Automatic Copy Files To Server

Feb 6, 2012

I am attempting to place a backup of my documents and outlook files to my domain server. I do this every Friday.

Everything was fine in Windows XP, we would just copy the documents folder and overwrite the one on the server. This has become a problem in windows 7.

When attempting to copy, I get access denied, I have to constantly choose to overwrite files, or it just doesn't work at all.

Is there a better method to drop my files on the server? I want access to them without having to use a utility.

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Copy Discs To ISO Files And Burn These Even If Copy Protected

Nov 11, 2011

What is the best free program that can copy discs to ISO files and also burn them, even if they are copy protected?

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Have Copied Files Named 'Copy Of' Instead Of '- Copy'

Mar 17, 2012

How can I get Windows 7 to name copied files using the scheme "Copy of" (used in Windows XP and earlier) instead of the default scheme "- Copy", whenever a file is copied to the same directory as the original file?In other words, if you copy a file named "Foo.txt" in a directory to the same directory, Windows XP would have named that file "Copy of Foo.txt", but Windows 7 names the file "Foo - Copy.txt". I want the copy to be named "Copy of Foo.txt".There are several reasons why I prefer the XP style file name:

1. It is familiar :-)

2. I have existing files that use the XP style file names, and I want all my file copies to use the same naming scheme. I guess I can do a massive file rename across all my backups, but that would solve only one of my problems.

3. Most of my folders are sorted by name, and using XP style would sort all copies together. On other forums it has been suggested that one can simply sort by date (to get the copies sorted together), but that advice assumes that all copies are created after all other files are created, which is actually not often the case.

4. I often work with long file names, which means that the end of the file name is often obscured, unless I have wide windows (not always possible) and use lots of horizontal scrolling every time I want to select a file. Hovering over a file to get its full name is a cumbersome solution.

5. On other forums some have given the advice to always make copies in subfolders, but I often make copies or copies of copies while I work (it allows me to roll back or to check earlier versions of a file quickly, during my work), and using subfolders would slow me down tremendously (not to mention confuse me).

I know that when TeraCopy is made the copy handler, it renames files in a different way than Windows 7 does, though unfortunately not the way Windows XP did it. Also, if one installs a third-party directory program such as Opus, it asks for a file name every time a copy is made, but I need something that simply names the file correctly immediately.

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How To Setup Automatic Deleting Files On Windows 7

Dec 5, 2012

How to set up automatic deleting files from specific folders. I know there is a 3rd party software, but was wondering if I can do it directly thru Windows 7 options?

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Forced Automatic Refresh & Sorting Of Files/folders?

Feb 8, 2012

Was there ever any kind of resolve for Forced Automatic Refresh & Sorting of files and folders in Windows 7 (I'm not talking about Auto Arrange and I need that like it is)

It's when you copy/paste files into a folder and they instantly disperse and sort themsleves upward within the list of files, instead of staying at the bottom of the list Waiting until a refresh/close action to then find their place.

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Any Automatic Temp Files Clean-out Process In Windows 7?

Sep 17, 2011

Is there an automatic temp files clean-out process in Windows 7? Every once in a while I noticed that my hard drive is somehow automatically purged of about 30 gigs of data, so all of a sudden I have roughly 30 gigabytes more hard drive space available that the last time. I checked, but I haven't trashed any files.

I'm wondering if there is some kind of automatic temp files clean-out process that Windows 7 goes through at certain times. Or could this be related to an automatic disk defragmentation? My defragmentation is set to run once a week, but I've only seen the 30 gigs or so open up about three or four times in the last year.

And if there is a process by which Windows 7 automatically "cleans house" to open up this much hard drive space, is there a way to do it manually without throwing away any of my normal files?

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Disable Automatic Conversion Of Word Files Received Or Sent By Gmail To Doc.x

Jun 7, 2011

I am trading drafts of a document with a friend by gmail. When I download the Word document, it is automatically saved as a doc.x, and the formatting is messed up. Also, when I attach the revised document to an email to send back, the Word document is automaticalled attached as a doc.x. How can I disable this?

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , 64 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) Processor TF-36, AMD64 Family 15 Model 124 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 1
RAM: 1788 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics , 256 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 140232 MB, Free - 106289 MB;
Motherboard: eMachines , eMachines E627 , V1.10, LXN65020700123419E1601
Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and Enabled

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Copy Files And Newer Files In 7

Oct 30, 2009

I'm trying to move all our data into one location. A lot of the files we have are duplicates and some have been modified. Is there a way that I can tell windows to copy all the files that are not already in the destination and if it encounters the same file to create a copy(2) if the file is newer and if not newer then not copy. I want to be able to keep the original file also and make a second copy of the newer. Right now when I copy I have to look to see if the file is newer or not and tell it to rewrite, do nothing, or keep both and create second file. Any way to automate this? I have a lot of files to manage and I'm not the one who created them so I need to have bot copies.

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Copying Exe Files From Server To Pc?

Dec 18, 2010

We update our client's software *.exe programs by storing the update code in a blob record in a server based MySQL database.

When the user logs on to the main program on his PC, if there are updates, a dialog message displays and the updates are written from the server to the local directory -- the same directory as the main program resides.

This has worked very well on XP (where we used *program files* as the directory).
It has also worked fine in vista and 32bit windows 7 (where we use the user's app data oaming directory.

On Windows 7 64-bit however, the update fails. It opens the file name of the updated program with zero bytes and then displays the message:

"Could not write to... c:Users[user]AppDataRoaming.. etc."

I've tried running the main program as administrator. I've turned off UAC. I suspect this is a security issue, but is there any workaround?

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Can't Copy Files To HDD

Mar 19, 2011

I own a WD Passport (320GB). I'm having problems in copying files from my PC to the HDD. It was working fine a few days ago but I can't seem to copy any file though I can easily read the files stored at a very high speed. But the problem is probably with my computer since I can copy files from my laptop without an itch.

P.S. I use Windows 7 32-bit on both PC and laptop.

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Can't Copy Certain Files To Windows 7

Feb 7, 2010

I'm trying to copy a series of files from my old XP machine to the new Win 7 machine. I've turned off User access control, I made myself the owner of the machine, etc., the files on the old machine have no permissions preventing the copying. I am the owner of both machines and there is no firewall blocking the files. About every third or fourth file says I need admin permission to copy it. But I can't figure out how to give myself this permission. Out of 400 in the folder, 296 copied over, the remainer did not. These are not executables, they are machine embroidery files with the file extension ".pes". This is just the first folder I need to copy. I have almost 100,000 of these files that have to be copied and can't afford to lose any.

I can't find anything online that relates to this kind of issue. How do I clear this out so I can get these files copied to the new machine? what criteria Win 7 uses to determine which files it will copy and which require admin permission. Is it the length of the file name? Characters in the filename? The name of the folder they are going into? I would sure hate to have to rename 100,000 files.

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Can't Copy Files To Windows 7

Mar 19, 2011

I own a WD Passport (320GB). I'm having problems in copying files from my PC to the HDD. It was working fine a few days ago but I can't seem to copy any file though I can easily read the files stored at a very high speed. But the problem is probably with my computer since I can copy files from my laptop without an itch.

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Can't Copy Files To An SD Card

Jul 19, 2011

'The disk is write-protected' No it's NOT! Let me copy my file you horrid machine!

'The disk is write-protected' So i tried using an external card reader instead of the built in one... 'The disk is write-protected'

Being the idiot i am, i then started bashing away blindly at any settings that looked vaguely relevant without bothering to pay much attention to what i was doing.

What? Well it usually works. As far as i can remember, i tried to mess about with the 'sharing' settings for the SD card and i've left the 'Homegroup' - my old computer uses the same router that this one does but it's running XP - couldn't see the point of having a 'Homegroup' for one computer.

I've tried three different SD cards; a 1GB, 4GB and 8GB, all of which work fine in my camera and yes, i have checked the little switch thing on the edge of the card. Interestingly, i was initially able to copy a file to each card but after removing the card and re-inserting it, 'The disk is write-protected'

The machine is a brand new Lenovo laptop with a Core i5 2410M 2.30GHz processor with 6GB RAM, running 64bit Win 7 SP1 with the McAfee Antivirus plus that it came with. The end user is ageing badly, its processor is slow and its memory is completely inadequate for all but the most simple tasks - so you'll have to speak up a bit and not use too many long words...

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Copy Files From A CD To The C Drive?

Aug 23, 2010

We are trying to copy/paste files from a CD to a folder on the C drive. But the user is unable to complete this task after hours on the phone. I'm frustrated. It's an easy task, but we can't get it.the user inserts the CD.The user can browse to the CD and find the files, but there is no Edit menu, no way to Copy the files to the C to copy files from a CD to the C drive.

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Copy Files By Dragging?

Jun 6, 2011

Using Vista, I could copy files to another location by dragging the name of the file. On Windows 7, however, when I drag, it moves the file (removing it from the original location). Is it possible to copy the file to another drive by dragging without deleting it from the original location?

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Can't Copy Files From (x86) Folder

Jul 17, 2012

Im using Windows 7 64 ultimate . A program I use installed in tne (x86) folder runs OK and I can save and delete files from within the program but I cannot see these files from Windows Explorer to make a backup . The files display the infamous yellow lock icon (from within the x86 program) and I cant change this no matter how far I go into the owner/permissions rigmarole .

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Can't Copy Files From Disc

Jan 1, 2013

The loading bar for makes a tiny bit of progress. When I cancel the process, some files did successfully copy. It seems to just get stuck on .bin files.There is not error message or crash, it simply the bar just stops moving. It even still reports the speed (always incorrectly, the real speed is 0).While this has happened before with another disk, I have copied .bin files from disks lots of other times without any hiccups, so it must be something about these specific disc and not my computer. Also, I doubt this means anything: The icon rather that being the usual generic .bin icon is the VLC traffic cone, and under file type it says "VLC media file (.bin)."

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100,000 Files To Copy - Faster Way?

Jun 22, 2011

I just realized that this forum is for Windows 7 and I happen to be using Xp - so flame away if you like. I think the fundamentals still apply.I have DVDs with data files (inspection data) that I need to copy to the network. I can also copy to a USB2 external drive. The issue is speed. I am using xcopy /s. It is taking almost 45 minutes to copy the DVD to my hard drive. I have over a hundred DVDs. If I was getting paid by the hour this would be a great job!I have try making disk images but the speed is about the same - same for internal HD or Eternal HD. I am using a new dell quad 6500. I realize that the cd read speed is going to be a factor - however after getting the files off the DVD to my C: it takes over 30 min to copy from my machine to the USB drive.

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Unable To Copy Files

Oct 18, 2011

whenever i try to copy files it show error(not reconized drive)and keep connecting again and ejecting..

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How To Copy Files To Be Boot

Jun 10, 2012

How to copy files to be boot

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Can't Copy Files To Pen Drive

Sep 20, 2012

When i am trying to copy any file from the lap top to pen drive, it is not copying. it is giving a message that administrator permission i am not understanding how to copy files to pendrive

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Unable To Copy The Files?

Oct 11, 2012

I am having a Novell Netware Server 5.0 for server and client side having novell client supporting win 95/98. As schedule of upgrading i try to install a Virtual win 98 on a sytem having win 7 and try to access the a shareddrive. I was able to access the drive but i could not copy the entire files from it .How can i copy the rest of the files to the virtual win 98.

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Reinstall OS - Can Copy Program Files First

Feb 9, 2012

I have decided to reinstall my Windows 7 operating system. I have many programs that I want to re-install but going through the process of re-downloading or re-installing them is a bit much. Can copy I go into Computer>>Windows (C)>>Program Files (x86) and copy the files there, put them on a external drive, then paste them after I re-install the O.S.?

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Permission Denied To Copy Own Files

Apr 6, 2011

I know there have been a lot of tutorial/tips on how to deal with permission when you need to copy files on Windows 7. I have turned off UAC, take the ownership of the folder and all sub-folders/files ... but still I have not been able to copy quite a few files in one of my folder.

Windows 7 (Ultimate/64bit) pop up a warning box saying that I need a permission from myself to be able to copy those files. If I click Yes, it still won't happen.

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Files Can't Copy To USB Or External HDDs

Dec 8, 2009

I got this really strange problem going on with my win 7 x64 Ultimate

when i wanna copy a iso image thats pretty large (3gigs+) my pc wont let me copy it

even though i have like double the file size that i wanna copy

hyperlink to screenshot

anybody else got this problem? anybody able to fix this? seems like a bug to me, not sure though. I also sometimes get the message "you DESTINATION file is too big for the file you are copying!" any solutions also?

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Shared Files Visible But Can't Copy?

Aug 6, 2011

I have a couple of desktops and laptops connected on a wired network. I have no problems accessing and copying files. This isn't about access denied or other machines not being visible. My issue is that one of my laptops can be accessed and I can move through all shared folders but sometimes when I try to copy a file from this machine the copy dialog opens but no data is being copied. The transfer rate stays at 0kb/s. Rebooting this machine helps partially, but file transfers will start at well below 1Mb/s and very slowly rise some during the copy. I don't have this issue with any other machine. In fact, I have never seen an issue like this. Most people have problems with read/write permissions, again, that's not my problem. Data just won't move when copying sometimes. All machines are running Windows 7 ultimate and avast 5. The laptop with this issue is a Toshiba e205, core i5, 4gigs ram, atheros ar8152 ethernet. Should also mention that I don't have a problem with other traffic on this connection such as internet or like I said accessing shared files in explorer. They just won't copy.

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Cannot Copy Files Over Home Network?

Apr 26, 2010

Lets call upstairs computer "A" (has windows 7 X64), Downstairs computer will be "B"- has windows xp.When I try to copy or move video files (350 MB and above) from"A" to "B", operation starts but hangs after a while and then I get this error:"there is a problem accessing [path of "B" destination directory]. make sure you are connected to the network and try again."This happens when I try to copy files to ANY of my drives on "B" (internal or external). BUT it does not happen when copying small files.There is enough empty space on destination drive.I'm using cable lan (not wireless), and have tplink router (TL-WR64XG).I also tried to reset router settings to factory settings with no luck.

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Damaged Image Files After Copy?

Feb 22, 2011

I have some pictures in my computer that I had too in my external hd as a backup. Last time I just formatted my PC and restored the backup from the external HD. I had a batch file script that automated both backup and restore process, so I could just let it working overnight. The big problem is that I needed to format the external, but after doing this, I realized that some installers that I had restored was corrupted, like some videos and other files. Then I checked the pictures, and lots of them are damaged. I can open the files, but some have distortions, or colors are messed up. I tried to defrag the drive, tried pixrecovery to restore the picture, but no way, they're still damaged. I want to know if anyone have any idea for me. Really important pictures to me are damaged now..

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Unable To Copy Files From Other Folders?

Apr 12, 2011

I am unable to unable to copy files from folders

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Copy All My Old Files Without Messing Up My 32-bit Programs?

Aug 6, 2011

My XP computer won't stay on, so I need to copy my files from the old drive to the new machine. I have the old drive plugged into the new machine, but I'll be wanting to put it back later to resurrect the old beast. What's the best way to copy all my old files without messing up my 32-bit programs, my XP, et cetera?

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Cannot Copy / Cut And Paste Files In Windows 7

Feb 10, 2012

In windows 7....before removing teracopy msg error-file integrity violated used to come but now no error msg appears on screen...unable to copy,cut and paste.

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