Desktop Items Causing Crashes

Dec 15, 2011

Pictures downloaded to my desktop keep crashing MS Live Mail when I attempt to attach one and also when I attempt to fetch one from Adobe Illustrator. However, if I load any pictures from anywhere else they don't crash. I also downloaded a game to my desktop and when I went to open it up I got an error stating the game was incompatible with my OS.when I know it wasn't.

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AMD Drivers Causing Freezes/crashes

Sep 23, 2012

I recently reinstalled my OS and installed the AMD Drivers for my 5830s(crossfired) and they seem to be causing freezes. By freeze I mean that my computer will lock up completely and I cannot move my mouse and I have to then hard restart.

I have tried several solutions, such as reinstalling windows and reinstalling the graphics drivers after removing them in safe mode with driver sweeper. I have tried old versions and the latest versions do not install. I can boot into safe mode successfully and that is how I am asking this.

My Computer specs:
AMD Phenom II X6 1050t OCed to 3.2ghz
8gb of Corsair XMS3 RAM
2 XFX Radeon HD 5830s Crossfired
850W Power Supply

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Can't Uninstall Magic Disc, Causing Crashes

Jan 31, 2009

So I installed magic disc not seeing on the internet that people are having problems with it, and now it doesn't work and it's causing crashes. I can't even uninstall it from safe mode, how would I get rid of a program like this?

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New NVIDIA Card Causing Freezes And Driver Crashes?

Jul 27, 2012

I recently purchased a new Graphic Card (Nvidia Geforce 670) and ever since I've experienced random freezes and moments where it's drivers stopped working.When the freeze happens It'll remain frozen until I reset the PC and if I've speakers on it'll blow out a nasty BZZZZZZ sound.the freezes appear to occur randomly. It can go days without them and sometimes (like now, I had less then an hour inbetween)In addition to that I quite frequently (daily at least) have my monitors go black and I get the "Nvidia Drivers stopped working" message. If I'm lucky it'll revert back to a previous stage where it worked fine and all I've to do is reboot the programs i'm running. If I'm unlucky, it doesn't stop until i've pushed the reset button.I don't know for sure that it's the new card causing it but considering the circumstances and the issues I'd say it is. Before this card I ran AMD's 6970 without any issues.

I'm running

CPU: Intel Core i7 2600k, Sandy Bridge.
12GB ram
Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3 MoBo
Nvidia Geforce GTX 670

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Windows Explorer Crashes When Right-click On Items In The Navigation Pane

Dec 13, 2011

If I right-click on some items in the navigation pane, the explorer crahses and gives me "Explorer stopped working" message pop-up.

Here are the contents of the error: Problem Event Name:APPCRASH

Application Name:explorer.exe
Application Version:6.1.7601.17567
Application Timestamp:4d672ee4


I blieve it may be linked to the new video card that I installed. After I changed the stock video graphics card that came with this HP desktop station (Win 7 64-bit), this started happening. I changed the video card to yet another one - the problem still there..

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Can't Move Items Onto Desktop

May 16, 2011

I am able to copy and paste items onto my desktop. I can right click and create a new folder or text file on my desktop, I can move folders onto my desktop, but I can't move files from anywhere else on my hard drive to my desktop. Attempting to move a file to the desktop does not return any error, it just does not move from its location.

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Taskbar And Desktop Items Gone?

Mar 18, 2012

I decided to run ccleaner again and make a virus scan. Some viruses were found and a lot of crap was deleted with ccleaner, I also disabled some things in the boot menu with ccleaner (or what is it called?). After that I turned my pc off but first Windows had to do some update. The next time I started my pc the taskbar and desktop were gone, the only thing that is there when it starts is a window with the drives etc.

- ctrl-alt-delete -> run -> explorer.exe -> normally the taskbar should show up but it opens another window with the drives

- replaced the explorer.exe file, nothing changed

- installed another anti-virus program, deleted some malware

- some other things I already forgot

EDIT: Forgot to mention, if I go to the control panel and click on "Taskbar and start menu" nothing happens, it doesn't open any window. Also, if I set a background and reboot the pc again, the background will be gone.

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How To Hide Desktop Items

Dec 5, 2012

is there a program to toggle the items on a desktop?

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Items On Desktop Won't Open?

May 31, 2011

I turned on my sisters laptop and when i tried to open the internet the loading mouse icon would appear but it wouldn't open. This happened for all icons.

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Desktop Items Keep Moving And Resizing

Jul 24, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 Home premium 64 bit Every time I bootup my icons have changed size to medium and are shifted to the left of my screen. The auto arrange in un checked so i'm really stuck

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D-Link DWA-552 Xtreme N Desktop Adapter Causing Stuttering?

Oct 11, 2012

My desktop d-link wireless card is causing my desktop to stutter. I have done a bunch of tests on my hardware / software / drivers, and I am sure it is a problem with the D-link card. I am currently at school where I have to connect to the internet using XpressConnect ( Cloudpath Networks - WPA2 )The stuttering effects the entire system (sound, video, keyboard/mouse, etc) and lasts for a few secondsdditionally, it only occurs when streaming video/music online, or when playing online games.I have updated the drivers, and I have installed the drivers without the D-link software using device manager and selecting the driver files from my computer.

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Start Menu And Desktop Items Gone After A Trojan?

Nov 6, 2011

I got a trojan earlier today that resulted in everything on my desktop vanishing and I have empty folders in the start menu.I can only get to the control panel by doing a search for it and I can't get to the part related to icons.I understand there is a program that might un-hide them but I read that it also makes visible things that should remain hidden.

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Why Does Screen Saver Go Away But Desktop Items Stay

Feb 16, 2013

sometimes after i turn on my computer my screen saver goes away and is replaced with a black screen, but my desktop items stay.

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Printers Causing Remote Desktop Session To Stop Working?

Nov 7, 2011

I trouble shot an issue with RDP that has me to believe the sollution lies in somthing to do with printer settings in Windows 7.Affected computer RDP's sucessfully logs into a load ballanced terminal server farm, several moments into the session being established I am getting the "Remote Desktop stopped working" dialog box.This issue is localized to this single computer and is fixed by unchecking the "pinters" option in the remote desktop settings. this computer acts as a print server to a small laserjet printer, all other computer on this small LAN can successfully print to this printer from their local desktop or while connected to RDP sessions. I have tried : Rebuilding RDP desktop icon for user. New Local machine user accounts. starting/stopping Print spool services. USB and LPT1 cables (currently on LPT1). I'm 2 inches away from backing up this users data and giving them a new computer. It doesn't make any sense

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HP Desktop Windows 7 Random Crashes?

May 12, 2012

I have a HP Pavilion with intel i7 processor which was bought about Jan 2011 from costcoLately it has had occasional crashes, maybe once every couple days.I'm not sure of the exact specs of my computer. Where can I find this information? I ran the blue screen view and these were the results[CODE]

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Right Click On File In Desktop-Explorer Crashes?

Jan 4, 2010

if I open a folder and r/click any file (to send it to another disk), I get a message saying that Explorer has stopped working and then it is restarting. This happens every time I try this. It restarts OK every time but never tells me why it crashed.When I go to do a System restore, it cannot complete the restore as it says a file cannot be accessed and that maybe an Anti-virus is running. I have disabled A/V and Firewall, both in Norton Internet Security which I only installed yesterday. All was working OK until later today, when I noticed that Windows 7 had installed 3 critical updates and I'm thinking that one or both are the cause?These were KB973924 x 2 and KB972696.

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Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Crashes To Desktop?

Nov 5, 2009

I recently installed SW: BF2 and when I start Instant Action, it crashes to desktop with no message.

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Games Crashes To Desktop And Browsers Stop Responding

Feb 3, 2012

When I play SWTOR and WOW it randomly crashes to desktop. My browsers also stop responding and crashes (usually with java or flashplayer) I have updated all java`s and flashplayers btw.I monitored my pc using afterburner (did no clocking whats so ever, was at default) and all temparatures where normal - at 30C on idle and around 50-60C while gaming.

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Desktop Manager Crashes On Playing Games After Installing GTX 660

Dec 30, 2012

After installing a new GTX 660, my computer is now having problems with Windows Desktop Manager. Whenever I play a game like BF3 or Arma II, the desktop manager crashes. So far I have tried disabling WDM, repair install, using the hardware scanner, memtest, clean boot, and updating drivers. Does anyone know how to fix this?

I have:
AMD Phenom II x4 955 3.4ghz
8gb of ram
GTX 660
MSI motherboard
Windows 7
2 monitors: 1 HDMI and 1 DVI to VGA with an adapter

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Tdx.sys Causing BSOD

Jan 12, 2009

I have Windows 7 installed on two laptops. One is a Dell Latitude D803 and the other a HP Compaq 6710b. Both would BSOD approximately every 5 minutes. 'TDX.SYS' was the culprit. After running WinDBG I noticed that it was a issue with my network adapter driver 'b57nd60a.sys'. Both laptops have the same network adapter (Broadcom NetLink Gigabit Ethernet) and both were crashing (x32 & x64 versions). I finally went to Broadcom's website and found drivers at the following links:

Broadcom Corporation - Download NetLink Drivers


Broadcom Corporation - Download NetLink Drivers

If one doesn't work they other will. Basically when 'TDX.SYS' causes a BSOD it is usually the result of a driver(s) (and some antivirus apps) that aren't fully compatible with Windows 7. You should run WinDBG and find out what driver is causing the error. It's not as hard as you think!

Microsoft's site for using WinDBG:

How to read the small memory dump files that Windows creates for debugging

P.S. Don't worry if you can't get the symbols to install properly. You should still see the file that is probably causing the error listed. If you Google the file(s) you will be on your way to fixing the issue.

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Can't Work Out Causing BSOD?

Feb 18, 2012

I can't work out what is causing the BSOD. I've overclocked most of my components and they are all appropriately cooled. Not sure if this is a software issue or not.

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Certain Keys Causing Shift To Jam?

May 18, 2012

I'm using a laptop (Lenovo Ideapad y470) with Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit. I'm not sure how I came about this problem but here it is : Whenever I press the keys "x" or "c" on the physical keyboard , the "shift" key will act as if it's jammed . I.E pressing the letters will produce capital letters with the exception of "x" and "c" while pressing the numbers will produce the symbols instead. I've found a way to undo this effecT by pressing "shift" several times on the On-screen keyboard , but it will return every time I press the keys mentioned. I had turned off Sticky keys and filter keys but it doesn't make any difference. [This was typed with the onscreen keyboard.]

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Ntoskrnl.exe Causing BSOD

Jul 16, 2012

I've had 2 bsods and one of them was irql_not_less_or_equal and the second was system service exception. They have this common thing which is ntoskrnl.exe You can see all the info in the rar included.

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Dec 12, 2009

I just upgraded to Windows 7 (64 bit) last weekend by doing a clean install from a purchase. I am currently using a HP Pavilion a6500f computer with a 500GB hard drive. I have been getting BSOD errors over the last several days and it is driving me crazy. I am considering going back to XP or Vista if I can't get this fixed soon.

All of the mindump files mention USBPORT.SYS. I'm assuming that has something to do with my usb ports which only have the following items attached:

HP Deskjet F4280 Printer Linksys USB Network Adapter WD 500GB My Passport (plugged in some of the time) I ran Driver Detective to see if there was an out of date USB driver, but nothing showed. I've included some screenshots of the scan.

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Video Causing 100% CPU, Followed By Freezes

Jun 8, 2011

I can reproduce freezes - 100% CPU usage, which occasionally lead to crashes pretty consistently just by viewing any video, say CPU usage quickly runs up to 100% on Task Manager and the freeze occurs. No issues when running all my other programs, including streaming radio. I can reproduce this on IE9, as well as Chrome and on Firefox. I had assumed this was a Shockwave Flash item only, but I notice it freezes on Skype video. The only changes I can point to recently are a ton of Windows updates in the last 2 months including SP1. At the time, SP1 failed a couple of times, until I applied a hotfix, now it's on, but I still have the video issues.

I have also by the way downloaded the latest video drivers (accelerated media), bios, and chipset drivers, but this has not helped.

I run Windows 7 64-bit SP1. I have application hang errors in the windows event logs, but not crashes, so I don't see any crash id's

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USB Causing Black Screen?

Dec 3, 2011

Recently a friend of mine was installing Window's updates on his computer and the computer crashed. When he tried to boot it up again it would no longer boot. We toyed around with it trying different repairs and such but nothing worked.ventually we just re-installed Windows 7 from the startup disks. Now we're having a different problem that seems to be centered on the usb controllers.If we leave the USB controllers on during bootup the computer will get to the starting windows screen then go black.If we turn them off the computer will boot to windows normally, but obviously the USB ports do not work.It will boot into safe mode with the USB enabled in BIOS but the mouse will not work. (Keyboard is PS/2). We tried getting driver off the disks that came with the system but they don't seem to contain any.Is this even a driver issue or are we missing something completely?The computer was from Cyberpower. It has: -Gigabyte 870A-UD3 motherboard-AMD X6 procressor-8 gigs ram-Radeon HD5780-2 800 watt power supplies (computer came with 2 of the video cards but apparently the MB is not crossfire compatible?

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Antivirus Causing PC Freeze?

Mar 27, 2012

My company has acquired a new client for tech support. I went there to install antivirus on their workstations as we do for all our clients. This new client has Win7 on all workstations and a small business server running in a domain environment. I installed Kaspersky on all 8 pc's in their business. The next day we got a call from one of them saying their computer was acting strange. Once I got there I discovered the pc would freeze when launching Quickbooks or Outlook. I ran a malware scan which turned up nothing. Then after some troublshooting steps I decide to uninstall Kaspersky. I didn't want to leave him with no protection so I installed AVG free. Same outcome. The computer only will operate without antivirus.

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Windows 7 Update Causing Boot-up?

Jan 23, 2013

A few days ago, my computer stopped booting up. The splash screen for the mobo showed up, and then I would get a black screen w/ a white flashing cursor and nothing else. I put in my Win7 install disc to try to do a repair, and eventually figured out that if I change my boot sequence in the BIOS so that it goes to the DVD drive 1st and the boot hard drive last, it boots up just fine. I reset to the last recovery point, changed the BIOS back so it would boot from the hard drive 1st, and everything thing worked fine... until it installed the latest Win7 updates. After that, I had the exact same problems. So I changed the BIOS again as a temporary solution, and then I noticed that the computer wasn't sleeping properly. It used to turn off the display, the hard drives, the case fans, etc. Now, it turns off everything EXCEPT the case fans... which pretty much defeats the purpose of putting it in sleep mode.

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Determining Which Driver Is Causing BSOD?

Jan 31, 2011

How do I go about determining which driver is causing my BSOD?

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Unable To Find Out What Is Causing Bsod

Jan 16, 2013

I recently got 2 BSOD referring to Acpi.sys. I couldn't found out what were causing these BSOD's and I'm asking for Your support. Just before the BSOD appears, the PC is sluggish. My computer is a DELL PRECISION T5500, hex core processor XEON 5675, video card: Quadro 4000, 12GB RAM ECC, 1.5 TB HDD and Im running Windows 7-64 bit I have the latest drivers.

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Display Driver Causing PC To Crash?

May 1, 2012

my pc's had a problem where all of a sudden in the middle of whatever you're doing (generally when you're on the internet I think??) the screen suddenly goes black or blue. Sometimes it recovers itself, sometimes it crashes and turns itself off completely. I've also noticed that sometimes it sort of 'hangs' and then comes up with a message saying something along the lines of 'Display driver not working' (I don't even know what a 'driver' is, much less a 'display driver').

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