Files From External Harddisc To New PC?

Oct 28, 2012

I've got a new PC. I have made a backup of all files on old computer to an external harddisc (WD). How do I export them to the new PC (Windows 7)?

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Files Corrupted In External USB HD?

Jul 6, 2011

I've moved tons of files to an external hard drive [Samsung external USB HD (FAT32)]. After that, I've tried to eject the device in Windows 7, via Safely Remove Hardware but Windows said that the device was in use, even though everything (applications and windows) were closed. I decided to use USB Safely Remove software to eject my portable HD. I really don't know if that was the problem, but since then I found a lot of folders inside my external HD corrupted.

In the corrupted folders, JPG files looks like this. I can't read the other files (PDFs and PSD) in those folders, Adobe Reader and Photoshop says that the file is damaged. I've tried Windows 7 error-checking but the files are still corrupted.

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Files In External USB HDD Are Not Being Shown

May 13, 2012

I have a Western Digital 1 TB External USB HDD.I have used it for some time.One day, I was copying files from my laptop to the USB HDD.It was taking for ever. So, I tries to cancel it. It wouldn't cancel. So, I disconnected the USB HDD by pulling the USB chord.From that day, it is not working.When I connect it will show it as a local-disk, but not show any details like size or name of the drive. It takes forever to open right-click menu and properties. Disk Manager takes for ever to show the list of drives. If I double-click on the drive, my whole system becomes slow and windows explorer hangs.If I restart my system in Safe mode, it will show the drive in Disk Manager as RAW and it gives me an option to format.Is there a way to recover the data and the HDD.

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Files From External Drive

Jun 7, 2012

When you open a file (document, audio, photo, etc.) from an external drive (such as a USB drive or external disk drive), do any remnants of that file remain on the hard drive of the computer on which you opened it? I am mainly concerned with Windows based systems.I ask this because I am borrowing a laptop from a friend and some of the files on a USB drive are personal documents and family photos which I would prefer not to leave behind.I know document names will remain in recent documents on some versions of Windows and that's fine, but is there an actual copy of a file kept temporarily on a hard drive on any Windows version? The machine I am using has Windows 7 32-bit on it.

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Copying Files To External HDD?

Aug 28, 2012

i noticed something really strange. i tried copying three iso files from my laptop to my external HDD. the problem is that after one iso is copied the copying process stops and resumes again after a pause and after that it pauses again and the third file starts. why it pauses to copy? i tries usb 3.0 and usb 3.0 the spped is around 94-95K Mbps. but once it starts to copy the second iso it drops to around 30K Mbps.its same with both the external HDDs.

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External HDD Files On Windows 7?

Jul 10, 2010

I have my sensitive files and data stored in either a USB or external drive. When these files are opened for viewing and editing (using Excel or Word) , then resaved back in the External Storage Media, will Windows 7 or any other Win OS for that matter retain the info somewhere in the computer that I use for editing after I exit the program ?

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Can't Access Files On External HDD

Nov 15, 2011

I have a Storagebird 500gb external disk full of videos, pictures and stuff. Recently it started to load slowly and when I try to play files from it, it says 'Error -43: a file could not be found (''). The HD shows up in disk management and my computer, but I can only access a handful of files. Is there a way to recover the rest of them?

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My External HDD Not Copying Certain Files

Apr 26, 2012

I am trying to copy some files to my external hard disk but some certain files doesn't want to move or copy at all no matter how many times I have tried. I also formatted my HDD to NTFS but no result.

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Access Denied To Files On External HDD?

Dec 24, 2011

I have a new windows 7 install on an old Acer Aspire SA-80

when I to run certain EXE's from my external desktop HDD i get "windows can not access the specifed device, path or file, you may not have the approriate permission to access the file" - when i check permisions for my user account they do not have full control, when i set full control it just resets back to read only

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Files Disappeared On External HDD, Chkdsk?

Dec 30, 2011

I was listening to music from my external hard disk, when the music stopped and i got an error. When I tried to restart music, all my folders on my external had disappeared, but the space required for all those files was still "used".I don't know why... maybe because I remembered something about it... i ran chkdsk /r and it found a lot of errors and then it wrote 105684709 KB in 9719 recovered files.Now it's checking for available space. What I'd like to know is: did I make an error running it? Will it put all files into some strange un-readable archive?

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Copied Files Not Visible On External HDD?

Feb 22, 2013

I recently got a new iMac so am trying to copy/move some files around. However ANY file i copy onto the hard disk (which is in NTFS format) are not visible in Win7. The folder into which i copied into is visible but shows size as 0 bytes, whereas there is around 1.7TB of data in that folder. ALl older folders which were created/modified in Win7 earlier are visible. If i attach the disk to the Mac, the the files are there.. Am using Paragon NTFS if that matters...

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Unable To See Files On External Drive?

May 2, 2011

my previous computer - running windows xp - got seriously infected. couldn't do anything to resolve it, so i bought a new dell computer (inspiron 580) running windows 7. i had backed up about 100 gbs of files on an external drive, but when i look at the drive now on my new computer i can see that there is an enormous amount of space being used, but i cannot see (nor open) the files that are there!

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External HDD Don't Show Any Document Files?

May 2, 2012

I made the HDD from my dead PC external. It does not show any of my Windows related documents or desktop folders. Is there anyway I can find and retreive them?

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Viewing Files On External XP Hardrive

Jul 2, 2012

My XP machine HD started to fail and after numerous tries to fix it, I purchased a new Windows 7 machine. I took the internal HD out of the Xp machine and put it in a docking station to USB and it shows up as Drive K on the windows 7 machine. I wanted to drag and drop some files from it, but can't find most of them! What is odd, is most files aren't showing - no music files, no doc files - the drive seems to be working/reading ok. I also noticed there are no individual user accounts. I've turned on "show all hidden files" and I"ve given ownership of the whole K drive and folders to everyone and my username, but no files show. The drive shows it is almost full, so SOMETHING is on there.

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Unable To Open Some Files On External HDD

Sep 28, 2010

I recently purchased a laptop and hooked up my Seagate HDD to access different files on there (music and videos mainly). The HDD was originally connected to my desktop. Both systems run Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.

However, on the laptop, there are some files (it seems to be older ones) that I can't run from the hard drive. I have to copy them to my actual hard drive in order to run them. Trying to rename one of these files yields " File Access Denied: You'll need to provide administrator permission to rename this file" even though I only have one account on here which is the admin.

Is there any way just to do a clean wipe of the security restrictions so I don't have to worry about this?

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Copying Files To External HDD Freezes?

Sep 30, 2012

A few months ago,I bought an External Toshiba E.Store 3.5" 1.5 TB.I use it on Acer Aspire One-Netbook Processor Intel Atom1.66GHZ,2gb ram When I wanted to copy some files,regardless the amount of the files,or their capacitive,the copy just ended well.I use Teracopy.A bit after,my copy is just freezing.Netbooks is working well,ram was not at high percents,neither cpu.I had to open Task manager to close teracopy.Other times, the -file copying- was ended well,other times not.I did a format to my netbook,because I have searched and I found that maybe on my operating system was the problem.After the format nothing changed.
After a lot of search again,I found that chkdsk may help on the solution of this problem.3 days ago,I pluged my hdd and the *disk checker*(sorry if this is not the name)appeared.AutoCorrect file system errors 2)detection and recovery of bad sectors on the disk?This check was going well,but hangs a lot of hours at a sertain number of file.I stopped the check,restarted windows,and opened Safe Mode to run check here.Same problem appears.Check hangs at the certain number of files.But my hdd seams to be working,like the blue light is blinking.I saw on a forum that one person had a complete full 2TB external hdd and he took 47 hours to made check done.I am desperate for help,I can't copy a file bigger than 700mb-1gb.

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Files Can't Copy To USB Or External HDDs

Dec 8, 2009

I got this really strange problem going on with my win 7 x64 Ultimate

when i wanna copy a iso image thats pretty large (3gigs+) my pc wont let me copy it

even though i have like double the file size that i wanna copy

hyperlink to screenshot

anybody else got this problem? anybody able to fix this? seems like a bug to me, not sure though. I also sometimes get the message "you DESTINATION file is too big for the file you are copying!" any solutions also?

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Windows 7 Can't Locate Files On An External HD

Oct 7, 2011

For 5 years I had good service from an orange top Toshiba laptop but have now upgraded to brand spanking new black top Toshiba laptop ... Oh, you need the technical stuff as well!

-Old: Toshiba Satellite M50 series (Windows XP Home/MS Office 2003 Pro).
-New: Toshiba Satellite M745 (Windows 7/MS Office 2010 Pro)
-Migration of data: Seagate external hard drive.

I have religiously backed up all data files on a routine basis and checked for function and accuracy before disposing of the trusty orange M50.I now have the sleek black M745 up and running and with the exception that I can't get my head around the differences between MS Office 2003 and 2010, all seems to be well apart from one particularly nasty 'showstopper'.The new laptop can't open any of the files, MS or otherwise, stored on the external HD. Although I can see the files on the HD and am told that there is data in the files, I get the message that the file path cannot be found.The vast majority of these files are MS Office documents, power-point files and Access databases (created in MS Office 2003). However, movie files also receive the same message.

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How To Copy Files From External HD To Favorites On Windows 7

Aug 31, 2011

As a complete newcomer to Win 7 I've just copied my Favorites from my XP system onto an external hard drive. I can now see the hard drive in Win 7 but I can't see how to copy the files to Favorites.

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Moving External Drive Files From IMac To PC?

Oct 24, 2011

I have just moved back from mac to pc. I have a 4 year old LaCie External drive that has everything backed up from my mac. I know most of it will be useless but I need my budget spreadsheet and want my photos, and stuff like that. Trouble is when I connect it to my new pc, Gateway One, is shows up in Devices and Printers but not as a clickable drive in My Computer. It's been tried on several other computers and laptops, all running windows 7, with the same result. Could this be because it was used on a mac? I thought it would at lest show up, then I could get off it what was usable. The paperwork that came with the drive says it's good on either pc or mac. Or could it be too old for windows 7? I did go to their web site and download drivers, didn't help. By the way, my son tried it on his works laptop, running xp. He's not allowed to install anything so he couldn't let the windows drivers run. We thought maybe it still might show up in My Computer, but it didn't.

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Copy Files To An External Hard Drive?

Jul 10, 2011

how to copy files to an external hard drive( photos and music0 there dosent seem to be a "copy to " option on windows 7

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Files Missing On External HDD After Using Windows Backup?

Nov 11, 2011

i used windows back up last night and came down in the morning to see that a file on my computer, which was labeled the same as the back up, is missing, although should i use the search function, i can still run them, such as SC2 which was on there as well as alot of other important stuff?

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Personal Files On An External Hard Drive

Jan 10, 2012

I consider myself relatively computer savvy, and I even talked to my IT-professional soon-to-be brother-in-law... but now I turn to you, BleepingComputer. I really need help here.Short Version:I keep all of my personal files on an external hard drive. That 1TB hard drive was getting full, so I bought a new 2.5TB hard drive. I start working from the files on the new drive. After about 30 seconds or so, folders just show as 0 bytes and "There are no files in this folder". The hard drive works on other computers (HP laptop) but not my Dell desktop. This has happened (sort of) with three different, brand new external hard drives. What would cause this?Super Long VersionI'm running a Dell Precision T5400 workstation with Windows 7 64Bit Home Premium. I keep two 1TB redundant drives at all times, synced monthly via SyncToy. The 1TB drives were filling up so I bought two 2TB Seagate external drives. And then this string of events happened:

1) Copied all of the data from the 1TB to a 2TB SEAGATE drive.
2) SyncToy'ed them to ensure that all of the data was definitely there.
3) Retired the old 1TB drive.
4) Began to duplicate the 2TB drive to the other 2TB drive.
5) In the middle of copying, I received the error, (something like) "Cannot copy files as the source file no longer exists".
6) Checked Disk Manager, and the 2TB drive shows up as RAW format now?! It was originally NTFS. Search Seagate forums and you'll find that this is a common problem.
7) Restart. Same problem. The other 2TB SEAGATE drive now has "USB device not recognized" errors.
8) Try restarting, copying over and over. Same results.
9) Plug both drives into my work laptop (Mac Bootcamp Windows 7 64bit). Both show up as "Drive needs to be formatted to proceed".
10) I format both of them and perform check disks on my Mac Laptop.
11) They're fine. Then I plug them into my Dell Desktop.
12) I run SeaTools on them. One has an error and can be RMA'd. The other is "USB device not recognized".I RMA them both and mail them in.At this point, I hate Seagate because they seemingly sold me two faulty 2TB drives.
13) I buy two new 2.5TB Western Digital Hard drives.(expensive. btw).
14) I un-retire my old 1TB drive and plug it into my Mac Bootcamp laptop. Disk has errors. Run the recovery tool. All seems well.
15) I copy my 1TB to one of the 2.5TB WD drives on my HP laptop (it's super old, and I had to go to work with my Mac)
16) I plug in the new 2.5TB drive to the Dell Desktop, and some of the folders show up empty?!?
17) Plug that drive back into the old HP Laptop all of the files show up.At this point, I'm super confused. There's clearly something wrong with my desktop?
18) I perform the following while checking the disk in between each new trial: system restore, uninstall USB drivers/host controllers, start in safe mode. Nothing works. Same problem. Folders show as empty.
19) Plug the drive back into the HP laptop. Files are there.
20) Re-install BIOS on the desktop. Folders show as empty.
21) Run Malwarebytes, HiJackThis... nothing out of the ordinary.
22) The computer doesn't fully start up when the 2.5TB WD drive is plugged in.
23) I run startup recovery. It spits out a bunch of errors. Fixes some, some not.
24) Folders show as empty.

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Unmovable Files On External Hard Drive

Aug 23, 2011

I am trying to defragment my external hard drive, a Western Digital passport 500gb. A lot of space is being taken up by these unmovable files and I want to consolidate the free space.

The recycle bin is empty, I have deleted the WD folder, I have deleted the "system volume information" by booting into Ubuntu live. I don't know why there was a system volume information anyway, system restore is not on for this drive.

I have "show hidden files and folders" and "show operating system files" selected and cannot see anything other than the empty recycle bin (and of course all the data on there, the data is back ups of photo's, movies, etc.) what is there left that is "unmovable"? I can't see anything at all that would be considered a system file.

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Explorer And Avi Files On A External Hard Drive

Jan 2, 2010

I have a external hard drive with lots of movies on, now it takes explorer ages to display them all, I have set view to just details as I thought it would speed up the displaying of them. Is there any way to make them display faster? I have K-Lite codec pack installed if that's any help.

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How To Share Files On An External Media Player

Dec 16, 2011

I was trying to get my Western Digital Live tv player to access my video files but I think windows wont allow it to view them.I followed the instructions for the live tv player to get the files to be shared but they don't show up in the folder when browsing the files on the live tv player menuit's a known issue a lot of people are having on western digital's forum.[URL]...chapter 6 page 35 is where it shows how to get folders and files to be shared but no one on any windows machine can get it to work.from xp to 7 the folders show up blank(empty) in the browser. however if I turn on media streaming in windows 7 I can access all my files with my media player. even though the instructions says that setting is for connecting the player to other DLNA protocol devices. but that's the only way I can access my stuff on my computer. the instructions suggest we use the "network share" route instead. but no one can get it to work.I was wondering if there is a setting in windows that needs to be adressed other than what western digital's instructions tell us to do.I know it's asking a lot out of you guys/gals if you don't have one or care about it, but I just don't understand windows 7 sharing enough to get it to work.

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Deleting And Editing Files And Folders On External Usb HD

Aug 28, 2011

I have a Windows 7 pc. My old one was running xp. I have a Seagate external HD that was hooked up to the old pc, and now to the new one.

When I access the external now and attempt to delete folders, or maybe add something to a text file and save, I'm basically told I can't.

I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that most of these files and folders were created when I had my xp machine? Have tried to go into permissions and make changes, but don't really know which ones. Everything I try yields the same result...NO-CAN-DO BUDDY! This is my computer and these are my files.

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Windows 7 - How To Move Large Files To External HD

Jan 28, 2012

I have a 30 GB file on my desktop and I want to move it to an external hard drive. In Win 7 it just won't go! Cut/paste, move to, nothing. How can it be done?

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Windows 7 Computer Won't See Files On External Drive

Mar 21, 2012

I just got a new laptop with Win 7. The computer sees the Iomega external drive, and tells me how big it is, how much space I have on it, but won't let me see the files.

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How To Transfer Files From External Hard Drive To Pc

Aug 26, 2012

I have an external hard drive, I copied onto the computer but the files are confusing. There are 279 files and files within files. How do I get them back to their original format for example word, excel, etc.

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Can't Copy Any Files From Laptop To External Drives

Jan 20, 2013

I can copy any files (from and to) in any external devices.... wen i tried it says disk write protected

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