Forced Automatic Refresh & Sorting Of Files/folders?

Feb 8, 2012

Was there ever any kind of resolve for Forced Automatic Refresh & Sorting of files and folders in Windows 7 (I'm not talking about Auto Arrange and I need that like it is)

It's when you copy/paste files into a folder and they instantly disperse and sort themsleves upward within the list of files, instead of staying at the bottom of the list Waiting until a refresh/close action to then find their place.

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Sorting Files And Folders In Windows 7?

Mar 24, 2012

How do you downrank the priority of folders in a directory when sorting them?I am trying to let folders and files mix when I sort by date, but I get folders on top and files bottom.

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Set Automatic Window Refresh?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm finding in Windows 7 that when I do things like delete files, after the deletion is complete, the Explorer file window doesn't automatically refresh.

any way to set it to automatically refresh or is it a feature of Windows 7?

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Explorer Sorting - Folders Always On Top?

Nov 29, 2010

When sorting in explorer, the default by "Name" shows folders first, followed by files. But if I reverse the sort order (still by "Name"), it displays files first then folders below.

Is it possible to have folders always displayed first, regardless of how other sort options are chosen? Could be mistaken but back in XP didn't explorer always showed folders first?

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Folders Sorting Once Opened?

Dec 29, 2012

I have a large amount of photos saved in one folder and want them to be sorted by the date they were placed there, for some reason the "sort by date" feature doesnt do this, the "sort by date last saved" does work, however the problem i have is that when the folder is opened winodws spends 10 seconds or so sorting the photos by the sort criteria i was wondering if there is any way to get windows to save the position of each photo so it doesn't spend that time sorting each time i open it! The "sort by date created" manages to show the photos as soon as the folder is opened without needing to spend the time sorting, the problem is this sort criteria doesn't quite have the photos in order. a few are randomly placed here and there.

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Forced Encryption Files?

Jun 29, 2012

So.... for some strange reason when I log in as administrator onto one of my user's accounts sometimes the administrator account will randomly take ownership of files and encrypt them.Sometimes the fix is easy and all I have to do is go to the select files and unencrypt them, however sometimes it tells me I don't have access and won't .... when i'm the admin!

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Folders Don't Open, Refresh On The Desktop Don't Also Work?

Sep 22, 2012

My computer boots alright but I can't refresh, neither can I open any of my folders not even Control Panel. Also searching programs and files in the start button window doesn't work i.e you can type but there won't be any results. The only thing I can open are files on the desktop. What is wrong with my folders and how can I repair this? I tried this SFC /SCANNOW : Run in Command Prompt at Boot but it didn't work.

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Sorting Files In A Folder?

Jul 15, 2011

In vista I could sort files within a folder by dragging them. Is this feature not available in Win 7?

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Sorting Files A-Z In Windows 7?

Oct 9, 2011

I'm not to sure weather i'm just having a serious case of the stupids this morning or something but i'm trying to sort a large group of films A-Z on my external HDD how do i stop windows 7 from sorting it A-H, I-P, Q-Z etc. And actually have individual categories for each respective letter. Cant think for the life of me how and it will probably be stupidly simple so let me off gently its early .

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Explorer Stops Sorting Files?

Jun 24, 2011

My Windows 7 64-bit install keeps "forgetting" to sort folders by name (or by anything for that matter). When I right click and select "Sort by..." in an affected folder there is no bullet indicating that ANY sorting behavior is selected. I can manually reselect "Sort by name" but the trigger is so common that this doesn't stick for long. This drives me nuts having become accustomed to organizing things alphabetically. Anyway the trigger for all this is very puzzling. If I drag a file from one folder to another so that it drops in between two other files (i.e. when that little dividing bar shows up to show you where the file will drop), that folder loses its sorting. If I cut and paste the file with the keyboard this doesn't happen, it's only when I move the file with my mouse. I should mention that this is also when using icons rather than a list.

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Sorting Files With Windows 7 Explorer

Nov 19, 2012

I would like to help people who are as irritated with Windows7 explorer as I am. Second, I would like to spark a reaction from Windows developers and maybe understand why the -7explorer is as painful as it is.I would like to sort, rename and visualise the large number of photos I have. While everything was working perfectly with the previous Windows versions I had, these basic tasks have become nearly impossible with Windows7. Cancelling the automatic sorting is difficult, renaming files results in the explorer getting lost and visualising files per alphabetic order appears to be impossible. Finally, even having a good layout on the screen is mission impossible after moving or renaming a few files. At this point I hasten to add that I am not a beginner with windows or computing in general. I have used previous Windows versions for years both at home and at work, and can do my own bits of code if needs be.The only solution found so far: After doing a fair amount of reading (and wasting a lot of time), I decided the only solution was to go for an alternative to Windows7 explorer. I personally chose to download FreeCommander but there are many other alternatives. So far it answers all my needs and I have stopped using Windows7 explorer.My question to Windows developers:Why on earth wreck a product that worked so well before? This is beyond me and I would sincerely like to understand. Anyway my message is as simple as the problem: Microsoft you should be careful, there is a lot of competition out there and if you continue to upset regular customers to such an extent, it is only a matter of time before someone else takes over!

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Can't Drag And Drop - Sorting Uploaded Photos Into Dedicated Files

Sep 11, 2011

Uploaded some photos to a dedicated file on my pc from my camera. I used to be able sort them into their dedicated files, but today I tried and I couldn't do it. The same happens with my emails if I want to save them to their dedicated folder, i.e.: friends info etc. I am not being able to drag and drop files where I want them to go.

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File Sorting - Limited To One Level Now / Windows 7 Won't Let Apply That Second Level Of Sorting?

May 9, 2011

In Vista, I was able to sort files by date created, highlight the files I want, then sort again by name, and all the files I selected previously would still be highlighted, but now they're in numerical order. Win 7 won't let me apply that second level of sorting. It's either name or date, but not both.

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Need To Constantly Refresh To Make Files Go To The Bin

Jul 31, 2009

I need to constantly refresh my RTM desktop to apply any changes i do ( copy files, delete files, etc) For example when I delete something, I have to click refresh in order for it to go away from the desktop to the recycle bin.

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Can't See Files If Not Refresh Active Windows 7/desktop?

Oct 31, 2011

I have this old pc with Windows 7 x32 with an nVidia FX550 256mb agp card. The mobo is an old Asus K8 SE Deluxe with 3gb of ram. Monitor is an LCD 16" Vertu KTC1562. I notice an issue wherein the files I place in the desktop say, the printed .pdf document(recovered from SBIE paid version --all browsers) cannot be seen unless I refresh the desktop. That is when I am using the internet and am downloading / printing in .pdf from the browser(FF and Google Chrome). When I am not connected it's okay I do not have that problem. This happens in the middle of my internet session. During a download/when I see a good article or check my email I print them in pdf and place it in the desktop first prior transferring to the respective folders in my drive.

I don't know what to do here. The problem is not only isolated to the desktop but also when I download/recover files from SBIE to the "downloads folder" the same thing happens. I do not see what I recover if I do not refresh that window. Same as the desktop. I can't see what I recovered if I will not refresh.I tried re-installing the driver for the agp card which is version 15.3(came with the box and is operating okay not in compatibility mode). It was still the same. The new "280.26 forceware_winvista_x86_international_whql" won't intall saying it isn't compatible with my agp. TriednVidia96.85_forceware_winvista_x86_international_whql it installed okay but the problem is the same so I rolled back the driver.This is only in Windows 7 x32 and not with XP(I dual-boot --bios booting separate drives per OS). My PDF is Foxit Phantom and the download app is FreeDownload Manager(freeware)

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Change The Permissions On The Folders (the Locked Ones) Windows Says The Files/folders Doesn't Exist

Nov 10, 2010

i use BitLord to download random stuff anyways the Downloads Folder Shows up like this : Now when i open Nero up it shows this Weird thing is if i hover over the folder from normal window it says the Downloads folder is only 800mb (as it is only showing me one item) yet from Nero it says the folder is over 9 Gigs. Im set as Owner of the folder and i have all permissions set for me however i am still unable to see these files outside of nero and i don't know why.When i go and try to change the permissions on the folders (the locked ones) windows says the files/folders doesn't exist...

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Best Boot Disk That Will Allow To Copy Files From HD To External Drive Before Refresh?

Jan 4, 2012

I had an issue where Windows 7 would not boot anymore, getting error, BOOTMGR missing, Press Alt-Ctrl-Del to restart. I have tried to repair with windows disk but still getting error. I have decided that I want to just do a reinstall but I want to get on and export my favorites and grab a couple other things. I used to have a CD that I could use to boot up with (Think it was called Barts Boot Disk, Been too long) to get into Windows XP and do a couple things. My question is, is what is the best boot disk that will allow me to copy files from the HD to my external drive before I refresh?

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Automatic Copy Files To Server

Feb 6, 2012

I am attempting to place a backup of my documents and outlook files to my domain server. I do this every Friday.

Everything was fine in Windows XP, we would just copy the documents folder and overwrite the one on the server. This has become a problem in windows 7.

When attempting to copy, I get access denied, I have to constantly choose to overwrite files, or it just doesn't work at all.

Is there a better method to drop my files on the server? I want access to them without having to use a utility.

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How To Setup Automatic Deleting Files On Windows 7

Dec 5, 2012

How to set up automatic deleting files from specific folders. I know there is a 3rd party software, but was wondering if I can do it directly thru Windows 7 options?

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Any Automatic Temp Files Clean-out Process In Windows 7?

Sep 17, 2011

Is there an automatic temp files clean-out process in Windows 7? Every once in a while I noticed that my hard drive is somehow automatically purged of about 30 gigs of data, so all of a sudden I have roughly 30 gigabytes more hard drive space available that the last time. I checked, but I haven't trashed any files.

I'm wondering if there is some kind of automatic temp files clean-out process that Windows 7 goes through at certain times. Or could this be related to an automatic disk defragmentation? My defragmentation is set to run once a week, but I've only seen the 30 gigs or so open up about three or four times in the last year.

And if there is a process by which Windows 7 automatically "cleans house" to open up this much hard drive space, is there a way to do it manually without throwing away any of my normal files?

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Disable Automatic Conversion Of Word Files Received Or Sent By Gmail To Doc.x

Jun 7, 2011

I am trading drafts of a document with a friend by gmail. When I download the Word document, it is automatically saved as a doc.x, and the formatting is messed up. Also, when I attach the revised document to an email to send back, the Word document is automaticalled attached as a doc.x. How can I disable this?

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , 64 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) Processor TF-36, AMD64 Family 15 Model 124 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 1
RAM: 1788 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics , 256 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 140232 MB, Free - 106289 MB;
Motherboard: eMachines , eMachines E627 , V1.10, LXN65020700123419E1601
Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and Enabled

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Got Error When Forced Shutdown

Sep 23, 2011

When I turn my computer off I get the error: 1 program need to close: Iexplorer.exe, Which I don't have it open. Even if I opened it I closed it. This started doing this today.

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PC Has To Be Forced To Shutdown - Windows 7 64 Bit

Apr 6, 2012

My PC will not shutdown properly. When I try to shutdown a screen will appear saying 'Sidebar.exe' asking me to force the shutdown. All of the Gadgets disappear but it only leaves one Gadget, the currency gadget on the desktop and then the forced shutdown screen appears asking me to force shutdown. I think the Sidebar.exe stops responding at shutdown. This started to happen not long ago and happens everytime. I am running Windows 7 64 bit. Now not only the currency gadget, it seems other gadgets too. I had done some checks on my own like closing the gadgets and see if it happens, and it still happens.

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Forced Reboot On Update

Dec 10, 2009

Recently I've been working in word and then suddenly the computer started to shutdown and install some update. After that it rebooted and restored everything (much like after hibernation). Why did this happen? Shouldn't I get some sort of info that the update requires the system to reebot and let me decide WHEN I want that to happen? Is it some new microsoft policy to do that?

My updates are set to automatically download and install.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Forced Shutdown

Feb 4, 2012

I've just ran into a problem with my Sony Vaio laptop. It froze when I was using it, and I was forced to force it to shut down. Now i can't boot into Windows anymore. I've tried starting the recovery, but it just got stuck there too. Even The safe mode does not work. It hangs when it's loading the avgidseh.sys driver, but when searching for this it seemed that this is not avg related. The most important thing is to have my files back, but I don't want to buy a case for the HDD and reformat if there could be another solution. I've also ran a memory scan and it reported no errors, then booted into recovery mode which then hang again. Currently I'm leaving it trying to start up the whole night, but it's already taking 30 minutes at startup animation...

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Can't Start Up After Forced Shut Down During Update

Apr 12, 2012

First off, let me say that I realize that turn off my computer during the update configuration was a terrible idea.Anyway, there isn't much I can say besides that my computer just won't start up. I've tried safe mode, I've tried system restores, but they both failed. I'd supply you with crash logs, but I'm not entirely sure how.All attempts at a system restore failed and came up as an error, and when I tried to do a disk check, it said my disc was write protected.Let me know if there is any more information I can supply.

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A Method To Avoid Forced Restarts

Mar 18, 2011

I have had more than my share of instances requiring a forced restart, because of one thing or another locking up the system, so that none of the usual methods of restarting are available. I think that I already know the answer, but nevertheless, I will there any hardware/software that can perform a NORMAL restart on a frozen system?

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Files And Folders Alphabetically?

Nov 25, 2010

I was going to restore my netbook OS back to XP from Windows 7 (The fancy looks aren't worth the trouble) and I found I had apparently deleted my XP restore file. So I decided to stick with Windows 7 for awhile.One irritating feature was that my files and folders within a folder were not in alphabetical order.It took me 30 min of messing around to finally alphabetize one folder and apply that to all folders

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Hiding .* Files And Folders?

Apr 22, 2011

I was wondering if there are any possible things I could do to get windows 7 to hide files and folders that start with the character "." (you know like Linux).
I find many windows programs create files that are not hidden but start with ".", and while tecnically this is a problem with the program, almost all of them do this so it would be very nice if windows handled this correctly.

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How To Protect Files And Folders

Dec 13, 2010

Are there any way to make folders undeletable? Are there any software for that?

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How To Get Files To Be At Top And Folders At Bottom

May 17, 2011

I have a windows 7 ultimate OS and i am trying to solve an small issue i am having. Each time i open windows explorer to view my documents i get all my folders at the top and my files below. I have done everything to change this around and it does not work. Question how do i get my files to be at the top and my folders at the bottom, it keeps giving me a folder button and displaying folders instead of files.

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