Found Machine On Standby Despite Selecting Shutdown

Aug 26, 2011

I purchased 64 bit Windows 7 PC a couple of weeks ago. A few times I have found the machine on standby in the morning despite selecting 'shut down' the night before and I've just witnessed it start itself up after completely shutting it down half an hour earlier. It started powering up at midnight exactly not sure if this is coincidence, I've checked the task scheduler but there is nothing scheduled at all in it.

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Deleted Some Files - System Won't Standby Or Shutdown

Oct 13, 2012

I accidently managed to delete all files in my c:/users directory and now my system won't go into standby or hibernate mode. It just shows a blank screen when I choose either or these but the PC never hibernates or sleeps and the only way to get it out of this state is a hard shutdown. I deleted all Files/Folders except my own user folder.

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Removing Shutdown Option / Not Restart Or Standby Mode

Mar 16, 2012

i want people to prevent to shutdown there pc.. But not restart or standby mode.. Is there a way to only remove the shutdown button instead of everything? like the tweak on this forum.

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Windows 7 Welcome/shutdown/standby Animation Doesn't Work

Nov 16, 2012

the windows 7 welcome screen spinner isn't animating when I boot my computer or the shutdown spinner animation i have tried going into safe mode to see if that would fix it but no luck, I also tried sfc.exe.

PC specs
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
AMD FX-8120
Zambezi 32nm Technology
8.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 799MHz (11-11-11-28)


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BSOD When Restarting Machine (during Shutdown)

Apr 2, 2012

I've been having problems with my mobile broadband too - it keeps saying that it's not connected. Only happens on this machine. I think the two incidents might somehow be related (they both started happening around the same time).

I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit, retail OS installed early 2011 My original OS was Windows XP Machine was built in 2008, adding a new graphics card in 2011.

PS. I noticed that the System Health Report said I wasn't using anti-virus. I'm currently running AVG Free 2011.

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Windows Resumes From Standby And Goes To Standby Right Away

May 27, 2012

Windows 7 home premium, 64-bit HP Envy 3D laptop with 8GB memory, no custom hardware

I have configured a backup job which wakes up the laptop at midnight, takes a backup and puts laptop into standby again. All this happens with the laptop lid closed. The power scheme is configured to put laptop into standby when lid is closed.

The resume from standby, backup and suspend after backup is controlled by Windows Home Server (2003) console which is installed on the laptop. I had purchased the HP laptop in October of last year and this job used to work just fine. Sometime in March of this year, the backup stopped working.

After checking the logs and physically observing the laptop at midnight, I found that the laptop resumes from standby at the scheduled time but immediately goes into standby if the lid is closed. The backup fails. Windows event logs indicate that laptop lid close action is putting system into standby.

If the lid is open, then the laptop resumes from standby, stays awake, backup proceeds and laptop goes into standby again.

Here are my problems:

a) Why did the backup work for several months and then stopped working?

b) I have other laptops in the house running Windows 7 home premium on variety of hardware (all HP) and they do not have any issue. Even with the lid closed, they resume from standby, do a backup and go into standby again. The power scheme on all these laptops is set to put laptop into standby when lid is closed. I have verified from physically observing the laptops during backup time.

I have checked all the usual suspects like BIOS updates, driver updates, run sfc, completely deleted the Windows Home Server console from laptop and re-installed after deleting all past backups. Is there some setting that I have overlooked?

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Windows 7 Machine Cannot Access Win2003 Machine In A Workgroup?

Jan 4, 2012

i have Lan, all computers are windows 7 proffisional and one machine is windows 2003 , workgroup . i made shared folder in windows2003 , some computers can access the shared folder and others can not.when i open network , i see the 2003 computer, when i try to access it , it asked for user name and password. the user is administrator for all , when i enter the user and password from many computers in the lan it is work correctly but in one machine with the same settings its says , you have no permession to access this computer.

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Transfer Windows 7 From DE-commissioned Machine To Another Machine

Sep 22, 2010

I have de-commissioned an older machine that I had installed W7 on, I wish to install the W7 from this machine to another, is this possible -if so how?I think I have read somewhere, that once W7 is installed on a machine - it can NEVER be used on any other machine, is this correct?

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XP Machine Can See Machine But Can't Access Shared Folders

Jul 31, 2009

I have Windows Seven 7600 and i'm trying to share files with a XP SP2 machine!


-XP machine can see Seven machine but can't access shared folders!

-Seven machine can see XP machine but when i'm trying to see shared folders it gives me an error(see on screenshot)

-Network map doesn't work(see screenshot)

-Both machines have same workgroup MSHOME but when i go to homegroup it says there is no people in the homegroup!(see on screenshots)

Other info:

Before i couldn't turn network discovery on,every time i was set it to on he was going to off so I searched on this forum(great forum) and finally i was able to turn it on,maybe others have this problem so there what i did:i go to start=>run=>services.msc and i turned on(also i switched them to automatic startup) these services DNS Client, Function Discovery Resource Publication, SSDP Discovery, and UPnP Device Host services.

IPv6 currently is enabled!

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My Windows Keep De-selecting

Feb 5, 2013

I've noticed in the last month or so that any open windows keep deselecting. This problem was much worse when I was having problems with McAfee, and seemed to stop once I solved those.However I have noticed that it is still occurring, just not as often. This happens in Chrome and in Windows.

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Replaced An XP Machine With A Windows 7 Machine?

Feb 20, 2012

I replaced an XP machine with a Win7 machine. When I VPN into our 10 network I can't get to any 192.168 addresses. The XP machine works fine only the Win7 doesn't. I looked at a lot of settings but I can't find anything out of sorts.

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Selecting New AMD CPU For Main System?

Feb 7, 2012

Well I had a motherboard failure when it just stopped working (Thi it had something to do with reading the ram as it stopped seeing my 2 sticks as duel channel before it outright stopped working.Right now I got a few days before I can buy my hardware, I was going to get an FX6100 hex core, but after reading about it a bit more I figured it might be better to go with a AMD Phenom II X4 975 Black Edition.I am really not sure what I should get and could use some advice. I figured out the ram and motherboard I will get, but with what I seen I have no idea what to do about the CPU anymore.


So any advice on a decent CPU that will not break the bank. I was trying to stay around $300 for the three parts I am getting so Intell is pretty much out of the question (besides I like AMD)

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Dual Boot, Selecting Which OS

May 7, 2009

How do I remove 2 options that are in the boot selection, they are both windows 7, but i had removed the files, and they no longer work. I am Running windows 7 currently.

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Slow Scrolling While Selecting

May 15, 2012

I am having problems with slow scrolling while selecting down. If I go to the bottom and select up it works as expected (selects and scrolls quickly) but when I select down it doesn't. It seems to be isolated to my user. I logged in to my local guest account to verify this. selecting while scrolling worked as expected in my guest user account. the 2 user accounts do have different applications in them. I'm at a loss for why I can't select quickly while scrolling down. By the way, simply scrolling works fine in any direction. the problem only presents itself when I try to select and scroll down; then it slows down to a snails pace, only slower. The only thing I can think to do is to do a clean install by re-formating and reinstalling everything. It doesn't seem like there are any settings that can address this and it seems to happen in any application on this user. I would prefer not to migrate to a new user nor do a clean install but I'll do it, only as a last resort. I'll try to boot into safe mode to see if that helps but at this point, I don't think it will. I don't want to have to boot to safe mode every time i want to use my computer.

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Computer Keeps Selecting To Desktop?

Dec 16, 2012

I am new here so go easy on me, and this problem is hard to describe. Recently there has been this problem with my computer, where whenever I am in the middle of something it would be as if "someone" would click to my desktop but my window, or game would stay open and mouse cursor would be in the same position. Even typing this paragraph is hard because it keeps deselecting the the browser. It would pause, minimize, or window all my games, and stop my typing until I clicked on the screen to continue whatever I am doing.

What I have done: updating all drivers, searching online, different mouse and keyboard. What I have not done: virus scan, installing recent windows update, re install windows 7.

The only way it get fixed is when I shut down my computer and turn it on. It stops for a while then it occurs every so often, and then it does it every 30 seconds. It has not done this until a day ago when my computer crashed during windows updates, and then my hard drive got messed up, until I unplugged it for a minute, then it started up and finished the updates.

I also have another problem after the crash and ill give a little info on it, or post in another thread. Randomly both my monitors will turn off as if it is going into sleep mode every time I move my mouse, and it is similar to the problem above. It will also project audio as it goes black and then turn back on.

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Windows 7 Active Window Keeps De-selecting Itself

Jan 24, 2013

For the past six months or so I've had the problem of having my active window deselect itself many time during a often as every ten seconds or so. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit installed on a Dell Xps 15z-i7.I have read most of the windows forum suggestions on this topic, and none have work for more than a week or two. I have run ARO software checks and Advanced System Care 6 Pro.

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Explorer Crashing When Selecting An Image?

Apr 11, 2011

Explorer crashing when selecting an image?

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Marking / Selecting Text In Windows 7 X64

Aug 19, 2010

I had no problems with windows or anything,everything was fine, until this morning when i started computer and in Google Chrome marking text became nightmare, either it isnt marked at all, or it just mark last couple of letters on last word...sometimes even pressing back or forward button isnt recognized, or any other button on browser btw when i booted win this mornin' i got updated flash player.And then i tried to mark text in windows= SAME THING.

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Selecting Multiple Windows In Taskbar

Nov 18, 2010

I've recently migrated from Windows XP Pro to Win 7 Ent and now I see that it's not possible to Ctrl+Click on taskbar to select multiple windows and then e.g. close them all via context menu. I'm wondering if this is something that can be configured in Win 7 just like it worked in Win XP?

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Selecting Multiple Lines Of Text?

Oct 15, 2011

I usually click and drag straight downwards to select paragraphs or multiple lines of text in my browser or word.Now I can only select a few lines before the text gets unselected and then it starts selecting text farther down where mty cursor is. Or if I drag too fast, the entire selection gets unselected. I also noticed that when I double click on a word or sentence, the whole word or sentence gets selected. If I drag veeery slowly downwards from left to right, I can manage to select a little more text than I would have if I did it at the normal speed

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Selecting Specific Computers In Locations

May 13, 2011

I have already setup a network between Windows 7 x64 Ultimate machines. However, I am adding more computers to the network and would like to select as to which computers can see a particular folder. The problem is that when I am trying to set the permissions and go to "Locations," the only computer listed is mine, even though the "Network" folder clearly lists three other computers. How can I get these computers to also appear in "Locations" so I can choose which ones to share my files with? Ideally I am trying to create a new user group that will consist of preselected computers.

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Selecting Backup Target Folder

Nov 15, 2009

I have a notebook running Windows 7 Professional, and it's set to back up via network to an external drive which is connected to a desktop running Home Premium.

On the notebook, when I'm selecting the backup target, it lets me choose a specific folder on the external drive. However, when I'm backing up the desktop directly to the external drive, the only choice is the root of the external drive.

I'd like to specify a folder into which the desktop can back up instead. Can this be done, or am I going to have to pop for another Professional anytime upgrade?

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Selecting Sleep Shuts Down Computer

Apr 17, 2012

Sleep definitely shuts the computer down. No matter what I do in Power Options, when selecting Sleep, computer is definitely off. How can I be so sure? Well, in the past when Sleep was working, there would always be a blinking blue light emanating from the computer's on/off button and when bring back from Sleep all I would have to do is tap any key or left click my mouse and without any hassle, open programs would come back. However, now when selecting Sleep, no blinking blue light, no awakening when tapping keys or left clicking mouse. To open computer I have to depress the on/off button and when the computer comes to life there is that Windows Error Recovery screen and when Firefox is opened, I'm told that it crashed and if I wanted to restore stuff.The results of a Hibernate shut down are quite different and look to be normal. No blinking on/off light, but have to depress this button to get things started. Screen says Resuming Windows instead of Starting Windows as it did when using Sleep, there is no Windows Error screen, and I'm not asked to my user password. Also, Firefox opens without any "crash" alert.

I guess i can live with using Hibernate, but it is a real PITA compared to Sleep and I would much prefer to get to the bottom of this so that I can use Sleep.Took the bull by the horns and entered BIOS and went to Power Management Setup. S1/S3 were all enabled for mouse, keyboard and USB, there was no S2. Suspend Mode was set to [S3 (STR)]. There was an option to set it to S1 (POS)], which I did, and then finished booting. I then set all my Power Options (within the Control Panel) to their defaults, backed out to the desktop screen, clicked my mouse button to bring up closing choices and selected Sleep. And, Sleep it was!

1. What are the meanings of SRT and POS and why did this work?

2. As Sleep was working for about 4 years, what could have caused things to change in the I am assuming that the BIOS setting was originally S1???

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SLOW Boot And Shutdown After Forced Shutdown During Windows 7 Upgrade?

Sep 19, 2012

I have a ASUS Laptop with Intel I3 processer and Windows 7 Home Premium. I recently had a forced shutdown during a Windows upgrade session. Ever since then the Boot and Shutdown times have increased to over 15 minutes. I have run the msconfig unticking all but the antivirus (Kaspersky) and it still takes >15 min to boot and Shutdown. Is there something I can do before I decide to reinstall Windows &. (I dont have a install disk.) The software came with the Computer and I have the OEM code (Bought at Best Buy)

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When Go To Shutdown Computer / Always Have An Update Icon Attached To Shutdown Key

Apr 16, 2012

I have two windows updates that keep failing. When i go to shutdown my computer I always have an update icon attached to the shutdown key. The download is always 1of1. Then when i reboot, the update icon is still there. I'm thinking since the two updates are failing, it has something to do with the 1of1 update not downloading properly. I went to windows update to check for new updates, and the only one is the two that keep failing. My computer just blue screened on shutdown today, winch got me thinking i really need to fix this.

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Stop Shutdown Process After Click Shutdown Button?

Oct 11, 2010

how do i prevent shutdown process after click on Shutdown button!

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Computer Hangs While Selecting Some Files/folders?

Aug 17, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit in my Intel duel core 3 Ghz with Intel g41 express chipset, 2 GB DDR2 RAM, 1 TB Hitachi internal HD. There are some movie files with different extensions or folders containing those files on selection of those files or folders or while trying to play those files my computer hangsinstantaneously and there remain no options except to restart my computer.Someone may say that I've virus in my computer but I can say that I've checked those files on other computer where it doesnt create any problem.

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Selecting All Emails In Windows Live Mail?

Mar 6, 2011

Having selected the messages I wish to delete in my inbox I then wish to "Select All" , how to do this totally defeats me at the moment ! (Its very time consuming selecting one at a time for deletion ! )

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WLM 2011 Selecting Contacts To Send Messages?

Jan 7, 2012

I have recently upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 7 and my Windows Live Mail 2011 software was moved into the new Operating System. It is working perfectly except for a few minor problems like the following one.When opening the screen for a NEW MESSAGE, and then clicking on TO in order to select a contact from my List of Contacts, the following message will appear.WLM can not open this contact. I try again twice or more times, and my list of contacts will then open allowing me to select the contact or contacts I want.

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Selecting A User In Windows 7 Welcome Screen Using Only Keyboard

Jul 2, 2011

how can i choose a user in the win 7 welcome screen using only the keyboard (without using the mouse)?

I'm hoping there is some sort of key combination that may be used to choose the user so that i won't have to use the mouse in order to login.

I would prefer not having to change the standard welcome screen to the domain login screen in which i believe it is possible. I'm using Win 7 professional.

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Selecting Options In BIOS - Keyboard Getting Stuck

May 18, 2012

I've been having trouble with my new motherboard BioStar TZ68K+ . Whenever I access the BIOS, the selection keeps moving up as if the "up arrow" key on the keyboard was stuck. My keyboard is connected via purple PS2 in the back. I tried with a different keyboard, this time a USB connection, and still the same result. It seems to be happening only in the BIOS as it doesn't do any strange behaviour when I'm in Windows. I updated the BIOS to the latest version and cleared the CMOS using the jumper on the board.

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