Error X80040154 With Sata Disk During Installation

Dec 12, 2009

I get the error message below when I attempts to perform a custom installation of

Windows 7 (Ultimate, 32 bits version) on a logical partition of 16 GB formatted in NTFS with a Seagate SATA disk ST3250823AS .

windows is unable to install to the selected location -- error x80040154

I saw that it is possible to load drivers on my hard drive during installation.

The problem is that on Seagate website, drivers are no longer available.

I tried to extend the partition to 20 GB, but it failed too.

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HP Windows 7 - Sata HDD - Disk Read Error?

Jan 5, 2012

that the system doesn't recognize the Sata HDD on which Windows 7 is installed. I first thought the the HDD was done, because the system recovery couldn't be started and every action was followed with "disk read error". The next step I took was booting with Ubuntu live and there was the surprise, Ubuntu recognized the HDD and all the folders were there, so it seems the problem is not with the HDD but with the OS. What next step should I take

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Constant Freezing + Disk Read Error + Detecting SATA Drives?

Nov 1, 2012

So recently my desktop PC has been freezing at random times, and then sometimes restarting after not responding for a couple of minutes (no BSOD, just restarts as far as I've seen). It sometime freezes as soon as I turn the computer on, while Windows is loading, and sometimes it will start freezing after an hour it's been on. Most of the time it will just freeze for around a minute, and then unfreeze, but sometimes it does freeze and then restart. By freeze I mean everything, mouse included, and ctrl+alt+delete doesn't work.Also at bootup sometimes, it will fail to detect my SATA hard-drive and hang at Detecting SATA drives at the bios screen. This will be following by a disk read error.This problem started occuring a couple of weeks a go, so I reinstalled Windows 7 and it worked fine after that.

Running Windows 7
Bios: Phoenix - AwardBios v6.00PG
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo CPU E6550 @2.33GHz
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 8600 GS

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Windows 7/ Acer Aspire/ Sata/ Disk Read Error Occured/recovery Not Working?

Oct 23, 2011

On my Acer I am getting the message A disk read error occurred

Press Ctl+Alt+Del to restart

I have done this and the same message comes back up ??

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Windows 7 Installation - Disk Part Encountered I / O Device Error

Jan 27, 2013

So yesterday, I inserted an old disk I found that apparently had some of my old memories on, I put that in my disk drive, my PC lagged out, I could still move my mouse etc., then Blue Screen of Death, so then my PC restarted, fair enough; it then gave me this weird error, something like no OS or something. I did all the checks, unplugging any USB's etc, checking BIOS for AHCI is on and not IDE, still no workies. So then I grabbed a Win7 Installation Disc, when I went to custom install, this came up on the side.

"*Yellow Exclamation Mark Triangle* Windows cannot be installed to this disk. (Show details)."

I press show details, then this dialogue box came up.

"*Yellow Exclamation Mark Triangle* Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu."

So I went to my BIOS, did the same checks again, ran the installer again and then same thing happened. When I say checks I went to change it to IDE, same error again. So fair enough, I reset my BIOS to default, same error again. I searched online, and I burnt a program called DBAM, which nukes your harddrive, I ran that and it seemed to have cleared my drive, I think! I tried it again, same error. I then downloaded and burnt PartitionMagic or something like that, I couldn't run anything with it as it said "BadDisk" or something like that.

As a last resort, I tried to install Ubuntu, same issues illustrated above. After, I used DiskPart in the CMD, I couldn't make a partition as it gave me a I/O Error "diskpart has encountered an error the request could not be performed because of an i/o device error". I tried to use the Win7 install again, still no damn luck, therefore I tried to use the new partition maker thing in the installation disk, another error came up.

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Installation Fails / Sata 2 Drive

Dec 7, 2009

I'm trying to install Windows 7 on a WD 500gb freshly formatted to NTFS. Windows 7 first copies the files and then says its starting up and then hangs up. My bios see's the hard drive and knows it's there. I never get a chance to use F6 to load the Sata drivers that I have on a floppy drive.

It never asks me. I first tried to load with the Sata Drive unpartitioned but that failed. So I am now trying to do it on a formatted drive. I'm not sure if the problem is that Windows 7 doesn't recognize that I have a Sata Drive attached. Can anyone give me some ideas for things to try?

I took the motherboard, processor, and ram back to Frys and got store credit. I changed from a Gigabyte motherboard to an Asus motherboard, same processor, and associated ram. Windows 7 loaded with no problems.

Fry's stated that the motherboard must have been bad due to the issues that I was having. The processor and ram were suspected to be good. When I loaded Windows 7 I didn't have to load any Sata drivers the bios and windows 7 picked up the Sata Drive with no problems.

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Installation Won't Detect PCI Adapter For IDE And SATA Drives

Apr 12, 2012

Just built a moderate spec gaming PC from scratch, and all has went according to plan except when I try to install Windows 7, my hard drive won't show up. My new motherboard doesn't have any IDE slots, but I only have an IDE hard drive. I am using a 'Pluscom Serial ATA PCI Adapter' to connect my hard drive to the computer as it has 1 IDE slot on it. I don't have a disc for drivers and don't know where to start. I am running Ubuntu on it at the moment so I can download any drivers I may need.

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Fresh Installation Of Windows 7 Onto New SATA Drive

Jun 24, 2010

I recently bought a mobo and gfx card from a friend therefore decided to treat myself and bought a 1TB Hitachi SATA HDD.

As i had a dodgy DVD RW before i installed Windows 7 from my current PATA HD as a custom Installation onto the new Drive after assigning it in Disk manager, formatted and began installation.

All installed fine booted up and asked me which windows to use. selected the new OS and all good, but then, I removed the old PATA drive assuming there would be a Boot block on the new drive allowing boot up with the fresh windows installation and all i got was No boot disc found, please.. bla de bla... so i checked all BIOS settings to make sure all boot sequences were in the right order.. which they were..

I then resorted to put the old PATA HD back in and as soon as i hit the power button there was a spark from the PATA HD i'd just wired back up... Nothing for it to short on as it was laying flat on top of my case. now this wont boot either and im just getting the same message as before whatever i do.

I thought maybe this had blown the IDE slots on the motherboard, so i put my old mobo in and all components, i now get the selection for Windows 7 / Windows 7 (PATA) or Older version of windows. but now when i try and boot the fresh installation of Windows 7 on the SATA drive, it gets to the logo startup screen and restarts.

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Installation's First Reboot Elicits "Disk Read Error"

Jan 23, 2011

I'm trying to install Windows 7 Home Premium on an old underpowered Dell Dimension XPS T700r with a P3 chip running at 700 MHz, 768 Mb Ram, and an old ATI Rage Pro 128 display adapter. It runs XP Pro just fine.All seems to be going well as Setup copies and expands files until the first reboot, when I receive "Disk Read Error, press Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart". This occurs using several different hard drives of sufficient capacity. It also occurs when I try the installation from a flash drive after mounting the Windows 7 ISO on Virtual Clone Drive from within XP. I've tried to install Windows 7 Starter but it, too, chokes at precisely the same point. I've tried all this on an similar machine with comparable but different components. Same result with all these attempts.I know I'm try to push the envelope in a downward direction here; Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor issues the standard warnings on processor speed, ram, and display adapter, advising that any installation will be sluggish and that the graphics adapter will not support Aero.

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"Disk Read Error" On Installation?

Feb 29, 2012

I spent the last 3 hrs looking for a solution to this, but nothing has worked. I have already installed Windows 7 on a very similar system but never encountered any problems...I have built a new system (everything new):- Gigabyte E350N with CPU on board- Kingston 2 GB DDR3 RAM- Verbatim 64 GB SSDThe SSD is OK in the BIOS. I then install Windows 7 (Pro x64) using a USB drive (which has worked before for 3 other installs). Windows 7 installer finds the SSD and installs without error. Then it comes to the first restart:"Disk read error" after the BIOS screen.No matter what I do, I can't get rid of it. I tried the following:- Windows 7 recovery (also performing it 3 x in a row) finds no problems- Deleted all partitions on the SSD and reinstalled- Formating the SSD again- 3 different SATA cables- All 4 SATA ports on the motherboard (shown as Master and Slave in BIOS)- Optimized settings in BIOS- Fail safe settings in BIOS- IDE vs. AHCI in BIOSWindows was always installed on D: with the 100 MB C: partition, so I also tried the "get rid of the 100 MB" trickIt works (Win 7 installed on C: without the 100 MB partition) but the same problem.

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Windows 7 On Installing ,sata And Ide Disk Partition?

May 10, 2011

I want to install win 7 professional x64,i have a Dvd iso...Problem i want to solve is next,i have 1 sata disk ,and 1 ide disk...I want to divide Sata on two partition,c and d,and to install system on c..Next,my Ide disk ,has jumper on cable select,i think it could be the only way that is to pc work properly.Problem is ,when i install win 7 on partition c,next happens ,on My Computer,disk drives are not shown as Sataartitions c: and d: but its mixed somewhat,if i recall,itc c: of sata,and d is given t ide disk... i really want to know is there a solution to have primary sata c: and d: ,and than ide diskProcessorModel : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+Speed : 2.57GHzCores per Processor : 2 Unit(s)Threads per Core : 1 Unit(s)Type : Dual-CoreIntegrated Data Cache : 2x 64kB, Synchronous, Write-Back, 2-way, Exclusive, 64 byte line sizeL2 Cache : 2x 512kB, ECC, Synchronous, Write-Back, 16-way, Exclusive, 64 byte line size[CODE]

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SATA Port 0 Hard Disk Security?

May 13, 2012

turn on my Acer laptop and i get this SATA PORT 0WDC WD3200BPVT-22ZESLock what does this mean ????

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SATA Port 0 Hard Disk Security?

Jun 9, 2012

why does harddisk security sata port 0 hitachi hts547575a9elock come up on boot up of my gateway

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Optical Disk Installation Of Windows 8 After A Hard Disk Crash?

Oct 22, 2012

I purchased a new PC with Windows 7 in June 2012. It came with a Samsung optical disk containing Windows 7. I am eligible for the $14.99 USD upgrade to Windows 8.Will there be an installation disk for Windows 8 available at this price and if not, then how much more will it cost?If not, then how should I ensure that I can easily install Windows 8 after a hard disk crash? Do I have to keep my Samsung optical disk of Windows 7?

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Updated SATA Controller And 3 Disk Drives Disappear?

Oct 23, 2012

I updated the SATA AHCI controller from device manager and rebooted. Shortly after I noticed disk drives F:, Z:, and X: are gone. No big deal I'll just repartition right? No they aren't showing up in Disk Management? The driver I installed I got from gigabyte it was a preinstall driver for ahci. I just installed windows 7 64 yesterday to a Samsung 830 256gb and it was working fine maybe I shouldn't have messed with it. C: drive is working fine just the other 3. Should I roll the driver back? System restore? Did I install the wrong driver?

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Unable To Assign Drive Letter To Sata Dynamic Hard Disk?

May 26, 2012

I formatted and installed windows 7 64 bit in a pc which previously had windows 7 32 bit. When i booted my 1tb dynamic disk was not detected. So I went into disk management and it had listed my disk as "Foreign Disk". So i imported the foreign disk.

The drive was detected and opened. So i rebooted the pc but now the drive is still not appearing in my computer. When i go to disk management the 1tb appears but there is no drive letter assigned. When i try to assign drive letter it statest that "Specified File cannot be found"

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Installation Error: Setup Cannot Continue Due To A Corrupted Installation File

Sep 13, 2009

I am installing Windows 7 (Custom installation initiated from Windows XP) but I get the following error message when the installation is on the "Installing updates" step of the installation:

"Setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file. Contact the vendor of your Windows installation disc or your system administrator for assistance."

Do you have any idea what the problem may be with the installation? Is there a way to see what file that may be corrupted?

I have tried to burn the DVD in low speed, but the error appears anyway. I have a MSI K8T Neo2-Fir mainboard and the Windows 7 upgrade advisor application says that my hardware is okay for upgrading.

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Hp G61 Sata Drive Error Upon Installing Windows XP?

Oct 20, 2011

i have a HP g61 with a 500 gig SATA drive when i try to install windows XP on it i get a windows stop messsage

Stop: 0x0000007b (0xf78d663c, 0x00000034, 0x00000000,0x00000000)

when googled it says something about the sata drive settings needing to be changed in the bios chang the setting for the sata operation from Raid auto/achi to raid auto ata but in the bios of the hp g61 there is no option for that, i verified this will work for the error because i just restored a dell vostro with a sata drive and it did work, now i just need to get this hp to work it has insydeH20 bios setup utility,

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Install Error, I/O Communications, SATA Drive

May 23, 2009

i am not sure it's windwos 7 problem or my configurations

i tried to install windows 7 RC on the below setup (all new), but failed

1. SATA harddisk, WD Cavier 1T

2. mobo, Gigebyte GA-GM-785-S2H

3. SATA optical drive. LG-GGC...

the last two components work fine if i replace the SATA HD to a IDE HD, meaning the existing system (xp) started normally. no windows 7 installation

but, when i try the 3 componenets togehter to install windows 7 (the SATA HD was not even formated). the scenarios were:

1. if i configured the cmos to see the SATA HD as AHIC mode, the system would freeze at "verifying DMI pool", not even bothering to start the windows 7 installation disk (even i defined only one start-up device, my optical sata).

2, if i configured the cmos to see the SATA HD as Native IDE mode, the system would go to the optical sata and found windows 7. THE PROBLEM came during "windows is loading files". after like half min, the error message popped out, saying an I/O error occured, either i had a external usb drive corrupted or a storage fault.

The problem came out when i had no usb devices attached at all. then i also tried to copy SATA mobo driver to a usb stick and connected to the system. but still the same problem.

i also tried clear cmos, load default profie,

My questions:

1, how to solve this....

2, should i set native IDE mode before installing windows 7(also other windows systems?)

3, what is at least the correct way to install this.

4, is this a windows 7 installation issue or what?

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Changed The SATA Controller From AHCI To Raid SATA Result = FAILED?

Aug 10, 2010

Very little, all the parts were shipped here about four days ago and I spent a couple of hours putting them together. I ran into a hiccup when Windows 7 Home Premium would not get past the extracting phase of the installation, kicking up the error in this thread. I began the first install on a 20GB partition, when that failed I tried just installing it on a single partition. When that failed I tried removing all the partitions and just installing on the unformatted drive, in it's entirety (seemed weird but others said they had luck with this).Testing Methodology:

At the end of each attempted solution I tried to install Windows again.My keyboard is a USB keyboard. All of my boot testing is done with a bootable USB that I have running MS-DOS 6.22. What I Have Tried:Solution 1: First I went into the bios and changed the SATA controller from AHCI to Raid SATA Result = FAILEDSolution 2: I tried burning OEM Windows disk from Microsoft to an iso at the lowest speed possible for my DVD burner (4x).Result = FAILEDSolution 3: At this point I had created and deleted so many partitions I was concerned it may be having an effect on the install. So I went to Samsung's website and grabbed their HDD utility tool. I figured let's kill two birds with one stone and test the drive while also restoring it to it's original state. So I did a low level format and then ran the HDD diagnostic. All came back with no errors. Result = FAILED

On to memory...Solution 4: I downloaded Microsoft's Memory Diagnostic Tool and let it run overnight. It returned no errors. So I decided to use MemTest86 4.1 and let it run for 10 passes, I did find errors then. As of now I am running each module of memory one by one to determine if it is a problem with them or the sockets on the motherboard. So far I have been unable to reproduce the errors I got when both modules were running together. As a precaution I double checked the motherboards specifications on the socket order for memory, all is to specs. Result = [PENDING]What's Next:After my current memory test ends, I plan on checking my BIOS to see if the correct memory speeds were detected in the auto detection. If at that point I'm still unable to reproduce the memory errors, I'll put both memory modules back into the system and run the testing again to see if I can reproduce the errors I got the first time.

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SATA 3 Not Working On Asus P6X58D-E Motherboard With SATA III Support?

Jun 27, 2012

Yesterday I had a PC technician around to see why my PC was not booting-up properly and also to change my SSD to a larger SSD. As I am visually challenged I cannot do hardware upgrades etc, so I got a Techie guy in. We used Zinstall HDD by-the-way and I would highly recommend this application for such a job plus, it is extremely fast.Anyway, while he was diagnosing my boot-up issue he discovered I had a malfunctioning network card; while removing this, he noticed all the SATA settings were set to SATA 2.When he reset these to SATA 3, the PC would not start-up! When he set them again to SATA 2 there was no problem and it worked fine?

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Install Sata Hard Drive As A Slave Where The Master Is Also A Sata?

Aug 10, 2011

i want to make my spare sata hard drive as a slave my master hardrive is also satahow to do it . my OS is win7

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Feb 17, 2010

I have been having a bit of trouble with windows 7 lately, namely that it won't start up right. When I boot from the drive normally, it gives me the classic "BOOT DISK ERROR: INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER" message.

However, I soon discovered that if I boot from the Windows 7 cd and do not boot from it (By ignoring the "Press a key to boot from CD or DVD..." Windows 7 boots up fine.
I've tweaked my BIOS over and over, but the same problem persists. The drive is brand new and fine. What can I do?

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Hard Disk Error 'disk Structure Is Corrupted And Unreadable'

Sep 10, 2012

I have IOmega 1 TB hard drive. 2 days ago, my comp restarted suddenly after which my external drive is corrupted.I get the error 'H: is not accessble' The disk structure is corrupted and unreadable.It shows up in the disk management as RAW file system,I have almost 700 GB of important documents, pictures & files that I don't want to lose.Does anybody know of any good recovery software that can help.

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Disk Read Error And Recovery Disk Not Working?

Mar 14, 2012

i have a toshiba satellite C650 that has recently come up with a disk read error. I want to access the command prompt to try some potential solutions that I have read about on the internet. I have made a Windows 7 recovery disk using my other acer laptop which also has Windows 7 installed. When I use the recovery disk and it has loaded the files etc it just brings up a black screen and the cursor. I tried booting my acer laptop from the recovery disk and it worked fine. why I am getting the 'disk read error - hit ctrl, alt and delete to restart' message?

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SATA-II Drive On SATA Raid Controller?

May 7, 2011

i purchased a Silicon SiI3512 SATA Raid Controller purely to have 2 extra SATA ports which I am using to connect to my case's external drive bays. I have flashed the bios of the controller and updated the driver to put it in "Base" mode so it is not using RAID. I did extensive research on this and it appears that I have this part right. For now, I am trying to connect a WD1600BEVT 2.5" SATA-II hard drive to one of these ports and am having some difficulty. I can see the drive, but when I try to format the drive in Windows, or a command prompt (using the windows recovery DVD) it hangs. I am wondering if this is a compatibility issue with a SATA-II drive on a SATA-I controller, however, most of the forums I have read state that if there is a compatibility issue, the controller won't even recognize the drive. I searched around to see if there was a way to force the HDD to SATA(150), but the jumpers on this drive are for SSC and RPS. Is there a way to fix this or do I need a drive that is capable of forcing SATA-I speeds? Perhaps even a controller capable of at least SATA-II since that is the minimum of all new HDDs?

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Can't Seem To Make A Installation Disk

Dec 13, 2010

hard drive 1: (vista)Plugged the hard drive in, the start up screens and the bios both recognise it, yet under 'My Computer' and when trying to install vista on it, it wasn't showing up when asked where I wanted to install vista to. I'm positive I have wired it up properly as there's only 2 wires which are completely different from one another. I do have with me the original installation disk that came with the PC also.

hard drive 2: (windows 7)Same sorta situation with the PC not finding it really. Though his PC only has enough power connections for the 1 hard drive and he wants both at once (there's 2 power connections that fit, but the other goes to the CD drive) Also in the 'cage' bit there is only room for 1 hard drive. also I can't seem to make a installation disk, when I have the old hard drive in, it created a repair disk, not installation disk.

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Ide Hard Disk Installation In I3

Jan 30, 2012

i have conversion data card (conversion card sata hard disk) installed on my new i3 cpu. But during the boot proces the hard disk is not recognising.

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Installation Not Successful An Known Error Has Occurred Error 0x8008095

Jan 14, 2012

I have tried to install Windows 7 SP1 64 bit and it gave an error message of: windows update encountered an unknown error code 80246007. I also get the error message after my laptop restarts if the installation shows it supposedly installed: installation not successful an uknown error has occured Error 0x8008095. I have also tried the 3 steps to try before installing Windows 7 SP1 and I still get the above errors.I would like to know the following:

1. When we update Windows where does it store the updates. Because I noticed that each time I update I loose disk space and I am wondering if I could delete these updates once I know they work.

2. I noticed a folder in the color of purple. It is: c:userusernameApp Datalocalmigwiz in this folder it contains the following files: debug.txt, diagerrr.xml, diagwrn.xml, miglog.xml, setupact.txt, setuper.txt what is the folder for.

3.I use windows disk cleanup and ccleaner. I noticed that when you install or uninstall programs it creates a restore point and shadow copies. I clean them out once a month. Is there anywhere else that shadow copies are created and can be deleted. How about does Windows 7 has a cache where we need to delete files. How many temp folders does windows 7 create. I would like to retain some disk space back. Do you know if Office 2010 where it stores it updates and can we delete them once we know they work.

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Hard Disk Not Showing After Installation?

Nov 7, 2012

English is not my first language but i m trying to express my problem, i had a system with windows7 OS then i installed Ubuntu as a dual boot system but some thing happens it removed windows 7 from list. When i used Ubuntu i don't liked it very much so once again change to windows 7 environment... but now my whole drive is not showing , it showing only partial drive. note i don't have any PC to make my hard disk secondary.

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Reformat Computer Without An Installation Disk?

Dec 30, 2011

So my computer is royally screwed and after looking for solutions for a few days I've decided to just reformat the whole thing. I have all my important files backed up but the problem is I don't have a windows 7 installation disk or any backup disks or anything ( my computer didn't come with any of that...or if it did its gone soo) is there a way for me to reformat it without that?

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