at the bottom it says " Connecting to Virtual Disk Service" for an extreme amount of time. I also tried booting the hard drive on the desktop but it goes through the same proccess as it did on the laptop and i also cant do anything.

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How Do I Format My Hardrive And Reinstall

May 21, 2009

My first install of Windows 7 was the update version. Now I'm having freezing up issues and want to do a fresh install. So my first thought was to format the hard drive, but it say that it has too big of volume. How do i get around that and do a fresh install? Any help is welcomed.

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Trying To Install Windows 7 On A Hardrive?

Jul 15, 2012

i am having issues installing windows on a gateway GT5622 it gets stuck on expanding i tried three cds and three different images. I also tried to reinstalled vista it can't seem to expand anything. I have also tried this with only one ram stick... nothing works am i missing a setting in the bios thats not allowing it to write to the disk?I would like to install the image on the hardrive outside the pc with my laptop i have a dock and plenty of images just don't know how to put a new bootable copy of windows on the disk

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Very Slow Copy From One Hardrive To Another

May 13, 2012

I see this complaint all over the internet and no answers other than for users to look at drives and use Tera Copy, disable windows firewall, virus protection, adjust some settings like encryption, fetch off, etc., get drivers, hot fixes. I have done all those like other people suffering problem and like others did no good.I have 2 internal 1 TB SATA III drives and for all practical purposes cannot copy large files between them at most times. Windows 7 professional with all updates (I presume, have auto-update on). I can copy a 700MB file from an XP machine to either of the Win 7 drives in 15 -20 seconds and if I try to copy the same file from Win 7 machine either way between the drives it estimates 30 min - a day or more and goes from 1/mb per second down to bytes/sec. If I go to XP machine and from attched folders there move a file from one of the Win 7 drives to the other Win 7 drive, the move is again < 30 seconds.

Task manager shows virtually no cpu activity during the copy done on Win 7 machine. Note, from Win 7 machine, if I copy from attached folder from xp machine to local folder, speed is fine for main drive (c) but slow on secondary drive.What possible driver or hardware problem could cause snail pace from Win 7 machine drive to drive, but normal (100MB+/sec speed) when copying drive to drive from XP machine over local net?To complicate things: this morning, after 3 or 4 days working on this problem, computer woke up and speed normal for all drives, but I would bet the farm that this will revert back to normal state next time I really need it. It's insane that if I want to copy a large file or folder from one drive to another, I have to go to my XP machine and do it over my local network.

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Reformatting Hardrive And Reistalling Windows

Apr 2, 2012

I've been directed over here by the malware board. My computer has a rootkit virus and it has been recommended to me that I reformat my hardrive. I am terrified of doing it wrong and would feel comfortable if one of your clever folk could help me through it. I have windows 7 home premium on a sony viao with a 64bit operating system. I can't seem to find any recovery disks,on the system restore options its seems i can only restore it to an earlier point in time.

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New Hardrive - Can't Disable Laptop Mousepad

Dec 17, 2012

I recently had to get a new hardrive on my laptop. Before this change, I disabled the laptop mousepad and used a regular mouse. I disabled it by going to control panel, clicking on mouse and disable something called 'elan'. (sorry, not computer literate LOL) . Anyway, since the hardware change, this elan option is not there. I am still using the regular mouse but the laptop mouse is still going

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Burn Any Windows 7 64 Bit ISO To A Blank Dvd And Install It On New Hardrive

Apr 23, 2012

I got my hands on a product key for Windows 7 64bit enterprise for my spanking new PC build. How can I go about using it? Do I just burn any Windows 7 64 bit ISO to a blank dvd and install it on my new hardrive? Does it have to be a specific copy?

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Install A Image Of Windows On A Hardrive Externally

Jul 16, 2012

i am trying to put a boot-able image of windows on a hardrive for another computer without using the pc. I have the hardrive in a dock. How can i put a bootable windows image on a hardisk other than the one in my computer.

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How To View Hidden Content On Hardrive In Windows 7

Jul 16, 2012

I have a segate 250GB hard disk, previously i had a HP laptop windows vista OS so it was easy for me to see hidden files on my harddisk but now in this windows 7 there is no option of viewiing hidden files

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Transfer Portable Hardrive To New Computer Windows 7?

Jul 17, 2012

how do i transfer my portable hardrive to new computer windows 7?

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Files Corrupted In External USB HD?

Jul 6, 2011

I've moved tons of files to an external hard drive [Samsung external USB HD (FAT32)]. After that, I've tried to eject the device in Windows 7, via Safely Remove Hardware but Windows said that the device was in use, even though everything (applications and windows) were closed. I decided to use USB Safely Remove software to eject my portable HD. I really don't know if that was the problem, but since then I found a lot of folders inside my external HD corrupted.

In the corrupted folders, JPG files looks like this. I can't read the other files (PDFs and PSD) in those folders, Adobe Reader and Photoshop says that the file is damaged. I've tried Windows 7 error-checking but the files are still corrupted.

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Files In External USB HDD Are Not Being Shown

May 13, 2012

I have a Western Digital 1 TB External USB HDD.I have used it for some time.One day, I was copying files from my laptop to the USB HDD.It was taking for ever. So, I tries to cancel it. It wouldn't cancel. So, I disconnected the USB HDD by pulling the USB chord.From that day, it is not working.When I connect it will show it as a local-disk, but not show any details like size or name of the drive. It takes forever to open right-click menu and properties. Disk Manager takes for ever to show the list of drives. If I double-click on the drive, my whole system becomes slow and windows explorer hangs.If I restart my system in Safe mode, it will show the drive in Disk Manager as RAW and it gives me an option to format.Is there a way to recover the data and the HDD.

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Files From External Drive

Jun 7, 2012

When you open a file (document, audio, photo, etc.) from an external drive (such as a USB drive or external disk drive), do any remnants of that file remain on the hard drive of the computer on which you opened it? I am mainly concerned with Windows based systems.I ask this because I am borrowing a laptop from a friend and some of the files on a USB drive are personal documents and family photos which I would prefer not to leave behind.I know document names will remain in recent documents on some versions of Windows and that's fine, but is there an actual copy of a file kept temporarily on a hard drive on any Windows version? The machine I am using has Windows 7 32-bit on it.

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Copying Files To External HDD?

Aug 28, 2012

i noticed something really strange. i tried copying three iso files from my laptop to my external HDD. the problem is that after one iso is copied the copying process stops and resumes again after a pause and after that it pauses again and the third file starts. why it pauses to copy? i tries usb 3.0 and usb 3.0 the spped is around 94-95K Mbps. but once it starts to copy the second iso it drops to around 30K Mbps.its same with both the external HDDs.

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