My Explorer Stops Refreshing

Jun 12, 2012

I've a problem with my 4 months old i7 laptop running Windows 7 Pro!From time to time it seems that explorer stops to refresh...I explain! If I create a folder in desktop, or paste a file or folder to the desktop I only can see it if I hir refresh!!! For example if the trash bin is "full" and I "empty" it....ihe icon will be the "full" one! Only after I hit refresh the new state (empty in this case) will be seen!

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Windows Explorer Not Automatically Refreshing

Dec 1, 2011

with any WE window open - if I change/delete anything the window does not automatically refresh. I must hit F5 to see the correct view.

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Windows 7 Explorer Not Automatically Refreshing?

Dec 1, 2011

with any WE window open - if I change/delete anything the window does notautomatically refresh. I must hit F5 to see the correct view.

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Explorer Stops Sorting Files?

Jun 24, 2011

My Windows 7 64-bit install keeps "forgetting" to sort folders by name (or by anything for that matter). When I right click and select "Sort by..." in an affected folder there is no bullet indicating that ANY sorting behavior is selected. I can manually reselect "Sort by name" but the trigger is so common that this doesn't stick for long. This drives me nuts having become accustomed to organizing things alphabetically. Anyway the trigger for all this is very puzzling. If I drag a file from one folder to another so that it drops in between two other files (i.e. when that little dividing bar shows up to show you where the file will drop), that folder loses its sorting. If I cut and paste the file with the keyboard this doesn't happen, it's only when I move the file with my mouse. I should mention that this is also when using icons rather than a list.

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Windows Explorer Stops Responding?

Jul 25, 2011

I havent figured out why this happens since I reinstalled Windows 7. This only happens when I am going through the control panel.Here is what happens:If I have to uninstall a program, I will go to programs and features and click programs and features and explorer will just freeze then if I keep clicking, I get "This program is unresponsive - Close, Restart, etc" I always choose restart it and it reloads fine.The same things happens if I go to System or pretty much anything in the control panel.

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Windows Explorer Stops Responding?

Jan 2, 2013

Ive been having computer issues lately (maybe a virus) so I reinstalled the OS and put Bitdefender Internet Security 2013 on as my AV (Norton last time). But the problem is that my Windows Explorer stops responding. For example: I go into my pictures and that loads fine but when I go to open a photo it loads and for a minute and finally comes up. That never used to happen before I reinstalled my OS. Im positive I did it right. Though when I try to close the window it says the Explorer has stopped responding.

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Windows Explorer Stops And Restarts, Also Mmc Not Responding

Aug 20, 2012

I m having problem in my hp g62 361-tx notebook pc. Windows explorer stops and restarts whenever i try to open any video file like movies or video songs, also when i try to look the error in event viewer mmc stops not responding...

Diagnose report is given below:

Advanced SystemCare Diagnose Report v1.0
Date: 2012-08-20 20:42:55
01 - Operating System


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Windows Explorer Stops Working In Control Panel?

Aug 21, 2009

Just installed windows 7 today everything seems to be going fine apart from a few usb modem driver & blue screen issues from that. I have one other strange problem If I navigate backwards and forwards a few times in control panel windows explorer stops working. That annoying box comes up and tells me it's stopped working just in case I didn't know already?

I'm just still trying to get used to the fact I have no classic view in control panel.

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Windows Explorer Freezes - Browser Stops Responding

Aug 14, 2012

For the past 2 days, whenever I have used Mozilla firefox 12.0, after sometime, the browser hangs up and it tells that the browser has stopped responding. The same time, windows explorer also hangs and freezes soon. I will have to restart and then same thing happens again. I tried Chrome also, but the result was same. the browser freezes, and soon after explorer also freezes. I have also noticed that the disk space in the C drive is also getting reduced. In one day 5gb of space has been added up. I have installed and tested with windirstat. Now even the yahoo messenger freezes (not responding) every time and other applications too. I have scanned with MAlwarebytes and Security essential and could not find any infection. For the past 3 days, I can't watch flash videos in Mozilla. Today, several time the same thing happened to chrome also and it says the player crashed.

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Windows Explorer Stops Working - Recovery From Backup Files?

May 1, 2011

Every time I open a program it comes up windows explorer stop working. And how do I make a recovery from my back up files. System restore does not go back as far as three months, why?

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Windows Explorer Stops Working When I Right Click Inside Recycle Bin

Feb 16, 2013

I have Windows 7 Home Premium edition. Whenever I go into the Recycle Bin to permanently delete files, when I right click, it freezes up and gives me the message "Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working" then it proceeds to "Windows Explorer Is Restarting" Now I can delete files just fine when I'm on the desktop and simply right click, and choose Empty Recycle bin off of the Recycle Bin icon.

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Download Just Stops On Opera Speed Changes To Unknown And It Stops Downloading

Oct 5, 2011

I have a problem with downloading a file above roughly 80MB it just stops I tried chrome,firefox and opera and nothing works. On Firefox and Chrome the download just stops on Opera the speed changes to unknown and it stops downloading.I don't have a wireless connection I use modem and my net connection should be okay since on my old comp with same net it worked without problem.

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Outlook 2010 Stops And Says It Needs To Reboot Or Stops Responding

Jan 29, 2013

I'm running Outlook 2010 with about 5 separate POP 3 accounts. I archive regularly and compact after archiving. After a lot of trouble cloning a new C drive to an SSD, Outlook, along with a lot of other software, began acting strangely. Everything has pretty much been resolved except for the Outlook problem.

For no reason I can isolate, Outlook will suddenly close, giving the message that it had to close and it will now try to retrieve my data. It does so, unless I was in the middle of composing an email - that will be gone! Sometimes, instead of closing, it freezes and says application not responding.

I checked the disk for errors using scan now and it's fine. I've run memtest and it's fine. I've run in safe mode and it just shut down with no comments. In working my way through suggestions on this board, I just ran Sysinternals Process Explorer until the error occurred and went back to normal. In looking at Process Explorer, I'm afraid the actual data is overwhelming to me. However, I'll attach everything I have.

Event Viewer shows Error 1000. General:
Faulting application name: OUTLOOK.EXE, version: 14.0.6126.5003, time stamp: 0x505b1685


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Applications Keep 'refreshing' Itself

Jan 30, 2012

I'm currently experiencing a strange problem with my laptop. Whenever I certain gaming program run in the background (not in focus) the applications seem to shift back and forth from from "Running" and "Not Responding" almost like it constantly refreshes itself (every 3 or so seconds). However, if I keep one of those programs in focus, the problem doesn't occur as often. The task bar always seems to be moving as a result of this (almost doing a dance if I open enough programs that have this problem).I've tried updating drivers, installed all service packs, scanned computer with Malware Bytes, Norton.I'm using Windows 7, 64 bit 6.1 (7061), ATI Mobile Radeon HD 5650

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Windows 7 Desktop Refreshing

May 4, 2011

I've never had this issue up until today. I manually shutdown my laptop at the log-in screen and from there all my issues began. When I started up my system the "Windows Reboot Manager" popped up which had never popped up before so I just chose Windows 7 and it began up just fine. Well once I got to the log-in page I typed in my password. It was a no go and after using the keypad it worked just fine. Well when I opened up Microsoft Word 2007 to see what the issue was I discovered that by pressing specific number keys it would include a letter.

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Desktop Keeps Auto-Refreshing

Jul 31, 2011

I've recently started having an issue whereby my desktop icons (and by extension the icons in the start bar) keep refreshing. It's not a constant thing - usually several minutes pass between refreshes - and I'm not entirely sure what's triggering it or why it keeps on happening, still less how to go about fixing it. A scheduled system scan for viruses last night came up negative, so did a quick scan I ran this evening. On the advice of a user in another thread about the same issue, I've also downloaded Malwarebytes and ran a full scan using that.

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Page Keeps Refreshing When Login?

Jan 8, 2013

Now, everytime I try to login in the control panel of a game I play -> link, the page just refreshes and I won't be logged in. This only seems to happen for Google Chrome, I tried it on Firefox and I could get in just fine.

This is also a newly-built and freshly installed computer, not even a week's age yet. This is also the first time I'll be on Windows 7, my old PC was Win XP, and I could login the site using Chrome just fine, so I'm inclined to say it's the OS, but my friend has Win7 too and he could get in just fine.

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Task Manager Keeps Refreshing And Cant End Any Programs?

May 22, 2012

I cant use task manager cause it keeps refreshing and i cant even click on a program! .I have had expirences with this on tortoiseSVN, a svn program for garry's mod. I think its a conflict. Oh yes 1 more thing, when i click out of the window, it goes back to normal, when i click on the window again, it starts refreshing again non-stop.

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Windows 7 Random Window Refreshing Bug?

Apr 6, 2011

i'm having huge issues with window refreshing, and it's not limited to browsers.what happens is the active window just begins automatically refreshing rapidly, as if you are holding down the f5 key. it makes the system unresponsive, and if you are in the middle of a document or something it basically wipes it out if using the browser at the timehere is an example of it happening even with the task managerInternet - win7 sp1 active window refresh bug

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Recycle Bin - Fix For Custom Icons Not Refreshing

Sep 14, 2009

How to Fix Custom Icons For the Recycle Bin Not Automatically Refreshing in Windows 7 ?

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Show Desktop Doesn't Work When App Isn't Refreshing

Jul 19, 2012

I have a win application that performs some long calculation, and since it's single threaded it doesn't refresh the window in the process. I was wondering why show desktop won't work because of that? I mean I know the answer, show desktop sends a minimize commands to all the windows, and this app won't respond.

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System's Wireless Connection Keeps 'refreshing' Itself Every 1 Minute

Dec 29, 2011

Ok. My system's wireless connection keeps 'refreshing' itself every 1 minute. I rebooted the router a few times didnt help. The connection has 5 bars so I checked the event log, and here is what I found.Name resolution for the name timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded.I am using windows 7 ultimate 32 bit on a desktop pc with a built in linksys card.

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Battery Meter Not Refreshing/updating Properly?

Jun 28, 2011

I tried to look for a solution online and in this forum and I kinda failed...Anyway - I don't know if it has anything to do with the problem, but I recently changed the battery from one that wasn't working properly for quite a while.

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Attempting To Login To Most Websites Results Page Refreshing

Jan 24, 2012

when i attempt to log in to many sites (hotmail, Internet, steam community, razerzone, thinkgeek, my bank, etc.) after hitting "login" the page refreshes to show both the username and password fields blank and i am not logged in. i'm running windows home premium 64bit, and i'm using firefox primarily but the issue is present in ie and chrome as well. i think the problem is logging into secure servers, i can view https sites without issue, i just can't login.
i have tried deleting cookies, history etc.

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Why All Icon Always Refreshing/reloading Every-time When Computer Connected To Internet

Jan 6, 2011

Why all my icon always refreshing/reloading every-time my computer connected to internet?I'm using Avast HE and MSE for my anti virus, but I dont think it's relevant.The problem occur in windows Windows 7.

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Windows Explorer ( Not Internet Explorer) Starts Up When Turn On Computer?

Dec 22, 2011

Windows Explorer ( not internet Explorer) starts up when I turn on my computer ( without my request). This just started to occur yesterday. It must be in some startup menu . Where do I look for this to remove it ?

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【Explorer Crash】netcfgx.dll Caused Explorer.exe Crash

Oct 22, 2012

When I opened the local connection properties, or saved the settings, explorer.exe crashed.I found the fault module is netcfgx.dll, how to fix it?

Below is the application log info:

Log Name: C:UsersAdminAppDataLocalTemp
Source: Application Error
Date: 2012/10/20 22:55:47
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: None


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For Doing Xp The Format Always Stops

Feb 7, 2013

Have this laptop hp pavilion g series windows 7 i need to install windows xp sp3 but the format is stop allways what i must do to install win xp sp3.

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Download Stops Itself Without Any Warning

Jun 15, 2012

I am trying to download the windows 7 OS into a DVD,however after certain period of time the download stops itself without any warning.I tried this different times but the same problem.I checked with my ISP in order to look if there is any problem with my Internet.

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Internet Just Stops Working After A While?

Jan 14, 2013

I could be on my computer for hours at a time and after approximately 6 hours of being logged in, my internet browser just stops working. When I try going to a web page, it doesn't even try to load. It gives a very quick blink to the icon on the tab but that's it. I'm not receiving any windows errors. The way that I've been working around this problem has been to log off(or shut it down) then log back on, then I have a few more hours before it does it again. When the browser stops working, "bittorrent" still runs (a program that needs internet access). This isn't a recent problem that I'm having. This has been going on for almost a year now.I'm running Windows7.

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My Computer Stops Responding

Apr 16, 2011

about 2-5 minutes after logging in (fully loaded, I'm assuming) the computer seems to stop responding. If there's a scan, it will freeze, whatever I choose to do, it will ignore it, but the computer isn't frozen completely since I can still access the start menu. Computer works fine in safe mode. (I'm in safe-mode right now)


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