Hotkey To Multiple Displays

Nov 16, 2009

I've been browsing the web to find an answer for my question, but with no luck.

I use Windows 7 on a PC which is setup to be both an office and an entertainment computer. Therefore it's connected to two seperate screens with one graphic card. The screens are one 19" desktop screen (1280x1024) and one 40" Samsung LCD TV (1920x1080). When I'm browsing the web, working with documents etc. I use the desktop screen and when I watch movies, pictures etc. I use the TV.

Now I'm trying to switch between them in an easy way. I've tried several third party applications but eventually found that the best way to switch between these in fact is to use Windows 7 built-in software. I've setup Windows to recognize the two seperate screens and I switch between them by using the "Multiple Displays" option in the settings. I then switch by using "show desktop only on 1/2".

Do anyone know if this switch can be done by using a hotkey combination through Windows or through some other software? It's not the end of the world right clicking the desktop and doing it, but it'd be nice to save a few clicks every time.

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Multiple Resolutions On Multiple Displays

Oct 31, 2009

I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get two monitors, a small 1024x768 LCD, and a 46" 1920x1080 TV, to display the same wallpaper at different resolutions. My graphics card is older, a Nvidia Quadro FX 1700, but it is perfectly capable of driving both displays at the same time. It's a minor annoyance, but I'd like to get it working if it's possible.

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Multiple Displays Don't Share Resolutions?

Nov 2, 2011

I have this computer, with a GeForce 6200 TurboCache gfx card in it. With two Samsung SyncMaster 931BW attached. One VGA, one DVI.

Earlier, this pc was running windows XP, and both displays were set to their native resolution of 1400 x 900. I deployed Windows 7 on it, and now I can't set both monitors. One is at 1400 x 900, the other defaults to 1024 x 768, AND they get swaped around on the multi display. The left gets put on the right, etc. If I try and select 1400 x 900, it flickers but no resolution change.

Yes I'm on the latest Nvidia driver for this brand of card. No I haven't tried another card yet because I can't find a spare. It was working in XP, and trying to get to the bottom of this is frustrating.

If you need more information, ask. I'm going to be here for 4 more hours.

Also, in case it's relevant - In the Nvidia control panel, under 'change resolutions' It correctly detects both sync masters. It's detecting the VGA one as 'VGA - PC display', but the DVI one as "composite - standard definition television"

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Extending The Taskbar For Multiple Displays?

Jan 16, 2012

I recently purchased a second monitor and now have two working at the same time. It lets me have a lot more windows open at any given time, but since the windows task bar is only displayed on the main monitor it gets very clustered when I open all the windows I need. This makes it hard swapping between windows, especially when I'm working on the secondary monitor and have to move the mouse over to the primary to pull up a window that's behind all the others.

I'm wondering if there's a way to extend the task bar across both monitors? I've looked in the properties of both the task bar and the nvidia control panel, but found nothing.

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Displays Won't Turn Off After 3 Minutes But It Will Then Put The Computer To Sleep After 10 Minutes While The Displays Are Still On?

Aug 20, 2012

I currently have it set to turn off my displays at 3 minutes of inactivity, and put the computer to sleep after 10 minutes.Sometimes, the displays won't turn off after 3 minutes, but it will then put the computer to sleep after 10 minutes while the displays are still on. More often, it will turn the displays off, but won't ever put the computer to sleep.Why wouldn't the computer go to sleep?Wouldn't any activity turn the displays back on? And so if they don't come back on, why wouldn't it go to sleep?why wouldn't the displays turn off, and then it goes to sleep?

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Hotkey For Language Bar

Oct 22, 2009

Is there any way to make a hotkey for switching between the languages in Windows 7 language bar (to use ONLY Ctrl instead Alt+Shift or whatever)

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How To Show Desktop Without Using Hotkey

Jun 23, 2011

I want to make some "show desktop shortcut" on the taskbar, and when I click on it, it must to react same as when I press Win+M hotkey.


When I save this as show.scf it is react just like Win+D hotkey. But I want to create win+M hotkey's shortcut. If it possible to make this shortcut, when you click on it it must Minimize all windows by effect. And I want to sort folders by myself, for example: I have folder A, B, C, D and I want to sort them not by alphabet or by size.. I should able to put folder D after A, I cant drag them.

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Disable / Rebind Win+X Hotkey?

Dec 31, 2011

It it possible to disable Win+X hotkey � without disabling the Mobility Center itself? Or, better yet, use some other hotkey for mobility center (which, though, is probably simple) and bind some other hotkey to Win+X?

I have HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerNoWinKeys set to 0x01 already.

Additionally, I want to bind (shift+)alt+tab actions to Win+Z / Win+X � is that possible?Additionally (in case this won't require a separate tread), I can't bind Win+` (at least in Launchy) � is there something special about this combination?

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Hotkey For Switching Software?

Oct 20, 2010

Just found out something really cool and useful. It's like 3D flip but better, as all the active windows become smaller but are facing forward, which makes it easier to choose the needed one. When you point them with your mouse, it shows the software/folder name.I know the alt + tab and win + tab combos, but there has to be some for this one too I guess. Haven't found it even though I tried searching the Interner for hotkey guides.The way I found this option was when I was using my Logitech mouse on my laptop, and started customizing the mouse buttons... I found a button command "switch between software", chose it, and found this option out. How can I do the same thing without my mouse, just using some keyboard combo?Here's a pic of how it looks. Originally Microsoft Word was on top, after pressing the button all the windows were resized and placed next to each other.

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Is There A CTRL + ALT + C Hotkey In Windows 7

Apr 15, 2011

I have another program with this hot key - and it is not working properly.

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Hotkey To Shutdown Immediately?

Apr 29, 2011

I've referred to Shut Down Windows ShortcutFirst time I did a hotkey, somehow it worked, BUT it asked me "What do you want the computer to do?"I wouldn't like it sitting on my desktop either. & now the hotkey is not working whatsoever. I'd like to just press the keys anytime anywhere so my PC will shut right down

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Remove Hotkey From Tool Bar?

Jan 23, 2012

can not remove hotkey from tool bar

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Create A Hotkey To Open A Certain Folder?

Jun 28, 2011

If I have a folder that usually takes a bit of navigation to get to (don't want any shortcuts on my desktop either as I don't have any shortcuts or icons on my desktop) is it possible to assign some sort of key to instantly open it? Such as holding down CTRL+ALT+184 on the num pad and it will open up that folder. Can it be done?

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Focus On Mouse Click Hotkey

Jul 18, 2011

I was just wondering if there is a hotkey to either focus on/make active what the mouse is over or just to left click. this would be useful for me sometimes and i'm sure it is possible. I haven't seen this on any hotkey lists around though.

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Alternating Between 2 Desktops With A Hotkey Shortcut?

Jan 3, 2012

I'm a gamer and I want to have 2 desktops such as 1 with a character of the game I play for when I'm with friends and 1 of a lightning storm when I'm out in public. Is there a shortcut such as pressing CRT+S or WIN+S to change desktops so when im in public and I have the wrong desktop I can press the hotkey to change it and change it back when im with friends?

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Hotkey For Closing Taskbar Items

Dec 21, 2009

Does anyone know if there is a hotkey to close an item on the taskbar?

I know you can open them with Windows key+ 1,2,3,etc

But for example if I am watching a video in firefox (current window) and want to exit my music player(songbird, minimized in the background) So i can hear the video, is there a hotkey where i can simply press some key combination and select its number on the taskbar?

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Disabling / Editing A Hotkey Shortcut?

Jul 15, 2010

I apparently set up my screenshots to take with the hit of s for easy access while playing games. The problem is now everything I hit s, it takes a screenshot. I've spend countless hours searching on the net for a solution so I thought I'd come here to see if someone has had a similar problem. Is there a location I can find where I can edit and or disable all hot key commands?

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Packard Bell Hotkey Utility

Aug 27, 2012

I reinstall windows on PB TS44HR. I found almost all drivers, but i couldn't find hotkey driver for this notebook ( windows 7 Ultimate x64). where i can find it? or what's the name of this driver?

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Desktop Icons/Gadget Shortcut Or Hotkey?

Jan 13, 2010

Currently, from what I can tell, the only option to hide the gadgets and desktop icons is to right click, go to view, etc.

Does anyone know a shortcut for this or how I can hotkey it?

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Hidden Desktop Shortcuts' Hotkey Not Working?

May 25, 2011

Last night (about 23 hours ago) I made shortcuts of my most used programs to my desktop. I then designated hotkeys to each shortcut as well as making the shortcuts "Hidden".Last night, the Hotkeys were working perfectly, but now as I turned on my computer the hotkeys don't seem to work anymore.

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Screen Saver Start - Hotkey Or Mouse

Oct 10, 2009

Is there a way to start a screen saver with a hot-key or a mouse gesture (or perhaps by putting the mouse into a certain corner for a certain amount of seconds)?

I would like the ability to start the screen saver on command without going to the display option and clicking the preview button. For example, when surfing the web or watching a video, I would like to push alt-s or something similar, or perhaps move the mouse to a corner, and the screen saver starts automatically, right away, then acts normally as if it started by itself (meaning, it is "on" until I move the mouse or push a key).

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Creating A Recovery Partition For Hotkey Restore?

Feb 15, 2013

I am not sure if this is possible however is there a way of installing Windows 7, ctivating it with my OEM key and then created a recovery partition just in case I am ever in the situation where I need to run it using a hot key during boot?

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Quick Launch, Option Toolbar, Hotkey

Jan 26, 2009

Window 7, Quick Launch, Task Bar Toolbar Option

Is it true the registry hack is the only way to view Quick Launch?

Desktop Shortcut keys / hotkeys were great with the window button on the quick launch for Vista. Example Win button + 2 would launch the second shortcut icon.

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Printing Active Window With Dual Screens - Hotkey?

May 9, 2012

I am working in an office that uses dual screens to view stocks and things. When the users hit PrtSc, the system prints BOTH screens. I thought there was a hotkey that allows printing of the "active" screen only. The users are not in a position to paste things to the clipboard or snip. They just need a quick print of their ACTIVE screen.

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Hotkey Temporary Appearance In Taskbar On Initial Booting?

Aug 11, 2012

When windows7 is initially booted, I get a "hotkey" icon appearing in my taskbar. It is there for a short time and then disappears.

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Creating Show Desktop Script For Keyboard HotKey

Jul 20, 2010

I've just got a Logitech Cordless Desktop EX110, and the keyboard (like most moderately priced keyboards) has numerous 'hot-keys' (like music controls, email button, internet button, calc button etc.) On the side of my keyboard is two hot keys, a 'back' button and a 'close window' button. Now in the Logitech SetPoint software it is possible to customize this buttons function. So I want to make it a 'show desktop' button.

Here's the problem, the SetPoint software is a bit restricted and gives me these (function) choices: Default Task (in this case, close window) Open Web Page Launch Program Open File Open Folder Show Custom Menu Keystroke Assignment Do Nothing So, first of all i tried Keystroke Assignment. Well that would work, just there is only one keyboard short cut i know to show desktop (windows key & D). But this program only takes short cuts that use alpha-numeric keys, Alt or CTRL keys (or in comination, like CTRL+ALT+R) - not the windows key.

Are there any other keyboard shortcuts to show the desktop? Can I make a new keyboard shortcut? But before I started asking that question i thought well ill try 'Open Program'. Found on the Microsoft website the script for Show Dekstop.scf, got that all ready. Targeted the file in SetPoint, no it doesn't work - SetPoint's 'Open Program' only works with executable (exe). So I tried, open file - with the same file, nope - the computer does nothing when that happens.

So let me summarise: Is there an alternative shortcut to Win+D? If not, is there a way of me making a new shortcut (side note, without using a third party program like HotKeyz - coz it doesn't work that way either). Is there an executable script that will show desktop. And I'd need it to be a background sort of script, it'd be crude if everytime I pressed the button up came the cmd box.

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Find/delete Hotkey For Shortcut Assigned To Program?

Nov 2, 2012

when I <ctrl>B in WORDS 2010 I don't get what I should - i.e. bold font typing - but some unclear (to me) response. How do I restore the original function of <ctrl>B?

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Hotkey Drivers Compatibility Issues With ASUS Notebooks

Jun 5, 2009

I am using ASUS N50-VN notebook, and I have just upgraded to win7 RC build.

After that I have installed Hotkey drivers for Vista64 (Bundled with pack), which are not working properly.

Can anybody tell me from whr can I get Win7 compatible drivers (ASUS has not relesed yet), Or how can I run VIsta64 drivers with Win7_64 perfectly.

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Multiple BSOD At Random Times With Multiple Drivers Identified?

Nov 13, 2011

I am trying to get my wife's new computer up and running without any BSOD or program failures. Note that the system was not initially set up to capture the dmp files so all the earliest ones are missing. I presented the initial problems to the original seller who recommended sticking with MSE and uninstalling Norton 360 and I did that. Another forum suggested that Virtual Memory was the problem and I disabled and restored VM. Still having multiple crashes and I am hoping that I can get real help here. I do note that all the crashes have ntoskrnl.exe in the driver stack although sometimes alone and sometimes with other drivers.[CODE]

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How To Create A Desktop Shortcut (or Hotkey) To Speaker Setup Page

Jan 23, 2012

how to go one step further and create a desktop shortcut (or hotkey) to the speaker setup page where you choose your audio channels? (ie/ where you choose between Stereo, 5.1 Surround, 7.1 Surround, etc.) It's one click after getting to the Playback page. After getting to the Playback page, you'd click "Configure" to get there. It's this page here:

I need to switch quickly between "Stereo" and "5.1 Surround" and I'd like to get here with a single click (or hotkey). Does anyone know?

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Multiple Users On Multiple Windows 7-64bit Systems?

Feb 13, 2013

We have three medical clinics and the front desk staff float from clinic to clinic depending on their schedule. I only started here a few months ago and I am working on upgrading their Dell xp systems to Windows 7 systems.The problem begins to crop up when say a user named Sally will come in and sit down at this system for the first time.. Well, she needs to login, click on outlook icon, let it find her exchange PST and copy settings to her user profile, then she launches the application for the scanner that she uses to scan in ID's and insurance cards for every patient coming in.. The scanner is set to default settings and needs to be tweaked on color depth and double sided, etc.. Then after that, she needs to launch her Medical EMR application.. and then choose various options in the citrix client, ..TL;DR - Each user needs to spend 20 minutes resetting the defaults at this updated system.
Well this is fine except, I am planning on updating 2 front desk systems at each clinic, the user Sally will need to do all these things EACH time she finds herself sitting down at a system I just swapped out the previous evening.My thought is this, put a single system down in one clinic and let it sit a week giving most of the float users a chance to work on it for a day, setting all of their preferences etc.Once I get a bunch of them with user profiles on the local drive, grab an image of that drive and just deploy that to each system I roll out..Couple issues I am running into:First would be that I would have to register each Windows 7 copy with a new serial, which I have The next issue is, we have a mis-mash of Dell optiplex systems. 330's - 380's even a couple 320's..

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