Files Corrupted In External USB HD?

Jul 6, 2011

I've moved tons of files to an external hard drive [Samsung external USB HD (FAT32)]. After that, I've tried to eject the device in Windows 7, via Safely Remove Hardware but Windows said that the device was in use, even though everything (applications and windows) were closed. I decided to use USB Safely Remove software to eject my portable HD. I really don't know if that was the problem, but since then I found a lot of folders inside my external HD corrupted.

In the corrupted folders, JPG files looks like this. I can't read the other files (PDFs and PSD) in those folders, Adobe Reader and Photoshop says that the file is damaged. I've tried Windows 7 error-checking but the files are still corrupted.

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Deleting A Corrupted File On An External HDD?

Dec 9, 2012

I cannot delete files. Error message comes saying that files are corrupt. How to empty my external hard disk? I don't want to save the files.

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Software For Reading Corrupted External Hard

Jan 14, 2012

haw can i getting data from corrupted external hard disk

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External Drive Not Recognized In XP Now Disk Structure Corrupted / Unreadable

Jan 15, 2013

We had an external USB drive with tons of media files on it connected to computer A running Windows 7 Pro SP1. The drive was safely removed and connected to another computer that was running Windows XP Pro 2002 SP3. I was told that the drive was not recognized in XP and that it was disconnected (I cannot say for sure "Safely") and returned to the Windows 7 computer. Once the drive came up I get the following:

K: is not accessible. The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.

I know every drive fails eventually and I'm not sure how old this drive is. Any utilities to use to try and repair the file structure. I have only tried rebooting the Windows 7 computer and that did not change anything.

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How To Recover Files From Corrupted HDD

Jun 15, 2011

I had a hd go out on me. So I order a new 1.5 tb hd and install win 7 fresh on it. When I try to access my old hd it just states it has drive I with no info and ask to be formatted before used. I want to recover my old files off of it.

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Corrupted Downloaded Files

Feb 22, 2012

i'm using an hp laptop with windows 7 home basic 64 bit . i have a big problem in downloading files . whenever i download any file from the internet with any extension and try to open it , it says "file is corrupt" . also , while playing a Internet video , it stops playing suddenly , although the grey tape ( that shows the downloaded part of the video) is full . i tried many different browsers , also i tried downloading Internet videos using real player , it always doesn't work.

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Files Getting Corrupted And Inaccessible

Dec 9, 2011

I have a bigger problem now... I had a lot of restarts since a unknown problem appeared (what makes my windows freeze + restart all the time). Beacuse I restart my computer each day when he freezes, i have now problems like files and folders being corrupted and inaccessible. Can't access a folder or open program. It even says that some .exe program is corrupted or web browser too... but i can open 99% of them only not 1 or 2. I think that reinstalling my win is the only way out of these many problems i have now beacuse restarting my computer each day by 2-3 times isn't a solution.

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Detect Corrupted Or Empty Files?

Jul 9, 2011

My hard disk is corrupted and it causes frequent blue screen and restarts. I bought a new hard disk and transferred the data to the new hard disk. While transferring the files from old hard disk to new hard disk, the pc still encounters frequent blue screen and restarts, causing the data transfer to suddenly stop when it restarts.

Now I have installed the new hard disk and everything works fine.

The problem is when I open some word and excel files, the files are blank (like a new document) or show me a error message. This is probably caused due to the sudden restart while I was transferring files. I remembered some of the corrupted files are being transferred when the pc restarts by itself.

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Downloaded Files Becoming Corrupted During Download

Aug 1, 2012

Every time I download something from Internet Explorer for like 2 MB or more it turns out to be either corrupted or unfunctional after download.
At first when I download a file the browser scans it and tells me its unsafe and wont open even though I know it isnt because I have used it many times before on my previous computers, but I tried downloading the same file again and it said it was unsafe BUT I was able to run it either way, after downloading that file it seems to bug up at Install in some point, I have no idea what is causing this so I turned my Laptop back to Factory mode but im still having this problem, Tried to turn it back to Factory mode again, still nothing.

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Tried To Delete Corrupted Library Files

Jun 10, 2012

I deleted music files from my Music folder in explorer...Then open up media player and found music files still there.Then I tried to delete them in media player with no result....It tells me files cannot be found.. plz I need some options on what to try next.

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How To Remove Corrupted Files From Computer

Jan 23, 2013

How do I remove corrupted files on my laptop

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Recovered Files From Corrupted Partition?

Feb 7, 2013

i recently had a OS partition go bad, and i used easeus to recover the files (not the partition) is there anyone with some knowledge to if there is anything i can do (or any software) with the files so i can move them to a new drive with a new bootable partition and get windows to boot from that new drive? or even install windows on that new drive but move all the program files and data so i don't have to re-install all applications

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Lots Of Windows 7 Files Have Been Corrupted Or Are Missing

Apr 15, 2011

I probably got overly ambitious with a disk cleanup utility and now several functions of windows 7 don't work. New updates don't install, other updates that I DID install are missing, I am unable to run certain games, and I can't run SFC /scannow.However virus scan updates appear to be fine.What is the best way to fix this? I have an old backup I did with Norton Ghost on disk but something is wrong with the second disk so I can't use to to reinstall the entire backup but I might be able to extract some old files if I knew which ones to extract. I am running Window Seven Home Premium. It is a legal copy. I got it directly from Microsoft. If I try to run SFC /scannow from Windows I cannot get it to show up or do anything. Its like I never did anything. If I try to run SFC /scannow from the boot CD using this command

sfc /scannow /offbootdir=f: /offwindir=f:windows

I get this error messge:

Windows Resource Protection Could not run the repair service IF I try to run the repair outlined here:[URL]I get an error saying Windows cannot find the file specified.My computer specs are

Drive C: W7 Home Premium 80GB NTFS (IDE)
Drive D: WinXP Pro sp2 80GB NTFS (IDE)
Drive E : Storage 80gb (IDE)
Drive F and G DVDR's


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Deleted And Corrupted Outlook 2010 Pst Files?

Jan 17, 2012

Twice in as many weeks I have had a machine come to me missing the Outlook 2010 pst file needed to run. I have run GetDataBack for NTFS on both and recovered a string of pst files that look to be the appropriate size but I have had to run scanpst on them to get Outlook to use the files. Only a small percentage of the files can be repaired and of the repaired files only a small amount of email (messages) information is actually returned to Outlook. Is this the result of some type of new and very malicious infection?

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Cannot Restore Hard Drive Because Of Corrupted Files

Feb 13, 2012

At the moment, my Gateway M-Series laptop which has Windows 7 32bit will not do a system restore! It says my local disc ( C: ) has errors, it cannot check these errors so that I can restore the computer

My computer doesn't want to connect to the Internet also (lucky for me I have other means of accessing the Internet) and every time I open Chrome or any of my software it says there are corrupted files and the disk check will not run because there are corrupted program files? I haven't downloaded anything of late I keep a fairly clean hard drive, but when I went into system restore it set one of the restore points as 'DirectX Installed' which incidentally I haven't installed and isn't in any programs list.

After some tweaking I found I was able to check the disk and restore the computer but I would still like to know if any of you have any input on how to avoid future problems!!

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Files Corrupted After Being Copied To A Different Hard Drive

Feb 11, 2012

I copied several large files (between 1 and 4 GB) from one USB hard drive to another. At the target destination several of the files had defects. They were in general not completely unreadable. Most could still could be opened but had clearly corrupted data. how can this be detected/prevented. Doesn�t Windows 7 have some kind of an integrity check when copying files? Also is there any good software to compare files for being exactly identical down to the last bit? Ideally with the capability to compare whole folder contents so that it hasn't to be done file by file.

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How To Repair System Files That Were Corrupted During Update

Sep 15, 2011

My computer was installing the latest updates for windows 7 professional 64 bit and the battery died during the shut down process, and now when I start the computer it will allow me to log in but when it hits the desktop it freezes up completely. I have tried using the system restore but somehow my restore points cant be found anywhere and when I tried using the system repair option on the installation cd it says it cant because the problem is unfixable. The error it says it has is in the boot sector and it says the error code is 0x45d, but when I ran it a second time it didn't say that. I really don't want to deal with pulling off all of my personal files and then installing a fresh copy of windows because that would be too much of a hassle, but if i have to i will.

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How To Recover Files If The Hard Drive Is Corrupted

May 22, 2012

How to recover files if the hard drive is corrupted

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Recover Data/files If Operating System Is Corrupted?

Aug 11, 2012

if my operating system like xp or win 7 is corrupted/damaged which it can't be started to get/recover my files what software should i use

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SFC / Scannow Reports 6 MUI Source Files Corrupted In Store

Oct 11, 2012

I recently got some work done on my machine at a "PC fixit" store. It was unbootable due to an encryption issue that I had created, so as part of the service, they loaded Ultimate on it. When I got the machine back, it worked fine, but I couldn't shut it down without holding down the power button (would always reboot). I still don't have any issues with my machine, but when I run scannow (many times) I get errors about seemingly important files, but I can't tell if I have cause for concern, or what the next steps should be, since I don't have any way to replace the corrupted files. I would prefer not to have the OS reloaded.

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Flash Drive Corrupted - How To Recover Files / No Backup

Mar 23, 2011

I've been using a flash drive for coursework and transferring data and windows 7 suddenly decided it was corrupted despite me finding no problems with it. So me being me decided to allow it to try and fix it and guess what happens, I wind up with a file with the same name as the folder it decided to remove and a new folder full of what looks like setting and configuration files (got a cog icon, cant remember what extension they have). How do I recover files that haven't been backed up???????

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Shared Files In Windows 7 Corrupted By HOMEgoup Settings

Jul 12, 2011

Shared files in win7 corrupted by HOMEgoup settings.Many problems with shares (ex XP connect problems) are caused by changed Microsoft settings, and potentialy bad MS implementation!

Quote : YOUR PASSWORD NEEDS TO BE IDDENTICAL on all systems using file share is INCORRECT(incomplete)

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Windows 7 Corrupted System Files / Windows Explorer Crashes

Nov 8, 2012

I (my wife) is running Windows 7 Home Premium (64). Windows explorer crashes when:

-Searching with more than 4 characters in the start menu
-Opening the Network and Sharing Center
-Various other times that seem unrelated

I have attempted:

-Startup repair X3 : it catches problems but doesn't repair them
-sfc /scannow command : also catches problems, and the CDA log shows all of the corrupted files.
-Copying the system32 files from a fresh windows install to fix the broken dll files while in another os : this didn't seem to have any affect
-System Restore doesn't have any images before the issue began
-Full system antivirus and malware scan and rootkit detection with no results showing (doesn't rule it out, but I used Norton commercial, Mbits, Lavasoft, and Kapersky online all in safemode, and some rootkit detectors)
-Repair Install : hangs when initiated
-Updating windows to SP1 : it seems the system attempted to update some time ago and failed or was interrupted. Now SP1 won't install, the updater hangs
-in an attempt to fix the windows update hanging issue, I tried:

-Installing the system update readiness tool (Download System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB947821) [September 2012] from Official Microsoft Download Center) : the update hangs too
-Installing the fix it program here (Fix the problem with Microsoft Windows Update that is not working) : didn't make a difference
-renaming the software center file as in this thread (Script or command to delete contents of Software Distribution folder?) and re-attempting to install sp1.

I (my wife) has some very expensive programs on her computer that we no longer have install discs for. She had them before we were married, but they seem to have been "lost in the move." We can probably work with each of the individual programs, but I'd sure like to look at other options that allow her to keep her file and program structure intact.

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Files In External USB HDD Are Not Being Shown

May 13, 2012

I have a Western Digital 1 TB External USB HDD.I have used it for some time.One day, I was copying files from my laptop to the USB HDD.It was taking for ever. So, I tries to cancel it. It wouldn't cancel. So, I disconnected the USB HDD by pulling the USB chord.From that day, it is not working.When I connect it will show it as a local-disk, but not show any details like size or name of the drive. It takes forever to open right-click menu and properties. Disk Manager takes for ever to show the list of drives. If I double-click on the drive, my whole system becomes slow and windows explorer hangs.If I restart my system in Safe mode, it will show the drive in Disk Manager as RAW and it gives me an option to format.Is there a way to recover the data and the HDD.

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Files From External Drive

Jun 7, 2012

When you open a file (document, audio, photo, etc.) from an external drive (such as a USB drive or external disk drive), do any remnants of that file remain on the hard drive of the computer on which you opened it? I am mainly concerned with Windows based systems.I ask this because I am borrowing a laptop from a friend and some of the files on a USB drive are personal documents and family photos which I would prefer not to leave behind.I know document names will remain in recent documents on some versions of Windows and that's fine, but is there an actual copy of a file kept temporarily on a hard drive on any Windows version? The machine I am using has Windows 7 32-bit on it.

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Copying Files To External HDD?

Aug 28, 2012

i noticed something really strange. i tried copying three iso files from my laptop to my external HDD. the problem is that after one iso is copied the copying process stops and resumes again after a pause and after that it pauses again and the third file starts. why it pauses to copy? i tries usb 3.0 and usb 3.0 the spped is around 94-95K Mbps. but once it starts to copy the second iso it drops to around 30K Mbps.its same with both the external HDDs.

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External HDD Files On Windows 7?

Jul 10, 2010

I have my sensitive files and data stored in either a USB or external drive. When these files are opened for viewing and editing (using Excel or Word) , then resaved back in the External Storage Media, will Windows 7 or any other Win OS for that matter retain the info somewhere in the computer that I use for editing after I exit the program ?

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Can't Access Files On External HDD

Nov 15, 2011

I have a Storagebird 500gb external disk full of videos, pictures and stuff. Recently it started to load slowly and when I try to play files from it, it says 'Error -43: a file could not be found (''). The HD shows up in disk management and my computer, but I can only access a handful of files. Is there a way to recover the rest of them?

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My External HDD Not Copying Certain Files

Apr 26, 2012

I am trying to copy some files to my external hard disk but some certain files doesn't want to move or copy at all no matter how many times I have tried. I also formatted my HDD to NTFS but no result.

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Files From External Harddisc To New PC?

Oct 28, 2012

I've got a new PC. I have made a backup of all files on old computer to an external harddisc (WD). How do I export them to the new PC (Windows 7)?

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Access Denied To Files On External HDD?

Dec 24, 2011

I have a new windows 7 install on an old Acer Aspire SA-80

when I to run certain EXE's from my external desktop HDD i get "windows can not access the specifed device, path or file, you may not have the approriate permission to access the file" - when i check permisions for my user account they do not have full control, when i set full control it just resets back to read only

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