Failing Disk Deletes Backup Data?

Jun 1, 2012

drives partially failed and deleted all folders beginning with letters K through Z. When my backup script ran it deleted all of the same folders on the backup drive. I received a reply from a user (don't have access to the name right now) who suggested a freeware sync package which most likely would work. However, company policy states that no freeware is to be run on our systems. While I could probably get away with it a question comes to mind - Why isn't this a standard feature in commercially available backup software. There must be a name for this type of option. Does anyone know of a commercially available package and / or what this feature might be called? I can't be the only person who has run into this problem.

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Failing Disk Deletes Backup Data?

May 31, 2012

I manage a large array of disks and rely on Robocopy via batch files to backup only changed data. This has served me well for a year or so now. However, last week I had a drive go flakey. For some reason all of the folders on the drive beginning with letters K through Z got trashed. Since no one realized this the backup script ran on schedule and promptly deleted all folders on my backup drive beginning with letters K through Z.

I've used a couple of backup programs in the past and I'm fairly sure this issue is not adressed.

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SMART Failure Predicted On Hard Disk 0 - Backup Data

Jul 29, 2011

When I turn on my laptop it says:
"SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk 0: TOSHIBA MK3017GAS-(PM). WARNING: Immediately back-up your data and replace your hard disk drive. A failure may be imminent. Press F1 to Continue".
And then when I push F1 it just have a blank screen.

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Immediately Backup Data And Replace Hard Disk Drive

Jul 25, 2012

I have a Acer Laptop with windows 7 premium 64bit installed on it. Recently, when I start the laptop, it shows the error message: Smart Failure Predicted on Hard Disk 0: WD5000BEVT-22A0RT0-(S1)

Warning: Immediately back-up your data and replace your hard disk drive. Press F1 to continue.

After pressing F1, windows failed to boot and it stuck at black screen there. I decided to format the laptop.ok,this time my windows booted smoothly. But the problem is,the same warning came out once I start the laptop. After pressing F1, every thing works fine. This laptop is still under warranty period.

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Backup Keeps Failing?

Jan 21, 2012

I have tried 3 times backing up my system to an external HD I have. Each time, it gives me an error saying it failed. I also see an error code: 0x81000015The strange thing is I have backed up to this HD previously with no problems and now it's not working.The HD has a capacity of 500 GB and currently has 225 GB free. I have cleared out all the backup related information off it and try again and it fails as it gets towards the end of the backup process

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Asus Recovery Disk Failing At 32%?

May 22, 2011

I'm trying to fix my mums laptop for her, it's an Asus X5DIJ operating on windows 7, she has only had it a few weeks but her trial month of anti virus had run out and she was having a few probs with it so I tried to restore it to an earlier point as i thought she might have a virus, it took over an hour to do this and appeared to have frozen so i switched the power button off!!!! i now realise that was a big mistake as when it restarted i was getting a whole load of error message with missing .dll files and not being able to do a lot of things so i tried undoing the restore but it wouldn't allow it as it said restore was still running, i also tried a different restore point but it wouldn't allow that either... I then tried the repair computer options at the boot menu but it didn't work either so I thought i might as well just restore it to factory settings as she hadn't had it long enough to have put much on it anyway.... the recovery disk gets to 32% and then spits the disk out with this message Failed to restore disk from the Asus Recovery DVD Error code is :-3 I have tried it a few times and this is what happens each time, i have also tried just putting the next disk in (3rd out of 4) but it just reboots and wants to start the whole process again.I have the number to call asus support but they are closed today, also the recovery disks are not supplied by the manufacturer but instead on initial start up you are asked to make your own but i didn't do that as my cousin has the exact same laptop so I used his disks..

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Cannot Recover Data From Backup HDD

Apr 13, 2012

Couple a days ago my hp laptop system crash many times, I decided to make a backup to make a clean installation of the operation system, the backup was done with a bridge cable, and is in inside of another internal hdd of a laptop but I am not able to recover the data. All data is there, I connected the hdd where the backup is directly from the motherboard cable and run ubuntu without an installation and all my files are inside, how I can recover my data in this situation? Also when the backup hdd is connected with the bridge appeared in my computer but I am no have accesss to it, it does not say the data weight but say local disk with the letter of the drive.

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Excluding App Data From Backup

Dec 20, 2011

I use Karen's Replicator to back up all the folders under my user name but have tried to no avail to exclude appdata including adding the appdata wildcard in Global Exclusions. I suppose there may be other backup utilities I could use but a Google search shows others with the same problem. I'd like to save the 10GB in disk space.

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Backup Just OS And Programs But Not Data?

Aug 2, 2011

I know how to clone my entire system by going to Control Panel, Backup and Restore, and Create a System Image, but this ostensibly creates a duplicate of OS state, and the entire drive, data and all (for me around 500 GB).I also know how to just backup data alone, but what I don't know how to do is backup just the OS and all installations (separate from raw, individual data and media files), so in the event of disk failure, I can simply reload the old system and programs (but not media files).

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Transfer Backup Data To New Computer?

Jan 29, 2011

I have backup DVD that contains data and pictures that I would like to transfer into a new computer. What steps should I take. I have W7 and use Mozilla Firefox or IE. I have never worked with a hard drive and don't want to screw it up.

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Windows Backup To Drive With Data Already On It?

Aug 14, 2012

Got a new PC (Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit) with a 1TB drive. I added an extra internal drive which happens to be one of my old 300GB XP drives (231GB free). There are some apps on the old drive (Photoshop 6.0) which still run & I'd like to use them. Can I run Windows Backup and create an image on the old drive even though there are 70GB's of apps & files on there already?? Does the backup wizard partition or format the selected drive in the process of backing up? Obviously I'd like to keep accessing that stuff if I can.

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Backup Data Before Win 7 Clean Install

Aug 30, 2009

when Windows 7 comes out retail I want to install it. do not want to have to manually install every program n file currently on my vista 64 bit system. what is a good way to save my current setup so I can just reinstall it to the new Windows 7 system? I have an external HD 500gb I can use. searched the files here for information perhaps i am not using the correct search terms n phrases.

I know before I back up current vista I need to purge it n slim down the files n programs lol.

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Backup Data Bigger Than Its Source

Oct 30, 2009

I wondering if anyone can help answer a problem I am experiencing with using Windows 7 own backup tool.

I have two 500GB hard drives in my system. Drive 0 is partitioned with 390 GB as the C: drive containing Windows 7 and user data, the remaining space is unallocated ready for me to install Ubuntu 9.10. Drive 1, as D:, is the full 465.8GB and is planned to store backups. Before my initial backup this drive was empty.

In the past I've used Acronis to backup, but my version is old and before purchasing the latest version I thought I would try Windows own backup as I have got the impression that it's pretty good.

However, backing up my C: to D: takes up more space than I expected it too.


Size: 390GB

Used: 185GB

Free: 205GB

D: after initial backup (drive empty before then)

Size: 465.76GB

Used: 320.01GB

Free: 145.75GB

Is there something I doing wrong? or is there a reason why it is nearly twice the size? I chose the recommend option and let Windows decide what to backup, was that the wrong decision?

If it helps these are the three files/folders I see at the root of D:

MediaID.bin, WindowsImageBackup and LIANLI-QUAD (my computer name)

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PC Has Identified Error With HDD - Backup Data

May 14, 2010

Your HDD has the SMART Predict Failure function which monitors the HDD operating status. Your HDD is experiencing a problem and SMART monitoring software predicts that the HDD will fail. Toshiba strongly recommends you create a back-up for your HDD data. Then contact an authorized service provider in order to check your drive and purchase a new replacement drive if necessary.

Is the error that I am receiving on my PC and it is a Toshiba P505 S8980 and it requires me to press F! at start up to use the pc cause it says the PC has Identified an error with the HDD (Hard Drive) and the SMART system suggest to partner with my manufature to fix the issue. I have ran several test with a tune up tool and it says that my P.C. is operating correctly and it is running just fine but the error will not go away and I am starting to worry that the Hard Drive is failing because of this message.

It is still under warranty and I have contact Toshiba and they want me to send it back to fix the issue but I don't want to have to start all over again by reinstalling all my programs etc... I have them all back up on an external hard drive but it is difficult to reload everything. If I have to do it I will but my computer will not let me reset to factory settings either and I am lost on this one.

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Windows 7 Deletes Random .exe Files?

Jan 31, 2011

I recently bought a new laptop with widows 7. In transferring my files I noticed that windows seems to be erasing my .exe files. Not all .exe files, but a number of them. I can't seem to find a rhyme or a reason. Why this is happening and/or what I can do to stop it?

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Accessing Data Inside A Backup Volume Holding XP VM

May 13, 2011

My computer (Win 7 Pro 64 bit) recently crashed hard during a Windows Update, probably during Win 7 SP1 installation but I have no way of being sure. I have daily backups on a WHS system and I reverted to a version known to be good prior to the crash. Unfortunately, there were some changes made to some user files between the early AM backup and the next day's crash. The data should be recoverable (there is another WHS backup that was completed while Windows update was installing that should have the user data but I'm afraid to try using it for a full restore because I don't know what other changes were going on in the OS)

I can recover all of the files from my Documents folder in Win 7 easily enough ... but is there a way to recover the files from the XP Virtual Machine's folders?

I'm tempted to copy the XP Virtual Drive from the WHS volume and write over the XP virtual drive on the restored PC but I have not found any information about doing so and I don't want to trash things to the point where I have to do yet another restore. I have to admit that I had not considered a backup strategy for the XP Mode VM until this happened.

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Live Mail Deletes Messages On Server

Oct 30, 2009

I can't seem to find the setting for "leave mail on server" for Windows Live Mail.

I click on the account, go to properties and go to advance. The little box is not there that allows me to keep mail on the server.

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Backup User And System Data Files - Enable Or Disable

Mar 19, 2009

How to Enable or Disable to Backup Data Files in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Backup And Restore Utility - Will Data Appear In Encoded File Format?

Jan 4, 2013

I want to backup my PC's data files to an external HD using Windows 7 backup & restore utility. If I use the recommended default option that also includes a back mirror of Windows 7 will the PC automatically backup only New data since the backup at the scheduled option chosen? Will the backed up files on the backup drive appear as windows file folders (My Pictures, My Documents etc.) or be in an encoded file format?

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Changing Primary Harddisk, Two Raid1 Backup Data Drives Affected?

Jan 6, 2012

I'm currently running a primary disk for my system drive on windows 7, with two other 1tb drives for saving data set to raid1(Mirror each other ). However my primary disk has problems and need to be upgraded.Would I need to reformat the two mirror data drives before i do the upgrade in order to ensure the raid 1 is working

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Backup Data (or An System Image) To An Internal And External Hard Drives At Same Time?

Jun 29, 2012

can u backup your data (or an system image)to an internal and external hard drives at the same time?

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Deleting Inbox Item Also Deletes Saved Email In Storage Folders

Jan 30, 2012

After moving an email to my 'saved stuff' folder within the Storage folder, I delete the original item within the Inbox. I find that the saved item has also vanished. This has happened over 6 times. I keep restoring the item by sending it to myself again from another source. I've been assuming that an item in the Inbox that is also in the Storage folder area would result in having two emails on my machine. Is this wrong? Is one a shortcut?

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Deleting Data From Disk Without Killing OS?

Nov 20, 2012

I have 2 computers that I want to get rid of. One has win 7 and is a desktop and the other is an ols laptop with XP. What I would like to do is to wipe the data off the disk without killing the O/S. The only apps I've found so far do an entire clean.

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How To Copy Data From Old Hard Disk To New One

Nov 10, 2012

OS: Dual-boot Windows XP Professional x32, Windows 7 Ultimate x64. (Windows XP earlier OS)CPU: AMD Athlon 7750 x2RAM: 4GBGPU: Nvidia GeForce 9500gtHDD: Seagate 500GB. For the last two days whenever I am starting my PC, just after the MB logo, I am shown a black screen where at the bottom it is written 4th Master Hard Disk S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD. On searching the net, I found that it indicates my HDD is dying. I am going to buy a new one. How do I transfer the data from the old one to the new HDD? I am not concerned about installed programs, only things like data files, images, songs and such things

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Disk Data Transfer Rate, 5.9 On An SSD?

Feb 2, 2010

I am wondering if there is something wrong with my windows 7 ratings. My SSD is in perfect working order and everything is blazing fast, but for some reason I only get a 5.9 for a rating. I am using the Intel X25-V SSD. I get the advertised speeds across the board when I benchmark it so I don't know what is pulling down my ratingOthers are getting higher ratings with the same exact drive, and the drive itself is functioning perfectly and I am getting the proper speeds from it, so maybe it has something to do with W7 settings?Mobo: ASUS M4A77TDRam: 4GB Gskill DDR 1600 (7.5)CPU: BFG Geforce GTS-250 (7.0)Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 Quad-core Black Edition 3.2 GHz (7.3)HDD: X25-V (5.9)OS: Windows 7-Pro

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Convert To Basic Disk Without Losing Data?

Aug 30, 2012

while converting dynamic to basic we need any external hard disk for backuping or by software we can do it????

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Losing Data After Formatting Hard Disk?

Feb 15, 2013

I Had format hd and during that i made resize for the active partition; after that i found that thier was Data i lose it (was on the old Desktop of Win7). How i can return back that DATA?

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Backup Disk Is Not Bootable

Jul 9, 2011

To improve the reliability of my system, I bought an identical second hard drive, which Windows 7 recognized. I then used a CD-based cloning program to clone the second drive to be identical to the first. If I disconnect the first drive, I can successfully boot from the second drive. With both drives connected, I can boot from the first and the BIOS recognizes both drives, but Windows does not see the second drive. Can I fix this so that Windows recognizes both drives?I plan to run the cloning program once a week. Is there a better way? My computer has RAID available, but the backup disk is not bootable.

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Converting A Dynamic Disk To Basic Without Data Loss

Sep 11, 2011

[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I initially had 1 500gb dynamic disk, with one partition containing all my documents and windows files. I created a partition in the free space to copy my documents into so I could overwrite Windows keeping my documents intact. However I did not have enough free space for all my documents so after copying over one batch of files I shrunk the windows partition and extended my document partition. I had to repeat this again so I now have three extended document partitions.[/FONT] I then put in the windows CD, formatted the OS Recovery, SYSTEM Reserved and Windows parititions but then was unable to install Windows as it did not recognise any disks. I attempted FixMBR etc but to no avail.

I searched around and saw i may be able to change the sector hex from 42 (dynamic) to 07 (basic), but im wondering whether doing so will preserve the extended partitions i have? So my question is, will changing 42 to 07 preserve the extended partitions. Do I need to repeat for each 42 (like the link you posted) and then the three dynamic extended partitions will then become one basic partition? At the moment I can not actually see the data so have no idea how to back it up? Otherwise I would do as you say and back it up, format and copy back over.


DISKPART: Acronis Disk Director (see documents spanned)

Active unDelete (again, three partitions)

HxD (showing 42)

So, basically im asking if i am safe to convert 42 to 07 WITHOUT losing any data?

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How To Partition Hard Drive Disk Without Wiping All Data

Oct 16, 2011

How I could partition my internal hdd without wiping all data from it, and then sharing the partitioned drive within my home network. Also, I was wondering how I could tell what drive letters are already assigned to my laptop's usb ports.

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2tb Hard Disk - Partition With Data Disappeared From Computer

Jan 11, 2012

I have a 2TB hard drive which i have partitioned into 3 partitions, (249GB for C:, 1000GB for D: data, 613GB for E: data). Now the 1000GB partition which is filled with data has disappeared from My computer. It happened after installing a dual boot with linux and using the 613GB as unallocated space for the linux partitions, (I have since removed the linux and partitions on the E: 613GB and created a ntfs primary partition again).

I have uploaded a screenshot that you can see that partition is not in my computer and in Disk management it only shows by "Disk 0" and not under volumes. I have tried using 'Diskpart' To assign a drive letter but under 'list volume' nothing appears. I have also done a a partition details which shows no volume, dont know if I am able to merge the partition in anyway or if the partition table that needs to be fixed

Attached Files:
Partitions.jpg 467.78K

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