Explorer Stops Sorting Files?

Jun 24, 2011

My Windows 7 64-bit install keeps "forgetting" to sort folders by name (or by anything for that matter). When I right click and select "Sort by..." in an affected folder there is no bullet indicating that ANY sorting behavior is selected. I can manually reselect "Sort by name" but the trigger is so common that this doesn't stick for long. This drives me nuts having become accustomed to organizing things alphabetically. Anyway the trigger for all this is very puzzling. If I drag a file from one folder to another so that it drops in between two other files (i.e. when that little dividing bar shows up to show you where the file will drop), that folder loses its sorting. If I cut and paste the file with the keyboard this doesn't happen, it's only when I move the file with my mouse. I should mention that this is also when using icons rather than a list.

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Sorting Files With Windows 7 Explorer

Nov 19, 2012

I would like to help people who are as irritated with Windows7 explorer as I am. Second, I would like to spark a reaction from Windows developers and maybe understand why the -7explorer is as painful as it is.I would like to sort, rename and visualise the large number of photos I have. While everything was working perfectly with the previous Windows versions I had, these basic tasks have become nearly impossible with Windows7. Cancelling the automatic sorting is difficult, renaming files results in the explorer getting lost and visualising files per alphabetic order appears to be impossible. Finally, even having a good layout on the screen is mission impossible after moving or renaming a few files. At this point I hasten to add that I am not a beginner with windows or computing in general. I have used previous Windows versions for years both at home and at work, and can do my own bits of code if needs be.The only solution found so far: After doing a fair amount of reading (and wasting a lot of time), I decided the only solution was to go for an alternative to Windows7 explorer. I personally chose to download FreeCommander but there are many other alternatives. So far it answers all my needs and I have stopped using Windows7 explorer.My question to Windows developers:Why on earth wreck a product that worked so well before? This is beyond me and I would sincerely like to understand. Anyway my message is as simple as the problem: Microsoft you should be careful, there is a lot of competition out there and if you continue to upset regular customers to such an extent, it is only a matter of time before someone else takes over!

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Windows Explorer Stops Working - Recovery From Backup Files?

May 1, 2011

Every time I open a program it comes up windows explorer stop working. And how do I make a recovery from my back up files. System restore does not go back as far as three months, why?

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Explorer Sorting - Folders Always On Top?

Nov 29, 2010

When sorting in explorer, the default by "Name" shows folders first, followed by files. But if I reverse the sort order (still by "Name"), it displays files first then folders below.

Is it possible to have folders always displayed first, regardless of how other sort options are chosen? Could be mistaken but back in XP didn't explorer always showed folders first?

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Date Sorting In Windows 7 Explorer Slow?

Nov 11, 2010

I just wanted to share a fix I have for a problem I was experiencing with windows explorer.The problem is clicking on a directory with a bunch of files in it (that has been set to sort by date as default) is painfully slow , like 3 or 4 secs. If the directory is set to sort alphabetically then every thing is ok.after much pain I found the problem to be down to my anti-virus solution, I was using Panda cloud anti-virus. Once uninstalled the problem is removed. clicking on the same directory opens it instantaneously

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Sorting Files In A Folder?

Jul 15, 2011

In vista I could sort files within a folder by dragging them. Is this feature not available in Win 7?

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Sorting Files A-Z In Windows 7?

Oct 9, 2011

I'm not to sure weather i'm just having a serious case of the stupids this morning or something but i'm trying to sort a large group of films A-Z on my external HDD how do i stop windows 7 from sorting it A-H, I-P, Q-Z etc. And actually have individual categories for each respective letter. Cant think for the life of me how and it will probably be stupidly simple so let me off gently its early .

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Sorting Files And Folders In Windows 7?

Mar 24, 2012

How do you downrank the priority of folders in a directory when sorting them?I am trying to let folders and files mix when I sort by date, but I get folders on top and files bottom.

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Forced Automatic Refresh & Sorting Of Files/folders?

Feb 8, 2012

Was there ever any kind of resolve for Forced Automatic Refresh & Sorting of files and folders in Windows 7 (I'm not talking about Auto Arrange and I need that like it is)

It's when you copy/paste files into a folder and they instantly disperse and sort themsleves upward within the list of files, instead of staying at the bottom of the list Waiting until a refresh/close action to then find their place.

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Can't Drag And Drop - Sorting Uploaded Photos Into Dedicated Files

Sep 11, 2011

Uploaded some photos to a dedicated file on my pc from my camera. I used to be able sort them into their dedicated files, but today I tried and I couldn't do it. The same happens with my emails if I want to save them to their dedicated folder, i.e.: friends info etc. I am not being able to drag and drop files where I want them to go.

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File Sorting - Limited To One Level Now / Windows 7 Won't Let Apply That Second Level Of Sorting?

May 9, 2011

In Vista, I was able to sort files by date created, highlight the files I want, then sort again by name, and all the files I selected previously would still be highlighted, but now they're in numerical order. Win 7 won't let me apply that second level of sorting. It's either name or date, but not both.

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My Explorer Stops Refreshing

Jun 12, 2012

I've a problem with my 4 months old i7 laptop running Windows 7 Pro!From time to time it seems that explorer stops to refresh...I explain! If I create a folder in desktop, or paste a file or folder to the desktop I only can see it if I hir refresh!!! For example if the trash bin is "full" and I "empty" it....ihe icon will be the "full" one! Only after I hit refresh the new state (empty in this case) will be seen!

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Windows Explorer Stops Responding?

Jul 25, 2011

I havent figured out why this happens since I reinstalled Windows 7. This only happens when I am going through the control panel.Here is what happens:If I have to uninstall a program, I will go to programs and features and click programs and features and explorer will just freeze then if I keep clicking, I get "This program is unresponsive - Close, Restart, etc" I always choose restart it and it reloads fine.The same things happens if I go to System or pretty much anything in the control panel.

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Windows Explorer Stops Responding?

Jan 2, 2013

Ive been having computer issues lately (maybe a virus) so I reinstalled the OS and put Bitdefender Internet Security 2013 on as my AV (Norton last time). But the problem is that my Windows Explorer stops responding. For example: I go into my pictures and that loads fine but when I go to open a photo it loads and for a minute and finally comes up. That never used to happen before I reinstalled my OS. Im positive I did it right. Though when I try to close the window it says the Explorer has stopped responding.

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Windows Explorer Stops And Restarts, Also Mmc Not Responding

Aug 20, 2012

I m having problem in my hp g62 361-tx notebook pc. Windows explorer stops and restarts whenever i try to open any video file like movies or video songs, also when i try to look the error in event viewer mmc stops not responding...

Diagnose report is given below:

Advanced SystemCare Diagnose Report v1.0
Date: 2012-08-20 20:42:55
01 - Operating System


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Windows Explorer Stops Working In Control Panel?

Aug 21, 2009

Just installed windows 7 today everything seems to be going fine apart from a few usb modem driver & blue screen issues from that. I have one other strange problem If I navigate backwards and forwards a few times in control panel windows explorer stops working. That annoying box comes up and tells me it's stopped working just in case I didn't know already?

I'm just still trying to get used to the fact I have no classic view in control panel.

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Windows Explorer Freezes - Browser Stops Responding

Aug 14, 2012

For the past 2 days, whenever I have used Mozilla firefox 12.0, after sometime, the browser hangs up and it tells that the browser has stopped responding. The same time, windows explorer also hangs and freezes soon. I will have to restart and then same thing happens again. I tried Chrome also, but the result was same. the browser freezes, and soon after explorer also freezes. I have also noticed that the disk space in the C drive is also getting reduced. In one day 5gb of space has been added up. I have installed and tested with windirstat. Now even the yahoo messenger freezes (not responding) every time and other applications too. I have scanned with MAlwarebytes and Security essential and could not find any infection. For the past 3 days, I can't watch flash videos in Mozilla. Today, several time the same thing happened to chrome also and it says the player crashed.

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Windows Explorer Stops Working When I Right Click Inside Recycle Bin

Feb 16, 2013

I have Windows 7 Home Premium edition. Whenever I go into the Recycle Bin to permanently delete files, when I right click, it freezes up and gives me the message "Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working" then it proceeds to "Windows Explorer Is Restarting" Now I can delete files just fine when I'm on the desktop and simply right click, and choose Empty Recycle bin off of the Recycle Bin icon.

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Windows 7 Stops Sharing Files

Mar 15, 2010

I have a computer with windows 7 ultimate.There are some shared folders and printers on this machine. This setup looks to work fine but suddenly the sharing stops. If i reboot the pc, it works again. The pc never goes in some kind of sleep modus.

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Movie Maker Stops When Load AVI Files?

Dec 27, 2011

I've just installed Movie Maker, & it stops when I try to load some AVI files (a flight sim flight) I've made using Fraps. I can load photos alright but not my AVI files.

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Windows 7 Installation Stops At Expanding Files 0 Percent

Jun 10, 2012

Installations stops at " Expanding windows files 0 % " and stuck there, does not go further.

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Internet Connection Suddenly Stops When Download Files?

Jul 31, 2012

Before a week i upgrade my hdd from 300Gb to a newer at 500Gb and i add a 4 GB RAM , now totally i have 6GB Ram I install Windows 7 Ultimate x64bit I install all drivers properly but i have a problem , when i download files after some minutes the internet connection stop , windows responds slowly , and when i press the restart button from windows start menu takes much time to logout from logon page

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Ipconfig Returns Nothing In Cmd / Internet Stops Working When Downloading Large Files?

Jul 11, 2012

When trying to run ipconfig using the cmd it returns nothing. Also, when downloading large files my internet will stop working and then start working after a while. OS is Windows 7 Ultimate x64?

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Download Just Stops On Opera Speed Changes To Unknown And It Stops Downloading

Oct 5, 2011

I have a problem with downloading a file above roughly 80MB it just stops I tried chrome,firefox and opera and nothing works. On Firefox and Chrome the download just stops on Opera the speed changes to unknown and it stops downloading.I don't have a wireless connection I use modem and my net connection should be okay since on my old comp with same net it worked without problem.

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Outlook 2010 Stops And Says It Needs To Reboot Or Stops Responding

Jan 29, 2013

I'm running Outlook 2010 with about 5 separate POP 3 accounts. I archive regularly and compact after archiving. After a lot of trouble cloning a new C drive to an SSD, Outlook, along with a lot of other software, began acting strangely. Everything has pretty much been resolved except for the Outlook problem.

For no reason I can isolate, Outlook will suddenly close, giving the message that it had to close and it will now try to retrieve my data. It does so, unless I was in the middle of composing an email - that will be gone! Sometimes, instead of closing, it freezes and says application not responding.

I checked the disk for errors using scan now and it's fine. I've run memtest and it's fine. I've run in safe mode and it just shut down with no comments. In working my way through suggestions on this board, I just ran Sysinternals Process Explorer until the error occurred and went back to normal. In looking at Process Explorer, I'm afraid the actual data is overwhelming to me. However, I'll attach everything I have.

Event Viewer shows Error 1000. General:
Faulting application name: OUTLOOK.EXE, version: 14.0.6126.5003, time stamp: 0x505b1685


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Sorting Various Tracks In WMP?

Mar 25, 2011

I would like to put all my single tracks (where there is no whole album) into one album in Windows Media Library. I know there is an option to set "Various artits" under the album artist for all these tracks, and to set a real artist under the contributing artists, so that would made WMP to keep it in in one album in library. But when I'm burning my CDs, copying these mp3 files somewhere else, or in general working with them outside WMP, I want to keep album artist under file properties=>details empty.

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New System, Windows Stops At Windows 7 Is Loading Files

Jan 1, 2012

I've recently built a new system from scratch, I can verify all the connectors are plugged in correctly and powered. Today I went out and bought a small internal 24x dvd drive to install my copy of windows 7 home premium OEM with and this is where my problems began. Whenever I set the dvd drive as the first boot option and put the OEM disc inside it, the screen stays black and does a Windows is Loading files bar across my screen I believe twice at varying speeds then disappears and leaves me with nothing but a black screen. I've waited and have it still sitting there blank at this very moment. I have done a lot of googling and only seen one other person with this same issue have his problem solved by resetting his BIOS to default. Needless to say this didn't work. I've tried changing all the storage settings from AHCI to IDE to RAID and disabling/enabling some setting in each with no luck. Below are the system specs.

Motherboard: ASrock gen3 extreme3 Z68 chipset
CPU: i5 2500k 3.30Ghz
GPU: AMD Radeon 6950 came factory set to 870 Mhz core clock (overclocked from 800)
RAM: 4x4 GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 Mhz (I've also checked to make sure the proper voltage and frequency was used on these in the BIOS)
SSD: OCZ Agility 3 120GB
PSU: Coolermaster 1000W
Optical Drive: 24x Multiformat DVD/CD Writer with the obvious Sata connections to hook up to my mobo

This is my first pc build and I assume that asrock mobo's version of BIOS is UEFI.

Edit : I've tried removing 3 of my RAM sticks and now it just freezes with the grey bar fully loaded on Windows is Loading files. I then tried loading my old windows XP CD and it was working until it hit a BSOD which occurs consistently if I try to load XP. On more attempts at loading windows 7 it gets past the grey bar stage to the black screen not loading anything stage again.

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Excel Spreadsheet Sorting It Out?

Nov 19, 2012

how I can convert the memberlist table from this particular website: [URL]into a excel spreadsheet with the following sorting headlines horizontally:

Company name Address Zipcode and City Phone E-mail Website

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Grouping And Sorting Like Vista

Oct 28, 2009

So, I would show in Explorer, like in Vista, the columns titles at the top for ANY visualization, for quick grouping and sorting .

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Folders Sorting Once Opened?

Dec 29, 2012

I have a large amount of photos saved in one folder and want them to be sorted by the date they were placed there, for some reason the "sort by date" feature doesnt do this, the "sort by date last saved" does work, however the problem i have is that when the folder is opened winodws spends 10 seconds or so sorting the photos by the sort criteria i was wondering if there is any way to get windows to save the position of each photo so it doesn't spend that time sorting each time i open it! The "sort by date created" manages to show the photos as soon as the folder is opened without needing to spend the time sorting, the problem is this sort criteria doesn't quite have the photos in order. a few are randomly placed here and there.

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Inbox Not Sorting By 'From' Field

Feb 28, 2012

The problem I'm having is that when sorting my inbox by 'From', it says no items are there and the bar spins along as if it's searching. If I choose to sort my inbox by anything else it works fine.I can also sort all other folders by every attribute, including 'From's so am unsure as to why I can't do it in the inbox.

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