A Method To Avoid Forced Restarts

Mar 18, 2011

I have had more than my share of instances requiring a forced restart, because of one thing or another locking up the system, so that none of the usual methods of restarting are available. I think that I already know the answer, but nevertheless, I will ask...is there any hardware/software that can perform a NORMAL restart on a frozen system?

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Forced Encryption Files?

Jun 29, 2012

So.... for some strange reason when I log in as administrator onto one of my user's accounts sometimes the administrator account will randomly take ownership of files and encrypt them.Sometimes the fix is easy and all I have to do is go to the select files and unencrypt them, however sometimes it tells me I don't have access and won't .... when i'm the admin!

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Got Error When Forced Shutdown

Sep 23, 2011

When I turn my computer off I get the error: 1 program need to close: Iexplorer.exe, Which I don't have it open. Even if I opened it I closed it. This started doing this today.

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PC Has To Be Forced To Shutdown - Windows 7 64 Bit

Apr 6, 2012

My PC will not shutdown properly. When I try to shutdown a screen will appear saying 'Sidebar.exe' asking me to force the shutdown. All of the Gadgets disappear but it only leaves one Gadget, the currency gadget on the desktop and then the forced shutdown screen appears asking me to force shutdown. I think the Sidebar.exe stops responding at shutdown. This started to happen not long ago and happens everytime. I am running Windows 7 64 bit. Now not only the currency gadget, it seems other gadgets too. I had done some checks on my own like closing the gadgets and see if it happens, and it still happens.

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Forced Reboot On Update

Dec 10, 2009

Recently I've been working in word and then suddenly the computer started to shutdown and install some update. After that it rebooted and restored everything (much like after hibernation). Why did this happen? Shouldn't I get some sort of info that the update requires the system to reebot and let me decide WHEN I want that to happen? Is it some new microsoft policy to do that?

My updates are set to automatically download and install.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Forced Shutdown

Feb 4, 2012

I've just ran into a problem with my Sony Vaio laptop. It froze when I was using it, and I was forced to force it to shut down. Now i can't boot into Windows anymore. I've tried starting the recovery, but it just got stuck there too. Even The safe mode does not work. It hangs when it's loading the avgidseh.sys driver, but when searching for this it seemed that this is not avg related. The most important thing is to have my files back, but I don't want to buy a case for the HDD and reformat if there could be another solution. I've also ran a memory scan and it reported no errors, then booted into recovery mode which then hang again. Currently I'm leaving it trying to start up the whole night, but it's already taking 30 minutes at startup animation...

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Can't Start Up After Forced Shut Down During Update

Apr 12, 2012

First off, let me say that I realize that turn off my computer during the update configuration was a terrible idea.Anyway, there isn't much I can say besides that my computer just won't start up. I've tried safe mode, I've tried system restores, but they both failed. I'd supply you with crash logs, but I'm not entirely sure how.All attempts at a system restore failed and came up as an error, and when I tried to do a disk check, it said my disc was write protected.Let me know if there is any more information I can supply.

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Really Slow Startup And Forced Temporary Profile?

Jun 20, 2011

I have a Windows 7 laptop bought less than a year ago which is experiencing some weird symptoms. On startup, the login screen comes up rather quickly, but takes about 10-15mins to load Windows, eventually landing me in a temporary profile.The computer seems to freeze when using video after ~15 minutes of viewing also. The stress has lead to at least one BSOD, which I couldn't obtain fast enough. Every attempt to go into the event viewer freezes the computer if let run enough, with loading bars realted to "snap-in" not functioning correctly. The same occurs in safe mode, with windows taking even longer to run and flat out freezing the computer upon trying to open the event viewer.Occasionally, and in the same event of the BSOD, I can hear a clicking inside the machine, which I believe but cannot be sure is the hard-drive. I want to check this on the event viewer but cannot open it.I want to attempt to re-install windows but have lost the disc. I know of other ways to get around this but want to try all available options before doing this. This issue very much sounds to be hardware related anyway, but being unable to view the event viewer I cannot pin down this error. I have MSE on the computer with scans being done in safe and normal modes which nothing found.

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Outlook Emails Opened Lost When Forced Shut Down?

Jul 18, 2012

when microsoft outlook is forced to shut down with emails open, where do they go? email was to be sent. My old computer they would go to draft folder. have windows 7 home premium

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Windows Explorer.exe Restarting Loop After A Forced Shutdown?

Feb 24, 2012

My com is running on Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit, and one day I was starting up the com and it took really long to take me to the home screen, so I forced shut down it when the screen was still black (used a no GUI boot). After the restart the message explorer.exe is not responding and it keeps repeating. I've read some other solutions like running the sfc (did it twice) or copy-and-pasting explorer.exe from windows folder to system32 folder all didn't help.

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Forced Automatic Refresh & Sorting Of Files/folders?

Feb 8, 2012

Was there ever any kind of resolve for Forced Automatic Refresh & Sorting of files and folders in Windows 7 (I'm not talking about Auto Arrange and I need that like it is)

It's when you copy/paste files into a folder and they instantly disperse and sort themsleves upward within the list of files, instead of staying at the bottom of the list Waiting until a refresh/close action to then find their place.

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Windows 7 Won't Start - Caused By Forced Shutdown With I / O Error

Nov 19, 2012

I was transferring about 150gb of files into my external hard drive, and left it alone as I went on with my day. I came home to an error, I should've paid more attention but it said something about an I/O error, and the files stopped transferring (or seemed to have stopped). Everything was really slow, I couldn't even open task manager (It actually opened up a long while after I hit ctrl+shift+esc) I couldn't close any of my programs (I have visual paradigm, which took about 400k of memory, skype [70k], chrome [200k], and some other stuff.

I noticed svchost was 150k, but i don't know what that means. I finally closed all processes except for the file transfer screen, which said it was transferring but no numbers were changing. I hit cancel, waited. Could not safely remove hardware, it would not load the options. After about a half hour I gave up and force shut down my computer by holding the power button. I tried turning it back on immediately, with the external harddrive still attached. It froze at the windows start up screen, where it said Windows is Starting...

But there was no swirly balls moving around if you know what I mean, it just had the text. Tried restarting again, same thing. Tried restarting and opening ubuntu, and it froze at the purple screen. Tried restarting again with the harddrive recovery, and it froze at a black screen, but I could still see my mouse and move it around. Restarted it again and now it brings up some text with PXE, media not plugged in insert a device and hit a key, something like that. I'm afraid of turning it on again, so I'm leaving it off for a while.

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Forced To Create A New User Account For Program(s) To Work?

Sep 30, 2012

Adobe CS6 suite was working fine when I crashed using After Effects. I now get crashes or locking when rendering in After Effects or Premier Pro. Adobe Media Encoder won't even launch. I created a new user account they all run fine (so far). Same thing on my old machine running CS4.

1) Fixing my original user account (registry edit? some corrupt file somewhere?)

2) Transferring or recreating all my accounts, libraries, shortcuts, etc. to the new account and delete the old one. Is there an easy way to do this? Currently using Windows 7-64 (Pro)

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Avoid A Folder From Being Searched?

Sep 12, 2012

i want to avoid the contents of a folder named 'locker' to be shown in search results..!

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Possible To Avoid Java Installation

Jan 28, 2012

Is it possible to avoid installing Java in the first place? Can I avoid Java VIRUSES by NOT installing Java in the first place? I just lost ALL my info/programs/games installed on my boot drive due to a Java Virus, I manage to identify the virus as: exdoer This is a Trojan Java Virus that turned OFF my PC at random, even on SAFE Mode. I tried every Antivirus known to mankind, nothing worked.

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Email Backup Method

Dec 12, 2011

I have just gone from windows live mail to Thunderbird email,It's very simmilar to outlook so thought that one would have a go.Well all seems okay got all my info from the WLM okay.Just one item is puzzling me regarding backup of the emails in thunderbird,I did a google of it and found it very confusing,Is there a simple easy way of doing this task.

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What Storage Method Do You Use For Email ?

May 6, 2009

I noticed a heated debate in the "RC1 as Main OS" thread and I figured I would take this out of the thread and allow people to discuss it here.

Personally, it's hard to fathom keeping my personal email online for people to look at or steal my identity or companies records.

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Faster OS Changing Method

Jul 31, 2010

At the time I have two operational systems: Windows XP SP3 x86 and Windows7 Home Premium x86.Because of my computer is pretty old and slow, Most of the time(for gaminf and work) I use WindowsXP, but for movies and music I like to use Windows7.Everything would be just fine, but i really hate restarting my computer, so I can change my OS.Is there any other way to change my OS without restarting my computer, I want to do this faster.

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HP G72 259wm Recovery To Avoid Crashing

Sep 2, 2011

I crashed my computer. When the screen came back up it said "hard disk not found.", I ordered the recovery disks from HP. No instructions came with it and I'm not paying them $60 just so I can press a few buttons.

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Windows Has Shut Down To Avoid Damage

Jul 12, 2012

I upgraded my computer from Vista to Windows 7 (tech do it at Best Buy). Didn't have problems until a round mid June. Uninstalled some programs, did scans with Malwarebyts (found a bunch of malicious software), cleaned with ccleaner. Cleaned c drive. Scanned for viruses with micorsoft security essentials (nothing found). When I try to install my new webcam computer shows blue screen with ... windows has shut down to avoid damage and today I it was doing scan for viruses and froze again. Sometimes computer shuts down while simply clicking on a link in a website. A few weeks ago I used ccleaner to clearn up the registry and I fear something may have happened then as I've recently read that one should not mess with the registry. There are some other things I've tried but can't recall at the moment.

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Strategies To Avoid Virus Spread In A LAN?

Dec 19, 2012

My friend is coming over to get his pc fixed because it just happens to be so that his internet was shut off because he forgot to pay and he isn't responsible for the bill in his household. He always has a trojan or two in his pc and because of that I'd like to somehow "quarantine" him in the LAN so that his trojans viruses etc. can't infect other pc's in the network. I was thinking of attaching another router to the first router, so that it makes a new internet connection, and he wont connect to my main wireless network, so that he cant infect my machine through lan? TLDR: I want to make it so that it is as if he was on a far away modem in another house, so that he cannot infect my machine through lan, but still having him access the internet through my modem, by possibly adding a second router that is attached to the first router.

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Method For Upgrading From Vista To Windows 7?

Aug 23, 2011

I have a HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop running Vista. I would like to upgrade it to run Windows 7. What is the benefit/downside to purchasing an upgrade from Vista to Windows 7 for the HP laptop vs purchasing a new Windows 7 license (other than cost)?

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ERR:INF File You Selected Does Not Support This Method

Sep 21, 2009

how to solve before mentioned issue......i am trying to install aethros n/w adapter for my hp-g60 127nr notebook on Windows 7 platform...i have downloaded the .inf file but unable to install it..

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Upgrade XP To Win7 - A Working Method

Jul 10, 2009

All of the forums and postings say you can't upgrade from XP to Windows 7. I bet you can in the following scenario...

"Borrow" a Vista Upgrade Disk (any flavor above Basic). Upgrade XP to Vista w/o entering a key. Within the 30 day "keyless" grace period, upgrade Vista to Windows 7 using any flavor of Upgrade Disk entering the Windows 7 upgrade key. You may get some issues in the compatibility check but they can probably be worked around.

Since there are no Windows 7 Retail Disks to try this out on, this can't be verified.

This also assumes that there is something to be gained by upgrading from XP. My advice..... Do a clean install.

Tell me why this wouldn't work if you know that for sure.

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Logon Method Not Allowed Suddenly?

Jul 16, 2010

am a school teacher and my school is trialling 1:1 computing with some students.Essentially, classmate pcs from intel with windows 7 enterprise. Yesterday at about the same time, all the students find that they cannot log into their classmate pcs, with the error "You cannot log on because the logon method you are using is not allowed on this computer. Please see you network administrator for more details."Now this is very strange - the students have been using their machines for about 2 months to date without any error. How and why did they suddenly act up, altogetheI took a machine that has not been issued out, and found that I could log in. Then I found that it is not connected to our wireless as we changed our password a few weeks back. So I keyed in the password, got connected, and logged off and log in again - this time it shows the error. At first I thought it could be a windows update messing things up, but this small experiment indicates that this is not likely as the wireless was connected only for a minute at most before i logged off. We did not change any group policies.

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Changing Recovery Drive Method?

Feb 20, 2012

i would like to free up as much space as i can, so i want to know if there is a way i can just burnt the information on the recovery drive onto a disk or thumb drive and turn the 11.5 gigs they are using for it into unallocated space. could i click and drag the files from within it, onto a thumb drive?

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Cannot Activate Windows 7 Using Phone Method

Sep 26, 2011

I was able to activate my Windows 7 Home Premium through the phone method. However recently I attempted to activate Windows 7 on another computer and after calling the automated number and reading the code, the system is unable to verify it. However I noticed something strange. Upon trying different activation keys, the 9 segment code to be read back to the automated system doesn't change. No matter what activation key I use, the code remains the same. Could this mean something, as to why I am unable to activate my copy of Windows 7?

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Does Double Install Method Still Work

Jun 30, 2012

Recently my pc from HP died and I all have is an upgrade disk that i used to go from win 7 home to win 7 ultimate. my HDD is shot and so I need to relapse it, but with only my upgrade disk at hand, will the double install method still work to get me up and running again?

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Wont Sleep Manually Forced (turns Off Monitor Only) But Sleeps Auto?

Jul 20, 2012

When I choose "SLEEP" it only turns off the monitor , normally when the PC sleeps you can hear everything turn off and the power button glows... it does this if i leave it for 25 minutes (as thats how long its set too wait before sleeping) - but when I manually force sleep it seems to simply turn off the monitor? you can hear alll fans and hard-drive still going, when i wake it its at the login screen

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Windows 7 Update Patches To Avoid Installing?

Nov 24, 2012

Is there a link showing all the win7 update patches and which ones in the list are to be avoided?

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Swap Window Keys To Avoid Re-installation

Oct 28, 2009

I bought window 7 home premium with Micro Center coupon. After I installed it on my main desktop, I got myself one more copy of Window 7 from digital river though my student account. I didn't know that these guy were giving away window7 professional for same price with home premium. Now I need to get professional install on my main desktop for XP mode and plan to upgrade my laptop with home premium I currently installed on my desktop.

I am just wondering if it could be possible to just swap the CD key to aviod reinstalling over my desktop. I talked to Microsoft tech and support said each key is tied to each DVD. So I can't just swap my Desktop key with digital river version and then install home premium in laptop.

I want to get second option from you guy.

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